Commits (90)
package country_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
// 国家角色
type CountryMgrRole mysql.Type
const (
// 国家管理员
CountryMgrManager CountryMgrRole = 1
// 国家助理
CountryMgrAssistant CountryMgrRole = 2
// 角色权限
type ManagerPrivilegeItem mysql.Type
const (
// 重置用户头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetAvatar ManagerPrivilegeItem = 1
// 重置群组头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetFaceUrl ManagerPrivilegeItem = 2
// 删除广播
ManagerPrivilegeItemDeleteGlobalBroadcast ManagerPrivilegeItem = 3
package cp_e
type CpAchievement int
const (
CpAchievementLevel CpAchievement = 1 // 等级
CpAchievementVisitors CpAchievement = 2 // 空间访问人数
CpAchievementMonthRank CpAchievement = 3 // 月榜最高
CpAchievementWeekRank CpAchievement = 4 // 周榜最高
CpAchievementDayRank CpAchievement = 5 // 日榜最高
package cp_e
type AnniversaryItemType int
const (
AnniversaryItemTypeNormal AnniversaryItemType = 0 // 普通类型
AnniversaryItemTypeAvatar AnniversaryItemType = 1 // 头像类型
AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1 AnniversaryItemType = 2 // user1的生日
AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2 AnniversaryItemType = 3 // user2的生日
AnniversaryItemTypeAnniversary AnniversaryItemType = 4 // 纪念日
package cp_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type CpInviteStatus mysql.Type
type CpCancelStatus mysql.Type
const (
CpRelationInviteDiamond = 7777
CpInvite CpInviteStatus = 1
CpInviteAccept CpInviteStatus = 2
CpInviteRefuse CpInviteStatus = 3
CpInviteExpired CpInviteStatus = 4
CpCancel CpCancelStatus = 1
CpCancelRevoke CpCancelStatus = 2
CpCancelAccept CpCancelStatus = 3
CpCancelAcceptAuto CpCancelStatus = 4
CpConfessionGiftId = 3481 // cp礼物id
CpMaleHeadwearId = 2551 // cp绑定成功后赠送的头饰-男
CpFemaleHeadwearId = 2561 // cp绑定成功后赠送的头饰-女
package cp_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
const (
EffectDays = 30 // 30天有效期
CpHeadwearId = 2571
type CpLevel int
const (
CpLevel0 CpLevel = 0 // 无称号
CpLevel1 CpLevel = 1 // 恋爱CP
CpLevel2 CpLevel = 2 // 甜蜜CP
CpLevel3 CpLevel = 3 // 忠诚CP
CpLevel4 CpLevel = 4 // 炽热CP
CpLevel5 CpLevel = 5 // 荣耀CP
CpLevelMax = CpLevel5
var (
// cp等级积分
CpLevelPoints = map[CpLevel]mysql.Num{
CpLevel0: 0,
CpLevel1: 200000,
CpLevel2: 800000,
CpLevel3: 1000000,
CpLevel4: 3000000,
CpLevel5: 10000000,
// cp等级icon // todo ui
CpLevelIcon = map[CpLevel]string{
CpLevel0: "icon0.png",
CpLevel1: "icon1.png",
CpLevel2: "icon2.png",
CpLevel3: "icon3.png",
CpLevel4: "icon4.png",
CpLevel5: "icon5.png",
// cp等级称号
CpLevelTitle = map[CpLevel]uint{
CpLevel1: 252,
CpLevel2: 253,
CpLevel3: 254,
CpLevel4: 255,
CpLevel5: 256,
// cp特权名称
CpPrivilegeNameMsgId = map[CpPrivilege]uint{
CpPrivilegeSpace: 234,
CpPrivilegeBanner: 235,
CpPrivilegeMedal: 236,
CpPrivilegeCert: 237,
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: 238,
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: 239,
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: 240,
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: 241,
// cp特权描述
CpPrivilegeDescMsgId = map[CpPrivilege]uint{
CpPrivilegeSpace: 264,
CpPrivilegeBanner: 265,
CpPrivilegeMedal: 266,
CpPrivilegeCert: 267,
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: 268,
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: 269,
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: 270,
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: 271,
// cp特权icon
CpPrivilegeIcon = map[CpPrivilege]map[CpLevel]string{
CpPrivilegeSpace: {CpLevel0: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png"},
CpPrivilegeBanner: {CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner5.png"},
CpPrivilegeMedal: {CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal5.png"},
CpPrivilegeCert: {CpLevel0: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert0.png", CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert5.png"},
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: {CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter5.png"},
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: {CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png"},
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: {CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_profile.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_profile.png"},
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: {CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_mic.png"},
type CpPrivilege int
const (
CpPrivilegeSpace CpPrivilege = 1 // 空间
CpPrivilegeBanner CpPrivilege = 2 // 横幅
CpPrivilegeMedal CpPrivilege = 3 // 等级勋章
CpPrivilegeCert CpPrivilege = 4 // 证书
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect CpPrivilege = 5 // 进场特效
CpPrivilegeHeadwear CpPrivilege = 6 // 头像头饰
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile CpPrivilege = 7 // 动态资料卡
CpPrivilegeMicEffect CpPrivilege = 8 // 麦位特效
package gift_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type GiftOperateSceneType mysql.Type
const (
MatchVedioSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 1
// 私聊
PriveChatSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 2
VideoSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 3
GroupSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 4
type ResGiftAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
SendGiftCpGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 1 //周CP
MonthlyWealthGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 2 //月冠财富榜
MonthlyCharmGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 3 //月冠魅力榜
MonthlyPayGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 4 //月冠充值榜
WeekStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 5 //周星榜
CountryStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 6 // 国家之星
type GiftPrivateRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
PrivateRecord GiftPrivateRecordType = 1
VideoTradeUnion GiftPrivateRecordType = 2
PrivateRecordBag GiftPrivateRecordType = 3
type GiftColumnType = uint16
const (
GiftColumnGift GiftColumnType = 1 // 礼物
GiftColumnRomance GiftColumnType = 2 // 浪漫
GiftColumnCountry GiftColumnType = 3 // 国家
GiftColumnCustom GiftColumnType = 4 // 定制
type GiftTagType = uint16
const (
GiftTagMedal GiftTagType = 1 // 勋章礼物
GiftTagWeeklyStar GiftTagType = 2 // 周星礼物
type GiftEntryType = uint16
const (
GiftEntryWeeklyStar GiftEntryType = 1 // 周星活动入口
GiftEntryWeeklyCp GiftEntryType = 2 // 周CP活动入口
GiftEntryMedal GiftEntryType = 3 // 勋章激活动入口
GiftEntryCountryStar GiftEntryType = 4 // 国家之星活动入口
package groupPower_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type GroupPowerStatus = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerUserHas GroupPowerStatus = 1
GroupPowerUserNo GroupPowerStatus = 2
GroupPowerDissolve GroupPowerStatus = 3
type GroupPowerUserRole = mysql.Type
const (
// 普通用户
GroupPowerUserRoleUser GroupPowerUserRole = 1
// 势力主
GroupPowerUserRoleMgr GroupPowerUserRole = 2
// 管理员
GroupPowerUserRoleAdmin GroupPowerUserRole = 3
type GroupPowerUserLogType = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerUserLogTypeUserJoin GroupPowerUserLogType = 1
GroupPowerUserLogTypeUserLeave GroupPowerUserLogType = 2
GroupPowerUserLogTypeOwerJoin GroupPowerUserLogType = 3
GroupPowerUserLogTypeMgrLeave GroupPowerUserLogType = 4
GroupPowerUserLogDissolve GroupPowerUserLogType = 5
type GroupPowerDiamondLogType = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerDiamondLogTypeByGroup GroupPowerDiamondLogType = 1
GroupPowerDiamondLogTypeByGroupOwer GroupPowerDiamondLogType = 2
type PowerSupportAwardState = uint
const (
PowerSuppportNo PowerSupportAwardState = 0 // 未达到要求
PowerSuppportAwarded PowerSupportAwardState = 1 // 已经领取
PowerSuppportWaiting PowerSupportAwardState = 2 // 待领取
package group_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type MsgStatusGroupUser = mysql.Type
const (
//正常: 灰点+震动
NormalMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 0
MuteMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 1
DoNotDisturbMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 2
OverseaRoom = 1
LocalRoom = 2
// 公屏消息
type TypePublicScreenMsg = mysql.Type
const (
UserJoinPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 1 // 加入群组
UserKickPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 2 // 踢出房间
UserBannedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 3 // 拉黑用户
RoleAssignedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 4 // 添加角色
RoleRemovedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 5 // 移除角色
ClientSendMsgLocal TypePublicScreenMsg = 6 // 客户端占用
RollDiceMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 7 // 掷骰子结果
GroupGiftMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 8 //全服礼物
GroupSupportH5 TypePublicScreenMsg = 9 //群组支持H5
JumpMessage TypePublicScreenMsg = 10 // 可跳转的公屏消息
RocketAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 11 // 火箭获奖消息
LockyboxAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 12 // 幸运盒子公屏中奖
FruitMachineAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 13 // 水果机中奖
EnterRoomMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 14 // 用户进入房间
// 信令消息(不显示公屏工,不记入消息历史,不影响未读数)
type TypeSignalMsg = mysql.Type
const (
GroupEditProfileSignal TypeSignalMsg = 1
GroupRoleChangeSignal TypeSignalMsg = 2
GroupMicChangeSignal TypeSignalMsg = 3 //保留
GroupMsgBannedSignal TypeSignalMsg = 4
GroupMemberRemoveSignal TypeSignalMsg = 5
GroupGiftSignal TypeSignalMsg = 6 //礼物
GroupMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 7
GroupMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 8
GroupMicLockSignal TypeSignalMsg = 9
GroupMicUnLockSignal TypeSignalMsg = 10
GroupMicSpeechOpenSignal TypeSignalMsg = 11
GroupMicSpeechCloseSignal TypeSignalMsg = 12
GroupKickOut TypeSignalMsg = 13 //保留
GroupSocketMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 14 //保留
GroupInviteMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 15 //邀请上麦保留
GroupInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 16 //进入房间,进房特效
GroupMicEmoji TypeSignalMsg = 17 //麦上表情
GroupLuckyWheel TypeSignalMsg = 18 //转盘的通知信令
GroupOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 19 //离开房间
GroupRocketState TypeSignalMsg = 20 //火箭状态变化
GroupOnlineUser TypeSignalMsg = 21 //房间在线用户信息
GroupMicChange TypeSignalMsg = 22 //房间麦位上的变量
GroupMemberInvite TypeSignalMsg = 23 //房间-邀请用户成为会员
GroupRoleChange TypeSignalMsg = 24 //房间-用户群组身份变化
GroupClearScreen TypeSignalMsg = 25 //房间-清理公屏
GroupRoomGiftSignal TypeSignalMsg = 26 //全房间送礼物
type GroupMicNumType = mysql.Type
const (
OneMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 5
TwoMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 10
ThreeMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 3
FourMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 4
SixMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 6
SevenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 7
EightMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 8
NineMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 9
ElevenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 11
TwelveMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 12
ThirteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 13
FourteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 14
FifteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 15
SixteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 16
SeventeenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 17
EighteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 18
NineteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 19
TwentyMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 20
FiveMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 1
TenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 2
......@@ -5,55 +5,16 @@ import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type MsgIdType = uint
const (
DefaultLang = "en"
type ResMedalType = mysql.Type
const (
Wealth ResMedalType = 1
Charm ResMedalType = 2
LoveForAll ResMedalType = 3
StartForAll ResMedalType = 4
MoonForAll ResMedalType = 5
MarryMe ResMedalType = 6
RoomRocket ResMedalType = 7
Actity ResMedalType = 8
FruitKing ResMedalType = 9
BoxKing ResMedalType = 10
Helicopter ResMedalType = 11
Roadster ResMedalType = 12
Watermelon ResMedalType = 13
Kiss ResMedalType = 14
Love ResMedalType = 15
Chick ResMedalType = 16
SportsCar ResMedalType = 17
Rocket ResMedalType = 18
Tower ResMedalType = 19
Eagle ResMedalType = 20
Lion ResMedalType = 21
Vacation ResMedalType = 22
RomanticNight ResMedalType = 23
SweetCouple ResMedalType = 24
Castle ResMedalType = 25
WeddingCar ResMedalType = 26
VideoChat ResMedalType = 27
type ResMedalScope = mysql.Type
const (
Private ResMedalScope = 1
Public ResMedalScope = 2
type ResNameplateType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateObtainType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateScope = mysql.Type
type ResUserBag = mysql.Type
type ResPropertyAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
ResUserBagGift ResUserBag = 1 // 背包道具-礼物
package user_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
import (
type ThirdPartyType = mysql.Type
......@@ -12,6 +14,17 @@ const (
WeChat ThirdPartyType = 5
type CountType mysql.Type
const (
CountTypeLike CountType = 1
CountTypeBlock CountType = 2
CountTypeLikeMe CountType = 3
type UserStatus mysql.Type
const (
......@@ -24,8 +37,33 @@ const (
type UserVipType = mysql.Type
const (
UserMan = 1
UserWomen = 2
UserVipTypeBuy UserVipType = 1
UserVipTypeGive UserVipType = 2
type UserLikeOperateType = mysql.Type
const (
LikeAdd UserLikeOperateType = 1
LikeCancel UserLikeOperateType = 2
type UserLikeSceneType = mysql.Type
const (
Match UserLikeSceneType = 1
Video UserLikeSceneType = 2
type InteractionType = mysql.Type
const (
InteractPrivateGift InteractionType = 1
InteractVideo InteractionType = 2
package group_k
const groupRoomLiving = "group_room_living"
func GetPrefixGroupRoomLiving() string {
return groupRoomLiving
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
const (
......@@ -28,3 +30,9 @@ func GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId mysql.Str) string {
func GetCodeToUidKey(code mysql.Str) string {
return redis_key.ReplaceKey(UserCodeToUIdStr, code)
const syncTimHiloLock = "sync_tim_hilo_{userId}"
func GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId uint64) string {
return strings.Replace(syncTimHiloLock, "{userId}", strconv.FormatUint(userId, 10), -1)
package cp_cron
import (
// 纪念日
type CpAnniversaryNoticeMsg struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
func CpAnniversaryNotice() {
c := cron.New()
// 1小时操作一次
spec := "0 0 */1 * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
// 测服1分钟
spec = "0 * * * * ?"
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
anniversary := cp_m.GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary(model)
if len(anniversary) <= 0 {
var userIds []uint64
for _, v := range anniversary {
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId2)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetUserMapByIds fail:%v", err)
for _, v := range anniversary {
content1 := cp_m.GetTranslate(285, users[v.UserId1].Language)
content2 := cp_m.GetTranslate(285, users[v.UserId2].Language)
record1 := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, v.UserId1, msg_e.CpAnniversaryNotice, content1, 0, "", "", "", "", "")
record2 := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, v.UserId2, msg_e.CpAnniversaryNotice, content2, 0, "", "", "", "", "")
err1, err2 := record1.Persistent(), record2.Persistent()
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("NewUserRecord fail:%v-%v", err1, err2)
//if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, users[0].ExternalId, []string{users[1].ExternalId}, string(data), "cp纪念日"); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
//if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, users[1].ExternalId, []string{users[0].ExternalId}, string(data), "cp纪念日"); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded(model, v.ID); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded fail:%v", err)
package cp_cron
import (
func ClearCpExpire() {
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 0 */1 * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 * * * * ?"
// 1小时清理一次
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
if err := cp_m.ClearExpireCpPoints(model); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ClearExpireCpPoints fail:%v", err)
package cp_cron
import (
// cp邀请、解除到期结算
func CpInviteCancelInit() {
if !config.IsMaster() {
// 每2min监测一次
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 */2 * * * *"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 */1 * * * ?" // 测服每1分钟
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
defer utils.CheckGoPanic()
model := domain.CreateModelNil()
// 获取超过24小时没被处理的cp邀请
inviteList, err := cp_m.GetCpInviteByTime(model, time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1))
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit err:%v", err)
for _, v := range inviteList {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
model.Log.Infof("CpInviteCancelInit invite:%+v", v)
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新邀请记录
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpInvite(model, v.Id, cp_e.CpInviteExpired)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
// 退费
err = diamond_m.ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(model, diamond_e.CpInviteRefund, v.Id, v.UserId, v.DiamondNum)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit invite:%+v, err:%v", v, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
// 获取超过24小时没被处理的cp解除申请
cancelList, err := cp_m.GetCpCancelByTime(model, time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1))
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit err:%v", err)
for _, v := range cancelList {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
model.Log.Infof("CpInviteCancelInit cancel:%+v", v)
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新解除记录
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpCancel(model, v.Id, cp_e.CpCancelAcceptAuto)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
// 删除cp关系表的记录
err = cp_m.DelCpRelation(model, v.UserId, v.RecUserId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit cancel:%+v, err:%v", v, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
package cron
import (
func Init() {
user_cron.SyncGiftRecommendUsers() // 同步送礼推荐用户,多进程都需要执行
if !config.IsMaster() {
//gift_cron.SendGiftEventInit() // 礼物消息
//gift_cron.GiftRemark() // 礼物消息补偿
gift_cron.SendGiftEvent() // 送礼事件
cp_cron.ClearCpExpire() // 清理过期cp
cp_cron.CpAnniversaryNotice() // cp纪念日
cp_cron.CpInviteCancelInit() // cp邀请、解除到期结算
package gift_cron
import (
// 补偿检查mark=2
func GiftRemark() {
c := cron.New()
// 每5分钟
spec := "0 */5 * * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 * * * * ?" // 测服1分钟
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
unmarks, err := event_m.FetchUnMarkEvents(model, 10)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvents fail:%v", err)
for _, unmark := range unmarks {
model.Log.Infof("FetchUnMarkEvent start:%v", unmark.ID)
// 重新入库
if err := event_m.AddUnMarkEvent(model, &event_m.EventGiftSend{
Proto: unmark.Proto,
Payload: unmark.Payload,
MarkHiloGroup: unmark.MarkHiloGroup,
MarkHiloUser: unmark.MarkHiloUser,
Mark: unmark.Mark, // 不能影响别的服务的mark状态
}); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvent add unmark fail:%v", err)
// 旧的标记已处理
unmark.Model = model
if err := unmark.MarkDone(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvent mark fail:%v", err)
model.Log.Infof("FetchUnMarkEvent success:%v", unmark.ID)
package gift_cron
import (
// 送礼事件
func SendGiftEventInit() {
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
//start := time.Now()
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil)
// 消费送礼事件
if err := event_s.NewGiftSendEventService(myCtx).Consume(); err != nil {
myCtx.Log.Errorf("eventServcie consume fail:%v", err)
} else {
//myCtx.Log.Infof("eventServcie consume success,cost:%v", time.Now().Sub(start))
package gift_cron
import (
// 送礼事件
func SendGiftEvent() {
//if !config.IsMaster() {
// return
go func() {
for true {
model := domain.CreateModelNil()
if sendGiftEvent := gift_c.BLPopQueueSendGift(model); sendGiftEvent != nil {
cpGiftEvent(model, sendGiftEvent) // cp送礼
// 送礼增加cp等级
// 送礼增加cp排行榜
func cpGiftEvent(model *domain.Model, sendGiftEvent *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent) {
// 只处理cp礼物
if !sendGiftEvent.ResGift.Cp {
for _, receiverUid := range sendGiftEvent.ReceiveUserIds {
diamonds := sendGiftEvent.GiftN * sendGiftEvent.ResGift.DiamondNum
// 有cp关系
if cpRelation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelationPair(model, sendGiftEvent.SendUserId, receiverUid); exits {
if err := cp_m.AddCpLevelPoints(model, cpRelation, diamonds, sendGiftEvent.SceneType, sendGiftEvent.SceneUid); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpLevelPoints fail:%v", err)
if err := cp_m.AddCpDayRank(model, cpRelation, diamonds); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
// 检查最新的等级
if cpLevel := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id); cpLevel.CpId >= 0 {
points := cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level]
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpLevel.CpId, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cp_e.CpAchievementLevel, points); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// 检查最高的分数
for _, queryType := range []string{"day", "week", "month"} {
var beginDate, endDate string
var cpAchievementType cp_e.CpAchievement
switch queryType {
case "day":
beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementDayRank
case "week":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementWeekRank
case "month":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementMonthRank
if data := cp_m.GetCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, cpRelation.Id); data.Score > 0 {
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpRelation.Id, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cpAchievementType, data.Score); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// 检查最新日周月榜单
return // 业务场景允许提前break(cp是唯一的)
package user_cron
import (
// 定期同步礼物推荐用户
func SyncGiftRecommendUsers() {
go recommend_m.SyncPastTop50SendGiftUsers(domain.CreateModelNil()) // 启动先同步一次
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 */5 * * * ?"
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCpBase struct {
UserInfo user_cv.UserTiny `json:"userInfo"` // 用户信息
CpUserInfo user_cv.UserTiny `json:"cpUserInfo,omitempty"` // cp用户信息
type CvCpAnniversary struct {
Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType `json:"type"` // 列表类型 0:普通 1:头像
CpInfo *CvCpBase `json:"cpInfo,omitempty"` // cp信息,type=1(头像)时候用到
Id uint64 `json:"id"` // 记录id
Content string `json:"content"` // 纪念日内容
OriginTimestamp int64 `json:"originTimestamp"` // 纪念日的时间
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // 下次纪念日时间戳
IsRemind bool `json:"isRemind"` // 是否提醒
CanDel bool `json:"canDel"` // 能否删除
IsTop bool `json:"isTop"` // 是否置顶
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCp struct {
CpUserInfo *user_cv.CvUserBase `json:"cpUserInfo"` // cp用户信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
MyPrivilegeList []CvPrivilege `json:"myPrivilegeList"` // 等级特权
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
// cp关系
type CvCpRelation struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"`
UserId uint64 `json:"userId"`
CpUserId uint64 `json:"cpUserId"`
CpUserAvatar string `json:"cpUserAvatar,omitempty"`
// cp进场特效信息
type CvCpEntryEffect struct {
CpLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"cpLevel"`
CpUserAvatar string `json:"cpUserAvatar"`
CpEntryEffect bool `json:"cpEntryEffect"`
package cp_cv
type CheckCpRelationRes struct {
Diamond uint32 `json:"diamond"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
type CheckCpImRes struct {
package cp_cv
import (
type CvCpRank struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"` // cpId
User1 *user_cv.CvUserLittle `json:"user1"` // user1
User2 *user_cv.CvUserLittle `json:"user2,omitempty"` // user2
Score uint32 `json:"score"` // 分值
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
Ranking string `json:"ranking"` // 排名
type CvCpAchievement struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"` // cpId
User1 *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"user1"` // user1
User2 *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"user2"` // user2
CpLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cpLevel
Type cp_e.CpAchievement `json:"type"` // 成就类型 1:等级 2:空间访问人数 3:月榜最高 4:周榜最高 5:日榜最高
TypeDesc string `json:"typeDesc"` // 成就类型翻译
Score uint32 `json:"score"` // 分值
TimeUnix int64 `json:"timeUnix"` // 达成成就时间戳
type CpTops struct {
Day []CvCpRank `json:"day"`
Week []CvCpRank `json:"week"`
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCpInfo struct {
UserInfo *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"userInfo"` // 用户信息
CpUserInfo *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"cpUserInfo,omitempty"` // cp用户信息
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
VisitTimes int64 `json:"visitTimes"` // 空间访问量
ApplyToUnbind bool `json:"applyToUnbind"` // 是否申请撤销cp
// cp等级
type CvCpLevel struct {
Level cp_e.CpLevel `json:"level"` // 等级 0:无称号 1:恋爱CP 2:甜蜜CP 3:忠诚CP 4:炽热CP 5:荣耀CP
Points uint32 `json:"points"` // CP值
StartPoints uint32 `json:"startPoints,omitempty"` // 上个等级所需CP值
EndPoints uint32 `json:"endPoints,omitempty"` // 下个等级所需CP值
ExpireAtUnix int64 `json:"expireAtUnix,omitempty"` // 有效期,时间戳
SettlementDate string `json:"settlementDate"` // 等级过期时间
MaxLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"maxLevel"` // cp最大的等级
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // 称号翻译
// 资源等级
type CvResLevel struct {
Level cp_e.CpLevel `json:"level"` // 等级
Icon string `json:"icon"` // 等级icon图
StartPoints uint32 `json:"startPoints"` // 上个等级所需CP值
EndPoints uint32 `json:"endPoints,omitempty"` // 下个等级所需CP值
// 特权信息
type CvPrivilege struct {
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege `json:"type"` // 特权id 1:空间 2:横幅 3:等级勋章 4:证书 5:进场特效 6:头像头饰 7:动态资料卡 8:麦位特效
NameMsgId uint `json:"-"` // 名称-翻译id
Name string `json:"name"` // 名称
DescMsgId uint `json:"-"` // 描述-翻译id
Desc string `json:"desc"`
Icon string `json:"icon"` // 图标
CanSwitch bool `json:"canSwitch"` // 能否开关
UserSwitch bool `json:"userSwitch"` // 用户开关
LevelList []cp_e.CpLevel `json:"levelList"` // 特权->level的反向索引
// cp空间页
type CvSpace struct {
CpInfo CvCpInfo `json:"cpInfo"` // cp信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
ResLevelList []CvResLevel `json:"resLevelList"` // 资源等级列表,无称号/恋爱CP/甜蜜CP/忠诚CP/炽热CP/荣耀CP
PrivilegeList [][]CvPrivilege `json:"privilegeList"` // 等级特权
CpAnniversary []CvCpAnniversary `json:"cpAnniversary"` // 提醒的纪念日
var CvResLevelList = []CvResLevel{
{cp_e.CpLevel0, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel0], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel0], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel1]},
{cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel1], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel1], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel2]},
{cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel2], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel2], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel3]},
{cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel3], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel3], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel4]},
{cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel4], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel4], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel5]},
{cp_e.CpLevel5, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel5], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel5], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevelMax]},
var (
CvPrivilege1 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace]}
CvPrivilege2 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner]}
CvPrivilege3 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal]}
CvPrivilege4 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert]}
CvPrivilege5 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect], "", "", true, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect]}
CvPrivilege6 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear]}
CvPrivilege7 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile], "", "", true, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile]}
CvPrivilege8 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect]}
var CpLevelPrivilegeList = map[cp_e.CpLevel][]CvPrivilege{
cp_e.CpLevel0: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege4},
cp_e.CpLevel1: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4},
cp_e.CpLevel2: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5},
cp_e.CpLevel3: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6},
cp_e.CpLevel4: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6, CvPrivilege7},
cp_e.CpLevel5: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6, CvPrivilege7, CvPrivilege8},
var CpPrivilegeLevelList = map[cp_e.CpPrivilege][]cp_e.CpLevel{
cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace: {cp_e.CpLevel0, cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: {cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear: {cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: {cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect: {cp_e.CpLevel5},
func CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(Level cp_e.CpLevel, lang string) []CvPrivilege {
privileges := make([]CvPrivilege, len(CpLevelPrivilegeList[Level]))
copy(privileges, CpLevelPrivilegeList[Level])
for i, v := range privileges {
privileges[i].Name = GetTranslate(v.NameMsgId, lang)
privileges[i].Desc = GetTranslate(v.DescMsgId, lang)
privileges[i].Icon = cp_e.CpPrivilegeIcon[v.Type][Level]
return privileges
var translateCache = gcache.New(1000).LRU().Build()
func GetTranslate(msgId uint, lang string) string {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", msgId, lang)
if data, err := translateCache.Get(key); err == nil {
return data.(string)
if resMul, _ := res_m.GetResMultiTextBy(mysql.Db, msgId, lang); resMul != nil {
_ = translateCache.SetWithExpire(key, resMul.Content, time.Hour)
return resMul.Content
return "default"
package headwear_cv
import (
type CvHeadwear struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
ReverseEffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"reverseEffectUrl"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
HeadwearIcon string `json:"headwearIcon"`
type CvHeadwearDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvHeadwearDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvHeadwearDiamond, error) {
headwearDiamonds := []CvHeadwearDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("SELECT d.id, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_headwear r, res_headwear_diamond d where r.id = d.res_headwear_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num asc LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&headwearDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range headwearDiamonds {
headwearDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(headwearDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return headwearDiamonds, nil
func GetHeadwearList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvHeadwear, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHwMap, err := res_m.GetResHeadwearMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result := make([]CvHeadwear, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
result = append(result, CvHeadwear{
Id: i.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if !hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
func GetCvHeadwear(userId uint64) (*CvHeadwear, error) {
userHeadwear := user_m.UserHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.UserHeadwear{}).Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").First(&userHeadwear).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resHeadwear := res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResHeadwear{}).First(&resHeadwear, userHeadwear.HeadwearId).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &CvHeadwear{
Id: userHeadwear.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHeadwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHeadwear.EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: resHeadwear.ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: userHeadwear.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
}, nil
func BatchGetCvHeadwears(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvHeadwear, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvHeadwear{}, nil
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
//asc 进行覆盖,保证了updated_time 最大的是最后的输出
if err := mysql.Db.Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).
Order("`using` ASC, updated_time ASC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHeadwearIds := make([]uint64, 0, len(rows))
for i, _ := range rows {
resHeadwearIds = append(resHeadwearIds, rows[i].HeadwearId)
resHeadwearMap := map[uint64]res_m.ResHeadwear{}
resHeadwears := []res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Where("id IN ?", resHeadwearIds).Find(&resHeadwears).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, _ := range resHeadwears {
resHeadwearMap[resHeadwears[i].ID] = resHeadwears[i]
// cp 相关
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
cpRelations := cp_m.MGetCpRelation(model, userIds)
var m = make(map[uint64]cp_m.CpRelation)
var cpUserIds []uint64
for i, v := range cpRelations {
m[v.UserId1] = cpRelations[i]
m[v.UserId2] = cpRelations[i]
cpUserIds = append(cpUserIds, v.UserId1)
cpUserIds = append(cpUserIds, v.UserId2)
users, _ := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, cpUserIds)
var response = make(map[uint64]string)
for _, uid := range userIds {
if cpRelation, ok := m[uid]; ok {
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == uid {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
response[uid] = users[cpUserId].Avatar
result := make(map[uint64]CvHeadwear, 0)
for _, r := range rows {
headwear, flag := resHeadwearMap[r.HeadwearId]
if flag {
result[r.UserId] = CvHeadwear{
Id: headwear.ID,
PicUrl: headwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: headwear.EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: headwear.ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: r.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
HeadwearIcon: response[r.UserId],
return result, nil
package invite_cv
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type CvUserLevel struct {
UserId mysql.ID `json:"userId"` // 用户id
WealthUserGrade uint32 `json:"wealthUserGrade"` // 财富等级
CharmUserGrade uint32 `json:"charmUserGrade"` // 魅力等级
ActiveUserGrade uint32 `json:"activeUserGrade"` // 活跃等级
NobleLevel uint16 `json:"nobleLevel"` // 贵族等级
type InviteApplyRes struct {
List []*InviteApply `json:"list"`
NumList []*InviteApplyNumRes `json:"numList"`
MyCode string `json:"myCode"`
type InviteApply struct {
NewUserCode string `json:"newUserCode"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
Recharge string `json:"recharge"`
UserCode string `json:"userCode"`
CreateUnix int64 `json:"createUnix"`
Level string `json:"level"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // 状态0.未审核1.已通过2.已拒绝
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
ExternalId string `json:"externalId"`
Reason int `json:"reason"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
Country string `json:"country"`
PlatformId string `json:"platformId"`
type InviteApplyNumRes struct {
Type int `json:"type"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
Num int `json:"num"`
type AgentPeriod struct {
Week []AgentPeriodWeek `json:"week"`
type AgentPeriodWeek struct {
StartDate string `json:"startDate"`
EndDate string `json:"endDate"`
package medal_cv
import (
type CvMedal struct {
Id uint32 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
type ReturnGroupMedal struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
type PicElement struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
func GetMedalInfoMap(db *gorm.DB, medals map[uint64][]uint32) (map[uint64][]uint32, map[uint64][]CvMedal, error) {
resMedals, err := res_m.MedalGetAllMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
medalIds := make(map[uint64][]uint32)
medalMap := make(map[uint64][]CvMedal, 0)
// 只选择合法的勋章
for u, i := range medals {
medalIds[u] = make([]uint32, 0)
medalMap[u] = make([]CvMedal, 0)
for _, j := range i {
if e, ok := resMedals[j]; ok {
medalIds[u] = append(medalIds[u], j)
medalMap[u] = append(medalMap[u], CvMedal{
Id: j,
PicUrl: e.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: e.SvgaUrl,
// 按照勋章排序
sort.Slice(medalIds[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalIds[u][i]].Sort < resMedals[medalIds[u][j]].Sort
sort.Slice(medalMap[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalMap[u][i].Id].Sort < resMedals[medalMap[u][j].Id].Sort
return medalIds, medalMap, nil
package noble_cv
import (
type NobleConfig struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 贵族等级
PurchasePrice uint32 `json:"purchasePrice"` // 购买价格
RenewalPrice uint32 `json:"renewalPrice"` // 续费价格
Duration uint16 `json:"duration"` // 有效期(天)
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"` // 大图url
DailyGold uint `json:"dailyGold"` // 每日登录领取的金币
RideId uint64 `json:"rideId"` // 赠送的勋章ID
HeaddressId uint64 `json:"headdressId"` // 赠送的头饰ID
Privileges []int `json:"privileges"` // 权益列表
type NobleInfo struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 等级
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"` // 截止时间
RemainTime int64 `json:"remainTime"` // 还有多久(秒)过期,可以是负数
Price uint32 `json:"price"` // 购买或续费价格
type CvNoble struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
func GetCvNoble(userId uint64) (CvNoble, error) {
userNoble := noble_m.UserNoble{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where(&noble_m.UserNoble{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level desc").First(&userNoble).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, nil
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
}, nil
func GetCvNobles(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvNoble, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvNoble{}, nil
var userNobles []noble_m.UserNoble
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where("user_id in (?)", userIds).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level asc").Find(&userNobles).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
userNobleMap := map[uint64]noble_m.UserNoble{}
for i, _ := range userNobles {
userNobleMap[userNobles[i].UserId] = userNobles[i]
result := map[uint64]CvNoble{}
for _, r := range userIds {
userNoble, flag := userNobleMap[r]
if flag {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
} else {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
return result, nil
package property_cv
import (
type CvProperty struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
SenderAvatar string `json:"senderAvatar"`
ReceiverAvatar string `json:"receiverAvatar"`
type CvPropertyDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvPropertyDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvPropertyDiamond, error) {
propertyDiamonds := []CvPropertyDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("select d.id, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_property r, res_property_diamond d where r.id = d.res_property_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num ASC LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&propertyDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range propertyDiamonds {
propertyDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(propertyDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return propertyDiamonds, nil
func GetPropertyById(resPropertyId mysql.ID) (CvProperty, error) {
resProperty := res_m.ResProperty{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResProperty{}).First(&resProperty, resPropertyId).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[resProperty.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
return CvProperty{
Id: resProperty.ID,
PicUrl: resProperty.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resProperty.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
}, nil
func GetPropertyAll(db *gorm.DB, area int) (map[uint64]CvProperty, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{Area: area}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]CvProperty{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = CvProperty{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
func GetPropertyList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvProperty, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserProperty, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserProperty{
UserId: userId,
}).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := make([]CvProperty, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[i.PropertyId]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result = append(result, CvProperty{
Id: i.PropertyId,
PicUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].EffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if !hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
type PropertyExt struct {
Id uint64
PicUrl mysql.Str
EffectUrl mysql.Str
Using bool
TimeLeft int64 // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
SenderAvatar string
ReceiverAvatar string
func GetExtendedProperty(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]PropertyExt, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]PropertyExt{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = PropertyExt{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
......@@ -5,14 +5,23 @@ import (
type UserBag struct {
BagId mysql.ID `json:"bagId"` // 背包id
ResType mysql.Type `json:"resType"` // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID `json:"resId"` // 道具资源id
GiftId mysql.ID `json:"giftId"` // 道具的礼物id
Name string `json:"name"` // 资源名称
DiamondNum mysql.Num `json:"diamondNum"` // 钻石数量
IconUrl string `json:"iconUrl"` // icon url
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"` // svga url
Count mysql.Num `json:"count"` // 拥有数量
RemainDays int `json:"remainDays"` // 有效天数
BagId mysql.ID `json:"bagId"` // 背包id
ResType mysql.Type `json:"resType"` // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID `json:"resId"` // 道具资源id
GiftId mysql.ID `json:"giftId"` // 道具的礼物id
Name string `json:"name"` // 资源名称
DiamondNum mysql.Num `json:"diamondNum"` // 钻石数量
IconUrl string `json:"iconUrl"` // icon url
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"` // svga url
Count mysql.Num `json:"count"` // 拥有数量
RemainDays int `json:"remainDays"` // 有效天数
TextStyleList []*TextStyle `json:"textStyleList"` // 文本样式
HasGiftText bool `json:"hasGiftText"` // 是否有礼物文字
type TextStyle struct {
TextColor string `json:"textColor"` //文本颜色
TextSize float32 `json:"textSize"` //文本字体大小
IsBold bool `json:"isBold"` //是否加粗
TextKey string `json:"textKey"` //替换svga 对象里面的key
This diff is collapsed.
package user_cv
import (
func StrNil(msg string) *string {
if msg == "" {
return nil
return &msg
func TypeToUint8(t *mysql.Type) *uint8 {
if *t == 0 {
return nil
} else {
return (*uint8)(t)
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func NumToUint32(num *mysql.Num) *uint32 {
return (*uint32)(num)
func TimeToUint64(t *time.Time) *uint64 {
a := uint64(t.Unix())
return &a
func StrToString(str *mysql.Str) *string {
return (*string)(str)
func IndexToUint16(i *mysql.Index) *uint16 {
return (*uint16)(i)
func IdToUint64(id *mysql.ID) *uint64 {
return (*uint64)(id)
func IsInStringList(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if str == v {
return true
return false
func IfLogoutStr(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutNick(condition bool, code string, nick string) string {
if condition {
return "Hilo No." + code
return nick
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func IfLogoutMedals(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []uint32) []uint32 {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutMedalInfo(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []medal_cv.CvMedal) []medal_cv.CvMedal {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutRide(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal property_cv.CvProperty) property_cv.CvProperty {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutHeadwear(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear) *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code
package gift_c
import (
const EventSendGiftHiloUserQueue = "send:gift:queue:hilo_user"
// redis pop event sendGift
func BLPopQueueSendGift(model *domain.Model) *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent {
var res *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent
queue := EventSendGiftHiloUserQueue
strs, err := model.RedisCluster.BLPop(model, time.Second, queue).Result()
if err != nil {
if err != redis.Nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BLPopQueueSendGift fail:%v", err)
return nil
if len(strs) >= 2 {
content := strs[1]
res = new(gift_ev.SendGiftEvent)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), res); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BLPopQueueSendGift json fail:%v", err)
return nil
return res
return nil
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func SetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) {
if err != nil {
return err
return model.Redis.Set(model.Context, key, value, DEFAULT_TTL).Err()
return model.RedisCluster.Set(model.Context, key, value, DEFAULT_TTL).Err()
// 获取redis中json结构体
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func GetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) {
defer func() {
model.Log.Infof("GetJson key:%v,value:%s,obj:%v,err:%v", key, value, obj, err)
value, err = model.Redis.Get(model.Context, key).Bytes()
value, err = model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, key).Bytes()
if err != nil {
// may redisV2.Nil
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
return false
flag, err := model.Redis.SetNX(model, key, "1", expireTimeout).Result()
flag, err := model.RedisCluster.SetNX(model, key, "1", expireTimeout).Result()
if err != nil || !flag {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
} else {
......@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time
// 解锁
func UnLock(model *domain.Model, key string) {
model.Redis.Del(model, key)
model.RedisCluster.Del(model, key)
package user_c
import (
redisV8 "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
......@@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ import (
// 获取用户简要信息
......@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ func ToUserId(model *domain.Model, externalId mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
if externalId == "" {
return 0, myerr.NewSysError("externalId 不能为空")
userId, err := model.Redis.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId)).Int64()
userId, err := model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId)).Int64()
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return 0, err
......@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
if code == "" {
return 0, myerr.NewSysError("code 不能为空")
userId, err := model.Redis.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(code)).Int64()
userId, err := model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(code)).Int64()
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return 0, err
......@@ -96,16 +99,17 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
// 顺手缓存code->userId
// param user: 已经在上层获取的db User结构
func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error {
userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny)
if err := copier.Copy(userTiny, user); err != nil {
return err
userTiny := ToUserTinyBy(user)
//userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny)
//if err := copier.Copy(userTiny, user); err != nil {
// return err
// cache externalId->userId
if err := model.Redis.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(user.ExternalId), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
if err := model.RedisCluster.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(user.ExternalId), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
return err
// cache code->userId
if err := model.Redis.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(user.Code), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
if err := model.RedisCluster.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(user.Code), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
return err
if err := cache.SetJSON(model, user_k.GetUserTinyKey(user.ID), userTiny); err != nil {
......@@ -113,3 +117,89 @@ func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error {
return nil
// 获取用户简要信息
// param userIds 用户id列表
func GetUserTinyMap(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID, isDefAvatar bool) (map[mysql.ID]*user_m.UserTiny, error) {
redisNoIds := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
res := make(map[mysql.ID]*user_m.UserTiny)
for _, id := range userIds {
userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny)
key := user_k.GetUserTinyKey(id)
err := cache.GetJSON(model, key, userTiny)
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return nil, err
if err == redisV8.Nil {
redisNoIds = append(redisNoIds, id)
} else if userTiny.ID > 0 {
res[id] = userTiny
// 从db中读
users, err := user_m.GetUsers(model, redisNoIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, u := range users {
userTiny := ToUserTinyBy(u)
err = cacheUserTiny(model, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[userTiny.ID] = userTiny
if isDefAvatar {
for _, v := range res {
if len(v.Avatar) <= 0 {
if v.Sex == mysql.MAN {
v.Avatar = utils.MakeFullUrl(common.DefaultAvatarMan)
} else if v.Sex == mysql.WOMAN {
v.Avatar = utils.MakeFullUrl(common.DefaultAvatarWoman)
return res, nil
func ToUserTinyBy(user *user_m.User) *user_m.UserTiny {
return &user_m.UserTiny{
ID: user.ID,
Avatar: IfLogoutStr(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), "", user.Avatar),
ExternalId: user.ExternalId,
Nick: IfLogoutNick(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), user.Code, user.Nick),
Sex: user.Sex,
Code: user.Code,
Country: user.Country,
CountryIcon: user.CountryIcon,
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsLogout: IfLogout(user.LogoutTime),
Birthday: BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday),
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func IfLogoutStr(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutNick(condition bool, code string, nick string) string {
if condition {
return "Hilo No." + code
return nick
package cp_ev
import (
var spaceVisitListen = new(domain.EventBase)
type SpaceVisitEvent struct {
UserId mysql.ID
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1, UserId2 mysql.ID
func AddCpSpaceVisitSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventSync(spaceVisitListen, callback)
func AddCpSpaceVisitAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventAsync(spaceVisitListen, callback)
func PublishCpSpaceVisit(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
return domain.PublishEvent(spaceVisitListen, model, event)
package gift_ev
import (
var sendGiftListen = new(domain.EventBase)
// 送礼事件
type SendGiftEvent struct {
SendUserId mysql.ID
ReceiveUserIds []mysql.ID
ResGift EventResGift
GiftOperateIds []mysql.ID
GiftN mysql.Num
SceneType gift_e.GiftOperateSceneType
SceneUid mysql.Str
NoDiamondConsume bool // 不要消费钻石
TotalConsume uint64 // 房间的总消费额
type EventResGift struct {
ID mysql.ID
Name mysql.Str
IconUrl mysql.Str
SvgaUrl mysql.Str
MusicUrl mysql.Str
DiamondNum mysql.Num
BeanNum mysql.Num
ReceiveDiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num
N mysql.Num
GroupBroadcast bool
Cp bool
Together bool
Status mysql.UserYesNo
GiftType mysql.Type
func AddSendGiftEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventSync(sendGiftListen, callback)
func AddSendGiftEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventAsync(sendGiftListen, callback)
func PublishSendGiftEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
return domain.PublishEvent(sendGiftListen, model, event)
package common
import (
func GetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) {
bData, err := GetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId))
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
res := make([]uint32, 0)
err = json.Unmarshal(bData, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
// 改成lru
var userMedalMergeLru = gcache.New(10000).LRU().Build()
func GetCache(key string) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Get(context.Background(), key).Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func SetCache(key string, data interface{}, expire time.Duration) error {
jData, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
err = redisCli.GetRedis().Set(context.Background(), key, jData, expire).Err()
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetCache key:%s, data:%v, err:%s", key, data, err)
return err
func GetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) {
if data, err := userMedalMergeLru.Get(userId); err == nil {
return data.([]uint32), nil
return nil
return nil, nil
func SetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID, data []uint32) error {
err := SetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId), data, time.Hour*2)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetUserMedalMerge err:%s", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func SetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID, data []uint32) {
_ = userMedalMergeLru.SetWithExpire(userId, data, time.Minute*15)
package country_m
import (
type CountryMgrUser struct {
Country string
UserId mysql.ID
Role country_e.CountryMgrRole
// 获取国家管理人员
func GetCountryMgr(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*CountryMgrUser, error) {
cmu := new(CountryMgrUser)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model.MyContext.Context).Where("user_id = ?", userId).First(&cmu).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return cmu, nil
// 更新国家管理人员
func (cmu *CountryMgrUser) UpdateCountryMgr(userId mysql.ID, role country_e.CountryMgrRole, country string) *CountryMgrUser {
cmu.UserId, cmu.Role, cmu.Country = userId, role, country
return cmu
// 删除国家管理人员
func (cmu *CountryMgrUser) DeleteCountryMgr() {
package cp_m
import (
type CpAchievement struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Type cp_e.CpAchievement
Score mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 更新cp成就
// 单进程操作,先create,后update
func UpdateCpAchievement(model *domain.Model, cpId, userId1, userId2 mysql.ID, Type cp_e.CpAchievement, score mysql.Num) error {
var cpAchievement CpAchievement
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Where("cp_id = ? AND `type` = ?", cpId, Type).First(&cpAchievement).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
return err
// gorm.ErrRecordNotFound
cpAchievement = CpAchievement{
CpId: cpId,
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Type: Type,
Score: score,
return model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Create(&cpAchievement).Error
// update if less than
return model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Where("cp_id = ? AND `type` = ?", cpId, Type).Where("score < ?", score).UpdateColumn("score", score).Error
// 获取cp成就
func GetCpAchievements(model *domain.Model) []CpAchievement {
var achievements []CpAchievement
subQuery := model.DB().Table("cp_achievement a").Joins("JOIN cp_relation r ON a.cp_id = r.id").Select("type,MAX(score) AS max_score").Group("type")
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Joins("INNER JOIN cp_relation r ON cp_id = r.id").Where("(type, score) IN (?)", subQuery).Order("type ASC").Find(&achievements).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetAchievements fail:%v", err)
return achievements
package cp_m
import (
// CpAnniversary cp纪念日
type CpAnniversary struct {
Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Content string
Timestamp int64
IsRemind bool
LastRemindTime int64
Sort int
MsgId uint
// 初始化6个cp纪念日
// 1)我们在一起;2)XXX的生日;3)XXX的生日;4)第一次说我爱你;5)第一次亲吻;6)结婚纪念日
func InitCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, cp CpRelation, lang string) error {
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, []uint64{cp.UserId1, cp.UserId2})
if err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(259, lang), time.Now().Unix(), true, 100, 259); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1, cp, fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(260, lang), users[cp.UserId1].Nick), 0, true, 0, 260); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2, cp, fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(260, lang), users[cp.UserId2].Nick), 0, true, 0, 260); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(261, lang), 0, true, 0, 261); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(262, lang), 0, true, 0, 262); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeAnniversary, cp, GetTranslate(263, lang), 0, true, 0, 263); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var translateCache = gcache.New(1000).LRU().Build()
func GetTranslate(msgId uint, lang string) string {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", msgId, lang)
if data, err := translateCache.Get(key); err == nil {
return data.(string)
if resMul, _ := res_m.GetResMultiTextBy(mysql.Db, msgId, lang); resMul != nil {
_ = translateCache.SetWithExpire(key, resMul.Content, time.Hour)
return resMul.Content
return "default"
// 添加cp纪念日
func AddCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType, cp CpRelation, content string, ts int64, isRemind bool, sort int, msgId uint) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Create(&CpAnniversary{
CpId: cp.Id,
Type: Type,
UserId1: cp.UserId1,
UserId2: cp.UserId2,
Content: content,
Timestamp: ts,
IsRemind: isRemind,
LastRemindTime: 0,
Sort: sort,
MsgId: msgId,
// 更新cp纪念日
func UpdateCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID, content string, ts int64, isRemind bool) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"content": content,
"timestamp": ts,
"is_remind": isRemind,
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(updates).Error
func DelCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ? ", id).Delete(&CpAnniversary{}).Error
// 根据用户id获取所有纪念日
func GetAllCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, lang string) []CpAnniversary {
var res []CpAnniversary
relation, exists := GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exists {
return res
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("cp_id = ?", relation.Id).Order("`sort` DESC,updated_time DESC,id ASC").Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetAllCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
var userIds = []mysql.ID{relation.UserId1, relation.UserId2}
users, _ := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
for i, v := range res {
if v.CreatedTime.Equal(v.UpdatedTime) && v.MsgId > 0 {
if v.Type == cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1 {
res[i].Content = fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang), users[relation.UserId1].Nick)
} else if v.Type == cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2 {
res[i].Content = fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang), users[relation.UserId2].Nick)
} else {
res[i].Content = GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang)
return res
// 获取所有需要提醒的纪念日
func GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model) []CpAnniversary {
var rows, res []CpAnniversary
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).
Where("`timestamp` > 0").
Where("`timestamp` < ?", time.Now().Unix()).
Where("is_remind = 1").
Where("last_remind_time < ?", time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix()). // 一年前提醒过
Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
now := time.Now().Unix()
for i, v := range rows {
ts := CalcNextAnniversary(v.Timestamp, time.Local)
if now > ts {
res = append(res, rows[i])
return res
// 获取cp当天需要提醒的纪念日
func GetUserTodayCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID, tz *time.Location) []CpAnniversary {
var rows, res []CpAnniversary
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).
Where("`timestamp` > 0").
Where("`timestamp` < ?", time.Now().Unix()).
Where("is_remind = 1").
Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).
Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetUserTodayCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
now := time.Now().Unix()
for i, v := range rows {
ts := CalcNextAnniversary(v.Timestamp, tz)
if now > ts {
res = append(res, rows[i])
return res
func UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ?", id).Update("last_remind_time", time.Now().Unix()).Error
// 计算下一个纪念日
func CalcNextAnniversary(timestamp int64, tz *time.Location) int64 {
if tz == nil {
tz = time.Local
now := time.Now()
birthday := time.Unix(timestamp, 0)
// 计算今年的生日日期
thisYearBirthday := time.Date(now.Year(), birthday.Month(), birthday.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, tz)
// 如果今年的生日还未到,则生日日期为今年的生日日期;否则为明年的生日日期
var next time.Time
if thisYearBirthday.After(now) || now.Sub(thisYearBirthday).Seconds() < 86400 {
next = thisYearBirthday
} else {
next = thisYearBirthday.AddDate(1, 0, 0)
// 计算时间戳
nextTimestamp := next.Unix()
return nextTimestamp
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
package cp_m
import (
type StatusCp = mysql.Type
const (
Connect StatusCp = 1
Disconnect StatusCp = 2
type OldCp struct {
//必须保证userId1 > userId2
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Score mysql.Num
DayScore mysql.Num
PeriodDay mysql.Str
WeekScore mysql.Num
PeriodWeek mysql.Str
MonthScore mysql.Num
PeriodMonth mysql.Str
Status StatusCp
DisconnectSecond int64
func (OldCp) TableName() string {
return "cp"
// 获取旧的绑定中的cp
func GetOldConnectCp(model *domain.Model, tmpUserId1 mysql.ID, tmpUserId2 mysql.ID) (*OldCp, error) {
userId1 := tmpUserId1
userId2 := tmpUserId2
if tmpUserId1 < tmpUserId2 {
userId1 = tmpUserId2
userId2 = tmpUserId1
cp := OldCp{}
if err := model.Db.Where(&OldCp{
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Status: Connect,
}).First(&cp).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &cp, nil
package cp_m
import (
// svip特权
type CpPrivilege struct {
UserId mysql.ID
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege
OpenClose mysql.OpenClose
// 开关用于svip特权
func OpenCLoseUserSvipPrivilege(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, Type cp_e.CpPrivilege, openClose mysql.OpenClose) error {
var pri CpPrivilege
if err := model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id = ? AND `type` = ?", userId, Type).
First(&pri).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
// record not found
return model.DB().Create(&CpPrivilege{
UserId: userId,
Type: Type,
OpenClose: openClose,
// update
return model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id = ? AND `type` = ?", userId, Type).
UpdateColumn("open_close", openClose).Error
// 批量获取用户svip特权开关
// map userId->type->open
func MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool, error) {
res := make(map[mysql.ID]map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool)
var privileges []CpPrivilege
if err := model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id in ? AND open_close = ?", userIds, mysql.OPEN).Find(&privileges).Error; err != nil {
return res, err
for _, v := range privileges {
if data, ok := res[v.UserId]; ok {
data[v.Type] = true
} else {
res[v.UserId] = make(map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool)
res[v.UserId][v.Type] = true
return res, nil
package cp_m
import (
type CpDayRank struct {
Date string
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Score mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 增加cp排行榜-天
func AddCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, cpRelation CpRelation, score mysql.Num) (err error) {
date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
rank := &CpDayRank{
Date: date,
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
Score: score,
if err = model.DB().Model(CpDayRank{}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "date"}, {Name: "cp_id"}},
DoUpdates: clause.Assignments(map[string]interface{}{
"score": gorm.Expr("score + ?", rank.Score)})}).Create(rank).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
// 分页获取cp排行榜
func PageCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, beginDate, endDate string, offset, limit int) []CpDayRank {
var ranks []CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Table("cp_day_rank r").Joins("INNER JOIN cp_relation c ON c.id = r.cp_id").
Where("r.date BETWEEN ? AND ?", beginDate, endDate).
Where("cp_id not in (1581, 12651, 5171, 9191, 39131, 28801, 181, 35221)").
Group("cp_id").Select("cp_id,r.user_id1,r.user_id2,SUM(r.score) score").
Order("score DESC").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ranks).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("PageCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return ranks
// 获取指定cp排行榜
func GetCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, beginDate, endDate string, cpId mysql.ID) CpDayRank {
var rank CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Table("cp_day_rank").
Where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", beginDate, endDate).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Select("cp_id,user_id1,user_id2,SUM(score) score").
First(&rank).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return rank
// 获取Cp历史分数
func SumCpPoints(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID) mysql.Num {
var score CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Model(CpDayRank{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Select("SUM(score) score").Scan(&score).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SumCpPoints fail:%v", err)
return score.Score
package cp_m
import (
func (p *CpLevel) Persistence(m *domain.Model) error {
return model.Persistent(m.DB(), p)
package cp_m
import (
type CpVisitor struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Visitor mysql.ID
Times mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 添加cp空间访问量
func AddCpSpaceVisitor(model *domain.Model, cpId, userId1, userId2, visitor mysql.ID) error {
vis := &CpVisitor{
CpId: cpId,
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Visitor: visitor,
Times: 1,
if err := model.DB().Model(CpVisitor{}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "cp_id"}, {Name: "visitor"}},
DoUpdates: clause.Assignments(map[string]interface{}{
"times": gorm.Expr("times + ?", 1)})}).Create(vis).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpSpaceVisitor fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
// 获取cp空间访问人数
func CountCpSpaceVisitors(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID) int64 {
var cnt int64
if err := model.DB().Model(CpVisitor{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Count(&cnt).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CountCpSpaceVisitors fail:%v", err)
return cnt
package diamond_m
import (
type DiamondAccount struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
DiamondNum mysql.Num
PinkDiamondNum mysql.Num
Status diamond_e.StatusAccount
type DiamondAccountDetail struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
DiamondAccountId mysql.ID
OperateId mysql.ID
OperateType diamond_e.OperateType
OriginId mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
Num mysql.Num
Remark mysql.Str
BefNum mysql.Num
AftNum mysql.Num
diamondAccount *DiamondAccount `gorm:"-"`
func (DiamondAccountDetail) TableName() string {
month := time.Now().Format("200601")
return fmt.Sprintf("diamond_account_detail_%s", month)
// 粉钻详情
type DiamondPinkAccountDetail struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
DiamondAccountId mysql.ID
OperateId mysql.ID
OperateType diamond_e.OperateType
OriginId mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
Num mysql.Num
Remark mysql.Str
BefNum mysql.Num
AftNum mysql.Num
diamondAccount *DiamondAccount `gorm:"-"`
type DiamondOperateSet struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
DiamondNum mysql.NumAll
FrequencyNum mysql.NumAll
FrequencyDay mysql.NumAll
DiamondMaxNum mysql.NumAll
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
Type diamond_e.OperateType
Name mysql.Str
Status mysql.UserYesNo
DiamondType diamond_e.OperateType
func GetDiamondAccountByUserId(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*DiamondAccount, error) {
var diamondAccount DiamondAccount
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Where(&DiamondAccount{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&diamondAccount).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
diamondAccount.Model = model
return &diamondAccount, nil
func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamond_e.OperateType, originId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num) (*DiamondAccountDetail, error) {
return diamondAccount.addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType, originId, diamondNum)
func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamond_e.OperateType, originId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num) (*DiamondAccountDetail, error) {
var diamondOperateSet DiamondOperateSet
var err error
if err = diamondAccount.Db.Where(&DiamondOperateSet{
Type: operateType,
Status: mysql.USER,
DiamondType: mysql.DiamondYellow,
}).First(&diamondOperateSet).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
if diamondAccount.Status == diamond_e.Frozen && diamondOperateSet.AddReduce == mysql.REDUCE {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondAccountFrozen
var count int64
if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == -1 {
if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum != -1 {
UserId: diamondAccount.UserId,
OperateType: operateType,
if count >= int64(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency
//return nil, myerr.NewSysError("钻石操作次数多大, userId:" + mysql.IdToStr(diamondAccount.UserId) + " diamondOperateSetId" + mysql.IdToStr(diamondOperateSet.ID))
} else if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == 1 {
beginTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Local)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
UserId: diamondAccount.UserId,
OperateType: operateType,
}).Where("created_time >= ? ", beginTime).Count(&count)
if count >= int64(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency
diamondAccount.SetCheckUpdateCondition(" EXISTS (SELECT * from (SELECT COUNT(1) as n from " + DiamondAccountDetail{}.TableName() + " d where d.user_id = " + strconv.FormatUint(diamondAccount.UserId, 10) + " and d.operate_type = " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(operateType), 10) + " and d.created_time >= from_unixtime(" + strconv.FormatInt(utils.GetZeroTime(time.Now()).Unix(), 10) + ")) t where t.n < " + strconv.Itoa(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) + " )")
var upateDiamondNum mysql.Num
if diamondOperateSet.DiamondNum == -1 {
upateDiamondNum = diamondNum
} else {
upateDiamondNum = mysql.Num(diamondOperateSet.DiamondNum)
var afterNum mysql.Num
if diamondOperateSet.AddReduce == mysql.ADD {
afterNum = diamondAccount.DiamondNum + upateDiamondNum
} else if diamondOperateSet.AddReduce == mysql.REDUCE {
if diamondAccount.DiamondNum < upateDiamondNum {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondNoEnough
afterNum = diamondAccount.DiamondNum - upateDiamondNum
} else {
return nil, myerr.NewSysError("AddReduce 值错误:" + mysql.TypeToString(mysql.Type(diamondOperateSet.AddReduce)))
diamondAccountDetail := &DiamondAccountDetail{
Model: diamondAccount.Model,
UserId: diamondAccount.UserId,
DiamondAccountId: diamondAccount.ID,
OperateId: diamondOperateSet.ID,
OperateType: diamondOperateSet.Type,
OriginId: originId,
AddReduce: diamondOperateSet.AddReduce,
Num: upateDiamondNum,
Remark: diamondOperateSet.Name,
BefNum: diamondAccount.DiamondNum,
AftNum: afterNum,
diamondAccount: diamondAccount,
return diamondAccountDetail, err
// 此方法必须要在事务里面调用
func ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(model *domain.Model, operateType diamond_e.OperateType, originId mysql.ID, userId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num) error {
diamondAccount, err := GetDiamondAccountByUserId(model, userId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
diamondAccountDetail, err := diamondAccount.ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(operateType, originId, diamondNum)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
if err := diamondAccountDetail.PersistentNoInTransactional(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
return nil
package diamond_m
import (
func (diamondAccountDetail *DiamondAccountDetail) PersistentNoInTransactional() error {
//fixme: 这里有点奇怪, diamondAccount持久化动作在diamondAccountDetail持久化之后,RowsAffected 就一定是0
txDiamondAccount := diamondAccountDetail.Db.Model(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount)
if diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.CheckUpdateCondition() {
txDiamondAccount = txDiamondAccount.Where(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.GetUpdateCondition())
if diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce == mysql.ADD {
txDiamondAccount.UpdateColumn("diamond_num", gorm.Expr("diamond_num + ?", diamondAccountDetail.Num))
} else if diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce == mysql.REDUCE {
txDiamondAccount.Where("diamond_num >= ?", diamondAccountDetail.Num).UpdateColumn("diamond_num", gorm.Expr("diamond_num - ?", diamondAccountDetail.Num))
} else {
myerr.NewSysError("addReduce 枚举错误 value:" + mysql.TypeToString(mysql.Type(diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce)))
if err := txDiamondAccount.Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if txDiamondAccount.RowsAffected == 0 {
diamondAccountDetail.Log.Errorf("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0,AddReduce:%v", diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce)
return myerr.NewWaring("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0")
//if err := model.Persistent(diamondAccountDetail.Db, diamondAccountDetail); err != nil {
// return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if err := diamondAccountDetail.DB().Table(diamondAccountDetail.TableName()).Save(diamondAccountDetail).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount == nil {
return myerr.NewSysError("持久化错误, 模型:DiamondAccountDetail 中没有diamondAccount, DiamondAccountDetail.Id =" + strconv.Itoa(int(diamondAccountDetail.ID)))
var newDiamondAccount DiamondAccount
if err := diamondAccountDetail.Db.First(&newDiamondAccount, diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.ID).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if newDiamondAccount.DiamondNum < 0 {
return myerr.NewSysError("diamond_account表中,diamond_num 不能小于0, diamondAccount.id = " + strconv.Itoa(int(newDiamondAccount.ID)))
return nil
package event_m
import "hilo-user/domain/model"
func (p *EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser) Persistence() error {
return model.Persistent(p.Db, p)
func (p *EventGiftSend) Persistence() error {
return model.Persistent(p.Db, p)
package event_m
import (
// 送礼事件消息
type EventGiftSend struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Proto mysql.Type
Payload []byte
Mark mysql.YesNo
MarkHiloGroup mysql.YesNo
MarkHiloUser mysql.YesNo
func (EventGiftSend) TableName() string {
return "event_gift_send"
// 偏移值
type EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
MarkOffset mysql.ID
// 获取当前偏移值
func Offset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser, error) {
offset := new(EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).First(offset).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("Offset fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
// gorm.ErrRecordNotFound
offset.Model = model
return offset, nil
// 批量获取送礼
func FetchEventGiftSend(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGiftSend, *EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser, error) {
offset, err := Offset(model)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var events []*EventGiftSend
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).
Where("id > ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchEventGiftSend fail:%v", err)
return nil, nil, err
return events, offset, nil
// 标记已完成
func (p *EventGiftSend) MarkDone() error {
p.MarkHiloUser = mysql.YES
result := p.Db.WithContext(p.Model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).Where("id = ?", p.ID).Update("mark_hilo_user", p.MarkHiloUser).Limit(1)
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
p.Model.Log.Errorf("MarkDone row affeced 0")
return errors.New("row affect 0")
return nil
// 查询过去1小时-5分钟前未mark的事件
// 用来补偿
// 记得加limit
func FetchUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGiftSend, error) {
offset, err := Offset(model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5)
lt := t.Add(-time.Hour)
var events []*EventGiftSend
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).
Where("mark_hilo_user = ?", mysql.NO).
Where("id <= ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Where("created_time < ?", t).
Where("created_time > ?", lt).
Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvents fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
return events, nil
// 补偿加上unmark的event
func AddUnMarkEvent(model *domain.Model, event *EventGiftSend) error {
return model.Db.WithContext(model).Create(event).Error
package groupPower_m
import (
type GroupPowerUser struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
GroupPowerId mysql.ID
UserId mysql.ID
Role groupPower_e.GroupPowerUserRole
type GroupPower struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
GroupUid mysql.Str
Name mysql.Str
Status groupPower_e.GroupPowerStatus
// 查询用户加入的国家势力ID及名称(势力绑定的群组的名称)
func GetUserGroupPower(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (uint64, string, error) {
gpu, err := GetGroupPowerUserOrNil(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
if gpu == nil || gpu.GroupPowerId == 0 {
return 0, "", nil
gp, err := GetGroupPowerOrErr(model, gpu.GroupPowerId)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
powerName := ""
if gp != nil && len(gp.GroupUid) > 0 {
gi, err := group_m.GetGroupInfo(model, gp.GroupUid)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
if gi != nil {
// 只要前15个字
s := []rune(gi.Name)
if len(s) <= 15 {
powerName = string(s)
} else {
powerName = string(s[0:15])
return gpu.GroupPowerId, powerName, nil
func GetGroupPowerUserOrNil(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*GroupPowerUser, error) {
groupPowerUser := GroupPowerUser{}
if err := model.Db.Where(&GroupPowerUser{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&groupPowerUser).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupPowerUser.Model = model
return &groupPowerUser, nil
func GetGroupPowerOrErr(model *domain.Model, id uint64) (*GroupPower, error) {
groupPower := GroupPower{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&GroupPower{}).First(&groupPower, id).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupPower.Model = model
return &groupPower, nil
package group_m
import (
type GroupInfo struct {
Id int64
ImGroupId string
TxGroupId string
Type uint16
Code string
OriginCode string
Owner uint64
Name string
Introduction string
Notification string
FaceUrl string
Country string
ChannelId string
Password string
EntryLevel uint32 // obsolete
MicOn bool
LoadHistory bool
ThemeId int16
MicNumType group_e.GroupMicNumType
TouristMic uint8 // 游客是否能上麦1是2否
TouristSendMsg uint8 // 游客是否能发消息1是2否
TouristSendPic uint8 // 游客是否能发图片1是2否
MemberFee uint64 // 加入会员需要黄钻数
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
func GetGroupInfo(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) {
if len(groupId) <= 0 {
return nil, bizerr.GroupNotFound
r := GroupInfo{}
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{ImGroupId: groupId}).First(&r).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
func FindGroupByOwner(model *domain.Model, ownerId uint64) ([]GroupInfo, error) {
rows := make([]GroupInfo, 0)
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{Owner: ownerId}).Find(&rows).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func ToTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, imGroupId string) (string, error) {
if len(imGroupId) <= 0 {
return "", nil
gi, err := GetGroupInfo(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if gi == nil {
return "", bizerr.GroupNotFound
return gi.TxGroupId, nil
func ToTxGroupIdMap(model *domain.Model, imGroupIds []string) (map[string]string, error) {
var res = make(map[string]string)
var rows []GroupInfo
if err := model.DB().Model(GroupInfo{}).Where("im_group_id in ?", imGroupIds).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return res, err
for _, v := range rows {
res[v.ImGroupId] = v.TxGroupId
return res, nil
func ToImGroupId(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (string, error) {
if len(txGroupId) <= 0 {
return "", nil
gi, err := GetInfoByTxGroupId(model, txGroupId)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if gi == nil {
return "", bizerr.GroupNotFound
return gi.ImGroupId, nil
func GetInfoByTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) {
if len(txGroupId) <= 0 {
return nil, bizerr.GroupNotFound
r := GroupInfo{}
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{TxGroupId: txGroupId}).First(&r).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
package group_m
import (
type GroupRoles struct {
UserId uint64
ImGroupId string
Role common.GroupRoleType
type GroupMember struct {
GroupId string
UserId uint64
func (gm *GroupMember) Find(db *gorm.DB) ([]GroupMember, error) {
rows := make([]GroupMember, 0)
if err := db.Where(gm).Order("created_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func GetGroupRoleById(model *domain.Model, imGroupId string, userId uint64) (role common.GroupRoleType, err error) {
role = common.GROUP_VISITOR
roles, _, err := GetRolesInGroup(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil {
for u, r := range roles {
if u == userId {
role = r
isGroupMember, err := IsGroupMember(model.Db, imGroupId, userId)
if err != nil {
if isGroupMember {
role = common.GROUP_MEMBER
// 查询群组中所有有角色的成员,由级别高到低、创建时间由早到晚排列
func GetRolesInGroup(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (map[uint64]uint16, []uint64, error) {
data := make([]GroupRoles, 0)
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupRoles{ImGroupId: groupId}).Order("role DESC, created_time").Find(&data).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]uint16, 0)
orders := make([]uint64, 0)
for _, i := range data {
orders = append(orders, i.UserId)
result[i.UserId] = i.Role
return result, orders, nil
func IsGroupMember(db *gorm.DB, groupId string, userId uint64) (bool, error) {
gm := GroupMember{
GroupId: groupId,
UserId: userId,
rows, err := gm.Find(db)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(rows) > 0, nil
package group_m
import (
// 3天
const expireMinute = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
//获取在房间的用户 返回值:map,key:userId, value:groupUuid
func RoomLivingUserIdFilter(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]string, error) {
userIdSet := map[mysql.ID]struct{}{}
for i, _ := range userIds {
userIdSet[userIds[i]] = struct{}{}
key := group_k.GetPrefixGroupRoomLiving()
if err := ClearExpired(model, key, expireMinute); err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupUserIdstrs, err := model.RedisCluster.ZRange(model, key, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resultUserSet := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for i, _ := range groupUserIdstrs {
tempGroupUid, userId := analysisMemberStr(groupUserIdstrs[i])
if _, flag := userIdSet[userId]; flag {
resultUserSet[userId] = tempGroupUid
return resultUserSet, nil
func ClearExpired(model *domain.Model, key string, expireSec int64) error {
return model.RedisCluster.ZRemRangeByScore(model, key,
"0", strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix()-expireSec, 10)).Err()
func analysisMemberStr(memberStr string) (string, uint64) {
strs := strings.Split(memberStr, "_")
groupUid := strs[0]
userId, err := strconv.ParseUint(strs[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("analysisMemberStr memberStr:%v err:%+v", memberStr, err)
return groupUid, userId
package invite_m
import (
type InviteApply struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
NewUserId uint64 `json:"new_user_id"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
PlatformId string `json:"platform_id"`
RechargeInfo string `json:"recharge_info"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // 状态0.未审核1.已通过2.已拒绝
VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"`
Level string `json:"level"`
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time"`
Reason int `json:"reason"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
SubUserId uint64 `json:"sub_user_id"` // 提交人
func CreateInviteApply(model *domain.Model, userId, newUserId, subUserId uint64, platform, platformId, recharge, videoUrl string) error {
err := model.DB().Create(&InviteApply{
UserId: userId, NewUserId: newUserId, Platform: platform, PlatformId: platformId, RechargeInfo: recharge, VideoUrl: videoUrl,
CreatedTime: time.Now(), SubUserId: subUserId}).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateInviteApply err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
func GetApplyList(model *domain.Model, subUserId uint64, userIds []uint64, pageIndex, pageSize, gType int, beginTime,
endTime time.Time) ([]*InviteApply, int64, error) {
db := model.DB().Model(InviteApply{}).Where("user_id in (?) or sub_user_id = ?", userIds, subUserId).Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", beginTime, endTime)
switch gType { // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝
case 2:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 0)
case 3:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 1)
case 4:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 2)
res := make([]*InviteApply, 0)
var count int64
err := db.Order("id desc").Offset((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Find(&res).Limit(-1).Offset(-1).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyList err:%v", err)
return nil, 0, err
return res, count, nil
// 检查被邀请人是否存在
func IsInInviteApply(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
var apply InviteApply
if err := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).Where("new_user_id = ?", userId).First(&apply).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return false, err
return false, nil
// err == nil, record exists
return true, nil
// 检查被邀请人是否存在
func GetInviteApplyNumByType(model *domain.Model, gType int, beginTime, endTime time.Time, userIds []uint64, subUserId uint64) (int, error) {
var count int64
db := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).Where("user_id in (?) or sub_user_id = ?", userIds, subUserId).Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", beginTime, endTime)
switch gType { // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝
case 2:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 0)
case 3:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 1)
case 4:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 2)
if err := db.Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err
return int(count), nil
// 今日已提交次数
func TodayInviteApplyCount(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (int64, error) {
start, end := utils.DayStartEnd(time.Now())
var count int64
if err := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", start.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT), end.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT)).
Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err
// err == nil, record exists
return count, nil
package promotion_m
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
// 推广员
type PromotionAgent struct {
ManagerId mysql.ID
AgentId mysql.ID
// 邀请关系
type PromotionInvite struct {
ManagerId mysql.ID
AgentId mysql.ID
Invitee mysql.ID
Platform string
PlatformId string
Reason string
InviteDate string
// 邀请关系日志
type PromotionInviteLog struct {
AgentId mysql.ID
Invitee mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func GetLangeByCountry(db *gorm.DB, country mysql.Str) (string, error) {
if err == nil {
return r.Lang, nil
} else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return res_e.DEFAULT_LANG, nil
return res_e.DefaultLang, nil
} else {
return "", myerr.WrapErr(err)
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ type ResGift struct {
Together bool
Status mysql.UserYesNo
GiftType mysql.Type
HasGiftText bool
// 获取所有的礼物
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