Commit 4e1214a5 authored by chenweijian's avatar chenweijian

im check

parent 47f034c3
......@@ -254,3 +254,78 @@ VALUES (274, 'zh', "%s撤销了解绑CP的申请"),
(274, 'hi', "%s ने सीपी को अनबाइंड करने के लिए आवेदन को रद्द कर दिया"),
(274, 'vi', "%s đã hủy đơn đăng ký hủy liên kết CP"),
(274, 'ur', "");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (275, 'zh', "等待对方接受"),
(275, 'en', "Waiting to be accepted"),
(275, 'ar', "في انتظار قبول الطرف الآخرى"),
(275, 'tr', "Kabul edilmeyi bekliyorum"),
(275, 'id', "Menunggu untuk diterima"),
(275, 'ru', "Ожидание принятия"),
(275, 'ko', "수락 대기 중"),
(275, 'pt', "Esperando ser aceito"),
(275, 'th', "รอรับได้เลยครับ"),
(275, 'ca', "Esperando ser aceptado"),
(275, 'hi', "स्वीकार किए जाने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है"),
(275, 'vi', "Chờ đợi để được chấp nhận"),
(275, 'ur', "قبول ہونے کا انتظار ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (276, 'zh', "邀请被接受"),
(276, 'en', "Invitation accepted"),
(276, 'ar', "تم قبول الدعوة"),
(276, 'tr', "davet kabul edildi"),
(276, 'id', "undangan diterima"),
(276, 'ru', "приглашение принято"),
(276, 'ko', "초대 수락됨"),
(276, 'pt', "convite aceito"),
(276, 'th', "ยอมรับคำเชิญแล้ว"),
(276, 'ca', "invitación aceptada"),
(276, 'hi', "निमंत्रण स्वीकार किया"),
(276, 'vi', "lời mời được chấp nhận"),
(276, 'ur', "دعوت قبول کی");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (277, 'zh', "邀请被拒绝"),
(277, 'en', "Invitation refused"),
(277, 'ar', "تم رفض الدعوة"),
(277, 'tr', "davet reddedildi"),
(277, 'id', "undangan ditolak"),
(277, 'ru', "приглашение отклонено"),
(277, 'ko', "초대가 거부됨"),
(277, 'pt', "convite recusado"),
(277, 'th', "คำเชิญถูกปฏิเสธ"),
(277, 'ca', "invitación rechazada"),
(277, 'hi', "निमंत्रण अस्वीकार कर दिया"),
(277, 'vi', "lời mời từ chối"),
(277, 'ur', "دعوت سے انکار کر دیا");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (278, 'zh', "已解绑CP"),
(278, 'en', "CP has been unbound"),
(278, 'ar', "تم فك علاقة CP"),
(278, 'tr', "CP bağlantısı kaldırıldı"),
(278, 'id', "CP telah dilepaskan"),
(278, 'ru', "CP не привязан"),
(278, 'ko', "CP가 언바운드되었습니다."),
(278, 'pt', "CP foi desvinculado"),
(278, 'th', "CP หลุดแล้ว"),
(278, 'ca', "CP ha sido desvinculado"),
(278, 'hi', "सीपी अनबाउंड किया गया है"),
(278, 'vi', "CP không bị ràng buộc"),
(278, 'ur', "سی پی کو غیر پابند کیا گیا ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (279, 'zh', "已被取消"),
(279, 'en', "Has been canceled"),
(279, 'ar', "تم الإلغاء"),
(279, 'tr', "İptal edildi"),
(279, 'id', "Telah dibatalkan"),
(279, 'ru', "Была отменена"),
(279, 'ko', "취소되었습니다"),
(279, 'pt', "Foi cancelado"),
(279, 'th', "ถูกยกเลิก"),
(279, 'ca', "Ha sido cancelado"),
(279, 'hi', "रद्द किया गया"),
(279, 'vi', "Đã hủy bỏ"),
(279, 'ur', "منسوخ کر دیا گیا ہے۔");
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -494,12 +494,12 @@ func CheckCpImExpire(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
switch cpRecord.Status {
case cp_e.CpInvite:
if userId == cpRecord.UserId { // 发起人
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 等待对方接受
resId = common.MSG_ID_WAITING_ACCEPTED // 等待对方接受
case cp_e.CpInviteAccept:
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 已接受
resId = common.MSG_ID_INVITATION_ACCEPTED // 已接受
case cp_e.CpInviteRefuse:
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 已拒绝
resId = common.MSG_ID_INVITATION_REFUSED // 已拒绝
case cp_e.CpInviteExpired:
......@@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ func CheckCpImExpire(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
switch cpCancel.Status {
case cp_e.CpCancel:
if userId == cpCancel.UserId { // 发起人
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 等待对方接受
resId = common.MSG_ID_WAITING_ACCEPTED // 等待对方接受
case cp_e.CpCancelRevoke:
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 已被取消
resId = common.MSG_ID_HAS_BEEN_CANCELED // 已被取消
case cp_e.CpCancelAccept, cp_e.CpCancelAcceptAuto:
resId = common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED // 已解绑
resId = common.MSG_ID_CP_UNBOUND // 已解绑
if resId > 0 {
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