Commit 96bc98cc authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin


parent a078098c
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package resp
import (
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ type Response struct {
MessageData interface{} `json:"messageData"` // 消息详情
OperationMessage interface{} `json:"operationMessage"` // 操作消息
Data interface{} `json:"data"` // 数据
Edata interface{} `json:"edata"` // 加密数据
type GameResponse struct {
......@@ -36,7 +38,12 @@ func ResponseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}) {
Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(),
Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
Data: data,
if _, ok := c.Get(mycontext.InnerEncrypt); ok {
//response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("484194d4d0f968a7"))
response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("hilo!@#$%^&*()_+"))
} else {
response.Data = data
printResponseBody(c, &response)
......@@ -50,15 +57,21 @@ func ResponsePageBaseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}, nextPageIndex int, has
if data == nil {
data = make([]interface{}, 0)
pageData := req.PageRespBase{
NextPageIndex: nextPageIndex,
HasNextPage: hasNextPage,
Data: data,
response := Response{
Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(),
Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
Data: req.PageRespBase{
NextPageIndex: nextPageIndex,
HasNextPage: hasNextPage,
Data: data,
if _, ok := c.Get(mycontext.InnerEncrypt); ok {
//response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("484194d4d0f968a7"))
response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(pageData, []byte("hilo!@#$%^&*()_+"))
} else {
response.Data = pageData
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
......@@ -133,3 +134,15 @@ func LoggerHandle(c *gin.Context) {
latency := end.Sub(start)
mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys).Log.Infof("request end fullPath:%v,url:%v, method: %v, traceId:%v, latency:%v userId:%v", c.FullPath(), reqUri, method, traceId, latency, userId)
// 加密Handle
func EncryptHandle(c *gin.Context) {
header := c.Request.Header
appVersion := header.Get("Appversion")
if len(appVersion) > 0 {
if high, _ := utils.CompareVersion(appVersion, "> 3.9.0"); high {
c.Set(mycontext.InnerEncrypt, true)
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine {
user.GET("/nameplate", wrapper(user_r.UserNameplate))
user.GET("/bag/:resType", wrapper(user_r.UserBag))
user.GET("/detail", wrapper(user_r.UserDetail))
user.GET("/detail/:userExternalId", wrapper(user_r.UserDetailByExternalId))
user.GET("/detail", EncryptHandle, wrapper(user_r.UserDetail))
user.GET("/detail/:userExternalId", EncryptHandle, wrapper(user_r.UserDetailByExternalId))
cp := v2.Group("/cp")
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