Commit ae31a3f6 authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin


parent c1bc2b78
package match_e
import ""
type MatchDetailDataChange mysql.NumAll
const (
AddDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 1
ReduceDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 2
ZeroDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 0
/*type EnumCountType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityEnumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ExcellentEnumCountType EnumCountType = 2
RelationEnumCountType EnumCountType = 3
/*const (
ReceiveGiftNumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ReceiveGiftFCountType EnumCountType = 2
BeReportCountType EnumCountType = 3
BeBlackCountType EnumCountType = 4
PayCountType EnumCountType = 5
LikeMeType EnumCountType = 6
NewUserType EnumCountType = 7
AgainRefuse EnumCountType = 8
DailyUserType EnumCountType = 9
ActiveGrade EnumCountType = 10
AgainSameSex EnumCountType = 11
MatchSuccessNum EnumCountType = 12
MatchConfirmNum EnumCountType = 13
MatchConfirmRate EnumCountType = 14
MatchFreeTimeNum EnumCountType = 15
MatchGiftTimeNum EnumCountType = 16
MatchAddTimeRate EnumCountType = 17
TradeUnion EnumCountType = 18
RelationMatchRefuse EnumCountType = 19
RelationMatchUser EnumCountType = 20
// 优先度排序
type PriorityUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityDiamond PriorityUserFormOriginType = 1
PriorityFirstCharge PriorityUserFormOriginType = 2
PriorityWealthGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 3
PriorityBeReport PriorityUserFormOriginType = 4
PriorityBeBlack PriorityUserFormOriginType = 5
PriorityRecentlyPay PriorityUserFormOriginType = 6
PriorityNewUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 7
PriorityAgainRefuse PriorityUserFormOriginType = 8
PriorityDailyUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 9
PriorityActiveGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 10
PriorityTradeUnion PriorityUserFormOriginType = 11
PriorityAgainSameSex PriorityUserFormOriginType = 12
var PriorityMap = map[PriorityUserFormOriginType]string{
PriorityDiamond: "钻石余额",
PriorityFirstCharge: "首充",
PriorityWealthGrade: "财富等级",
PriorityBeReport: "被举报",
PriorityBeBlack: "被拉黑",
PriorityRecentlyPay: "近期充值",
PriorityNewUserType: "新用户",
PriorityAgainRefuse: "连续被拒",
PriorityDailyUserType: "每天新登陆用户",
PriorityActiveGrade: "活跃等级",
PriorityTradeUnion: "工会",
PriorityAgainSameSex: "连续同性",
// 质量排序
type ExcellentUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
ExcellentLikeMe ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 1
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 2
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 3
ExcellentBeReport ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 4
ExcellentBeBlack ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 5
ExcellentCharmGrade ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 6
ExcellentSessionCreate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 7
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 8
//加时率(视频通话加时次数(免费加时成功 + 礼物加时成功)/视频通话次数(匹配成功的次数))
ExcellentAddTimeRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 9
ExcellentTradeUnion ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 10
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 11
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 12
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 13
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 14
var ExcellentMap = map[ExcellentUserFormOriginType]string{
ExcellentLikeMe: "喜欢我",
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange: "接收礼物数量",
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange: "接收礼物次数",
ExcellentBeReport: "被投诉次数",
ExcellentBeBlack: "被拉黑次数",
ExcellentCharmGrade: "魅力等级",
ExcellentSessionCreate: "被付费建立融云会话",
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate: "接通率",
ExcellentAddTimeRate: "加时率",
ExcellentTradeUnion: "工会成员",
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum: "匹配成功次数",
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum: "匹配确认次数",
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum: "匹配免费加时次数",
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum: "匹配礼物加时次数",
// 关系排序
type RelationUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
RelationUserLike RelationUserFormOriginType = 1
RelationMatchRefuse RelationUserFormOriginType = 2
RelationMatchUser RelationUserFormOriginType = 3
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm RelationUserFormOriginType = 4
RelationMatchUserLastTime RelationUserFormOriginType = 5
var RelationMap = map[RelationUserFormOriginType]string{
RelationUserLike: "喜欢的用户",
RelationMatchRefuse: "匹配被拒绝",
RelationMatchUser: "匹配上的用户",
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm: "付费发送过消息但没进行过视频聊天",
RelationMatchUserLastTime: "上一次匹配的用户",
type MatchConfirmStatus mysql.Type
const (
Success MatchConfirmStatus = 1
Fail MatchConfirmStatus = 2
Temp MatchConfirmStatus = 3
type MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse mysql.Type
const (
AcceptMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 1
RefuseMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 2
type MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 2
type MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 2
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ type MsgIdType = uint
const (
MSG_ID_GAME_JOIN MsgIdType = 1002
type ResMedalType = mysql.Type
......@@ -55,3 +52,9 @@ const (
type ResNameplateType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateObtainType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateScope = mysql.Type
type ResUserBag = mysql.Type
const (
ResUserBagGift ResUserBag = 1 // 背包道具-礼物
package user_cv
import (
type UserBag struct {
ResType res_e.ResUserBag `json:"resType"` // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID `json:"resId"` // 道具资源id
Name string `json:"name"` // 资源名称
DiamondNum mysql.Num `json:"diamondNum"` // 钻石数量
IconUrl string `json:"iconUrl"` // icon url
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"` // svga url
Count mysql.Num `json:"count"` // 拥有数量
RemainDays int `json:"remainDays"` // 有效天数
package bag_m
import (
type UserBag struct {
UserId mysql.ID
ResType mysql.Type
ResId mysql.ID
Count mysql.Num
EndTime time.Time
// 获取用户有效的背包
// param userId 用户id
// param resType 背包类型 1:礼物
// condition
// 1.获取end_time未到期的
// 2.数量大于0的
func GetUserValidUserBag(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, resType res_e.ResUserBag) ([]*UserBag, error) {
var res []*UserBag
if err := model.DB().Model(UserBag{}).
Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).
Where("count > 0").
Where("user_id = ?", userId).Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
package res_m
import (
type ResGift struct {
Name mysql.Str
IconUrl mysql.Str
SvagUrl mysql.Str
MusicUrl mysql.Str
Column uint16
DiamondNum mysql.Num
BeanNum mysql.Num
ReceiveDiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num // obsolete
N mysql.Num
GroupBroadcast bool
Cp bool
Together bool
Status mysql.UserYesNo
GiftType mysql.Type
// 获取所有有效的礼物
func FindValidResGiftsMap(model *domain.Model) (map[mysql.ID]ResGift, error) {
res := make(map[mysql.ID]ResGift, 0)
rows := make([]ResGift, 0)
if err := model.DB().Model(ResGift{}).Where("status = ?", mysql.USER).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, v := range rows {
res[v.ID] = rows[i]
return res, nil
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine {
user := v1.Group("/user")
user.GET("/nameplate", wrapper(user_r.UserNameplate))
user.GET("/bag/:resType", wrapper(user_r.UserBag))
inner := r.Group("/inner")
inner.Use(ExceptionHandle, LoggerHandle)
package user_r
import (
// @Tags 用户背包
// @Summary 获取用户的铭牌
// @Param column path int true "分栏:1 礼物"
// @Success 200 {object} []user_cv.UserBag
// @Router /v1/user/bag/{resType} [get]
func UserBag(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
resType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("resType"))
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var results []user_cv.UserBag
switch res_e.ResUserBag(resType) {
case res_e.ResUserBagGift:
userBagGifts, err := bag_m.GetUserValidUserBag(model, userId, res_e.ResUserBagGift)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
allValidGifts, err := res_m.FindValidResGiftsMap(model)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
for _, bagGift := range userBagGifts {
if gift, ok := allValidGifts[bagGift.ResId]; ok {
results = append(results, user_cv.UserBag{
ResType: res_e.ResUserBagGift,
ResId: gift.ID,
Name: gift.Name,
DiamondNum: gift.DiamondNum,
IconUrl: gift.IconUrl,
SvgaUrl: gift.SvagUrl,
Count: bagGift.Count,
RemainDays: int(bagGift.EndTime.Sub(time.Now()).Hours() / 24),
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
resp.ResponseOk(c, results)
return myCtx, nil
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