Commits (99)
swag: swag:
swag init swag init
protoc --go_out=./ --go-grpc_out=. ./protocol/*.proto
\ No newline at end of file
package country_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
// 国家角色
type CountryMgrRole mysql.Type
const (
// 国家管理员
CountryMgrManager CountryMgrRole = 1
// 国家助理
CountryMgrAssistant CountryMgrRole = 2
// 角色权限
type ManagerPrivilegeItem mysql.Type
const (
// 重置用户头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetAvatar ManagerPrivilegeItem = 1
// 重置群组头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetFaceUrl ManagerPrivilegeItem = 2
// 删除广播
ManagerPrivilegeItemDeleteGlobalBroadcast ManagerPrivilegeItem = 3
package cp_e
type CpAchievement int
const (
CpAchievementLevel CpAchievement = 1 // 等级
CpAchievementVisitors CpAchievement = 2 // 空间访问人数
CpAchievementMonthRank CpAchievement = 3 // 月榜最高
CpAchievementWeekRank CpAchievement = 4 // 周榜最高
CpAchievementDayRank CpAchievement = 5 // 日榜最高
package cp_e
type AnniversaryItemType int
const (
AnniversaryItemTypeNormal AnniversaryItemType = 0 // 普通类型
AnniversaryItemTypeAvatar AnniversaryItemType = 1 // 头像类型
AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1 AnniversaryItemType = 2 // user1的生日
AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2 AnniversaryItemType = 3 // user2的生日
AnniversaryItemTypeAnniversary AnniversaryItemType = 4 // 纪念日
package cp_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type CpInviteStatus mysql.Type
type CpCancelStatus mysql.Type
const (
CpRelationInviteDiamond = 7777
CpInvite CpInviteStatus = 1
CpInviteAccept CpInviteStatus = 2
CpInviteRefuse CpInviteStatus = 3
CpInviteExpired CpInviteStatus = 4
CpCancel CpCancelStatus = 1
CpCancelRevoke CpCancelStatus = 2
CpCancelAccept CpCancelStatus = 3
CpCancelAcceptAuto CpCancelStatus = 4
CpConfessionGiftId = 3481 // cp礼物id
CpMaleHeadwearId = 2551 // cp绑定成功后赠送的头饰-男
CpFemaleHeadwearId = 2561 // cp绑定成功后赠送的头饰-女
package cp_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
const (
EffectDays = 30 // 30天有效期
CpHeadwearId = 2571
type CpLevel int
const (
CpLevel0 CpLevel = 0 // 无称号
CpLevel1 CpLevel = 1 // 恋爱CP
CpLevel2 CpLevel = 2 // 甜蜜CP
CpLevel3 CpLevel = 3 // 忠诚CP
CpLevel4 CpLevel = 4 // 炽热CP
CpLevel5 CpLevel = 5 // 荣耀CP
CpLevelMax = CpLevel5
var (
// cp等级积分
CpLevelPoints = map[CpLevel]mysql.Num{
CpLevel0: 0,
CpLevel1: 200000,
CpLevel2: 800000,
CpLevel3: 1000000,
CpLevel4: 3000000,
CpLevel5: 10000000,
// cp等级icon // todo ui
CpLevelIcon = map[CpLevel]string{
CpLevel0: "icon0.png",
CpLevel1: "icon1.png",
CpLevel2: "icon2.png",
CpLevel3: "icon3.png",
CpLevel4: "icon4.png",
CpLevel5: "icon5.png",
// cp等级称号
CpLevelTitle = map[CpLevel]uint{
CpLevel1: 252,
CpLevel2: 253,
CpLevel3: 254,
CpLevel4: 255,
CpLevel5: 256,
// cp特权名称
CpPrivilegeNameMsgId = map[CpPrivilege]uint{
CpPrivilegeSpace: 234,
CpPrivilegeBanner: 235,
CpPrivilegeMedal: 236,
CpPrivilegeCert: 237,
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: 238,
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: 239,
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: 240,
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: 241,
// cp特权描述
CpPrivilegeDescMsgId = map[CpPrivilege]uint{
CpPrivilegeSpace: 264,
CpPrivilegeBanner: 265,
CpPrivilegeMedal: 266,
CpPrivilegeCert: 267,
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: 268,
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: 269,
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: 270,
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: 271,
// cp特权icon
CpPrivilegeIcon = map[CpPrivilege]map[CpLevel]string{
CpPrivilegeSpace: {CpLevel0: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_space.png"},
CpPrivilegeBanner: {CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_banner5.png"},
CpPrivilegeMedal: {CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_medal5.png"},
CpPrivilegeCert: {CpLevel0: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert0.png", CpLevel1: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert1.png", CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_cert5.png"},
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: {CpLevel2: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter2.png", CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter3.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter4.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_enter5.png"},
CpPrivilegeHeadwear: {CpLevel3: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png", CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_headwear.png"},
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: {CpLevel4: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_profile.png", CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_profile.png"},
CpPrivilegeMicEffect: {CpLevel5: "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/resource/cp/cp_p_mic.png"},
type CpPrivilege int
const (
CpPrivilegeSpace CpPrivilege = 1 // 空间
CpPrivilegeBanner CpPrivilege = 2 // 横幅
CpPrivilegeMedal CpPrivilege = 3 // 等级勋章
CpPrivilegeCert CpPrivilege = 4 // 证书
CpPrivilegeRoomEffect CpPrivilege = 5 // 进场特效
CpPrivilegeHeadwear CpPrivilege = 6 // 头像头饰
CpPrivilegeActiveProfile CpPrivilege = 7 // 动态资料卡
CpPrivilegeMicEffect CpPrivilege = 8 // 麦位特效
package diamond_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql"
type StatusAccount = mysql.Type
const (
Normal StatusAccount = 1
Frozen StatusAccount = 2
type OperateType = mysql.Type
const (
/* REGISTER OperateType = 1
SessionPay OperateType = 2
BuyDiamond OperateType = 3
SendGift OperateType = 4
ReceiveGift OperateType = 5
MatchCondition OperateType = 6*/
SendGift OperateType = 1 //发送礼物
MatchCondition OperateType = 2 //匹配条件
SessionPay OperateType = 3 //建立融云会话
BuyDiamond OperateType = 4 //购买钻石
ReceiveGift OperateType = 5 //接受礼物
REGISTER OperateType = 6 //注册
MgrSend OperateType = 8 //平台赠送
VideoCost OperateType = 9 //1对1视频花费
MgrReduce OperateType = 10 //平台扣除
ActivityBillboard OperateType = 11 //活动榜单奖励
ExchangeBean OperateType = 12 //钻石兑换豆子
ActivityGroupBillboard OperateType = 13 //活动榜单奖励
DailyInAppVip OperateType = 14 //每日登陆领取钻石(VIP)
GroupIMMass OperateType = 15 //群中IM群发
DailyInAppCommon OperateType = 16 //每日登陆领取钻石(普通用户)
GroupSupportAdmin OperateType = 17 //群组支持(利益分配者)
GroupSupportMgr OperateType = 18 //群主支持(助手)
MgrBillDiamond OperateType = 19 //管理人单据送钻石
Headwear OperateType = 20 //送头饰扣费
Property OperateType = 21 //送坐骑扣费
LuckyWheelJoin OperateType = 22 //参与转盘扣费
LuckyWheelCancel OperateType = 23 //转盘取消
LuckyWheelWin OperateType = 24 //转盘奖励
LuckWheelGroupOwer OperateType = 25 //转盘群主抽成
DealerTransfer OperateType = 26 //币商转账
GroupCustomTheme OperateType = 27 //购买群组自定义主题
RocketAward OperateType = 28 //火箭奖励
LuckyboxBuy OperateType = 29 //幸运盒子购买
LuckyboxAward OperateType = 30 //幸运盒子奖励
PrivateGift OperateType = 31 // 私聊送礼物
PrivateGiftReturn OperateType = 32 // 私聊送礼物退款
ActivityTriggerAward OperateType = 33 //活动触发奖励
VideoTradeUnionGift OperateType = 34 // 视频送礼物
VideoTradeUnionGiftReturn OperateType = 35 // 视频送礼物退款
GlobalBroadcast OperateType = 36 //全球发布消息
TaskAward OperateType = 37 //任务奖励
FruitMachineAward OperateType = 38 // 水果机奖励
FruitMachineBet OperateType = 39 // 水果机投注
Noble OperateType = 40 //购买/赠送贵族
FruitTycoonAward OperateType = 41 // 水果大亨奖励
Checkout OperateType = 42 //checkout购买
LuckyboxCycle OperateType = 43 //幸运盒子回收奖励
ActivityRechargeFirst OperateType = 44 //首次充值奖励
NewUserInvite OperateType = 45 // 新用户奖励活动
GeneralActivity OperateType = 46 // 一般性活动奖励
PowerSupportOwner OperateType = 47 // 势力支持(势力主)
PowerSupportAssistant OperateType = 48 // 势力支持(助手)
VideoMinute OperateType = 49 //1对1视频(分钟扣费)
MatchMinute OperateType = 50 //匹配视频(第一分钟扣费)
VideoMinuteBack OperateType = 51 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)
VideoMinuteTotal OperateType = 52 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)
GroupActivity OperateType = 53 //创建群组活动
GroupActivityReward OperateType = 54 //群组活动奖励
PayerMax OperateType = 55 //payerMax/茄子支付购买
BuyPinkDiamond OperateType = 56 //购买粉钻
VideoCostPink OperateType = 57 //1对1视频送礼(粉钻)
MatchMinutePink OperateType = 58 //匹配视频(第一分钟扣费)(粉钻)
VideoMinuteTotalPink OperateType = 59 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)(粉钻)
SendPinkGift OperateType = 60 //送粉钻礼物 ---占位---暂不开放 数据库配置表中暂未配置
MatchMinuteGiftPink OperateType = 61 //匹配视频送礼(粉钻)
MatchMinuteGiftPinkTime OperateType = 62 //匹配视频加时送礼(粉钻)
JoinGroupCost OperateType = 63 //加入群组扣费
JoinGroupAdd OperateType = 64 //加入群组,群主得黄钻
GameJoin OperateType = 65 //加入游戏扣费
GameAward OperateType = 66 //游戏结算奖励
GameRefund OperateType = 67 //游戏退费
const (
DiamondYellow mysql.Type = 1
DiamondPink mysql.Type = 2
package user_e
type ReportType string
type GameType int
type GameOpt int
type GameStatus uint8
type GamerStatus uint8
type GamerPlayerStatus uint8
type GameMode = int
const (
ReportTypeGameStart ReportType = "user_start" // 战斗开始通知
ReportTypeGameSettle ReportType = "user_settle" // 战斗结算通知
GameAutoMatchYes = 1 // 游戏自动匹配
GameAutoMatchNo = 0 // 游戏非自动匹配
GameTypeLudo GameType = 1 // ludo
GameTypeUno GameType = 2 // uno
GameModeQuick GameMode = 0
GameModeClassic GameMode = 1
GameOptCreate GameOpt = 0 // 创建游戏
GameOptJoin GameOpt = 1 // 加入游戏,自动准备
GameOptExit GameOpt = 2 // 退出游戏
GameOptClose GameOpt = 3 // 创建者关闭游戏
//GameOptReady GameOpt = 2 // 准备游戏
//GameOptCancelReady GameOpt = 3 // 取消准备游戏
GameStatusNoStart GameStatus = 0 // 未开始
GameStatusGaming GameStatus = 1 // 游戏中
GameStatusEnd GameStatus = 2 // 游戏结束
GamerStatusUnready GamerStatus = 0 // 未开始
GamerStatusGaming GamerStatus = 1 // 游戏中
GamerStatusEnd GamerStatus = 2 // 游戏结束
GamerExit GamerStatus = 3 // 自己退出游戏
GamerClose GamerStatus = 4 // 创建者关闭游戏
//GamerStatusReady GamerStatus = 1 // 准备
//GamerExit GamerStatus = 4 // 自己退出游戏
MgIdLudo = "1468180338417074177"
MgIdUno = "1472142559912517633"
package gift_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type GiftOperateSceneType mysql.Type
const (
MatchVedioSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 1
// 私聊
PriveChatSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 2
VideoSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 3
GroupSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 4
type ResGiftAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
SendGiftCpGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 1 //周CP
MonthlyWealthGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 2 //月冠财富榜
MonthlyCharmGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 3 //月冠魅力榜
MonthlyPayGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 4 //月冠充值榜
WeekStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 5 //周星榜
CountryStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 6 // 国家之星
type GiftPrivateRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
PrivateRecord GiftPrivateRecordType = 1
VideoTradeUnion GiftPrivateRecordType = 2
PrivateRecordBag GiftPrivateRecordType = 3
type GiftColumnType = uint16
const (
GiftColumnGift GiftColumnType = 1 // 礼物
GiftColumnRomance GiftColumnType = 2 // 浪漫
GiftColumnCountry GiftColumnType = 3 // 国家
GiftColumnCustom GiftColumnType = 4 // 定制
type GiftTagType = uint16
const (
GiftTagMedal GiftTagType = 1 // 勋章礼物
GiftTagWeeklyStar GiftTagType = 2 // 周星礼物
type GiftEntryType = uint16
const (
GiftEntryWeeklyStar GiftEntryType = 1 // 周星活动入口
GiftEntryWeeklyCp GiftEntryType = 2 // 周CP活动入口
GiftEntryMedal GiftEntryType = 3 // 勋章激活动入口
GiftEntryCountryStar GiftEntryType = 4 // 国家之星活动入口
package groupPower_e package groupPower_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql" import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
// 国家势力状态 //国家势力状态
type GroupPowerStatus = mysql.Type type GroupPowerStatus = mysql.Type
const ( const (
...@@ -14,17 +14,19 @@ const ( ...@@ -14,17 +14,19 @@ const (
GroupPowerDissolve GroupPowerStatus = 3 GroupPowerDissolve GroupPowerStatus = 3
) )
// 国家势力用户角色 //国家势力用户角色
type GroupPowerUserRole = mysql.Type type GroupPowerUserRole = mysql.Type
const ( const (
//普通用户 // 普通用户
GroupPowerUserRoleUser GroupPowerUserRole = 1 GroupPowerUserRoleUser GroupPowerUserRole = 1
//势力主 // 势力主
GroupPowerUserRoleMgr GroupPowerUserRole = 2 GroupPowerUserRoleMgr GroupPowerUserRole = 2
// 管理员
GroupPowerUserRoleAdmin GroupPowerUserRole = 3
) )
// 国家势力日志操作类型 //国家势力日志操作类型
type GroupPowerUserLogType = mysql.Type type GroupPowerUserLogType = mysql.Type
const ( const (
package group_e package group_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql" import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type MsgStatusGroupUser = mysql.Type
const (
//正常: 灰点+震动
NormalMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 0
MuteMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 1
DoNotDisturbMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 2
OverseaRoom = 1
LocalRoom = 2
// 公屏消息
type TypePublicScreenMsg = mysql.Type
const (
UserJoinPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 1 // 加入群组
UserKickPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 2 // 踢出房间
UserBannedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 3 // 拉黑用户
RoleAssignedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 4 // 添加角色
RoleRemovedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 5 // 移除角色
ClientSendMsgLocal TypePublicScreenMsg = 6 // 客户端占用
RollDiceMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 7 // 掷骰子结果
GroupGiftMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 8 //全服礼物
GroupSupportH5 TypePublicScreenMsg = 9 //群组支持H5
JumpMessage TypePublicScreenMsg = 10 // 可跳转的公屏消息
RocketAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 11 // 火箭获奖消息
LockyboxAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 12 // 幸运盒子公屏中奖
FruitMachineAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 13 // 水果机中奖
EnterRoomMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 14 // 用户进入房间
// 信令消息(不显示公屏工,不记入消息历史,不影响未读数) // 信令消息(不显示公屏工,不记入消息历史,不影响未读数)
type TypeSignalMsg = mysql.Type type TypeSignalMsg = mysql.Type
...@@ -21,7 +55,7 @@ const ( ...@@ -21,7 +55,7 @@ const (
GroupKickOut TypeSignalMsg = 13 //保留 GroupKickOut TypeSignalMsg = 13 //保留
GroupSocketMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 14 //保留 GroupSocketMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 14 //保留
GroupInviteMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 15 //邀请上麦保留 GroupInviteMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 15 //邀请上麦保留
GroupInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 16 //进入房间 GroupInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 16 //进入房间,进房特效
GroupMicEmoji TypeSignalMsg = 17 //麦上表情 GroupMicEmoji TypeSignalMsg = 17 //麦上表情
GroupLuckyWheel TypeSignalMsg = 18 //转盘的通知信令 GroupLuckyWheel TypeSignalMsg = 18 //转盘的通知信令
GroupOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 19 //离开房间 GroupOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 19 //离开房间
...@@ -30,14 +64,11 @@ const ( ...@@ -30,14 +64,11 @@ const (
GroupMicChange TypeSignalMsg = 22 //房间麦位上的变量 GroupMicChange TypeSignalMsg = 22 //房间麦位上的变量
GroupMemberInvite TypeSignalMsg = 23 //房间-邀请用户成为会员 GroupMemberInvite TypeSignalMsg = 23 //房间-邀请用户成为会员
GroupRoleChange TypeSignalMsg = 24 //房间-用户群组身份变化 GroupRoleChange TypeSignalMsg = 24 //房间-用户群组身份变化
GroupClearScreen TypeSignalMsg = 25 //房间-清理公屏
GroupGameInfoLudo TypeSignalMsg = 200 // 房间-游戏信息-ludo GroupRoomGiftSignal TypeSignalMsg = 26 //全房间送礼物
GroupGameSettleLudo TypeSignalMsg = 201 // 房间-游戏结算信息-ludo
GroupGameInfoUno TypeSignalMsg = 202 // 房间-游戏信息-uno
GroupGameSettleUno TypeSignalMsg = 203 // 房间-游戏结算信息-uno
) )
// 群组麦位数量类型 //群组麦位数量类型
type GroupMicNumType = mysql.Type type GroupMicNumType = mysql.Type
const ( const (
...@@ -64,27 +95,7 @@ const ( ...@@ -64,27 +95,7 @@ const (
//10个麦位 //10个麦位
TenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 2 TenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 2
// //
// 公屏消息
type TypePublicScreenMsg = mysql.Type
const (
UserJoinPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 1 // 加入群组
UserKickPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 2 // 踢出房间
UserBannedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 3 // 拉黑用户
RoleAssignedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 4 // 添加角色
RoleRemovedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 5 // 移除角色
ClientSendMsgLocal TypePublicScreenMsg = 6 // 客户端占用
RollDiceMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 7 // 掷骰子结果
GroupGiftMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 8 //全服礼物
GroupSupportH5 TypePublicScreenMsg = 9 //群组支持H5
JumpMessage TypePublicScreenMsg = 10 // 可跳转的公屏消息
RocketAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 11 // 火箭获奖消息
LockyboxAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 12 // 幸运盒子公屏中奖
FruitMachineAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 13 // 水果机中奖
EnterRoomMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 14 // 用户进入房间
GameLudoPubMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 101 // Ludo游戏公屏 SUPPORT_LEVEL_BOUNDARY_HOUR = 0
GameUnoPubMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 102 // uno游戏公屏 SUPPORT_LEVEL_PERIOD_DAY = 7
) )
package headwear_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type UserHeadwearUsing = mysql.Type
const (
YesUsing UserHeadwearUsing = 1
NoUsing UserHeadwearUsing = 0
type UserHeadwearLogOrginType = mysql.Type
const (
Mgr UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 1
Send UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 2
Activity UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 3
Rocket UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 4
ActivityTrigger UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 5
ActivityRechargeFirst UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 6
Give UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 7
GeneralActivity UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 8
type UserHeadwearLogType mysql.Type
const (
AddSecond UserHeadwearLogType = 1
UpdateEndTime UserHeadwearLogType = 2
Del UserHeadwearLogType = 3
package match_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql"
type MatchDetailDataChange mysql.NumAll
const (
AddDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 1
ReduceDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 2
ZeroDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 0
/*type EnumCountType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityEnumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ExcellentEnumCountType EnumCountType = 2
RelationEnumCountType EnumCountType = 3
/*const (
ReceiveGiftNumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ReceiveGiftFCountType EnumCountType = 2
BeReportCountType EnumCountType = 3
BeBlackCountType EnumCountType = 4
PayCountType EnumCountType = 5
LikeMeType EnumCountType = 6
NewUserType EnumCountType = 7
AgainRefuse EnumCountType = 8
DailyUserType EnumCountType = 9
ActiveGrade EnumCountType = 10
AgainSameSex EnumCountType = 11
MatchSuccessNum EnumCountType = 12
MatchConfirmNum EnumCountType = 13
MatchConfirmRate EnumCountType = 14
MatchFreeTimeNum EnumCountType = 15
MatchGiftTimeNum EnumCountType = 16
MatchAddTimeRate EnumCountType = 17
TradeUnion EnumCountType = 18
RelationMatchRefuse EnumCountType = 19
RelationMatchUser EnumCountType = 20
// 优先度排序
type PriorityUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityDiamond PriorityUserFormOriginType = 1
PriorityFirstCharge PriorityUserFormOriginType = 2
PriorityWealthGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 3
PriorityBeReport PriorityUserFormOriginType = 4
PriorityBeBlack PriorityUserFormOriginType = 5
PriorityRecentlyPay PriorityUserFormOriginType = 6
PriorityNewUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 7
PriorityAgainRefuse PriorityUserFormOriginType = 8
PriorityDailyUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 9
PriorityActiveGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 10
PriorityTradeUnion PriorityUserFormOriginType = 11
PriorityAgainSameSex PriorityUserFormOriginType = 12
var PriorityMap = map[PriorityUserFormOriginType]string{
PriorityDiamond: "钻石余额",
PriorityFirstCharge: "首充",
PriorityWealthGrade: "财富等级",
PriorityBeReport: "被举报",
PriorityBeBlack: "被拉黑",
PriorityRecentlyPay: "近期充值",
PriorityNewUserType: "新用户",
PriorityAgainRefuse: "连续被拒",
PriorityDailyUserType: "每天新登陆用户",
PriorityActiveGrade: "活跃等级",
PriorityTradeUnion: "工会",
PriorityAgainSameSex: "连续同性",
// 质量排序
type ExcellentUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
ExcellentLikeMe ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 1
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 2
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 3
ExcellentBeReport ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 4
ExcellentBeBlack ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 5
ExcellentCharmGrade ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 6
ExcellentSessionCreate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 7
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 8
//加时率(视频通话加时次数(免费加时成功 + 礼物加时成功)/视频通话次数(匹配成功的次数))
ExcellentAddTimeRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 9
ExcellentTradeUnion ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 10
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 11
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 12
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 13
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 14
var ExcellentMap = map[ExcellentUserFormOriginType]string{
ExcellentLikeMe: "喜欢我",
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange: "接收礼物数量",
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange: "接收礼物次数",
ExcellentBeReport: "被投诉次数",
ExcellentBeBlack: "被拉黑次数",
ExcellentCharmGrade: "魅力等级",
ExcellentSessionCreate: "被付费建立融云会话",
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate: "接通率",
ExcellentAddTimeRate: "加时率",
ExcellentTradeUnion: "工会成员",
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum: "匹配成功次数",
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum: "匹配确认次数",
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum: "匹配免费加时次数",
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum: "匹配礼物加时次数",
// 关系排序
type RelationUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
RelationUserLike RelationUserFormOriginType = 1
RelationMatchRefuse RelationUserFormOriginType = 2
RelationMatchUser RelationUserFormOriginType = 3
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm RelationUserFormOriginType = 4
RelationMatchUserLastTime RelationUserFormOriginType = 5
var RelationMap = map[RelationUserFormOriginType]string{
RelationUserLike: "喜欢的用户",
RelationMatchRefuse: "匹配被拒绝",
RelationMatchUser: "匹配上的用户",
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm: "付费发送过消息但没进行过视频聊天",
RelationMatchUserLastTime: "上一次匹配的用户",
type MatchConfirmStatus mysql.Type
const (
Success MatchConfirmStatus = 1
Fail MatchConfirmStatus = 2
Temp MatchConfirmStatus = 3
type MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse mysql.Type
const (
AcceptMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 1
RefuseMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 2
type MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 2
type MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 2
package msg_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
//消息发送类型,消息接收者是谁 1:通知 2:官网 3:被喜欢通知 (注意:MsgReceiveType 同 MsgUserRecordType 不是树形关系s)
//MsgReceive 结构体服务
type MsgReceiveType = mysql.Type
const (
UserMsgReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 1
SysMsgReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 2
LikeMeReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 3
TradeUnionReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 4
UserRecall MsgReceiveType = 5
VideoSend MsgReceiveType = 6
VisitReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 7
BlockReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 8
SmsCode MsgReceiveType = 9
//跳转类型 0:无调整 1:网页跳转 2:app跳转 3:跳转到钻石 4:跳转到背包
type ActionType = uint16
const (
NonActionType ActionType = 0
WebActionType ActionType = 1
AppActionType ActionType = 2
type MsgUserRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
//NewUserType MsgUserRecordType = 1
ReportType MsgUserRecordType = 2
//LikeMeType MsgUserRecordType = 3
ResetAvatarType MsgUserRecordType = 4
LikeMeType MsgUserRecordType = 5
VisitType MsgUserRecordType = 6
MatchHistoryType MsgUserRecordType = 7
LikeEachType MsgUserRecordType = 8
DiamondIncome MsgUserRecordType = 9
ActivityBillboardResult MsgUserRecordType = 10
ActivityBillboardDiamond MsgUserRecordType = 11
ActivityBillboardProperty MsgUserRecordType = 12
ActivityBeanProperty MsgUserRecordType = 13
MgrSendDiamondProperty MsgUserRecordType = 14
ActivityGroupBillboardDiamond MsgUserRecordType = 15
ActivityGroupBillboardProperty MsgUserRecordType = 16
GroupSupport MsgUserRecordType = 17
GroupSupportResult MsgUserRecordType = 18
MgrSendProperty MsgUserRecordType = 19
AddProps MsgUserRecordType = 20
ActivityBillboardBeLikeResult = 21
ActivityBillboardCpResult = 22
GroupPowerUserJoin = 23
GroupPowerUserLeave = 24
AddNoble = 25
ActivityTriggerDayPay = 26
ActivityTriggerYemen = 27
ActivityTriggerMonthPay = 28
FruitTycoonAward = 29 // 水果大亨获奖
LuckyboxRecycle = 30 //幸运盒子回收
HlTemp1 = 31 //产品黄蕾,2022/06/29 临时要求发给某人的小助手消息
HLTemp2 = 32 //问卷调查
NewUserInviteAuditPassed = 33 // 新用户奖励活动审核通过
NewUserInviteAuditFailed = 34 // 新用户奖励活动审核不通过
NewUserInviterAward = 35 // 新用户奖励活动邀请成功数达标
PowerSupportSalary = 36 // 势力扶持工资领取 提醒
CountryStarOrdinaryAward = 37 // 国家之星瓜分奖提醒
GroupActivityRewardMsg = 38 // 群组活动钻石奖励提醒
TemplateActAwardMsg = 39 // 通用模板活动奖励提醒
TemplateSmsCode = 40 // 通用模板活动奖励提醒
AddUserBag = 50 // 赠送背包礼物
type MsgSysUserType = mysql.Type
const (
SysType MsgSysUserType = 1
AssistantType MsgSysUserType = 2
//resMsgTransalte 中 msg_type 同 type, msg_type是属于一级类型 type属于二级类型。 msg_type 对应MsgReceiveType type:部分对应MsgUserRecordType MsgUserRecordType(应该是小助手的类型)
type MsgSysRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
SysMsgSysRecordType1 MsgSysRecordType = 1
SysMsgSysRecordType2 MsgSysRecordType = 2
package msg_e
// 公屏消息
type TypePublicScreenMsg uint8
const (
UserJoinPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 1 // 加入群组
UserKickPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 2 // 踢出房间
UserBannedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 3 // 拉黑用户
RoleAssignedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 4 // 添加角色
RoleRemovedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 5 // 移除角色
ClientSendMsgLocal TypePublicScreenMsg = 6 // 客户端占用
RollDiceMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 7 // 掷骰子结果
GroupGiftMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 8 //全服礼物
GroupSupportH5 TypePublicScreenMsg = 9 //群组支持H5
JumpMessage TypePublicScreenMsg = 10 // 可跳转的公屏消息
RocketAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 11 // 火箭获奖消息
LockyboxAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 12 // 幸运盒子公屏中奖
FruitMachineAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 13 // 水果机中奖
EnterRoomMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 14 // 用户进入房间
package property_e
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type UserPropertyUsing = mysql.Type
const (
YesUsing UserPropertyUsing = 1
NoUsing UserPropertyUsing = 0
type UserPropertyLogOrginType = mysql.Type
const (
ActivityBillboardReward UserPropertyLogOrginType = 1
Operational UserPropertyLogOrginType = 2
ActivityGroupBillboardReward UserPropertyLogOrginType = 3
Send UserPropertyLogOrginType = 4
Rocket UserPropertyLogOrginType = 5
ActivityBillboardTrigger UserPropertyLogOrginType = 6
ActivityRechargeFirst UserPropertyLogOrginType = 7
Give UserPropertyLogOrginType = 8
GeneralActivity UserPropertyLogOrginType = 9 // 一般性活动
type UserPropertyLogType mysql.Type
const (
AddSecond UserPropertyLogType = 1
UpdateEndTime UserPropertyLogType = 2
Del UserPropertyLogType = 3
type PropertyType = uint16
const (
TypeNoble PropertyType = 1
TypeMedal PropertyType = 2
TypeHeaddress PropertyType = 3
TypeRide PropertyType = 4
package res_e package res_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql" import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type MsgIdType = uint type MsgIdType = uint
const ( const (
DEFAULT_LANG = "en" DefaultLang = "en"
MSG_ID_GAME_JOIN MsgIdType = 1002
) )
type ResMedalType = mysql.Type type ResMedalType = mysql.Type
const (
Wealth ResMedalType = 1
Charm ResMedalType = 2
LoveForAll ResMedalType = 3
StartForAll ResMedalType = 4
MoonForAll ResMedalType = 5
MarryMe ResMedalType = 6
RoomRocket ResMedalType = 7
Actity ResMedalType = 8
FruitKing ResMedalType = 9
BoxKing ResMedalType = 10
Helicopter ResMedalType = 11
Roadster ResMedalType = 12
Watermelon ResMedalType = 13
Kiss ResMedalType = 14
Love ResMedalType = 15
Chick ResMedalType = 16
SportsCar ResMedalType = 17
Rocket ResMedalType = 18
Tower ResMedalType = 19
Eagle ResMedalType = 20
Lion ResMedalType = 21
Vacation ResMedalType = 22
RomanticNight ResMedalType = 23
SweetCouple ResMedalType = 24
Castle ResMedalType = 25
WeddingCar ResMedalType = 26
VideoChat ResMedalType = 27
type ResMedalScope = mysql.Type type ResMedalScope = mysql.Type
const (
Private ResMedalScope = 1
Public ResMedalScope = 2
type ResNameplateType = mysql.Type type ResNameplateType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateObtainType = mysql.Type type ResNameplateObtainType = mysql.Type
type ResNameplateScope = mysql.Type type ResNameplateScope = mysql.Type
type ResUserBag = mysql.Type
type ResPropertyAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
ResUserBagGift ResUserBag = 1 // 背包道具-礼物
package user_e package user_e
import "hilo-user/resource/mysql" import (
type ThirdPartyType = mysql.Type type ThirdPartyType = mysql.Type
...@@ -12,6 +14,17 @@ const ( ...@@ -12,6 +14,17 @@ const (
WeChat ThirdPartyType = 5 WeChat ThirdPartyType = 5
) )
type CountType mysql.Type
const (
CountTypeLike CountType = 1
CountTypeBlock CountType = 2
CountTypeLikeMe CountType = 3
type UserStatus mysql.Type type UserStatus mysql.Type
const ( const (
...@@ -24,8 +37,33 @@ const ( ...@@ -24,8 +37,33 @@ const (
type UserVipType = mysql.Type type UserVipType = mysql.Type
const ( const (
// //购买
UserMan = 1 UserVipTypeBuy UserVipType = 1
// //赠送
UserWomen = 2 UserVipTypeGive UserVipType = 2
) )
type UserLikeOperateType = mysql.Type
const (
LikeAdd UserLikeOperateType = 1
LikeCancel UserLikeOperateType = 2
type UserLikeSceneType = mysql.Type
const (
Match UserLikeSceneType = 1
Video UserLikeSceneType = 2
type InteractionType = mysql.Type
const (
InteractPrivateGift InteractionType = 1
InteractVideo InteractionType = 2
package _const
const (
TRACEID = "traceId"
USERID = "userId"
EXTERNAL_ID = "externalId"
CODE = "code"
NICK = "nick"
AVATAR = "avatar"
COUNTRY = "country"
EXTERNALID1 = "externalId1"
EXTERNALID2 = "externalId2"
MGRID = "mgrId"
DEVICETYPE = "deviceType"
DEVICEVERSION = "deviceVersion"
APP_VERSION = "appVersion"
ACTION_RESULt = "actionResult"
URL = "url"
METHOD = "method"
IMEI = "imei"
LANGUAGE = "language"
package user_k
import (
const (
GameAdd = "user:add:%s"
GameLock = "user:lock:%s"
func GetGameAddKey(txGroupId string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(GameAdd, txGroupId)
package group_k
const groupRoomLiving = "group_room_living"
func GetPrefixGroupRoomLiving() string {
return groupRoomLiving
package robot_k
import "fmt"
const (
RobotGroupCd = "robot:group:cd:%s"
// 机器人上群cd
func GetRobotGroupCdKey(txGroupId string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(RobotGroupCd, txGroupId)
...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ package user_k ...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ package user_k
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"hilo-user/_const/redis_key" "hilo-user/_const/redis_key"
"hilo-user/resource/mysql" "strconv"
) )
const ( const (
...@@ -28,3 +30,9 @@ func GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId mysql.Str) string { ...@@ -28,3 +30,9 @@ func GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId mysql.Str) string {
func GetCodeToUidKey(code mysql.Str) string { func GetCodeToUidKey(code mysql.Str) string {
return redis_key.ReplaceKey(UserCodeToUIdStr, code) return redis_key.ReplaceKey(UserCodeToUIdStr, code)
} }
const syncTimHiloLock = "sync_tim_hilo_{userId}"
func GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId uint64) string {
return strings.Replace(syncTimHiloLock, "{userId}", strconv.FormatUint(userId, 10), -1)
package _const
import (
const DEFAULT_LANG = "en"
const DATETIME_FORMAT = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
const DATE_FORMAT = "2006-01-02"
const DefaultAvatarMan = "hilo/manager/ea48b62d54a24a709de3c38702c89995.png"
func GetZeroTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())
// 取最近的一个星期n
func GetLastDayOfWeek(t time.Time, n time.Weekday) time.Time {
weekDay := t.Weekday()
// 校正日期
if weekDay < n {
weekDay = 7 - n + weekDay
} else {
weekDay = weekDay - n
return t.AddDate(0, 0, -(int(weekDay)))
// 补全url,区分处理oss和aws两种情况
func MakeFullUrl(url string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(url, config.GetConfigOss().OSS_CDN) || strings.HasPrefix(url, config.GetConfigAws().AWS_CDN) {
return url
} else if strings.HasPrefix(url, "nextvideo/") {
return config.GetConfigOss().OSS_CDN + url
} else if strings.HasPrefix(url, config.GetConfigAws().AWS_DIR) {
return config.GetConfigAws().AWS_CDN + url
} else {
return url
// 去除slice中的重复元素
func UniqueSliceUInt64(sliceIn []uint64) []uint64 {
sliceOut := make([]uint64, 0, len(sliceIn))
m := make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(sliceIn))
for _, i := range sliceIn {
if _, ok := m[i]; !ok {
m[i] = struct{}{}
sliceOut = append(sliceOut, i)
return sliceOut
func ToString(s interface{}) (string, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
return string(b), nil
func SliceToMapUInt64(s []uint64) map[uint64]struct{} {
m := make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(s))
for _, i := range s {
m[i] = struct{}{}
return m
func GetClientIp() (string, error) {
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, address := range addrs {
// 检查ip地址判断是否回环地址
if ipNet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && ipNet.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
//if ipNet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipNet.IP.IsLoopback() {
if ipNet.IP.To4() != nil {
return ipNet.IP.String(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("can not find the client ip address")
func CheckGoPanic() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("ACTION PANIC: %v, stack: %v", r, string(debug.Stack()))
package cp_cron
import (
// 纪念日
type CpAnniversaryNoticeMsg struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
func CpAnniversaryNotice() {
c := cron.New()
// 1小时操作一次
spec := "0 0 */1 * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
// 测服1分钟
spec = "0 * * * * ?"
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
anniversary := cp_m.GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary(model)
if len(anniversary) <= 0 {
var userIds []uint64
for _, v := range anniversary {
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId2)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetUserMapByIds fail:%v", err)
for _, v := range anniversary {
content1 := cp_m.GetTranslate(285, users[v.UserId1].Language)
content2 := cp_m.GetTranslate(285, users[v.UserId2].Language)
record1 := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, v.UserId1, msg_e.CpAnniversaryNotice, content1, 0, "", "", "", "", "")
record2 := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, v.UserId2, msg_e.CpAnniversaryNotice, content2, 0, "", "", "", "", "")
err1, err2 := record1.Persistent(), record2.Persistent()
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("NewUserRecord fail:%v-%v", err1, err2)
//if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, users[0].ExternalId, []string{users[1].ExternalId}, string(data), "cp纪念日"); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
//if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, users[1].ExternalId, []string{users[0].ExternalId}, string(data), "cp纪念日"); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded(model, v.ID); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded fail:%v", err)
package cp_cron
import (
func ClearCpExpire() {
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 0 */1 * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 * * * * ?"
// 1小时清理一次
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
if err := cp_m.ClearExpireCpPoints(model); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ClearExpireCpPoints fail:%v", err)
package cp_cron
import (
// cp邀请、解除到期结算
func CpInviteCancelInit() {
if !config.IsMaster() {
// 每2min监测一次
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 */2 * * * *"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 */1 * * * ?" // 测服每1分钟
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
defer utils.CheckGoPanic()
model := domain.CreateModelNil()
// 获取超过24小时没被处理的cp邀请
inviteList, err := cp_m.GetCpInviteByTime(model, time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1))
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit err:%v", err)
for _, v := range inviteList {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
model.Log.Infof("CpInviteCancelInit invite:%+v", v)
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新邀请记录
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpInvite(model, v.Id, cp_e.CpInviteExpired)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
// 退费
err = diamond_m.ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(model, diamond_e.CpInviteRefund, v.Id, v.UserId, v.DiamondNum)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit invite:%+v, err:%v", v, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
// 获取超过24小时没被处理的cp解除申请
cancelList, err := cp_m.GetCpCancelByTime(model, time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1))
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit err:%v", err)
for _, v := range cancelList {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
model.Log.Infof("CpInviteCancelInit cancel:%+v", v)
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新解除记录
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpCancel(model, v.Id, cp_e.CpCancelAcceptAuto)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
// 删除cp关系表的记录
err = cp_m.DelCpRelation(model, v.UserId, v.RecUserId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit Id:%d, err:%v", v.Id, err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CpInviteCancelInit cancel:%+v, err:%v", v, err)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
package cron
import (
func Init() {
user_cron.SyncGiftRecommendUsers() // 同步送礼推荐用户,多进程都需要执行
if !config.IsMaster() {
//gift_cron.SendGiftEventInit() // 礼物消息
//gift_cron.GiftRemark() // 礼物消息补偿
gift_cron.SendGiftEvent() // 送礼事件
cp_cron.ClearCpExpire() // 清理过期cp
cp_cron.CpAnniversaryNotice() // cp纪念日
cp_cron.CpInviteCancelInit() // cp邀请、解除到期结算
package gift_cron
import (
// 补偿检查mark=2
func GiftRemark() {
c := cron.New()
// 每5分钟
spec := "0 */5 * * * ?"
if !config.AppIsRelease() {
spec = "0 * * * * ?" // 测服1分钟
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
unmarks, err := event_m.FetchUnMarkEvents(model, 10)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvents fail:%v", err)
for _, unmark := range unmarks {
model.Log.Infof("FetchUnMarkEvent start:%v", unmark.ID)
// 重新入库
if err := event_m.AddUnMarkEvent(model, &event_m.EventGiftSend{
Proto: unmark.Proto,
Payload: unmark.Payload,
MarkHiloGroup: unmark.MarkHiloGroup,
MarkHiloUser: unmark.MarkHiloUser,
Mark: unmark.Mark, // 不能影响别的服务的mark状态
}); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvent add unmark fail:%v", err)
// 旧的标记已处理
unmark.Model = model
if err := unmark.MarkDone(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvent mark fail:%v", err)
model.Log.Infof("FetchUnMarkEvent success:%v", unmark.ID)
package gift_cron
import (
// 送礼事件
func SendGiftEventInit() {
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
//start := time.Now()
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil)
// 消费送礼事件
if err := event_s.NewGiftSendEventService(myCtx).Consume(); err != nil {
myCtx.Log.Errorf("eventServcie consume fail:%v", err)
} else {
//myCtx.Log.Infof("eventServcie consume success,cost:%v", time.Now().Sub(start))
package gift_cron
import (
// 送礼事件
func SendGiftEvent() {
//if !config.IsMaster() {
// return
go func() {
for true {
model := domain.CreateModelNil()
if sendGiftEvent := gift_c.BLPopQueueSendGift(model); sendGiftEvent != nil {
cpGiftEvent(model, sendGiftEvent) // cp送礼
// 送礼增加cp等级
// 送礼增加cp排行榜
func cpGiftEvent(model *domain.Model, sendGiftEvent *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent) {
// 只处理cp礼物
if !sendGiftEvent.ResGift.Cp {
for _, receiverUid := range sendGiftEvent.ReceiveUserIds {
diamonds := sendGiftEvent.GiftN * sendGiftEvent.ResGift.DiamondNum
// 有cp关系
if cpRelation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelationPair(model, sendGiftEvent.SendUserId, receiverUid); exits {
if err := cp_m.AddCpLevelPoints(model, cpRelation, diamonds, sendGiftEvent.SceneType, sendGiftEvent.SceneUid); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpLevelPoints fail:%v", err)
if err := cp_m.AddCpDayRank(model, cpRelation, diamonds); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
// 检查最新的等级
if cpLevel := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id); cpLevel.CpId >= 0 {
points := cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level]
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpLevel.CpId, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cp_e.CpAchievementLevel, points); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// 检查最高的分数
for _, queryType := range []string{"day", "week", "month"} {
var beginDate, endDate string
var cpAchievementType cp_e.CpAchievement
switch queryType {
case "day":
beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementDayRank
case "week":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementWeekRank
case "month":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementMonthRank
if data := cp_m.GetCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, cpRelation.Id); data.Score > 0 {
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpRelation.Id, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cpAchievementType, data.Score); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// 检查最新日周月榜单
return // 业务场景允许提前break(cp是唯一的)
package user_cron
import (
// 定期同步礼物推荐用户
func SyncGiftRecommendUsers() {
go recommend_m.SyncPastTop50SendGiftUsers(domain.CreateModelNil()) // 启动先同步一次
c := cron.New()
spec := "0 */5 * * * ?"
_ = c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCpBase struct {
UserInfo user_cv.UserTiny `json:"userInfo"` // 用户信息
CpUserInfo user_cv.UserTiny `json:"cpUserInfo,omitempty"` // cp用户信息
type CvCpAnniversary struct {
Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType `json:"type"` // 列表类型 0:普通 1:头像
CpInfo *CvCpBase `json:"cpInfo,omitempty"` // cp信息,type=1(头像)时候用到
Id uint64 `json:"id"` // 记录id
Content string `json:"content"` // 纪念日内容
OriginTimestamp int64 `json:"originTimestamp"` // 纪念日的时间
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` // 下次纪念日时间戳
IsRemind bool `json:"isRemind"` // 是否提醒
CanDel bool `json:"canDel"` // 能否删除
IsTop bool `json:"isTop"` // 是否置顶
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCp struct {
CpUserInfo *user_cv.CvUserBase `json:"cpUserInfo"` // cp用户信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
MyPrivilegeList []CvPrivilege `json:"myPrivilegeList"` // 等级特权
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
// cp关系
type CvCpRelation struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"`
UserId uint64 `json:"userId"`
CpUserId uint64 `json:"cpUserId"`
CpUserAvatar string `json:"cpUserAvatar,omitempty"`
// cp进场特效信息
type CvCpEntryEffect struct {
CpLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"cpLevel"`
CpUserAvatar string `json:"cpUserAvatar"`
CpEntryEffect bool `json:"cpEntryEffect"`
package cp_cv
type CheckCpRelationRes struct {
Diamond uint32 `json:"diamond"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
type CheckCpImRes struct {
package cp_cv
import (
type CvCpRank struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"` // cpId
User1 *user_cv.CvUserLittle `json:"user1"` // user1
User2 *user_cv.CvUserLittle `json:"user2,omitempty"` // user2
Score uint32 `json:"score"` // 分值
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
Ranking string `json:"ranking"` // 排名
type CvCpAchievement struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"` // cpId
User1 *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"user1"` // user1
User2 *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"user2"` // user2
CpLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cpLevel
Type cp_e.CpAchievement `json:"type"` // 成就类型 1:等级 2:空间访问人数 3:月榜最高 4:周榜最高 5:日榜最高
TypeDesc string `json:"typeDesc"` // 成就类型翻译
Score uint32 `json:"score"` // 分值
TimeUnix int64 `json:"timeUnix"` // 达成成就时间戳
type CpTops struct {
Day []CvCpRank `json:"day"`
Week []CvCpRank `json:"week"`
package cp_cv
import (
// cp信息
type CvCpInfo struct {
UserInfo *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"userInfo"` // 用户信息
CpUserInfo *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"cpUserInfo,omitempty"` // cp用户信息
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
VisitTimes int64 `json:"visitTimes"` // 空间访问量
ApplyToUnbind bool `json:"applyToUnbind"` // 是否申请撤销cp
// cp等级
type CvCpLevel struct {
Level cp_e.CpLevel `json:"level"` // 等级 0:无称号 1:恋爱CP 2:甜蜜CP 3:忠诚CP 4:炽热CP 5:荣耀CP
Points uint32 `json:"points"` // CP值
StartPoints uint32 `json:"startPoints,omitempty"` // 上个等级所需CP值
EndPoints uint32 `json:"endPoints,omitempty"` // 下个等级所需CP值
ExpireAtUnix int64 `json:"expireAtUnix,omitempty"` // 有效期,时间戳
SettlementDate string `json:"settlementDate"` // 等级过期时间
MaxLevel cp_e.CpLevel `json:"maxLevel"` // cp最大的等级
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // 称号翻译
// 资源等级
type CvResLevel struct {
Level cp_e.CpLevel `json:"level"` // 等级
Icon string `json:"icon"` // 等级icon图
StartPoints uint32 `json:"startPoints"` // 上个等级所需CP值
EndPoints uint32 `json:"endPoints,omitempty"` // 下个等级所需CP值
// 特权信息
type CvPrivilege struct {
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege `json:"type"` // 特权id 1:空间 2:横幅 3:等级勋章 4:证书 5:进场特效 6:头像头饰 7:动态资料卡 8:麦位特效
NameMsgId uint `json:"-"` // 名称-翻译id
Name string `json:"name"` // 名称
DescMsgId uint `json:"-"` // 描述-翻译id
Desc string `json:"desc"`
Icon string `json:"icon"` // 图标
CanSwitch bool `json:"canSwitch"` // 能否开关
UserSwitch bool `json:"userSwitch"` // 用户开关
LevelList []cp_e.CpLevel `json:"levelList"` // 特权->level的反向索引
// cp空间页
type CvSpace struct {
CpInfo CvCpInfo `json:"cpInfo"` // cp信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
ResLevelList []CvResLevel `json:"resLevelList"` // 资源等级列表,无称号/恋爱CP/甜蜜CP/忠诚CP/炽热CP/荣耀CP
PrivilegeList [][]CvPrivilege `json:"privilegeList"` // 等级特权
CpAnniversary []CvCpAnniversary `json:"cpAnniversary"` // 提醒的纪念日
var CvResLevelList = []CvResLevel{
{cp_e.CpLevel0, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel0], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel0], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel1]},
{cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel1], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel1], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel2]},
{cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel2], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel2], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel3]},
{cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel3], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel3], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel4]},
{cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel4], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel4], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel5]},
{cp_e.CpLevel5, cp_e.CpLevelIcon[cp_e.CpLevel5], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel5], cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevelMax]},
var (
CvPrivilege1 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace]}
CvPrivilege2 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner]}
CvPrivilege3 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal]}
CvPrivilege4 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert]}
CvPrivilege5 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect], "", "", true, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect]}
CvPrivilege6 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear]}
CvPrivilege7 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile], "", "", true, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile]}
CvPrivilege8 = CvPrivilege{cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect, cp_e.CpPrivilegeNameMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect], "", cp_e.CpPrivilegeDescMsgId[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect], "", "", false, false, CpPrivilegeLevelList[cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect]}
var CpLevelPrivilegeList = map[cp_e.CpLevel][]CvPrivilege{
cp_e.CpLevel0: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege4},
cp_e.CpLevel1: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4},
cp_e.CpLevel2: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5},
cp_e.CpLevel3: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6},
cp_e.CpLevel4: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6, CvPrivilege7},
cp_e.CpLevel5: {CvPrivilege1, CvPrivilege2, CvPrivilege3, CvPrivilege4, CvPrivilege5, CvPrivilege6, CvPrivilege7, CvPrivilege8},
var CpPrivilegeLevelList = map[cp_e.CpPrivilege][]cp_e.CpLevel{
cp_e.CpPrivilegeSpace: {cp_e.CpLevel0, cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeBanner: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeMedal: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeCert: {cp_e.CpLevel1, cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect: {cp_e.CpLevel2, cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeHeadwear: {cp_e.CpLevel3, cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeActiveProfile: {cp_e.CpLevel4, cp_e.CpLevel5},
cp_e.CpPrivilegeMicEffect: {cp_e.CpLevel5},
func CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(Level cp_e.CpLevel, lang string) []CvPrivilege {
privileges := make([]CvPrivilege, len(CpLevelPrivilegeList[Level]))
copy(privileges, CpLevelPrivilegeList[Level])
for i, v := range privileges {
privileges[i].Name = GetTranslate(v.NameMsgId, lang)
privileges[i].Desc = GetTranslate(v.DescMsgId, lang)
privileges[i].Icon = cp_e.CpPrivilegeIcon[v.Type][Level]
return privileges
var translateCache = gcache.New(1000).LRU().Build()
func GetTranslate(msgId uint, lang string) string {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", msgId, lang)
if data, err := translateCache.Get(key); err == nil {
return data.(string)
if resMul, _ := res_m.GetResMultiTextBy(mysql.Db, msgId, lang); resMul != nil {
_ = translateCache.SetWithExpire(key, resMul.Content, time.Hour)
return resMul.Content
return "default"
package headwear_cv
import (
type CvHeadwear struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
ReverseEffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"reverseEffectUrl"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
HeadwearIcon string `json:"headwearIcon"`
type CvHeadwearDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvHeadwearDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvHeadwearDiamond, error) {
headwearDiamonds := []CvHeadwearDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("SELECT d.id, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_headwear r, res_headwear_diamond d where r.id = d.res_headwear_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num asc LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&headwearDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range headwearDiamonds {
headwearDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(headwearDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return headwearDiamonds, nil
func GetHeadwearList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvHeadwear, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHwMap, err := res_m.GetResHeadwearMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result := make([]CvHeadwear, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
result = append(result, CvHeadwear{
Id: i.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if !hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
func GetCvHeadwear(userId uint64) (*CvHeadwear, error) {
userHeadwear := user_m.UserHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.UserHeadwear{}).Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").First(&userHeadwear).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resHeadwear := res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResHeadwear{}).First(&resHeadwear, userHeadwear.HeadwearId).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &CvHeadwear{
Id: userHeadwear.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHeadwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHeadwear.EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: resHeadwear.ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: userHeadwear.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
}, nil
func BatchGetCvHeadwears(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvHeadwear, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvHeadwear{}, nil
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
//asc 进行覆盖,保证了updated_time 最大的是最后的输出
if err := mysql.Db.Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).
Order("`using` ASC, updated_time ASC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHeadwearIds := make([]uint64, 0, len(rows))
for i, _ := range rows {
resHeadwearIds = append(resHeadwearIds, rows[i].HeadwearId)
resHeadwearMap := map[uint64]res_m.ResHeadwear{}
resHeadwears := []res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Where("id IN ?", resHeadwearIds).Find(&resHeadwears).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, _ := range resHeadwears {
resHeadwearMap[resHeadwears[i].ID] = resHeadwears[i]
// cp 相关
var model = domain.CreateModelNil()
cpRelations := cp_m.MGetCpRelation(model, userIds)
var m = make(map[uint64]cp_m.CpRelation)
var cpUserIds []uint64
for i, v := range cpRelations {
m[v.UserId1] = cpRelations[i]
m[v.UserId2] = cpRelations[i]
cpUserIds = append(cpUserIds, v.UserId1)
cpUserIds = append(cpUserIds, v.UserId2)
users, _ := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, cpUserIds)
var response = make(map[uint64]string)
for _, uid := range userIds {
if cpRelation, ok := m[uid]; ok {
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == uid {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
response[uid] = users[cpUserId].Avatar
result := make(map[uint64]CvHeadwear, 0)
for _, r := range rows {
headwear, flag := resHeadwearMap[r.HeadwearId]
if flag {
result[r.UserId] = CvHeadwear{
Id: headwear.ID,
PicUrl: headwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: headwear.EffectUrl,
ReverseEffectUrl: headwear.ReverseEffectUrl,
Using: r.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
HeadwearIcon: response[r.UserId],
return result, nil
package invite_cv
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type CvUserLevel struct {
UserId mysql.ID `json:"userId"` // 用户id
WealthUserGrade uint32 `json:"wealthUserGrade"` // 财富等级
CharmUserGrade uint32 `json:"charmUserGrade"` // 魅力等级
ActiveUserGrade uint32 `json:"activeUserGrade"` // 活跃等级
NobleLevel uint16 `json:"nobleLevel"` // 贵族等级
type InviteApplyRes struct {
List []*InviteApply `json:"list"`
NumList []*InviteApplyNumRes `json:"numList"`
MyCode string `json:"myCode"`
type InviteApply struct {
NewUserCode string `json:"newUserCode"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
Recharge string `json:"recharge"`
UserCode string `json:"userCode"`
CreateUnix int64 `json:"createUnix"`
Level string `json:"level"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // 状态0.未审核1.已通过2.已拒绝
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
ExternalId string `json:"externalId"`
Reason int `json:"reason"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
Country string `json:"country"`
PlatformId string `json:"platformId"`
type InviteApplyNumRes struct {
Type int `json:"type"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
Num int `json:"num"`
type AgentPeriod struct {
Week []AgentPeriodWeek `json:"week"`
type AgentPeriodWeek struct {
StartDate string `json:"startDate"`
EndDate string `json:"endDate"`
package medal_cv
import (
type CvMedal struct {
Id uint32 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
type ReturnGroupMedal struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
type PicElement struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
func GetMedalInfoMap(db *gorm.DB, medals map[uint64][]uint32) (map[uint64][]uint32, map[uint64][]CvMedal, error) {
resMedals, err := res_m.MedalGetAllMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
medalIds := make(map[uint64][]uint32)
medalMap := make(map[uint64][]CvMedal, 0)
// 只选择合法的勋章
for u, i := range medals {
medalIds[u] = make([]uint32, 0)
medalMap[u] = make([]CvMedal, 0)
for _, j := range i {
if e, ok := resMedals[j]; ok {
medalIds[u] = append(medalIds[u], j)
medalMap[u] = append(medalMap[u], CvMedal{
Id: j,
PicUrl: e.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: e.SvgaUrl,
// 按照勋章排序
sort.Slice(medalIds[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalIds[u][i]].Sort < resMedals[medalIds[u][j]].Sort
sort.Slice(medalMap[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalMap[u][i].Id].Sort < resMedals[medalMap[u][j].Id].Sort
return medalIds, medalMap, nil
package noble_cv
import (
type NobleConfig struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 贵族等级
PurchasePrice uint32 `json:"purchasePrice"` // 购买价格
RenewalPrice uint32 `json:"renewalPrice"` // 续费价格
Duration uint16 `json:"duration"` // 有效期(天)
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"` // 大图url
DailyGold uint `json:"dailyGold"` // 每日登录领取的金币
RideId uint64 `json:"rideId"` // 赠送的勋章ID
HeaddressId uint64 `json:"headdressId"` // 赠送的头饰ID
Privileges []int `json:"privileges"` // 权益列表
type NobleInfo struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 等级
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"` // 截止时间
RemainTime int64 `json:"remainTime"` // 还有多久(秒)过期,可以是负数
Price uint32 `json:"price"` // 购买或续费价格
type CvNoble struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
func GetCvNoble(userId uint64) (CvNoble, error) {
userNoble := noble_m.UserNoble{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where(&noble_m.UserNoble{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level desc").First(&userNoble).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, nil
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
}, nil
func GetCvNobles(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvNoble, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvNoble{}, nil
var userNobles []noble_m.UserNoble
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where("user_id in (?)", userIds).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level asc").Find(&userNobles).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
userNobleMap := map[uint64]noble_m.UserNoble{}
for i, _ := range userNobles {
userNobleMap[userNobles[i].UserId] = userNobles[i]
result := map[uint64]CvNoble{}
for _, r := range userIds {
userNoble, flag := userNobleMap[r]
if flag {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
} else {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
return result, nil
package property_cv
import (
type CvProperty struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
SenderAvatar string `json:"senderAvatar"`
ReceiverAvatar string `json:"receiverAvatar"`
type CvPropertyDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvPropertyDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvPropertyDiamond, error) {
propertyDiamonds := []CvPropertyDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("select d.id, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_property r, res_property_diamond d where r.id = d.res_property_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num ASC LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&propertyDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range propertyDiamonds {
propertyDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(propertyDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return propertyDiamonds, nil
func GetPropertyById(resPropertyId mysql.ID) (CvProperty, error) {
resProperty := res_m.ResProperty{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResProperty{}).First(&resProperty, resPropertyId).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[resProperty.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
return CvProperty{
Id: resProperty.ID,
PicUrl: resProperty.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resProperty.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
}, nil
func GetPropertyAll(db *gorm.DB, area int) (map[uint64]CvProperty, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{Area: area}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]CvProperty{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = CvProperty{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
func GetPropertyList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvProperty, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserProperty, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserProperty{
UserId: userId,
}).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := make([]CvProperty, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[i.PropertyId]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result = append(result, CvProperty{
Id: i.PropertyId,
PicUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].EffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if !hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
type PropertyExt struct {
Id uint64
PicUrl mysql.Str
EffectUrl mysql.Str
Using bool
TimeLeft int64 // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
SenderAvatar string
ReceiverAvatar string
func GetExtendedProperty(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]PropertyExt, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]PropertyExt{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = PropertyExt{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
package user_cv
import (
type UserBag struct {
BagId mysql.ID `json:"bagId"` // 背包id
ResType mysql.Type `json:"resType"` // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID `json:"resId"` // 道具资源id
GiftId mysql.ID `json:"giftId"` // 道具的礼物id
Name string `json:"name"` // 资源名称
DiamondNum mysql.Num `json:"diamondNum"` // 钻石数量
IconUrl string `json:"iconUrl"` // icon url
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"` // svga url
Count mysql.Num `json:"count"` // 拥有数量
RemainDays int `json:"remainDays"` // 有效天数
TextStyleList []*TextStyle `json:"textStyleList"` // 文本样式
HasGiftText bool `json:"hasGiftText"` // 是否有礼物文字
type TextStyle struct {
TextColor string `json:"textColor"` //文本颜色
TextSize float32 `json:"textSize"` //文本字体大小
IsBold bool `json:"isBold"` //是否加粗
TextKey string `json:"textKey"` //替换svga 对象里面的key
package user_cv
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
type MGetUserLevelData map[mysql.ID]CvUserLevel
type CvUserLevel struct {
UserId mysql.ID `json:"userId"` // 用户id
WealthUserGrade uint32 `json:"wealthUserGrade"` // 财富等级
CharmUserGrade uint32 `json:"charmUserGrade"` // 魅力等级
ActiveUserGrade uint32 `json:"activeUserGrade"` // 活跃等级
NobleLevel uint16 `json:"nobleLevel"` // 贵族等级
package user_cv
import (
type UserTiny struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
ExternalId string `json:"externalId"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
Nick string `json:"nick"`
Sex uint8 `json:"sex"`
Code string `json:"code"`
Country string `json:"country"`
CountryIcon string `json:"countryIcon"`
IsPrettyCode bool `json:"isPrettyCode"` // 是否靓号
Birthday uint64 `json:"birthday"`
func UserToTiny(user user_m.User) *UserTiny {
return &UserTiny{
Id: user.ID,
ExternalId: user.ExternalId,
Avatar: user.Avatar,
Nick: user.Nick,
Sex: user.Sex,
Code: user.Code,
Country: user.Country,
CountryIcon: user.CountryIcon,
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
Birthday: user.Birthday,
func UserTinyToCvTiny(user *user_m.UserTiny) *UserTiny {
return &UserTiny{
Id: user.ID,
ExternalId: user.ExternalId,
Avatar: user.Avatar,
Nick: user.Nick,
Sex: user.Sex,
Code: user.Code,
Country: user.Country,
CountryIcon: user.CountryIcon,
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode,
type CvUserBase struct {
Id *mysql.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Avatar *string `json:"avatar"`
//是否默认头像 true:是 false:不是
DefaultAvatar *bool `json:"defaultAvatar"`
ExternalId *string `json:"externalId"`
Nick *string `json:"nick"`
Description *string `json:"description"`
//性别 1:男 2:女,不存在为nil
Sex *uint8 `json:"sex"`
Country *string `json:"country"`
CountryIcon *string `json:"countryIcon"`
Code *string `json:"code"`
IsPrettyCode bool `json:"isPrettyCode"` // 是否靓号
IsNew bool `json:"isNew"` // 是否新用户
IsLogout bool `json:"isLogout"` // 是否注销
Birthday *uint64 `json:"birthday"`
//是否展示年龄, 是本人才有数据,看其他用户均为nil
IsShowAge *uint8 `json:"isShowAge"`
//是否工会成员, 只有是自己查自己,这个才有值,其它全为nil, 20220329 数据开放:原因:产品1对1视频聊天中,公会用户视频需要送礼物。改为: 全部人可以知道是否是公会用户。
IsTradeUnion *bool `json:"isTradeUnion"`
//是否代理管理员, 只有自己查自己的时候才有值,其他情况为nil
IsAgentMgr *bool `json:"isAgentMgr"`
//工会成员,是否开启了,匹配通知,只有 isTradeUnion值为true,这里才有值,
IsTradeUnionMatchNotification *bool `json:"isTradeUnionMatchNotification"`
IsVip bool `json:"isVip"`
IsOfficialStaff bool `json:"isOfficialStaff"`
VipExpireTime *int64 `json:"vipExpireTime"`
Svip rpc.CvSvip `json:"svip"` // svip结构,等级+权限
Medals []uint32 `json:"medals"` // 勋章列表
MedalInfo []medal_cv.CvMedal `json:"medalInfo"` // 勋章列表
Headwear *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear `json:"headwear"` // 当前使用的头饰
Ride property_cv.CvProperty `json:"ride"` // 当前使用的座驾
Noble noble_cv.CvNoble `json:"noble"` // 当前的
GroupRole common.GroupRoleType `json:"groupRole"` // 在群组的角色
type CvUserLittle struct {
Id *mysql.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Avatar *string `json:"avatar"`
ExternalId *string `json:"externalId"`
Nick *string `json:"nick"`
func GetUserBases(userIds []mysql.ID, myUserId mysql.ID) ([]*CvUserBase, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return []*CvUserBase{}, nil
var users []user_m.User
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
vips, err := user_m.BatchGetVips(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
svips, err := rpc.MGetUserSvip(domain.CreateModelNil(), userIds)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("MGetUserSvip fail:%v", err)
//return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
headwearMap, err := headwear_cv.BatchGetCvHeadwears(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logger := mylogrus.MyLog.WithField("func", "GetUserBases")
medals, err := user_m.BatchGetUserMedalMerge(logger, mysql.Db, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
medals, medalInfo, err := getMedalInfoMap(mysql.Db, medals)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
up := user_m.UserProperty{}
rides, err := up.BatchGet(mysql.Db, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
//properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
propertiesArea := make(map[int]map[uint64]property_cv.CvProperty)
for _, v := range []int{1, 2} {
properties, err := GetPropertyAll(mysql.Db, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertiesArea[v] = properties
areaMap, err := user_m.GetUserAreaMap(domain.CreateModelNil(), userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nobles, err := noble_m.BatchGetActiveNoble(domain.CreateModelNil(), userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
superManagerMap, err := user_m.GetSuperManagerMap(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cvUserBases := []*CvUserBase{}
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
user := users[i]
properties := propertiesArea[areaMap[user.ID]]
invisible := IfLogout(user.LogoutTime)
invisibleAvatar := ""
invisibleNick := user.Code
//for _, p := range svips[user.ID].Privileges {
// if p.Type == 17 && p.UserSwitch { // 神秘人特权
// invisible = true
// invisibleAvatar, invisibleNick = rpc.ReplaceSvipAvatarNick(invisibleAvatar, invisibleNick, svips[user.ID].Privileges)
// }
cvUserBase := &CvUserBase{
Id: &user.ID,
Avatar: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(invisible, invisibleAvatar, user.Avatar)),
DefaultAvatar: &user.DefaultAvatar,
ExternalId: StrToString(&user.ExternalId),
Nick: StrNil(IfLogoutNick(invisible, invisibleNick, user.Nick)),
Description: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(invisible, "", user.Description)),
Sex: TypeToUint8(&user.Sex),
Country: StrNil(user.Country),
CountryIcon: StrNil(user.CountryIcon),
Code: StrToString(&user.Code),
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsNew: user.IsNew(),
IsVip: vips[user.ID] != nil,
IsOfficialStaff: superManagerMap[user.ID],
Medals: IfLogoutMedals(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), []uint32{}, medals[user.ID]),
MedalInfo: IfLogoutMedalInfo(invisible, []medal_cv.CvMedal{}, medalInfo[user.ID]),
Ride: IfLogoutRide(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), property_cv.CvProperty{}, property_cv.CvProperty{
Id: rides[user.ID],
PicUrl: properties[rides[user.ID]].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: properties[rides[user.ID]].EffectUrl,
Using: true,
SenderAvatar: properties[rides[user.ID]].SenderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: properties[rides[user.ID]].ReceiverAvatar,
Noble: noble_cv.CvNoble{
Level: nobles[user.ID].Level,
EndTime: nobles[user.ID].EndTime.Unix(),
if cvUserBase.Noble.Level <= 0 {
cvUserBase.Noble.EndTime = 0
if headwear, flag := headwearMap[user.ID]; flag {
cvUserBase.Headwear = IfLogoutHeadwear(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), nil, &headwear)
if user.ID == myUserId {
cvUserBase.VipExpireTime = vips[user.ID]
cvUserBase.IsShowAge = TypeToUint8(&user.IsShowAge)
cvUserBase.Birthday = BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday)
} else if user.IsShowAge == mysql.OPEN {
cvUserBase.Birthday = BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday)
cvUserBase.Svip = svips[user.ID]
cvUserBases = append(cvUserBases, cvUserBase)
return cvUserBases, nil
// 获取cp另一半基本信息
func GetUserBaseForCpMap(userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]*CvUserBase, error) {
var res = make(map[mysql.ID]*CvUserBase)
users, err := GetUserBasesForCp(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, v := range users {
if v.Id != nil {
res[*v.Id] = users[i]
return res, nil
// 批量获取cp另一半基本信息
func GetUserBasesForCp(userIds []mysql.ID) ([]*CvUserBase, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return []*CvUserBase{}, nil
var users []user_m.User
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
vips, err := user_m.BatchGetVips(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
svips, err := rpc.MGetUserSvip(domain.CreateModelNil(), userIds)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("MGetUserSvip fail:%v", err)
headwearMap, err := headwear_cv.BatchGetCvHeadwears(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nobles, err := noble_m.BatchGetActiveNoble(domain.CreateModelNil(), userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var cvUserBases []*CvUserBase
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
user := users[i]
invisible := IfLogout(user.LogoutTime)
invisibleAvatar := ""
invisibleNick := user.Code
cvUserBase := &CvUserBase{
Id: &user.ID,
Avatar: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(invisible, invisibleAvatar, user.Avatar)),
DefaultAvatar: &user.DefaultAvatar,
ExternalId: StrToString(&user.ExternalId),
Nick: StrNil(IfLogoutNick(invisible, invisibleNick, user.Nick)),
Description: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(invisible, "", user.Description)),
Sex: TypeToUint8(&user.Sex),
Country: StrNil(user.Country),
CountryIcon: StrNil(user.CountryIcon),
Code: StrToString(&user.Code),
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsNew: user.IsNew(),
IsVip: vips[user.ID] != nil,
Noble: noble_cv.CvNoble{
Level: nobles[user.ID].Level,
EndTime: nobles[user.ID].EndTime.Unix(),
if cvUserBase.Noble.Level <= 0 {
cvUserBase.Noble.EndTime = 0
if headwear, flag := headwearMap[user.ID]; flag {
cvUserBase.Headwear = IfLogoutHeadwear(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), nil, &headwear)
cvUserBase.Svip = svips[user.ID]
cvUserBases = append(cvUserBases, cvUserBase)
return cvUserBases, nil
func getMedalInfoMap(db *gorm.DB, medals map[uint64][]uint32) (map[uint64][]uint32, map[uint64][]medal_cv.CvMedal, error) {
resMedals, err := res_m.MedalGetAllMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
medalIds := make(map[uint64][]uint32)
medalMap := make(map[uint64][]medal_cv.CvMedal, 0)
// 只选择合法的勋章
for u, i := range medals {
medalIds[u] = make([]uint32, 0)
medalMap[u] = make([]medal_cv.CvMedal, 0)
for _, j := range i {
if e, ok := resMedals[j]; ok {
medalIds[u] = append(medalIds[u], j)
medalMap[u] = append(medalMap[u], medal_cv.CvMedal{
Id: j,
PicUrl: e.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: e.SvgaUrl,
return medalIds, medalMap, nil
func GetPropertyAll(db *gorm.DB, area int) (map[uint64]property_cv.CvProperty, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertyAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{Area: area}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
var userIds []uint64
for _, value := range propertyAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]property_cv.CvProperty{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertyAvatar, flag := propertyAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertyAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertyAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertyAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertyAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = property_cv.CvProperty{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
func GetUserBaseMap(userIds []mysql.ID, myUserId mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]*CvUserBase, error) {
userBases, err := GetUserBases(userIds, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mapIdUser := map[mysql.ID]*CvUserBase{}
for i := 0; i < len(userBases); i++ {
mapIdUser[*userBases[i].Id] = userBases[i]
return mapIdUser, nil
type CvUserTiny struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
ExternalId string `json:"externalId"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
Nick string `json:"nick"`
Sex uint8 `json:"sex"`
Code string `json:"code"`
Country string `json:"country"`
CountryIcon string `json:"countryIcon"`
IsPrettyCode bool `json:"isPrettyCode"` // 是否靓号
IsLogout bool `json:"isLogout"` //是否注销 true:已经注销, false:没有注销
Birthday *uint64 `json:"birthday"`
type CvUserDetail struct {
ILikeCount *uint32 `json:"iLikeCount"`
//统计:多少人喜欢你, (本才才有数据,不是本人,数据为nil)
LikeCount *uint32 `json:"likeCount"`
VisitCount *uint32 `json:"visitCount"`
//消息提醒, 1:开启,2:关闭
IsPush *uint8 `json:"isPush"`
DiamondNum *uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
PinkDiamondNum *uint32 `json:"pinkDiamondNum"`
//是否喜欢(本人没有数据,//20210205 已废弃nil,产品说:可以自己喜欢自己)
IsLike *bool `json:"isLike"`
//ID *mysql.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
//是否工会成员, 只有是自己查自己,这个才有值,其它全为nil
//IsTradeUnion *bool `json:"isTradeUnion"`
//工会成员,是否开启了,匹配通知,只有 isTradeUnion值为true,这里才有值,
//IsTradeUnionMatchNotification *bool `json:"isTradeUnionMatchNotification"`
//IsVideoFreeCan *bool `json:"isVideoCanFree"`
//别人是否喜欢我,自己本人没有数据 (20210205 已废弃nil,产品说:可以自己喜欢自己)
IsLikeMe *bool `json:"isLikeMe"`
HeartValue uint32 `json:"heartValue"` // 与我之间永恒之心的值
HeartValueMax uint32 `json:"heartValueMax"` // 与我之间永恒之心的最大值(0代表没有永恒之心,即没有相互关注)
MeetDays uint `json:"meetDays"` // 成长关系建立的时间(天数)
WealthUserGrade uint32 `json:"wealthUserGrade"` //财富等级
CharmUserGrade uint32 `json:"charmUserGrade"` //魅力等级
ActivityUserGrade uint32 `json:"activityUserGrade"` //活跃等级
CurrentRoom string `json:"currentRoom"` // 当前用户所在房间(产品叫“群组”)
MyGroupPower uint64 `json:"myGroupPower"` // 当前用户所在势力
MyGroupPowerName string `json:"myGroupPowerName"` // 当前用户所在势力绑定群组的名称
GroupPower rpc.CvGroupPowerInfo `json:"groupPower"` // 家族
GroupId string `json:"groupId"` // 当前用户拥有的群组id(产品叫“群组”),如果没有则为空,拥有多个,返回第一个
PhoneInfo *user_m.UserPhoneInfo `json:"phoneInfo"` // 用户绑定的手机信息
ThirdList []int8 `json:"thirdList"` // 用户绑定的第三方平台列表;类型 1:phone, 2:google, 3:facebook 4:apple 5:wechat" Enums(1,2,3,4,5)
CountryManager *CVCountryManager `json:"countryManager,omitempty"` // 国家管理员
Cp *CvCp `json:"cp,omitempty"` // cp信息
type CvUserDetailRoom struct { //不会有返回值
Id *mysql.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Avatar *string `json:"avatar"`
//是否默认头像 true:是 false:不是
DefaultAvatar *bool `json:"defaultAvatar"`
ExternalId *string `json:"externalId"`
Nick *string `json:"nick"`
//性别 1:男 2:女,不存在为nil
Sex *uint8 `json:"sex"`
Country *string `json:"country"`
CountryIcon *string `json:"countryIcon"`
Code *string `json:"code"`
IsPrettyCode bool `json:"isPrettyCode"` // 是否靓号
Birthday *uint64 `json:"birthday"`
//是否展示年龄, 是本人才有数据,看其他用户均为nil
IsShowAge *uint8 `json:"isShowAge"`
IsVip bool `json:"isVip"`
Svip rpc.CvSvip `json:"svip"` // svip结构,等级+权限
Medals []uint32 `json:"medals"` // 勋章列表
Noble noble_cv.CvNoble `json:"noble"` // 当前的
CountryManager *CVCountryManager `json:"countryManager,omitempty"` // 国家管理员
Headwear *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear `json:"headwear"` // 当前使用的头饰
WealthUserGrade uint32 `json:"wealthUserGrade"` //财富等级
CharmUserGrade uint32 `json:"charmUserGrade"` //魅力等级
ActivityUserGrade uint32 `json:"activityUserGrade"` //活跃等级
GroupPower rpc.CvGroupPowerInfo `json:"groupPower"` // 家族
//是否喜欢(本人没有数据,//20210205 已废弃nil,产品说:可以自己喜欢自己)
IsLike *bool `json:"isLike"`
//别人是否喜欢我,自己本人没有数据 (20210205 已废弃nil,产品说:可以自己喜欢自己)
IsLikeMe *bool `json:"isLikeMe"`
Cp *CvCpTiny `json:"cp,omitempty"` // cp信息
GroupRole common.GroupRoleType `json:"groupRole"` // 在群组的角色
// cv国家管理人员
type CVCountryManager struct {
Country string `json:"country"` // 国家name
Role country_e.CountryMgrRole `json:"role" swaggertype:"integer"` // 角色 1:国家管理员 2:国家助理
// cp信息
type CvCp struct {
CpUserInfo *CvUserBase `json:"cpUserInfo"` // cp用户信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
MyPrivilegeList []CvPrivilege `json:"myPrivilegeList"` // 等级特权
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
// cp信息
type CvCpTiny struct {
CpUserInfo *CvCpUser `json:"cpUserInfo"` // cp用户信息
CpLevel CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
MyPrivilegeList []CvPrivilege `json:"myPrivilegeList"` // 等级特权
CreatedUnix int64 `json:"createdUnix"` // cp创建时间
CpDays int `json:"cpDays"` // cp天数
type CvCpUser struct {
Id *mysql.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
Avatar *string `json:"avatar"`
ExternalId *string `json:"externalId"`
Nick *string `json:"nick"`
//性别 1:男 2:女,不存在为nil
Sex *uint8 `json:"sex"`
Code *string `json:"code"`
Headwear *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear `json:"headwear"` // 当前使用的头饰
Svip rpc.CvSvip `json:"svip"` // svip结构,等级+权限
Noble noble_cv.CvNoble `json:"noble"` // 当前的
// cp关系
type CvCpRelation struct {
CpId uint64 `json:"cpId"`
UserId uint64 `json:"userId"`
CpUserId uint64 `json:"cpUserId"`
CpUserAvatar string `json:"cpUserAvatar,omitempty"`
// cp等级
type CvCpLevel struct {
Level cp_e.CpLevel `json:"level"` // 等级 0:无称号 1:恋爱CP 2:甜蜜CP 3:忠诚CP 4:炽热CP 5:荣耀CP
Points uint32 `json:"points"` // CP值
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // 称号翻译
// 特权信息
type CvPrivilege struct {
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege `json:"type"` // 特权id 1:空间 2:横幅 3:等级勋章 4:证书 5:进场特效 6:头像头饰 7:动态资料卡 8:麦位特效
func UserBaseToUserLittle(base *CvUserBase) *CvUserLittle {
return &CvUserLittle{
Id: base.Id,
Avatar: base.Avatar,
ExternalId: base.ExternalId,
Nick: base.Nick,
func CvUserDetailToCvUserDetailRoom(info *CvUserDetail) *CvUserDetailRoom {
res := new(CvUserDetailRoom)
jData, _ := json.Marshal(info)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jData, &res)
return res
package user_cv
import (
func StrNil(msg string) *string {
if msg == "" {
return nil
return &msg
func TypeToUint8(t *mysql.Type) *uint8 {
if *t == 0 {
return nil
} else {
return (*uint8)(t)
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func NumToUint32(num *mysql.Num) *uint32 {
return (*uint32)(num)
func TimeToUint64(t *time.Time) *uint64 {
a := uint64(t.Unix())
return &a
func StrToString(str *mysql.Str) *string {
return (*string)(str)
func IndexToUint16(i *mysql.Index) *uint16 {
return (*uint16)(i)
func IdToUint64(id *mysql.ID) *uint64 {
return (*uint64)(id)
func IsInStringList(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if str == v {
return true
return false
func IfLogoutStr(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutNick(condition bool, code string, nick string) string {
if condition {
return "Hilo No." + code
return nick
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func IfLogoutMedals(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []uint32) []uint32 {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutMedalInfo(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []medal_cv.CvMedal) []medal_cv.CvMedal {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutRide(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal property_cv.CvProperty) property_cv.CvProperty {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutHeadwear(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear) *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code ...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code
SECRET=hilo1632 SECRET=hilo1632
package gift_c
import (
const EventSendGiftHiloUserQueue = "send:gift:queue:hilo_user"
// redis pop event sendGift
func BLPopQueueSendGift(model *domain.Model) *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent {
var res *gift_ev.SendGiftEvent
queue := EventSendGiftHiloUserQueue
strs, err := model.RedisCluster.BLPop(model, time.Second, queue).Result()
if err != nil {
if err != redis.Nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BLPopQueueSendGift fail:%v", err)
return nil
if len(strs) >= 2 {
content := strs[1]
res = new(gift_ev.SendGiftEvent)
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), res); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BLPopQueueSendGift json fail:%v", err)
return nil
return res
return nil
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package cache ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package cache
import ( import (
"encoding/json" "encoding/json"
"hilo-user/domain" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/domain"
"math/rand" "math/rand"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func SetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) { ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func SetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
return model.Redis.Set(model.Context, key, value, DEFAULT_TTL).Err() return model.RedisCluster.Set(model.Context, key, value, DEFAULT_TTL).Err()
} }
// 获取redis中json结构体 // 获取redis中json结构体
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func GetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) { ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func GetJSON(model *domain.Model, key string, obj interface{}) (err error) {
defer func() { defer func() {
model.Log.Infof("GetJson key:%v,value:%s,obj:%v,err:%v", key, value, obj, err) model.Log.Infof("GetJson key:%v,value:%s,obj:%v,err:%v", key, value, obj, err)
}() }()
value, err = model.Redis.Get(model.Context, key).Bytes() value, err = model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, key).Bytes()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
// may redisV2.Nil // may redisV2.Nil
return return
...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time ...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time
if time.Now().After(deadline) { if time.Now().After(deadline) {
return false return false
} }
flag, err := model.Redis.SetNX(model, key, "1", expireTimeout).Result() flag, err := model.RedisCluster.SetNX(model, key, "1", expireTimeout).Result()
if err != nil || !flag { if err != nil || !flag {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
} else { } else {
...@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time ...@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ func TryLock(model *domain.Model, key string, acquireTimeout, expireTimeout time
// 解锁 // 解锁
func UnLock(model *domain.Model, key string) { func UnLock(model *domain.Model, key string) {
model.Redis.Del(model, key) model.RedisCluster.Del(model, key)
} }
package user_c package user_c
import ( import (
redisV8 "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" redisV8 "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
"github.com/jinzhu/copier" "github.com/jinzhu/copier"
"hilo-user/_const/redis_key/user_k" "hilo-user/_const/redis_key/user_k"
"hilo-user/domain/cache" "hilo-user/domain/cache"
"hilo-user/domain/model/user_m" "hilo-user/domain/model/user_m"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
"hilo-user/resource/mysql" "time"
) )
// 获取用户简要信息 // 获取用户简要信息
...@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ func ToUserId(model *domain.Model, externalId mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) { ...@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ func ToUserId(model *domain.Model, externalId mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
if externalId == "" { if externalId == "" {
return 0, myerr.NewSysError("externalId 不能为空") return 0, myerr.NewSysError("externalId 不能为空")
} }
userId, err := model.Redis.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId)).Int64() userId, err := model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(externalId)).Int64()
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil { if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return 0, err return 0, err
} }
...@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) { ...@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
if code == "" { if code == "" {
return 0, myerr.NewSysError("code 不能为空") return 0, myerr.NewSysError("code 不能为空")
} }
userId, err := model.Redis.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(code)).Int64() userId, err := model.RedisCluster.Get(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(code)).Int64()
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil { if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return 0, err return 0, err
} }
...@@ -96,16 +99,17 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) { ...@@ -96,16 +99,17 @@ func ToUserIdByCode(model *domain.Model, code mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
// 顺手缓存code->userId // 顺手缓存code->userId
// param user: 已经在上层获取的db User结构 // param user: 已经在上层获取的db User结构
func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error { func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error {
userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny) userTiny := ToUserTinyBy(user)
if err := copier.Copy(userTiny, user); err != nil { //userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny)
return err //if err := copier.Copy(userTiny, user); err != nil {
} // return err
// cache externalId->userId // cache externalId->userId
if err := model.Redis.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(user.ExternalId), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil { if err := model.RedisCluster.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetExternalIdToUidKey(user.ExternalId), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
// cache code->userId // cache code->userId
if err := model.Redis.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(user.Code), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil { if err := model.RedisCluster.SetEX(model.Context, user_k.GetCodeToUidKey(user.Code), user.ID, cache.GetDefaultTTL()).Err(); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
if err := cache.SetJSON(model, user_k.GetUserTinyKey(user.ID), userTiny); err != nil { if err := cache.SetJSON(model, user_k.GetUserTinyKey(user.ID), userTiny); err != nil {
...@@ -113,3 +117,89 @@ func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error { ...@@ -113,3 +117,89 @@ func cacheUserTiny(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User) error {
} }
return nil return nil
} }
// 获取用户简要信息
// param userIds 用户id列表
func GetUserTinyMap(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID, isDefAvatar bool) (map[mysql.ID]*user_m.UserTiny, error) {
redisNoIds := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
res := make(map[mysql.ID]*user_m.UserTiny)
for _, id := range userIds {
userTiny := new(user_m.UserTiny)
key := user_k.GetUserTinyKey(id)
err := cache.GetJSON(model, key, userTiny)
if err != nil && err != redisV8.Nil {
return nil, err
if err == redisV8.Nil {
redisNoIds = append(redisNoIds, id)
} else if userTiny.ID > 0 {
res[id] = userTiny
// 从db中读
users, err := user_m.GetUsers(model, redisNoIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, u := range users {
userTiny := ToUserTinyBy(u)
err = cacheUserTiny(model, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[userTiny.ID] = userTiny
if isDefAvatar {
for _, v := range res {
if len(v.Avatar) <= 0 {
if v.Sex == mysql.MAN {
v.Avatar = utils.MakeFullUrl(common.DefaultAvatarMan)
} else if v.Sex == mysql.WOMAN {
v.Avatar = utils.MakeFullUrl(common.DefaultAvatarWoman)
return res, nil
func ToUserTinyBy(user *user_m.User) *user_m.UserTiny {
return &user_m.UserTiny{
ID: user.ID,
Avatar: IfLogoutStr(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), "", user.Avatar),
ExternalId: user.ExternalId,
Nick: IfLogoutNick(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), user.Code, user.Nick),
Sex: user.Sex,
Code: user.Code,
Country: user.Country,
CountryIcon: user.CountryIcon,
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsLogout: IfLogout(user.LogoutTime),
Birthday: BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday),
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func IfLogoutStr(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutNick(condition bool, code string, nick string) string {
if condition {
return "Hilo No." + code
return nick
package domain
import (
type CtxAndDb struct {
Db *gorm.DB
Redis *redis.Client
package domain
type AsyncEvent interface {
AsyncDo(model *Model, eventData interface{}, n int) error
AsyncSize() int
AsyncNoTxDo(model *Model, eventData interface{}, n int) error
AsyncNoTxSize() int
package event
import "hilo-user/domain"
// 程序内部事件
type Base struct {
SyncList []func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error
AsyncList []func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error
package cp_ev
import (
var spaceVisitListen = new(domain.EventBase)
type SpaceVisitEvent struct {
UserId mysql.ID
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1, UserId2 mysql.ID
func AddCpSpaceVisitSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventSync(spaceVisitListen, callback)
func AddCpSpaceVisitAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventAsync(spaceVisitListen, callback)
func PublishCpSpaceVisit(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
return domain.PublishEvent(spaceVisitListen, model, event)
package user_ev
import (
var userEditEvent = new(event.Base)
type GameEditEvent struct {
GameId mysql.ID `json:"userId"` // 游戏id
TxGroupId mysql.Str `json:"txGroupId"` // 群组id
func AddGameEditEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
userEditEvent.SyncList = append(userEditEvent.SyncList, callback)
func AddGameEditEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
userEditEvent.AsyncList = append(userEditEvent.AsyncList, callback)
func PublishGameEditEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
for _, callback := range userEditEvent.SyncList {
if err := callback(model, event); err != nil {
return err
// 执行异步的领域事件
if len(userEditEvent.AsyncList) > 0 {
go func() {
defer _const.CheckGoPanic()
for _, callback := range userEditEvent.AsyncList {
// 异步事件需要用新model,主要是db
var newModel = domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
if err := callback(newModel, event); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("userEditEvent aysnc fail:%v", err)
return nil
package user_ev
import (
var reportGameInfoEvent = new(event.Base)
type ReportGameInfoEvent struct {
UserId mysql.ID `json:"uid"` // 用户id,请求get_user_info 接口返回uid参数
ReportType user_e.ReportType `json:"report_type"` // 上报类型 user_start|user_settle
GameStartObject *GameStartObject `json:"user_start_object"` // user_start对应结构体
GameSettleObject *GameSettleObject `json:"user_settle_object"` // user_settle对应结构体
type GameStartObject struct {
MgId uint64 `json:"mg_id"` // 游戏id
MgIdStr string `json:"mg_id_str"` // 小游戏id数值型兼容字段(nodejs服务请使用当前字段)
RoomId string `json:"room_id"` // 接入方房间id
GameMode int32 `json:"user_mode"` // 游戏模式,设定游戏的一些功能(参与游戏的人数,出手时间,特定的玩法)
GameRoundId string `json:"user_round_id"` // 本局游戏的id (重复上报,使用该字段去重)
BattleStartAt int32 `json:"battle_start_at"` // 战斗开始时间(秒)
Players []PlayerObject `json:"players"` // player_object 数组
ReportGameInfoExtras string `json:"report_user_info_extras"` // 游戏上报信息扩展参数(透传),取值范围:长度不超过1024字节,超过则截断
ReportGameInfoKey string `json:"report_user_info_key"` // 游戏上报信息扩展参数(透传),取值范围:长度不超过64字节,超过则截断。接入方服务端可以根据这个字段来查询一局游戏的数据
type PlayerObject struct {
Uid string `json:"uid"` // 接入方uid,机器人为空字符
IsAi int32 `json:"is_ai"` // 0:普通用户,1:机器人
type GameSettleObject struct {
MgId uint64 `json:"mg_id"` // 游戏id
MgIdStr string `json:"mg_id_str"` // 小游戏id数值型兼容字段(nodejs服务请使用当前字段)
RoomId string `json:"room_id"` // 接入方房间id
GameMode int32 `json:"user_mode"` // 游戏模式
GameRoundId string `json:"user_round_id"` // 本局游戏的id (重复上报,使用该字段去重)
BattleStartAt uint32 `json:"battle_start_at"` // 战斗开始时间(秒)
BattleEndAt uint32 `json:"battle_end_at"` // 战斗结束时间(秒)
BattleDuration int32 `json:"battle_duration"` // 战斗总时间(秒)
Results []PlayerResultObject `json:"results"` // player_result_object 数组
ReportGameInfoExtras string `json:"report_user_info_extras"` // 游戏上报信息扩展参数(透传),取值范围:长度不超过1024字节,超过则截断
ReportGameInfoKey string `json:"report_user_info_key"` // 游戏上报信息扩展参数(透传),取值范围:长度不超过64字节,超过则截断。接入方服务端可以根据这个字段来查询一局游戏的数据
type PlayerResultObject struct {
Uid string `json:"uid"` // 接入方uid,机器人为空字符
Rank int32 `json:"rank"` // 排名从1开始,平局排名相同
IsEscaped int32 `json:"is_escaped"` // 0:正常,1:逃跑
IsAi int32 `json:"is_ai"` // 0:普通用户,1:机器人
Role int32 `json:"role"` // 0:表示没有角色信息,玩家在游戏中的角色 游戏role 说明
Score int32 `json:"score"` // 玩家当前局得到的分数
IsWin int32 `json:"is_win"` // 结果 0:表示没有信息,1:输,2:赢,3:平局
Award int32 `json:"award"` // 奖励
Extras string `json:"extras"` // 扩展参数扩展说明
IsManaged int32 `json:"is_managed"` // 是否托管 0:未托管 1:托管
Diamond int64 `json:"diamond"` // 钻石收益,有可能负数,后期计算
LudoExtras *LudoExtras
type LudoExtras struct {
Color int `json:"color"`
Steps int `json:"steps"`
func AddReportGameInfoEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
reportGameInfoEvent.SyncList = append(reportGameInfoEvent.SyncList, callback)
func AddReportGameInfoEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
reportGameInfoEvent.AsyncList = append(reportGameInfoEvent.AsyncList, callback)
func PublishReportGameInfoEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
for _, callback := range reportGameInfoEvent.SyncList {
if err := callback(model, event); err != nil {
return err
// 执行异步的领域事件
if len(reportGameInfoEvent.AsyncList) > 0 {
go func() {
defer _const.CheckGoPanic()
for _, callback := range reportGameInfoEvent.AsyncList {
// 异步事件需要用新model,主要是db
var newModel = domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
if err := callback(newModel, event); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReportGameInfoEvent aysnc fail:%v", err)
return nil
package gift_ev
import (
var sendGiftListen = new(domain.EventBase)
// 送礼事件
type SendGiftEvent struct {
SendUserId mysql.ID
ReceiveUserIds []mysql.ID
ResGift EventResGift
GiftOperateIds []mysql.ID
GiftN mysql.Num
SceneType gift_e.GiftOperateSceneType
SceneUid mysql.Str
NoDiamondConsume bool // 不要消费钻石
TotalConsume uint64 // 房间的总消费额
type EventResGift struct {
ID mysql.ID
Name mysql.Str
IconUrl mysql.Str
SvgaUrl mysql.Str
MusicUrl mysql.Str
DiamondNum mysql.Num
BeanNum mysql.Num
ReceiveDiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num
N mysql.Num
GroupBroadcast bool
Cp bool
Together bool
Status mysql.UserYesNo
GiftType mysql.Type
func AddSendGiftEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventSync(sendGiftListen, callback)
func AddSendGiftEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventAsync(sendGiftListen, callback)
func PublishSendGiftEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
return domain.PublishEvent(sendGiftListen, model, event)
package group_ev
import (
var groupInListen = new(event.Base)
// 进房事件
type GroupInEvent struct {
GroupId string // imGroupId
UserId mysql.ID
ExternalId string
Nick string
Avatar string
IsMember bool //是否永久成员
IsVip bool
NobleLevel uint16
func AddGroupInEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
groupInListen.SyncList = append(groupInListen.SyncList, callback)
func AddGroupInEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
groupInListen.AsyncList = append(groupInListen.AsyncList, callback)
func PublishGroupInEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
// 执行同步的领域事件
for _, callback := range groupInListen.SyncList {
if err := callback(model, event); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
// 执行异步的领域事件
if len(groupInListen.AsyncList) > 0 {
go func() {
defer _const.CheckGoPanic()
for _, callback := range groupInListen.AsyncList {
// 异步事件需要用新model,主要是db
var newModel = domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
if err := callback(newModel, event); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GroupInEvent aysnc fail:%v", err)
return nil
package group_ev
import (
var groupLeaveListen = new(event.Base)
// 离房事件
type GroupLeaveEvent struct {
GroupId string
UserId mysql.ID
ExternalId string
func AddGroupLeaveEventSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
groupLeaveListen.SyncList = append(groupLeaveListen.SyncList, callback)
func AddGroupLeaveEventAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
groupLeaveListen.AsyncList = append(groupLeaveListen.AsyncList, callback)
func PublishGroupLeaveEvent(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
// 执行同步的领域事件
for _, callback := range groupLeaveListen.SyncList {
if err := callback(model, event); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
// 执行异步的领域事件
if len(groupLeaveListen.AsyncList) > 0 {
go func() {
defer _const.CheckGoPanic()
for _, callback := range groupLeaveListen.AsyncList {
// 异步事件需要用新model,主要是db
var newModel = domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
if err := callback(newModel, event); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GroupInEvent aysnc fail:%v", err)
return nil
package user_ev
import (
var userBagSendListen = new(domain.EventBase)
type UserBagSendEvent struct {
UserId mysql.ID
ResType mysql.Type // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID // 道具资源id
Count mysql.Num // 下发数量
Day int // 天数
Reason string // 原因
func AddUserBagSendSync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventSync(userBagSendListen, callback)
func AddUserBagSendAsync(callback func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error) {
domain.AddEventAsync(userBagSendListen, callback)
func PublishUserBagSend(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
return domain.PublishEvent(userBagSendListen, model, event)
package domain
import (
type Model struct {
*CtxAndDb `gorm:"-"`
func CreateModel(ctxAndDb *CtxAndDb) *Model {
return &Model{CtxAndDb: ctxAndDb}
func CreateModelContext(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *Model {
return &Model{
CtxAndDb: &CtxAndDb{
Db: mysql.Db,
MyContext: myContext,
Redis: redisCli.GetRedis(),
func CreateModelNil() *Model {
return &Model{
CtxAndDb: &CtxAndDb{
Db: mysql.Db,
MyContext: mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil),
Redis: redisCli.GetRedis(),
func (m *Model) DB() *gorm.DB {
return m.Db.WithContext(m)
// 包装事务
// 注意:需要使用新的model
func (m *Model) Transaction(f func(*Model) error) error {
// 公用context
// 新的db
txModel := CreateModelContext(m.MyContext)
txModel.Db = m.Db.Begin().WithContext(m)
err := f(txModel)
if err != nil {
return err
return txModel.Db.Commit().Error
package bag_m
import (
type UserBag struct {
UserId mysql.ID
ResType mysql.Type // 资源类型 1:礼物
ResId mysql.ID
Count mysql.Num
EndTime time.Time
type UserBagDetail struct {
UserId mysql.ID
BagId mysql.ID
ResType mysql.Type // 资源类型 1:礼物
ResId mysql.ID
Count mysql.Num
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
BefNum mysql.Num
AftNum mysql.Num
Remark mysql.Str
// 获取用户有效的背包
// param userId 用户id
// param resType 背包类型 1:礼物
// condition
// 1.获取end_time未到期的
// 2.数量大于0的
func GetUserValidUserBag(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, resType res_e.ResUserBag) ([]*UserBag, error) {
var res []*UserBag
if err := model.DB().Model(UserBag{}).
Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).
Where("count > 0").
Where("res_type = ?", resType).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Order("id").Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// 获取指定背包
func GetUserBag(model *domain.Model, bagId mysql.ID) (*UserBag, error) {
res := new(UserBag)
if err := model.DB().Model(UserBag{}).
Where("id = ?", bagId).First(res).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// 增加用户背包
// param userId 用户id
// param resType 道具类型
// param resId 道具id
// param count 增加数量
// param day 增加天数
// condition:
// 0.事务操作
// 1.背包表
// 2.明细表
// return bagId
func AddUserBag(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, resType mysql.Type, resId mysql.ID, count mysql.Num, day int, reason string) (mysql.ID, error) {
var bagId mysql.ID
err := model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 1.背包表
endTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, day)
userBag := &UserBag{
UserId: userId,
ResType: resType,
ResId: resId,
Count: count,
EndTime: endTime,
if err := model.DB().Clauses(clause.OnConflict{
Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "user_id"}, {Name: "res_type"}, {Name: "res_id"}, {Name: "end_time"}},
DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{"count"}),
}).Create(userBag).Error; err != nil {
return err
bagId = userBag.ID // 自增id
// 2.明细表
userBagDetail := &UserBagDetail{
UserId: userId,
BagId: userBag.ID,
ResType: resType,
ResId: resId,
Count: count,
AddReduce: mysql.ADD,
BefNum: 0, // 加背包的统一为0
AftNum: count, // 加背包统一为count,因为每次加几乎不可能是一样的
Remark: reason,
if err := model.DB().Create(userBagDetail).Error; err != nil {
return err
return user_ev.PublishUserBagSend(model, &user_ev.UserBagSendEvent{
UserId: userId,
ResType: resType,
ResId: resId,
Count: count,
Day: day,
Reason: reason,
return bagId, err
package common package common
import ( import (
"context" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
"encoding/json" "github.com/bluele/gcache"
"time" "time"
) )
func GetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) { // 改成lru
bData, err := GetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId)) var userMedalMergeLru = gcache.New(10000).LRU().Build()
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
res := make([]uint32, 0)
err = json.Unmarshal(bData, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
func GetCache(key string) ([]byte, error) { func GetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) {
data, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Get(context.Background(), key).Bytes() if data, err := userMedalMergeLru.Get(userId); err == nil {
if err != nil { return data.([]uint32), nil
return nil, err
return data, nil
func SetCache(key string, data interface{}, expire time.Duration) error {
jData, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
err = redisCli.GetRedis().Set(context.Background(), key, jData, expire).Err()
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetCache key:%s, data:%v, err:%s", key, data, err)
return err
} }
return nil return nil, nil
} }
func SetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID, data []uint32) error { func SetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID, data []uint32) {
err := SetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId), data, time.Hour*2) _ = userMedalMergeLru.SetWithExpire(userId, data, time.Minute*15)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetUserMedalMerge err:%s", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
} }
package country_m
import (
type CountryMgrUser struct {
Country string
UserId mysql.ID
Role country_e.CountryMgrRole
// 获取国家管理人员
func GetCountryMgr(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*CountryMgrUser, error) {
cmu := new(CountryMgrUser)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model.MyContext.Context).Where("user_id = ?", userId).First(&cmu).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return cmu, nil
// 更新国家管理人员
func (cmu *CountryMgrUser) UpdateCountryMgr(userId mysql.ID, role country_e.CountryMgrRole, country string) *CountryMgrUser {
cmu.UserId, cmu.Role, cmu.Country = userId, role, country
return cmu
// 删除国家管理人员
func (cmu *CountryMgrUser) DeleteCountryMgr() {
package cp_m
import (
type CpAchievement struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Type cp_e.CpAchievement
Score mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 更新cp成就
// 单进程操作,先create,后update
func UpdateCpAchievement(model *domain.Model, cpId, userId1, userId2 mysql.ID, Type cp_e.CpAchievement, score mysql.Num) error {
var cpAchievement CpAchievement
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Where("cp_id = ? AND `type` = ?", cpId, Type).First(&cpAchievement).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
return err
// gorm.ErrRecordNotFound
cpAchievement = CpAchievement{
CpId: cpId,
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Type: Type,
Score: score,
return model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Create(&cpAchievement).Error
// update if less than
return model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Where("cp_id = ? AND `type` = ?", cpId, Type).Where("score < ?", score).UpdateColumn("score", score).Error
// 获取cp成就
func GetCpAchievements(model *domain.Model) []CpAchievement {
var achievements []CpAchievement
subQuery := model.DB().Table("cp_achievement a").Joins("JOIN cp_relation r ON a.cp_id = r.id").Select("type,MAX(score) AS max_score").Group("type")
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAchievement{}).Joins("INNER JOIN cp_relation r ON cp_id = r.id").Where("(type, score) IN (?)", subQuery).Order("type ASC").Find(&achievements).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetAchievements fail:%v", err)
return achievements
package cp_m
import (
// CpAnniversary cp纪念日
type CpAnniversary struct {
Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Content string
Timestamp int64
IsRemind bool
LastRemindTime int64
Sort int
MsgId uint
// 初始化6个cp纪念日
// 1)我们在一起;2)XXX的生日;3)XXX的生日;4)第一次说我爱你;5)第一次亲吻;6)结婚纪念日
func InitCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, cp CpRelation, lang string) error {
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, []uint64{cp.UserId1, cp.UserId2})
if err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(259, lang), time.Now().Unix(), true, 100, 259); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1, cp, fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(260, lang), users[cp.UserId1].Nick), 0, true, 0, 260); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2, cp, fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(260, lang), users[cp.UserId2].Nick), 0, true, 0, 260); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(261, lang), 0, true, 0, 261); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, cp, GetTranslate(262, lang), 0, true, 0, 262); err != nil {
return err
if err := AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeAnniversary, cp, GetTranslate(263, lang), 0, true, 0, 263); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var translateCache = gcache.New(1000).LRU().Build()
func GetTranslate(msgId uint, lang string) string {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", msgId, lang)
if data, err := translateCache.Get(key); err == nil {
return data.(string)
if resMul, _ := res_m.GetResMultiTextBy(mysql.Db, msgId, lang); resMul != nil {
_ = translateCache.SetWithExpire(key, resMul.Content, time.Hour)
return resMul.Content
return "default"
// 添加cp纪念日
func AddCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, Type cp_e.AnniversaryItemType, cp CpRelation, content string, ts int64, isRemind bool, sort int, msgId uint) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Create(&CpAnniversary{
CpId: cp.Id,
Type: Type,
UserId1: cp.UserId1,
UserId2: cp.UserId2,
Content: content,
Timestamp: ts,
IsRemind: isRemind,
LastRemindTime: 0,
Sort: sort,
MsgId: msgId,
// 更新cp纪念日
func UpdateCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID, content string, ts int64, isRemind bool) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"content": content,
"timestamp": ts,
"is_remind": isRemind,
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(updates).Error
func DelCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ? ", id).Delete(&CpAnniversary{}).Error
// 根据用户id获取所有纪念日
func GetAllCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, lang string) []CpAnniversary {
var res []CpAnniversary
relation, exists := GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exists {
return res
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("cp_id = ?", relation.Id).Order("`sort` DESC,updated_time DESC,id ASC").Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetAllCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
var userIds = []mysql.ID{relation.UserId1, relation.UserId2}
users, _ := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
for i, v := range res {
if v.CreatedTime.Equal(v.UpdatedTime) && v.MsgId > 0 {
if v.Type == cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1 {
res[i].Content = fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang), users[relation.UserId1].Nick)
} else if v.Type == cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday2 {
res[i].Content = fmt.Sprintf(GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang), users[relation.UserId2].Nick)
} else {
res[i].Content = GetTranslate(v.MsgId, lang)
return res
// 获取所有需要提醒的纪念日
func GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model) []CpAnniversary {
var rows, res []CpAnniversary
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).
Where("`timestamp` > 0").
Where("`timestamp` < ?", time.Now().Unix()).
Where("is_remind = 1").
Where("last_remind_time < ?", time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0).Unix()). // 一年前提醒过
Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetNeedRemindCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
now := time.Now().Unix()
for i, v := range rows {
ts := CalcNextAnniversary(v.Timestamp, time.Local)
if now > ts {
res = append(res, rows[i])
return res
// 获取cp当天需要提醒的纪念日
func GetUserTodayCpAnniversary(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID, tz *time.Location) []CpAnniversary {
var rows, res []CpAnniversary
if err := model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).
Where("`timestamp` > 0").
Where("`timestamp` < ?", time.Now().Unix()).
Where("is_remind = 1").
Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).
Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetUserTodayCpAnniversary fail:%v", err)
now := time.Now().Unix()
for i, v := range rows {
ts := CalcNextAnniversary(v.Timestamp, tz)
if now > ts {
res = append(res, rows[i])
return res
func UpdateCpAnniversaryReminded(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("id = ?", id).Update("last_remind_time", time.Now().Unix()).Error
// 计算下一个纪念日
func CalcNextAnniversary(timestamp int64, tz *time.Location) int64 {
if tz == nil {
tz = time.Local
now := time.Now()
birthday := time.Unix(timestamp, 0)
// 计算今年的生日日期
thisYearBirthday := time.Date(now.Year(), birthday.Month(), birthday.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, tz)
// 如果今年的生日还未到,则生日日期为今年的生日日期;否则为明年的生日日期
var next time.Time
if thisYearBirthday.After(now) || now.Sub(thisYearBirthday).Seconds() < 86400 {
next = thisYearBirthday
} else {
next = thisYearBirthday.AddDate(1, 0, 0)
// 计算时间戳
nextTimestamp := next.Unix()
return nextTimestamp
package cp_m
import (
type CpRelation struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId1 uint64 `json:"userId1"`
UserId2 uint64 `json:"userId2"`
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"createdTime"`
type CpInvite struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"userId"`
InviteUserId uint64 `json:"inviteUserId"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Status cp_e.CpInviteStatus `json:"status"`
// 发送私信-发起邀请
type CpInviteMessage struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Tip string `json:"tip"`
Sender *user_m.UserTiny `json:"sender"`
MsgType int `json:"msgType"`
MsgId uint64 `json:"msgId"`
// 发送私信-接受邀请
type CpAcceptInviteMessage struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Tip string `json:"tip"`
Sender *user_m.UserTiny `json:"sender"`
Receiver *user_m.UserTiny `json:"receiver"`
// 发送私信-拒绝邀请
type CpDenyInviteMessage struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Sender *user_m.UserTiny `json:"sender"`
type CpCancel struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"userId"`
RecUserId uint64 `json:"recUserId"`
Status cp_e.CpCancelStatus `json:"status"`
// 发送私信(解除)
type CpCancelMessage struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Tip string `json:"tip"`
Sender *user_m.UserTiny `json:"sender"`
MsgType int `json:"msgType"`
MsgId uint64 `json:"msgId"`
// 发送私信-撤销解除、接受解除
type CpDealCancelMessage struct {
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` //1.撤销解除2.接受解除
type Cp struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId1 uint64 `json:"userId1"`
UserId2 uint64 `json:"userId2"`
DisconnectSecond int64 `json:"disconnectSecond"`
Score int32 `json:"score"`
DayScore int32 `json:"dayScore"`
PeriodDay string `json:"periodDay"`
WeekScore int32 `json:"weekScore"`
PeriodWeek string `json:"periodWeek"`
MonthScore int32 `json:"monthScore"`
PeriodMonth string `json:"periodMonth"`
Status int8 `json:"status"`
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"createdTime"`
func CreateCp(model *domain.Model, userId1, userId2 uint64) (int64, error) {
userIds := []uint64{userId1, userId2}
oldCp := make([]*Cp, 0)
// 这两个人以前是否有旧的cp关系
err := model.DB().Model(Cp{}).Where("status = 1 and user_id1 in (?) and user_id2 in (?)", userIds, userIds).Find(&oldCp).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateCp user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, err)
return 0, err
createdTime := time.Now()
if len(oldCp) > 0 {
// 旧的cp关系,有效的时间给他加回去
oldSecond := time.Duration(time.Now().Unix() - oldCp[0].CreatedTime.Unix() - oldCp[0].DisconnectSecond)
if oldSecond > 0 {
createdTime = createdTime.Add(-1 * time.Second * time.Duration(time.Now().Unix()-oldCp[0].CreatedTime.Unix()-oldCp[0].DisconnectSecond))
result, err := model.DB().Config.ConnPool.ExecContext(model, "insert into cp_relation(user_id1, user_id2, created_time) select ?,?,? where not exists (select user_id1 from cp_relation where user_id1 in (?,?) or user_id2 in (?,?));", userId1, userId2, createdTime.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT), userId1, userId2, userId1, userId2)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateCp user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, err)
return 0, err
rowAffected, _ := result.RowsAffected()
if rowAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateCp user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, bizerr.TransactionFailed)
return 0, bizerr.TransactionFailed
id, err := result.LastInsertId()
return id, err
func GetCp(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (*CpRelation, error) {
res := new(CpRelation)
err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 = ? or user_id2 = ?", userId, userId).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return res, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCp userId:%d, err:%v", userId, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpByIds(model *domain.Model, userId1, userId2 uint64) (*CpRelation, error) {
ids := []uint64{userId1, userId2}
res := new(CpRelation)
err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 in (?) and user_id2 in (?)", ids, ids).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return res, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpByIds userId1:%d, userId2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpInvite(model *domain.Model, userId, userIdInvite uint64, status cp_e.CpInviteStatus) (*CpInvite, error) {
res := new(CpInvite)
err := model.DB().Model(CpInvite{}).Where(CpInvite{UserId: userId, InviteUserId: userIdInvite, Status: status}).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpInvite user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId, userIdInvite, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpInviteById(model *domain.Model, id, userId uint64) (*CpInvite, error) {
res := new(CpInvite)
err := model.DB().Model(CpInvite{}).Where(CpInvite{Id: id}).Where("user_id = ? or invite_user_id = ?", userId, userId).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpInviteById id:%d, err:%v", id, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func CreateCpInvite(model *domain.Model, userId, userIdInvite uint64, diamondNum uint32) (uint64, error) {
cpInvite := CpInvite{UserId: userId, InviteUserId: userIdInvite, DiamondNum: diamondNum, Status: cp_e.CpInvite}
err := model.DB().Model(CpInvite{}).Create(&cpInvite).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateCpInvite user1:%d, user2:%d, diamondNum:%d, err:%v", userId, userIdInvite, diamondNum, err)
return 0, err
return cpInvite.Id, nil
// userId:发起邀请者
func UpdateStatusCpInvite(model *domain.Model, id uint64, status cp_e.CpInviteStatus) error {
result := model.DB().Exec("update cp_invite set status=? where id=? and status=? limit 1", status, id, cp_e.CpInvite)
if result.Error != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateStatusCpInvite id:%d, status:%d, err:%v", id, status, result.Error)
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateStatusCpInvite id:%d, status:%d, err:%v", id, status, bizerr.TransactionFailed)
return bizerr.TransactionFailed
return nil
func CreateCpCancel(model *domain.Model, userId, recUserId uint64) (uint64, error) {
cpCancel := CpCancel{UserId: userId, RecUserId: recUserId, Status: cp_e.CpCancel}
err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Create(&cpCancel).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateCpCancel user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId, recUserId, err)
return 0, err
return cpCancel.Id, nil
func GetCpCancel(model *domain.Model, userIds []uint64, status cp_e.CpCancelStatus) (*CpCancel, error) {
res := new(CpCancel)
err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Where("status = ? and user_id in (?) and rec_user_id in (?)", status, userIds, userIds).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpCancel users:%d, err:%v", userIds, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpCancelById(model *domain.Model, id, userId uint64) (*CpCancel, error) {
res := new(CpCancel)
err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Where("id = ? and (user_id = ? or rec_user_id = ?)", id, userId, userId).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpCancelById id:%d, err:%v", id, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpCancelWithMe(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, status cp_e.CpCancelStatus) (*CpCancel, error) {
res := new(CpCancel)
err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Where("status = ? and (user_id = ? or rec_user_id = ?)", status, userId, userId).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpCancel user1:%d, err:%v", userId, err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func UpdateStatusCpCancel(model *domain.Model, id uint64, status cp_e.CpCancelStatus) error {
result := model.DB().Exec("update cp_cancel set status=? where id=? and status=? limit 1", status, id, cp_e.CpCancel)
if result.Error != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateStatusCpCancel id:%d, status:%d, err:%v", id, status, result.Error)
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateStatusCpCancel id:%d, status:%d, err:%v", id, status, bizerr.TransactionFailed)
return bizerr.TransactionFailed
return nil
func DelCpRelation(model *domain.Model, userId1, userId2 uint64) error {
userIds := []uint64{userId1, userId2}
result := model.DB().Exec("delete from cp_relation where user_id1 in (?) and user_id2 in (?) limit 1;", userIds, userIds)
if result.Error != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("DelCpRelation user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, result.Error)
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("DelCpRelation user1:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", userId1, userId2, bizerr.TransactionFailed)
return bizerr.TransactionFailed
return nil
func GetCpInviteByTime(model *domain.Model, expTime time.Time) ([]*CpInvite, error) {
res := make([]*CpInvite, 0)
err := model.DB().Model(CpInvite{}).Where("status = ? and created_time <= ?", cp_e.CpInvite, expTime.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT)).Find(&res).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpInviteByTime err:%v", err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetCpCancelByTime(model *domain.Model, expTime time.Time) ([]*CpCancel, error) {
res := make([]*CpCancel, 0)
err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Where("status = ? and created_time <= ?", cp_e.CpCancel, expTime.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT)).Find(&res).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpCancelByTime err:%v", err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
package cp_m
import (
// cp等级
type CpLevel struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Points mysql.Num
Level cp_e.CpLevel
ExpireAt time.Time
// cp等级积分明细
type CpLevelDetail struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
Num mysql.Num
BefNum mysql.Num
AftNum mysql.Num
Remark string
// 获取cp等级
func GetCpLevel(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID) CpLevel {
var level CpLevel
if err := model.DB().Model(CpLevel{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).First(&level).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpLevel fail:%v", err)
return level
// 批量获取cp等级
func MGetCpLevel(model *domain.Model, cpIds []mysql.ID) map[mysql.ID]CpLevel {
var res = make(map[mysql.ID]CpLevel)
var level []CpLevel
if err := model.DB().Model(CpLevel{}).Where("cp_id in ?", cpIds).Find(&level).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("MGetCpLevel fail:%v", err)
for i, v := range level {
res[v.CpId] = level[i]
return res
// 添加cp等级积分增减明细
func AddCpLevelDetail(model *domain.Model, detail CpLevelDetail) error {
return model.DB().Create(&detail).Error
// 获取cpRelation
func GetCpRelation(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (cpRelation CpRelation, exits bool) {
if err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 = ? or user_id2 = ?", userId, userId).First(&cpRelation).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpRelation fail:%v", err)
} else {
exits = true
// 获取cpRelation pair
func GetCpRelationPair(model *domain.Model, userId1, userId2 mysql.ID) (cpRelation CpRelation, exits bool) {
if err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 = ? AND user_id2 = ?", userId1, userId2).First(&cpRelation).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpRelation fail:%v", err)
} else {
// gorm.ErrRecordNotFound
if err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 = ? AND user_id2 = ?", userId2, userId1).First(&cpRelation).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpRelation fail:%v", err)
} else {
exits = true
} else {
exits = true
// 获取cpRelation pair
func MGetCpRelation(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (cpRelation []CpRelation) {
if err := model.DB().Model(CpRelation{}).Where("user_id1 in ? or user_id2 in ?", userIds, userIds).Find(&cpRelation).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpRelation fail:%v", err)
// 获取是否申请解绑中
func GetApplyToUnbind(model *domain.Model, userId, cpUserId mysql.ID) bool {
var total int64
if err := model.DB().Model(CpCancel{}).Where("user_id = ? AND rec_user_id = ? AND status = 1", userId, cpUserId).Count(&total).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyToUnbind fail:%v", err)
return total > 0
// 初始化cpLevel
func InitCpLevel(model *domain.Model, cpId, userId1, userId2 mysql.ID) error {
return model.DB().Model(CpLevel{}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{DoNothing: true}).Create(&CpLevel{
CpId: cpId,
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
ExpireAt: time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0),
// 增加cp等级积分
// 此函数并发不安全,利用mysql事件串行执行保证顺序
// 送礼1钻石=1点数
// condition
// 1.记录不存在,首充加points计算level增加90天有效期
// 2.记录存在
// 2.1 在有效期内,直接加points后判断新level,升级需要更新有效期
// 2.2 不有效期内,算首充,重置points后判断新level,升级需要更新有效期
func AddCpLevelPoints(model *domain.Model, cpRelation CpRelation, points mysql.Num, sceneType gift_e.GiftOperateSceneType, sceneUid string) (err error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
model.Log.Infof("AddCpLevelPoints cost:%v,err:%v", time.Now().Sub(start), err)
var oldLevel cp_e.CpLevel
var cpLevel CpLevel
var cpLevelDetails []CpLevelDetail
if err := model.DB().Model(CpLevel{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpRelation.Id).First(&cpLevel).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.ADD,
Num: points,
BefNum: 0,
AftNum: points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("send %d gift diamonds", points),
// 1.记录不存在,首充加points计算level增加90天有效期
var level cp_e.CpLevel
for l := cp_e.CpLevelMax; l >= cp_e.CpLevel0; l-- {
if cp_e.CpLevelPoints[l] <= points {
level = l
if level > 0 {
points = points - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level] // 减去用于已用于升级的积分
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.REDUCE,
Num: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level],
BefNum: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level] + points,
AftNum: points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("Become LEVEL%d", level),
cpLevel = CpLevel{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
Points: points,
Level: level,
ExpireAt: time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, cp_e.EffectDays),
} else {
// 2.记录存在
// 2.1 在有效期内,直接加points后判断新level,升级需要更新有效期
if cpLevel.ExpireAt.After(time.Now()) {
cpLevel.Points += points
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.ADD,
Num: points,
BefNum: cpLevel.Points - points,
AftNum: cpLevel.Points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("send %d gift diamonds", points),
oldLevel = cpLevel.Level
levelPoint := cp_e.CpLevelPoints[oldLevel] // 已经用于升级的积分
for level := cp_e.CpLevelMax; level > oldLevel; level-- {
if cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level] <= cpLevel.Points+levelPoint {
cpLevel.Level = level
// 升级
if oldLevel != cpLevel.Level {
// 减去已用于升级的积分
cpLevel.Points = cpLevel.Points - (cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level] - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[oldLevel])
cpLevel.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, cp_e.EffectDays)
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.REDUCE,
Num: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level] - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[oldLevel],
BefNum: cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level] - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[oldLevel],
AftNum: cpLevel.Points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("Become LEVEL%d", cpLevel.Level),
} else {
// 2.2 不有效期内,算首充,重置points后判断新level,更新有效期30天
oldPoints := cpLevel.Points
cpLevel.Points = points
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.ADD,
Num: points,
BefNum: oldPoints,
AftNum: cpLevel.Points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("send %d gift diamonds", points),
for level := cp_e.CpLevelMax; level >= cp_e.CpLevel0; level-- {
if cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level] <= cpLevel.Points {
cpLevel.Level = level
if cpLevel.Level > 0 {
cpLevel.Points -= cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level] // 减去已用于升级的积分
// 明细
cpLevelDetails = append(cpLevelDetails, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.REDUCE,
Num: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level],
BefNum: cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level],
AftNum: cpLevel.Points,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("Become SVIP%d", cpLevel.Level),
cpLevel.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, cp_e.EffectDays)
// 顺序增加明细
for _, detail := range cpLevelDetails {
if err := AddCpLevelDetail(model, detail); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
// 赠送cp头像头饰
if oldLevel < 3 && cpLevel.Level >= 3 {
if err := headwear_tx.SendHeadwear(model, cpRelation.UserId1, cp_e.CpHeadwearId, 30); err != nil {
return err
if err := headwear_tx.SendHeadwear(model, cpRelation.UserId2, cp_e.CpHeadwearId, 30); err != nil {
return err
// 群组中送礼升级
if oldLevel != cpLevel.Level && sceneType == gift_e.GroupSceneType {
go func() {
userId1, userId2 := cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2
model := domain.CreateModelContext(model.MyContext)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, []mysql.ID{userId1, userId2})
if err != nil {
if err := rpc.SendCpUpgrade(users[userId1].Nick, users[userId2].Nick, users[userId1].Avatar, users[userId2].Avatar, uint32(cpLevel.Level), sceneUid); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SendCpUpgrade fail:%v", err)
return cpLevel.Persistence(model)
// 清理过期svip积分
// 降级保级: 积分清零,svip去到大于0的等级,有效期30天
// svip0:积分清零,有效期保持过期
func ClearExpireCpPoints(model *domain.Model) error {
var cpLevels []*CpLevel
// 过期 + (积分 or level) 大于0
if err := model.DB().Table("cp_level").Joins("INNER JOIN cp_relation r ON cp_id = r.id").Where("expire_at < ? AND (points > 0 or level > 0) ", time.Now()).Find(&cpLevels).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
for _, cpLevel := range cpLevels {
model.Log.Infof("ClearExpireCpPoints %v", *cpLevel)
var doubleCheck CpLevel
if err := model.DB().Model(CpLevel{}).Where("id = ?", cpLevel.ID).First(&doubleCheck).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("double check fail:%v", err)
if doubleCheck.ExpireAt.After(time.Now()) {
oldPoints := cpLevel.Points
cpLevel.Level, cpLevel.Points = cp_e.CpLevel0, 0 // 清零
var newLevel cp_e.CpLevel
// 0级不刷新30天有效期
for level := cp_e.CpLevelMax; level > cp_e.CpLevel0; level-- {
if cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level] <= oldPoints {
newLevel = level
// 降级/保级刷新30天有效期
if newLevel > 0 {
cpLevel.Level = newLevel
cpLevel.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, cp_e.EffectDays)
// 明细
if err := AddCpLevelDetail(model, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpLevel.CpId,
UserId1: cpLevel.UserId1,
UserId2: cpLevel.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.REDUCE,
Num: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[newLevel],
BefNum: oldPoints,
AftNum: 0,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("Become LEVEL%d", newLevel),
}); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpLevelDetail fail:%v", err)
if err := cpLevel.Persistence(model); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("cpLevel persistence fail:%v", err)
// 明细
if err := AddCpLevelDetail(model, CpLevelDetail{
CpId: cpLevel.CpId,
UserId1: cpLevel.UserId1,
UserId2: cpLevel.UserId2,
AddReduce: mysql.SET,
Num: oldPoints - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[newLevel],
BefNum: oldPoints - cp_e.CpLevelPoints[newLevel],
AftNum: 0,
Remark: fmt.Sprintf("Expired clear"),
}); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpLevelDetail fail:%v", err)
// 保级续送cp头像头饰
if newLevel >= 3 {
if err := headwear_tx.SendHeadwear(model, cpLevel.UserId1, cp_e.CpHeadwearId, 30); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SendHeadwear fail:%v", err)
if err := headwear_tx.SendHeadwear(model, cpLevel.UserId2, cp_e.CpHeadwearId, 30); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SendHeadwear fail:%v", err)
} else {
// 否则删除cp头像头饰
if err := headwear_tx.DelHeadwear(model, cpLevel.UserId1, cp_e.CpHeadwearId); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("DelHeadwear fail:%v", err)
if err := headwear_tx.DelHeadwear(model, cpLevel.UserId2, cp_e.CpHeadwearId); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("DelHeadwear fail:%v", err)
return nil
package cp_m
import (
type StatusCp = mysql.Type
const (
Connect StatusCp = 1
Disconnect StatusCp = 2
type OldCp struct {
//必须保证userId1 > userId2
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Score mysql.Num
DayScore mysql.Num
PeriodDay mysql.Str
WeekScore mysql.Num
PeriodWeek mysql.Str
MonthScore mysql.Num
PeriodMonth mysql.Str
Status StatusCp
DisconnectSecond int64
func (OldCp) TableName() string {
return "cp"
// 获取旧的绑定中的cp
func GetOldConnectCp(model *domain.Model, tmpUserId1 mysql.ID, tmpUserId2 mysql.ID) (*OldCp, error) {
userId1 := tmpUserId1
userId2 := tmpUserId2
if tmpUserId1 < tmpUserId2 {
userId1 = tmpUserId2
userId2 = tmpUserId1
cp := OldCp{}
if err := model.Db.Where(&OldCp{
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Status: Connect,
}).First(&cp).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &cp, nil
package cp_m
import (
// svip特权
type CpPrivilege struct {
UserId mysql.ID
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege
OpenClose mysql.OpenClose
// 开关用于svip特权
func OpenCLoseUserSvipPrivilege(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, Type cp_e.CpPrivilege, openClose mysql.OpenClose) error {
var pri CpPrivilege
if err := model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id = ? AND `type` = ?", userId, Type).
First(&pri).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return err
// record not found
return model.DB().Create(&CpPrivilege{
UserId: userId,
Type: Type,
OpenClose: openClose,
// update
return model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id = ? AND `type` = ?", userId, Type).
UpdateColumn("open_close", openClose).Error
// 批量获取用户svip特权开关
// map userId->type->open
func MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool, error) {
res := make(map[mysql.ID]map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool)
var privileges []CpPrivilege
if err := model.DB().Model(CpPrivilege{}).Where("user_id in ? AND open_close = ?", userIds, mysql.OPEN).Find(&privileges).Error; err != nil {
return res, err
for _, v := range privileges {
if data, ok := res[v.UserId]; ok {
data[v.Type] = true
} else {
res[v.UserId] = make(map[cp_e.CpPrivilege]bool)
res[v.UserId][v.Type] = true
return res, nil
package cp_m
import (
type CpDayRank struct {
Date string
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Score mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 增加cp排行榜-天
func AddCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, cpRelation CpRelation, score mysql.Num) (err error) {
date := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
rank := &CpDayRank{
Date: date,
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
Score: score,
if err = model.DB().Model(CpDayRank{}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "date"}, {Name: "cp_id"}},
DoUpdates: clause.Assignments(map[string]interface{}{
"score": gorm.Expr("score + ?", rank.Score)})}).Create(rank).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
// 分页获取cp排行榜
func PageCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, beginDate, endDate string, offset, limit int) []CpDayRank {
var ranks []CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Table("cp_day_rank r").Joins("INNER JOIN cp_relation c ON c.id = r.cp_id").
Where("r.date BETWEEN ? AND ?", beginDate, endDate).
Where("cp_id not in (1581, 12651, 5171, 9191, 39131, 28801, 181, 35221)").
Group("cp_id").Select("cp_id,r.user_id1,r.user_id2,SUM(r.score) score").
Order("score DESC").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&ranks).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("PageCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return ranks
// 获取指定cp排行榜
func GetCpDayRank(model *domain.Model, beginDate, endDate string, cpId mysql.ID) CpDayRank {
var rank CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Table("cp_day_rank").
Where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", beginDate, endDate).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Select("cp_id,user_id1,user_id2,SUM(score) score").
First(&rank).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
return rank
// 获取Cp历史分数
func SumCpPoints(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID) mysql.Num {
var score CpDayRank
if err := model.DB().Model(CpDayRank{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Select("SUM(score) score").Scan(&score).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SumCpPoints fail:%v", err)
return score.Score
package cp_m
import (
func (p *CpLevel) Persistence(m *domain.Model) error {
return model.Persistent(m.DB(), p)
package cp_m
import (
type CpVisitor struct {
CpId mysql.ID
UserId1 mysql.ID
UserId2 mysql.ID
Visitor mysql.ID
Times mysql.Num
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
// 添加cp空间访问量
func AddCpSpaceVisitor(model *domain.Model, cpId, userId1, userId2, visitor mysql.ID) error {
vis := &CpVisitor{
CpId: cpId,
UserId1: userId1,
UserId2: userId2,
Visitor: visitor,
Times: 1,
if err := model.DB().Model(CpVisitor{}).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "cp_id"}, {Name: "visitor"}},
DoUpdates: clause.Assignments(map[string]interface{}{
"times": gorm.Expr("times + ?", 1)})}).Create(vis).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpSpaceVisitor fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
// 获取cp空间访问人数
func CountCpSpaceVisitors(model *domain.Model, cpId mysql.ID) int64 {
var cnt int64
if err := model.DB().Model(CpVisitor{}).Where("cp_id = ?", cpId).Count(&cnt).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CountCpSpaceVisitors fail:%v", err)
return cnt
package diamond_m package diamond_m
import ( import (
"hilo-user/_const/enum/diamond_e" "fmt"
"hilo-user/domain" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/_const/enum/diamond_e"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
"strconv" "strconv"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -36,6 +38,28 @@ type DiamondAccountDetail struct { ...@@ -36,6 +38,28 @@ type DiamondAccountDetail struct {
diamondAccount *DiamondAccount `gorm:"-"` diamondAccount *DiamondAccount `gorm:"-"`
} }
func (DiamondAccountDetail) TableName() string {
month := time.Now().Format("200601")
return fmt.Sprintf("diamond_account_detail_%s", month)
// 粉钻详情
type DiamondPinkAccountDetail struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
DiamondAccountId mysql.ID
OperateId mysql.ID
OperateType diamond_e.OperateType
OriginId mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
Num mysql.Num
Remark mysql.Str
BefNum mysql.Num
AftNum mysql.Num
diamondAccount *DiamondAccount `gorm:"-"`
//账号操作配置 //账号操作配置
type DiamondOperateSet struct { type DiamondOperateSet struct {
mysql.Entity mysql.Entity
...@@ -75,7 +99,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -75,7 +99,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
if err = diamondAccount.Db.Where(&DiamondOperateSet{ if err = diamondAccount.Db.Where(&DiamondOperateSet{
Type: operateType, Type: operateType,
Status: mysql.USER, Status: mysql.USER,
DiamondType: diamond_e.DiamondYellow, DiamondType: mysql.DiamondYellow,
}).First(&diamondOperateSet).Error; err != nil { }).First(&diamondOperateSet).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
...@@ -89,12 +113,13 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -89,12 +113,13 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
var count int64 var count int64
if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == -1 { if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == -1 {
if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum != -1 { if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum != -1 {
diamondAccount.Db.Model(&DiamondAccountDetail{}).Where(&DiamondAccountDetail{ diamondAccount.DB().Table(DiamondAccountDetail{}.TableName()).Where(&DiamondAccountDetail{
UserId: diamondAccount.UserId, UserId: diamondAccount.UserId,
OperateType: operateType, OperateType: operateType,
}).Count(&count) }).Count(&count)
if count >= int64(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) { if count >= int64(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency
//return nil, myerr.NewSysError("钻石操作次数多大, userId:" + mysql.IdToStr(diamondAccount.UserId) + " diamondOperateSetId" + mysql.IdToStr(diamondOperateSet.ID))
} }
} }
} else if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == 1 { } else if diamondOperateSet.FrequencyDay == 1 {
...@@ -103,7 +128,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -103,7 +128,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
//一天的次数 //一天的次数
diamondAccount.Db.Model(&DiamondAccountDetail{}).Where(&DiamondAccountDetail{ diamondAccount.DB().Table(DiamondAccountDetail{}.TableName()).Where(&DiamondAccountDetail{
UserId: diamondAccount.UserId, UserId: diamondAccount.UserId,
OperateType: operateType, OperateType: operateType,
}).Where("created_time >= ? ", beginTime).Count(&count) }).Where("created_time >= ? ", beginTime).Count(&count)
...@@ -111,7 +136,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -111,7 +136,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency return nil, bizerr.DiamondFrequency
} }
//终极拦截,利用 //终极拦截,利用
diamondAccount.SetCheckUpdateCondition(" EXISTS (SELECT * from (SELECT COUNT(1) as n from diamond_account_detail d where d.user_id = " + strconv.FormatUint(diamondAccount.UserId, 10) + " and d.operate_type = " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(operateType), 10) + " and d.created_time >= from_unixtime(" + strconv.FormatInt(getZeroTime(time.Now()).Unix(), 10) + ")) t where t.n < " + strconv.Itoa(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) + " )") diamondAccount.SetCheckUpdateCondition(" EXISTS (SELECT * from (SELECT COUNT(1) as n from " + DiamondAccountDetail{}.TableName() + " d where d.user_id = " + strconv.FormatUint(diamondAccount.UserId, 10) + " and d.operate_type = " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(operateType), 10) + " and d.created_time >= from_unixtime(" + strconv.FormatInt(utils.GetZeroTime(time.Now()).Unix(), 10) + ")) t where t.n < " + strconv.Itoa(diamondOperateSet.FrequencyNum) + " )")
} }
//-1,代表值无效,由参数给与 //-1,代表值无效,由参数给与
...@@ -131,7 +156,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -131,7 +156,7 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
} }
afterNum = diamondAccount.DiamondNum - upateDiamondNum afterNum = diamondAccount.DiamondNum - upateDiamondNum
} else { } else {
return nil, myerr.NewSysError("AddReduce 值错误:" + mysql.TypeToString(diamondOperateSet.AddReduce)) return nil, myerr.NewSysError("AddReduce 值错误:" + mysql.TypeToString(mysql.Type(diamondOperateSet.AddReduce)))
} }
diamondAccountDetail := &DiamondAccountDetail{ diamondAccountDetail := &DiamondAccountDetail{
...@@ -150,3 +175,22 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon ...@@ -150,3 +175,22 @@ func (diamondAccount *DiamondAccount) addDiamondAccountDetail(operateType diamon
} }
return diamondAccountDetail, err return diamondAccountDetail, err
} }
// 此方法必须要在事务里面调用
func ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(model *domain.Model, operateType diamond_e.OperateType, originId mysql.ID, userId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num) error {
diamondAccount, err := GetDiamondAccountByUserId(model, userId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
diamondAccountDetail, err := diamondAccount.ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(operateType, originId, diamondNum)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
if err := diamondAccountDetail.PersistentNoInTransactional(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ChangeDiamondAccountDetail operateType:%v, originId:%v, userId:%v, diamondNum:%v, err:%v", operateType, originId, userId, diamondNum, err)
return err
return nil
package diamond_m
import (
func CheckEnoughDiamondFrozen(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num) (*DiamondAccount, error) {
diamondAccount, err := GetDiamondAccountByUserId(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if diamondAccount.DiamondNum < diamondNum {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondNoEnough
if diamondAccount.Status == diamond_e.Frozen {
return nil, bizerr.DiamondAccountFrozen
return diamondAccount, nil
package diamond_m package diamond_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"strconv" "strconv"
) )
func (diamondAccountDetail *DiamondAccountDetail) Persistent() error { func (diamondAccountDetail *DiamondAccountDetail) PersistentNoInTransactional() error {
//fixme: 这里有点奇怪, diamondAccount持久化动作在diamondAccountDetail持久化之后,RowsAffected 就一定是0
txDiamondAccount := diamondAccountDetail.Db.Model(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount) txDiamondAccount := diamondAccountDetail.Db.Model(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount)
if diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.CheckUpdateCondition() { if diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.CheckUpdateCondition() {
txDiamondAccount = txDiamondAccount.Where(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.GetUpdateCondition()) txDiamondAccount = txDiamondAccount.Where(diamondAccountDetail.diamondAccount.GetUpdateCondition())
...@@ -27,12 +26,15 @@ func (diamondAccountDetail *DiamondAccountDetail) Persistent() error { ...@@ -27,12 +26,15 @@ func (diamondAccountDetail *DiamondAccountDetail) Persistent() error {
return myerr.WrapErr(err) return myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
if txDiamondAccount.RowsAffected == 0 { if txDiamondAccount.RowsAffected == 0 {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0,AddReduce:%v", diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce) diamondAccountDetail.Log.Errorf("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0,AddReduce:%v", diamondAccountDetail.AddReduce)
return myerr.NewWaring("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0") return myerr.NewWaring("gorm condition update.RowsAffected = 0")
} }
//持久化diamondAccountDetail //持久化diamondAccountDetail
if err := model.Persistent(diamondAccountDetail.Db, diamondAccountDetail); err != nil { //if err := model.Persistent(diamondAccountDetail.Db, diamondAccountDetail); err != nil {
// return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if err := diamondAccountDetail.DB().Table(diamondAccountDetail.TableName()).Save(diamondAccountDetail).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err) return myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
//改变diamondAccount值 //改变diamondAccount值
package diamond_m
import "time"
func getZeroTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())
package event_m
import (
// 离房事件消息
type EventGroupLeave struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Proto mysql.Type
Payload []byte
Mark mysql.YesNo
// 偏移值
type EventGroupLeaveOffset struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
MarkOffset mysql.ID
// 获取当前偏移值
func GroupLeaveOffset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGroupLeaveOffset, error) {
offset := new(EventGroupLeaveOffset)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).First(offset).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("Offset fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
// gorm.ErrRecordNotFound
offset.Model = model
return offset, nil
// 批量获取进房事件
func FetchEventGroupLeave(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupLeave, *EventGroupLeaveOffset, error) {
offset, err := GroupLeaveOffset(model)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var events []*EventGroupLeave
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGroupLeave{}).
Where("id > ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchEventGroupLeave fail:%v", err)
return nil, nil, err
return events, offset, nil
// 标记已完成
func (p *EventGroupLeave) MarkDone() error {
p.Mark = mysql.YES
return p.Db.WithContext(p.Model).Model(EventGroupLeave{}).Where("id = ?", p.ID).Update("mark", p.Mark).Limit(1).Error
// 查询过去1小时-5分钟前未mark的事件
// 用来补偿
// 记得加limit
func FetchGroupLeaveUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupLeave, error) {
offset, err := GroupLeaveOffset(model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5)
lt := t.Add(-time.Hour)
var events []*EventGroupLeave
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGroupLeave{}).
Where("mark = ?", mysql.NO).
Where("id <= ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Where("created_time < ?", t).
Where("created_time > ?", lt).
Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchUnMarkEvents fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
return events, nil
// 补偿加上unmark的event
func AddGroupLeaveUnMarkEvent(model *domain.Model, event *EventGroupLeave) error {
return model.Db.WithContext(model).Create(event).Error
...@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package event_m ...@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package event_m
import "hilo-user/domain/model" import "hilo-user/domain/model"
func (p *EventGroupInOffset) Persistence() error { func (p *EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser) Persistence() error {
return model.Persistent(p.Db, p) return model.Persistent(p.Db, p)
} }
func (p *EventGroupLeaveOffset) Persistence() error { func (p *EventGiftSend) Persistence() error {
return model.Persistent(p.Db, p) return model.Persistent(p.Db, p)
} }
package event_m package event_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"time" "time"
) )
// 进房事件消息 // 送礼事件消息
type EventGroupIn struct { type EventGiftSend struct {
mysql.Entity mysql.Entity
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"` *domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Proto mysql.Type Proto mysql.Type
Payload []byte Payload []byte
Mark mysql.YesNo Mark mysql.YesNo
MarkHiloGroup mysql.YesNo
MarkHiloUser mysql.YesNo
func (EventGiftSend) TableName() string {
return "event_gift_send"
} }
// 偏移值 // 偏移值
type EventGroupInOffset struct { type EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser struct {
mysql.Entity mysql.Entity
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"` *domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
MarkOffset mysql.ID MarkOffset mysql.ID
} }
// 获取当前偏移值 // 获取当前偏移值
func Offset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGroupInOffset, error) { func Offset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser, error) {
offset := new(EventGroupInOffset) offset := new(EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).First(offset).Error; err != nil { if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).First(offset).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("Offset fail:%v", err) model.Log.Errorf("Offset fail:%v", err)
...@@ -37,41 +44,49 @@ func Offset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGroupInOffset, error) { ...@@ -37,41 +44,49 @@ func Offset(model *domain.Model) (*EventGroupInOffset, error) {
return offset, nil return offset, nil
} }
// 批量获取进房事件 // 批量获取送礼
func FetchEventGroupIn(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupIn, *EventGroupInOffset, error) { func FetchEventGiftSend(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGiftSend, *EventGiftSendOffsetHiloUser, error) {
offset, err := Offset(model) offset, err := Offset(model)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err return nil, nil, err
} }
var events []*EventGroupIn var events []*EventGiftSend
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGroupIn{}). if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).
Where("id > ?", offset.MarkOffset). Where("id > ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil { Order("id asc").Limit(limit).Find(&events).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("FetchEventGroupIn fail:%v", err) model.Log.Errorf("FetchEventGiftSend fail:%v", err)
return nil, nil, err return nil, nil, err
} }
return events, offset, nil return events, offset, nil
} }
// 标记已完成 // 标记已完成
func (p *EventGroupIn) MarkDone() error { func (p *EventGiftSend) MarkDone() error {
p.Mark = mysql.YES p.MarkHiloUser = mysql.YES
return p.Db.WithContext(p.Model).Model(EventGroupIn{}).Where("id = ?", p.ID).Update("mark", p.Mark).Limit(1).Error result := p.Db.WithContext(p.Model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).Where("id = ?", p.ID).Update("mark_hilo_user", p.MarkHiloUser).Limit(1)
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
p.Model.Log.Errorf("MarkDone row affeced 0")
return errors.New("row affect 0")
return nil
} }
// 查询过去1小时-5分钟前未mark的事件 // 查询过去1小时-5分钟前未mark的事件
// 用来补偿 // 用来补偿
// 记得加limit // 记得加limit
func FetchUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupIn, error) { func FetchUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGiftSend, error) {
offset, err := Offset(model) offset, err := Offset(model)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
t := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5) t := time.Now().Add(-time.Minute * 5)
lt := t.Add(-time.Hour) lt := t.Add(-time.Hour)
var events []*EventGroupIn var events []*EventGiftSend
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGroupIn{}). if err := model.Db.WithContext(model).Model(EventGiftSend{}).
Where("mark = ?", mysql.NO). Where("mark_hilo_user = ?", mysql.NO).
Where("id <= ?", offset.MarkOffset). Where("id <= ?", offset.MarkOffset).
Where("created_time < ?", t). Where("created_time < ?", t).
Where("created_time > ?", lt). Where("created_time > ?", lt).
...@@ -83,6 +98,6 @@ func FetchUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupIn, error) ...@@ -83,6 +98,6 @@ func FetchUnMarkEvents(model *domain.Model, limit int) ([]*EventGroupIn, error)
} }
// 补偿加上unmark的event // 补偿加上unmark的event
func AddUnMarkEvent(model *domain.Model, event *EventGroupIn) error { func AddUnMarkEvent(model *domain.Model, event *EventGiftSend) error {
return model.Db.WithContext(model).Create(event).Error return model.Db.WithContext(model).Create(event).Error
} }
package user_m
import (
type GameInfo struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
MgId string `json:"mg_id"`
GameType user_e.GameType `json:"user_type"`
Mode int32 `json:"mode"`
Piece int32 `json:"piece"`
OnOff1 uint8 `json:"on_off1"`
Diamond uint64 `json:"diamond"`
CreateId uint64 `json:"create_id"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // '0.未开始 1.游戏中 2.结束'
TxGroupId string `json:"tx_group_id"`
GameRoundId string `json:"user_round_id"`
BattleStartAt uint32 `json:"battle_start_at"`
BattleEndAt uint32 `json:"battle_end_at"`
BattleDuration uint32 `json:"battle_duration"`
AutoMatch uint8 `json:"auto_match"` // 是否开启自动匹配,0否1是
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `json:"updated_time"`
type GamePlayer struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
GameId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // '0.未开始 1.游戏中 2.游戏结束 3.逃跑 4.创建者关闭游戏',
UserCode string `json:"user_code"`
ExternalId string `json:"external_id"`
Rank uint32 `json:"rank"`
IsEscaped uint8 `json:"is_escaped"`
IsAi uint8 `json:"is_ai"`
Role int32 `json:"role"`
Score int32 `json:"score"`
IsWin uint8 `json:"is_win"`
Award uint32 `json:"award"`
Extras string `json:"extras"`
IsManaged uint8 `json:"is_managed"`
EndAt uint32 `json:"end_at"`
SeatIdx int8 `json:"seat_idx"`
Diamond int64 `json:"diamond"` // 黄钻收益,有可能负数
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `json:"updated_time"`
type GameAddParam struct {
GameId uint64 `form:"userId"`
GameType user_e.GameType `form:"userType" binding:"required"`
Mode user_e.GameMode `form:"mode" binding:"required"`
Piece int `form:"piece" binding:"required"`
OnOff1 int `form:"onOff1" binding:"required"`
Diamond uint64 `form:"diamond" binding:"required"`
AutoMatch int `form:"autoMatch" binding:"required"`
TxGroupId string `form:"groupId" binding:"required"`
GameCode string `form:"userCode"`
type GamePlayerOptLog struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
GameId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
Opt uint8 `json:"opt"`
TxGroupId string `json:"tx_group_id"`
CreateAt time.Time `json:"create_at"`
type GameSdkReport struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
GameRoundId string `json:"user_round_id"`
TxGroupId string `json:"tx_group_id"`
ReportType string `json:"report_type"`
ReportMsg string `json:"report_msg"`
ExternalId string `json:"external_id"`
SsToken string `json:"ss_token"`
CreateAt time.Time `json:"create_at"`
func GetGameInfo(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, txGroupId, roundId string, battleEndAt, status int64) (*GameInfo, error) {
res := new(GameInfo)
db := model.Db
if userId != 0 {
db = db.Where("id = ?", userId)
if txGroupId != "" {
db = db.Where("tx_group_id = ?", txGroupId)
if roundId != "" {
db = db.Where("user_round_id = ?", roundId)
if battleEndAt != -1 {
db = db.Where("battle_end_at = ?", battleEndAt)
if status != -1 {
db = db.Where("status = ?", status)
err := db.First(&res).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetGamingInfo(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (*GameInfo, error) {
res := new(GameInfo)
db := model.Db
if txGroupId != "" {
db = db.Where("tx_group_id = ?", txGroupId)
err := db.Where("status in (0,1)").First(&res).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func Add(model *domain.Model, info *GameInfo) error {
nowTime := time.Now()
info.CreatedTime = nowTime
info.UpdatedTime = nowTime
err := model.Db.Save(info).Error
if err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func Edit(model *domain.Model, id uint64, para *GameAddParam) error {
if id == 0 {
model.Log.Infof("GameDao Edit id = 0")
return nil
err := model.Db.Exec("update user_info set mode=?,piece=?,on_off1=?,diamond=?,auto_match=? where id = ? and battle_start_at = 0",
para.Mode, para.Piece, para.OnOff1, para.Diamond, para.AutoMatch, id).Error
if err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func GameCloseUpdate(model *domain.Model, info *GameInfo) error {
if info.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Infof("GameCloseUpdate Id = 0")
return bizerr.GameNotFound
result := model.Db.Exec("update user_info set status=?,battle_end_at=? where id = ? and status != 2",
user_e.GameStatusEnd, time.Now().Unix(), info.Id)
if result.Error != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameCloseUpdate info.Id:%v, err:%v", info.Id, result.Error)
return myerr.WrapErr(result.Error)
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("GameCloseUpdate info.Id:%v, err:%v", info.Id, result.Error)
return bizerr.GameCloseWrong
return nil
func GameCloseUpdatePlayer(model *domain.Model, info *GameInfo) error {
if info.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Infof("GameCloseUpdatePlayer Id = 0")
return nil
err := model.Db.Exec("update user_player set status=?,end_at=? where user_id = ?", user_e.GamerStatusEnd, time.Now().Unix(), info.Id).Error
if err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func GameStartUpdate(model *domain.Model, info *user_ev.GameStartObject) error {
//var initGameRoundId bool
userInfo := new(GameInfo)
infoKey, err := strconv.Atoi(info.ReportGameInfoKey)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v, info:%v", err, info)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
err = model.Db.Where("id = ?", infoKey).First(&userInfo).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v, info:%v", err, info)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
//if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
// model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v, info:%v", err, info)
// return myerr.WrapErr(err)
//userInfo = new(GameInfo)
//err = model.Db.Where("tx_group_id = ? and user_round_id = ''", info.RoomId).First(&userInfo).Error
//if err != nil {
// if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
// model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v, info:%v", err, info)
// return myerr.WrapErr(err)
// }
// model.Log.Infof("GameStartUpdate 找不到可以更新的记录 info:%v", info)
// return nil
//initGameRoundId = true
if userInfo.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate 记录id为0 userInfo:%v", userInfo)
return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.GameNotFound)
//if initGameRoundId {
// err = model.Db.Exec("update user_info set mode=?,user_round_id=?,battle_start_at=? where id = ? and user_round_id='' limit 1",
// info.GameMode, info.GameRoundId, info.BattleStartAt, userInfo.Id).Error
//} else {
// err = model.Db.Exec("update user_info set mode=?,user_round_id=?,battle_start_at=? where id = ? limit 1",
// info.GameMode, info.GameRoundId, info.BattleStartAt, userInfo.Id).Error
err = model.Db.Exec("update user_info set mode=?,user_round_id=?,battle_start_at=? where id = ? limit 1",
info.GameMode, info.GameRoundId, info.BattleStartAt, userInfo.Id).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
err = model.Db.Exec("update user_player set status=? where user_id = ?", user_e.GamerStatusGaming, userInfo.Id).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
// 标记游戏已经开始
func GameStartMark(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.DB().Model(GameInfo{}).Where("id = ?", userId).Update("status", user_e.GameStatusGaming).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartMark fail:userId:%v,err:%v", userId, err)
return err
return nil
// 标记游戏已经结束
func GameEndMark(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.DB().Model(GameInfo{}).Where("id = ?", userId).Update("status", user_e.GameStatusEnd).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameStartMark fail:userId:%v,err:%v", userId, err)
return err
return nil
func GameSettleUpdate(model *domain.Model, info *user_ev.GameSettleObject) error {
//if info.GameRoundId == "" {
// model.Log.Infof("GameSettleUpdate GameRoundId = 0")
// return nil
infoKey, err := strconv.Atoi(info.ReportGameInfoKey)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate err:%v, info:%v", err, info)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
userInfo := new(GameInfo)
err = model.Db.Where("id = ?", infoKey).First(&userInfo).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
result := model.Db.Exec("update user_info set status=?,battle_end_at=?,battle_duration=? where id = ? and status=1",
user_e.GameStatusEnd, info.BattleEndAt, info.BattleDuration, userInfo.Id)
if result.Error != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate 修改失败, userInfo.Id:%v", userInfo.Id)
return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.GameSettleWrong)
for _, v := range info.Results {
err = model.Db.Exec("update user_player set status=?,`rank`=?,is_escaped=?,is_ai=?,`role`=?,score=?,is_win=?,"+
"award=?,extras=?,end_at=?,diamond=?,is_managed=? where user_id = ? and external_id = ?",
user_e.GamerStatusEnd, v.Rank, v.IsEscaped, v.IsAi, v.Role, v.Score, v.IsWin, v.Award, v.Extras, info.BattleEndAt,
v.Diamond, v.IsManaged, userInfo.Id, v.Uid).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
err = model.Db.Exec("update user_player set status=?,end_at=? where user_id=? and end_at=0",
user_e.GamerStatusEnd, time.Now().Unix(), userInfo.Id).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GameSettleUpdate err:%v", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func GetGamePlayers(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) ([]*GamePlayer, error) {
res := make([]*GamePlayer, 0)
err := model.Db.Where("user_id = ?", userId).Order("created_time").Find(&res).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func DelGamePlayers(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) error {
if userId <= 0 {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
err := model.Db.Exec("delete from user_player where user_id = ?", userId).Error
if err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func GetGamePlayersMap(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, userExtIds []string) (map[string]*GamePlayer, error) {
list := make([]*GamePlayer, 0, len(userExtIds))
err := model.Db.Where("user_id = ? and external_id in (?)", userId, userExtIds).Find(&list).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
res := make(map[string]*GamePlayer, 0)
for _, v := range list {
res[v.ExternalId] = v
return res, nil
func GetGamePlayer(model *domain.Model, userId, userId uint64) (*GamePlayer, error) {
res := new(GamePlayer)
err := model.Db.Where("user_id = ? and user_id = ?", userId, userId).First(res).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func SaveGamePlayer(model *domain.Model, info *GamePlayer) error {
err := model.Db.Save(info).Error
if err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func DelGamePlayer(model *domain.Model, id uint64) error {
result := model.Db.Exec("delete from user_player where id = ? and status=0", id)
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
if result.RowsAffected <= 0 {
return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.GameExitWrong)
return nil
func UpdateGamePlayerExit(model *domain.Model, id uint64) error {
err := model.Db.Exec("update user_player set end_at=? where id = ?", time.Now().Unix(), id).Error
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func SaveGameOptLog(model *domain.Model, userId, userId uint64, opt user_e.GameOpt, txGroupId string) error {
defer common.CheckGoPanic()
err := model.Db.Save(&GamePlayerOptLog{GameId: userId, UserId: userId, Opt: uint8(opt), TxGroupId: txGroupId, CreateAt: time.Now()}).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SaveGameOptLog err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
func SaveGameSdkReport(model *domain.Model, userRoundId, roomId, reportType, reportMsg, externalId, ssToken string) error {
defer common.CheckGoPanic()
err := model.Db.Save(&GameSdkReport{TxGroupId: roomId, GameRoundId: userRoundId, ReportType: reportType,
ReportMsg: reportMsg, ExternalId: externalId, SsToken: ssToken, CreateAt: time.Now()}).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SaveGameSdkReport err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
// 获取一个正在进行游戏的房间id(房间没有密码,没有下注的游戏房间)
func GetGamingTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, userType user_e.GameType) (txGroupId string, err error) {
// 游戏类型,游戏未满人,游戏未开始
infos := make([]*GameInfo, 0)
sql := "select s1.* from (select * from user_info where user_type=? and status=0 and diamond=0 limit 50) s1 left join group_info on s1.tx_group_id=group_info.tx_group_id where group_info.password='' and group_info.tourist_mic=1"
err = model.Db.Raw(sql, userType).Find(&infos).Error
//err = model.Db.Where("status = 0 and user_type = ?", userType).Limit(10).Find(&infos).Error
if err != nil {
if len(infos) == 0 {
if len(infos) == 1 {
txGroupId = infos[0].TxGroupId
// 打乱
rand.Shuffle(len(infos), func(i, j int) {
t := infos[i]
infos[i] = infos[j]
infos[j] = t
txGroupId = infos[0].TxGroupId
// 获取用户在该房间已经加入的未结束的游戏
func GetGamingInfoByUserId(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, txGroupId string) (*GameInfo, error) {
res := new(GameInfo)
db := model.Db
err := db.Where("id in (select user_id from user_player where user_id=? and end_at=0) and tx_group_id = ? and status in (0,1)", userId, txGroupId).First(&res).Error
//err := db.Where("status in (0,1)").First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
return res, nil
package user_m
import (
type StartGamePlayer struct {
TxGroupId mysql.Str // 房间id
GameId mysql.ID // 游戏id
MgId mysql.Str // 游戏sdk id
UserId mysql.ID // 用户id
CreatedTime time.Time // 加入游戏时间
// 获取可以开始的游戏
// condition
// 1. 游戏还没开始
// 2. 游戏人数大于等于2个
// 3. 第二个加入的人距离现在已经超过15秒
func GetCanStartGames(model *domain.Model) []GameInfo {
// 1. 游戏还没开始
sql := "SELECT g.tx_group_id,p.user_id,g.mg_id,p.user_id,p.created_time FROM `user_info` g,`user_player` p where p.user_id = g.id AND g.`status` = ?;"
var startGamePlayers []StartGamePlayer
if err := model.DB().Raw(sql, user_e.GameStatusNoStart).Find(&startGamePlayers).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetCanStartGames fail,sql:%v,err:%v", sql, err)
return nil
// userId -> userPlayer
var startGamePlayersMap = make(map[mysql.ID][]StartGamePlayer)
for i, p := range startGamePlayers {
startGamePlayersMap[p.GameId] = append(startGamePlayersMap[p.GameId], startGamePlayers[i])
var res []GameInfo
for userId, players := range startGamePlayersMap {
// 2. 游戏人数大于等于2个
if len(players) < 2 {
model.Log.Infof("startGamePlayer,userId:%v,player:%+v", userId, players)
// 3. 第二个加入的人距离现在已经超过15秒
sort.Slice(players, func(i, j int) bool {
return players[i].CreatedTime.Before(players[j].CreatedTime)
// 客户端15秒,服务端延迟1秒
if time.Now().Sub(players[1].CreatedTime).Seconds() >= 16 {
res = append(res, GameInfo{
Id: userId,
MgId: players[1].MgId,
TxGroupId: players[1].TxGroupId,
return res
package user_m
import (
// 机器人
type GameRobot struct {
UserId mysql.ID // 用户id
State robot_e.RobotState // 机器人状态
OpStep robot_e.RobotOp // 当前所在步骤
GroupId string // 群组id
MicIndex int // 麦位
GameUid mysql.ID // 游戏id
MgId string // sdk游戏Id
LastUseTime time.Time // 上次使用的时间
model *domain.Model `gorm:"-"` // db、ctx
Game GameTiny `gorm:"-"` // 需要加入的游戏
User user_m.User `gorm:"-"` // 用户信息
Group *group_m.GroupInfo `gorm:"-"` // 群组信息
Token string `gorm:"-"` // jwt token
Over bool `gorm:"-"` // 是否结束
Err error `gorm:"-"` // 错误日志
// service层的GameOpt
GameOpt func(userId, userId uint64, code, ext, lang, userCode, txGroupId string, opt user_e.GameOpt, seatIdx int8, isAi bool) error `gorm:"-"`
// 机器人日志
type GameRobotLog struct {
RobotUid mysql.ID
Op robot_e.RobotOp // 机器人操作
DataId string // 房间号 or 麦位 or 游戏id
// 标记正在使用中
func (robot *GameRobot) MarkUsing(model *domain.Model) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"state": robot_e.RobotStateUsing,
"last_use_time": time.Now(),
return model.Db.Model(GameRobot{}).Where("id = ?", robot.ID).
// 标记闲置
func (robot *GameRobot) MarkIdle(model *domain.Model) {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"state": robot_e.RobotStateIdle,
"group_id": "",
"mic_index": -1,
"user_uid": 0,
"mg_id": "",
"op_step": robot_e.RobotOpNone,
if err := model.Db.Model(GameRobot{}).Where("id = ?", robot.ID).
Updates(updates).Error; err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("MarkIdle fail:%v", err)
// 机器人干活了
func (robot *GameRobot) Run() {
robot.model = domain.CreateModelNil()
robot.model.Log = robot.model.Log.WithField("GameRobotRun", robot.ID)
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("Run fail,robotId:%v,uid:%v,err:%v", robot.ID, robot.UserId, err)
// reset to idle
robot.Over = true
robot.Err = err
// 检查游戏状态
if robot.Game.Status == user_e.GameStatusNoStart { // 未开始
go robot.heartbeat() // 心跳自愈
// 进入游戏流程
switch robot.OpStep {
case robot_e.RobotOpNone:
if err = robot.GroupIn(); err != nil {
case robot_e.RobotOpGroupIn:
if err = robot.MicIn(); err != nil {
case robot_e.RobotOpMicIn:
if err = robot.GameIn(); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Infof("may in other step:%v", robot.OpStep)
} else {
robot.model.Log.Warnf("user status not normal:%v", robot.Game)
// 进程重启后的机器人自愈
// 如果走过进入游戏了,则继续走心跳逻辑
// 否则,直接走
func (robot *GameRobot) ReRun() {
robot.model = domain.CreateModelNil()
robot.model.Log = robot.model.Log.WithField("GameRobotReRun", robot.ID)
if robot.GameUid > 0 {
go robot.heartbeat()
} else {
// 进房
func (robot *GameRobot) GroupIn() error {
url := config.GetUrlConfig().BIZ_HTTP + "/v1/imGroup/in"
header := map[string]string{
"nonce": "hilo",
"token": robot.Token,
form := map[string]string{
"groupId": robot.Game.GroupId,
// http to biz
if resp, err := rpc.HttpPutForm(robot.model, url, header, form); err != nil {
return err
} else {
type GroupInResp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
res := new(GroupInResp)
if err = json.Unmarshal(resp, res); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if res.Code != 200 {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Group In Not 200:%v", res))
} else {
// 复制群组id
robot.GroupId = robot.Game.GroupId
// no error
return robot.model.Transaction(func(txModel *domain.Model) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"group_id": robot.GroupId,
"op_step": robot_e.RobotOpGroupIn,
err := txModel.Db.Model(GameRobot{}).Where("id = ?", robot.ID).
if err != nil {
return err
return txModel.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpGroupIn,
DataId: robot.GroupId,
// 上麦
func (robot *GameRobot) MicIn() error {
url := config.GetUrlConfig().BIZ_HTTP + "/v1/imGroup/mic/in"
header := map[string]string{
"nonce": "hilo",
"token": robot.Token,
form := map[string]string{
"groupUuid": robot.GroupId,
"i": "", // 空则随意上一个空位置
// http to biz
if resp, err := rpc.HttpPostForm(robot.model, url, header, form); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("Mic In fail:%v", err)
return err
} else {
type MicInResp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Data struct {
MicIndex int `json:"micIndex"`
} `json:"data"`
res := new(MicInResp)
if err = json.Unmarshal(resp, res); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Mic In json:%v", res))
return err
} else {
if res.Code != 200 || res.Data.MicIndex < 0 {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Mic In Not 200:%v,groupId:%v", res, robot.GroupId))
if res.Code == 12008 {
// 群上麦失败,群先做cd,能上麦的情况太多
_ = robot_c.CDMicInGroup(robot.model, robot.GroupId)
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Mic In Not 200:%v", res))
} else {
robot.MicIndex = res.Data.MicIndex // 赋值麦位
return robot.model.Transaction(func(txModel *domain.Model) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"mic_index": robot.MicIndex,
"op_step": robot_e.RobotOpMicIn,
err := robot.model.Db.Model(GameRobot{}).Where("id = ?", robot.ID).
if err != nil {
return err
return txModel.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpMicIn,
DataId: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", robot.GroupId, robot.MicIndex),
// 加入游戏
func (robot *GameRobot) GameIn() error {
if err := robot.GameOpt(robot.UserId, robot.Game.GameUid, robot.User.Code, robot.User.ExternalId, "en", "", robot.GroupId, user_e.GameOptJoin, -1, true); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("Game In fail,userId:%v,err:%v", robot.UserId, err)
return err
err := robot.model.Transaction(func(txModel *domain.Model) error {
updates := map[string]interface{}{
"user_uid": robot.Game.GameUid,
"mg_id": robot.Game.MgId,
"op_step": robot_e.RobotOpGameIn,
err := robot.model.Db.Model(GameRobot{}).Where("id = ?", robot.ID).
if err != nil {
return err
// 赋值游戏id
robot.GameUid = robot.Game.GameUid
return txModel.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpGameIn,
DataId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", robot.GameUid),
if err != nil {
return err
// GameIn成功之后腾讯云通知
return nil
// 机器人离开
// 下麦+离开房间+退出游戏
func (robot *GameRobot) Leave(reason string) {
// 异常情况会直接leave,保护一下model未赋值
if robot.model == nil {
robot.model = domain.CreateModelNil()
robot.model.Log.Infof("robot leave,id:%v,reason:%v", robot.ID, reason)
// 下麦
func (robot *GameRobot) MicLeave() {
// 未上麦
if robot.MicIndex < 0 {
url := config.GetUrlConfig().BIZ_HTTP + "/v1/imGroup/mic/leave"
header := map[string]string{
"nonce": "hilo",
"token": robot.Token,
form := map[string]string{
"groupUuid": robot.GroupId,
"i": fmt.Sprintf("%d", robot.MicIndex), //
// http to biz
if resp, err := rpc.HttpPostForm(robot.model, url, header, form); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("Mic Leave fail:%v", err)
} else {
type MicLeaveResp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
res := new(MicLeaveResp)
if err = json.Unmarshal(resp, res); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Mic Leave json:%v", res))
} else {
if res.Code != 200 {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Mic Leave Not 200:%v", res))
if err := robot.model.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpMicLeave,
DataId: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", robot.GroupId, robot.MicIndex),
}).Error; err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("log fail:%v", err)
// 离房
func (robot *GameRobot) GroupLeave() {
if len(robot.GroupId) <= 0 {
url := config.GetUrlConfig().BIZ_HTTP + "/v1/imGroup/leave"
header := map[string]string{
"nonce": "hilo",
"token": robot.Token,
form := map[string]string{
"groupId": robot.GroupId,
// http to biz
if resp, err := rpc.HttpPostForm(robot.model, url, header, form); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("GroupLeave fail:%v", err)
} else {
type GroupLeaveResp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
res := new(GroupLeaveResp)
if err = json.Unmarshal(resp, res); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Group Leave json :%v", res))
} else {
if res.Code != 200 {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("Group Leave Not 200:%v", res))
if err := robot.model.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpGroupLeave,
DataId: robot.GroupId,
}).Error; err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("log fail:%v", err)
// 离开游戏
func (robot *GameRobot) GameOut() {
if robot.GameUid <= 0 || len(robot.GroupId) <= 0 {
if err := robot.GameOpt(robot.UserId, robot.GameUid, robot.User.Code, robot.User.ExternalId, "en", "", robot.GroupId, user_e.GameOptExit, -1, true); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("Game Out fail,userId:%v,err:%v", robot.UserId, err)
if err := robot.model.Db.Create(&GameRobotLog{
RobotUid: robot.ID,
Op: robot_e.RobotOpGameOut,
DataId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", robot.GameUid),
}).Error; err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("log fail:%v", err)
// 腾讯云麦位通知
func (robot *GameRobot) TxGroupInPush() {
if robot.Group == nil || robot.User.ID <= 0 {
url := config.GetUrlConfig().BIZ_HTTP + "/inner/micAllRPush"
header := map[string]string{
"nonce": "hilo",
"token": robot.Token,
form := map[string]string{
"imGroupId": robot.Group.ImGroupId,
"externalId": robot.User.ExternalId,
// http to biz
if resp, err := rpc.HttpPostForm(robot.model, url, header, form); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf("GroupLeave fail:%v", err)
} else {
type Resp struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
res := new(Resp)
if err = json.Unmarshal(resp, res); err != nil {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("TxGroupInPush json :%v", res))
} else {
if res.Code != 200 {
robot.model.Log.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("TxGroupInPush Not 200:%v", res))
// 机器人心跳自愈
func (robot *GameRobot) heartbeat() {
// robot.GameUid是mysql/执行完加入游戏才有
userId := robot.GameUid
if userId <= 0 {
// 这里是未加入游戏前的userId
userId = robot.Game.GameUid
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
user, err := getGameInfo(robot.model, userId)
if robot.Over || err != nil || user_e.GameStatus(user.Status) == user_e.GameStatusEnd {
robot.Leave("robot over")
// 根据id获取游戏信息
func getGameInfo(model *domain.Model, userUid mysql.ID) (*GameInfo, error) {
user := new(GameInfo)
err := model.DB().Model(user).Where("id = ?", userUid).First(user).Error
return user, err
package user_m
import (
// 游戏结构体
type GameTiny struct {
GameUid mysql.ID
GameType user_e.GameType
GroupId string
MgId int64
Diamond int64
NeedRobots int // 需要机器人数量
Status user_e.GameStatus // 游戏进行状态,1:进行中、0:结束, 心跳实时刷新
UpdatedTime time.Time
// 获取需要机器人的游戏
func GetNeedRobotGames(model *domain.Model) ([]GameTiny, error) {
var resGames []GameTiny
// 获取准备开始的游戏
var users []GameTiny
sql := "SELECT user.id as user_uid,user.user_type,user.tx_group_id as group_id,mg_id,user.diamond,user.`status`,user.updated_time FROM user_info user,group_info g " +
"WHERE user.tx_group_id = g.tx_group_id AND user. STATUS = 0 AND user.auto_match = 1 AND user.battle_start_at = 0 AND g.`password` = '' AND g.tourist_mic = 1"
if err := model.DB().Raw(sql).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
now := time.Now()
for _, user := range users {
// 使用user.UpdatedTime(非CreatedTime)去判断8秒,兼容编辑游戏的情况
if now.Sub(user.UpdatedTime).Seconds() <= 8 {
// user players
var players []GamePlayer
if err := model.DB().Model(GamePlayer{}).
Where("user_id = ?", user.GameUid).Find(&players).Error; err == nil {
// 没有玩家,属于异常的user
if len(players) <= 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("GetNeedRobotGames no player exits,user:%v,players:%v", user, players)
// 玩家大于2个就不需要机器人
if len(players) > 1 {
// 机器人进群cd中
if robot_c.IsGroupInCd(model, user.GroupId) {
model.Log.Warnf("IsGroupInCd in cd,user:%v", user)
var needRobots = 1 // 一个机器人
resGames = append(resGames, GameTiny{
GameUid: user.GameUid,
GroupId: user.GroupId,
MgId: user.MgId,
NeedRobots: needRobots,
Status: user.Status,
GameType: user.GameType,
Diamond: user.Diamond,
} else if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GamePlayer fail:%v", err.Error())
return resGames, nil
// 获取正在使用中的机器人
func GetUsingRobots(model *domain.Model) ([]*GameRobot, error) {
var robots []*GameRobot
if err := model.DB().Model(GameRobot{}).Where("state = ?", robot_e.RobotStateUsing).Find(&robots).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return robots, nil
// 获取房间中的机器人
func GetRoomRobots(model *domain.Model, txGroupId mysql.Str) ([]*GameRobot, error) {
var robots []*GameRobot
if err := model.DB().Model(GameRobot{}).Where("group_id = ?", txGroupId).Find(&robots).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return robots, nil
// 获取异常的robot
// state = 0,但是状态没清空
func GetAbnormalRobots(model *domain.Model) ([]*GameRobot, error) {
var robots []*GameRobot
if err := model.DB().Model(GameRobot{}).Where("state = ? AND op_step != 0", robot_e.RobotStateIdle).Find(&robots).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return robots, nil
// 获取闲置中的机器人
// 并且设置为使用中
func GetSetIdleGameRobots(model *domain.Model, num int) ([]*GameRobot, error) {
if num <= 0 {
model.Log.Warnf("GetSetIdleGameRobots no need robot:%v", num)
return nil, nil
var robots []*GameRobot
var canUseRobots []*GameRobot
err := model.Transaction(func(txModel *domain.Model) error {
if err := txModel.Db.WithContext(txModel).Model(GameRobot{}).Where("state = ?", robot_e.RobotStateIdle).Limit(1000).Find(&robots).Error; err != nil {
return err
// 打乱1000个空闲的机器人
rand.Shuffle(len(robots), func(i, j int) {
robots[i], robots[j] = robots[j], robots[i]
for i, robot := range robots {
// 增加cd逻辑,60秒机器人不复用
if time.Now().Sub(robot.LastUseTime).Seconds() < 60 {
model.Log.Warnf("robot cannot frequency use:%v", robot)
if err := robot.MarkUsing(txModel); err != nil {
return err
canUseRobots = append(canUseRobots, robots[i])
if num <= 0 {
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetIdleGameRobots fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
return canUseRobots, nil
// 游戏ai启动
func AddAi(model *domain.Model, robots []*GameRobot) {
for _, robot := range robots {
robot.Run() // 一个机器人一个协程
package groupPower_m package groupPower_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/groupPower_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/groupPower_e"
"hilo-user/domain/model/group_m" "hilo-user/domain/model/group_m"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
) )
type GroupPower struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
GroupUid mysql.Str
Name mysql.Str
Status groupPower_e.GroupPowerStatus
type GroupPowerUser struct { type GroupPowerUser struct {
mysql.Entity mysql.Entity
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"` *domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
...@@ -25,29 +17,12 @@ type GroupPowerUser struct { ...@@ -25,29 +17,12 @@ type GroupPowerUser struct {
Role groupPower_e.GroupPowerUserRole Role groupPower_e.GroupPowerUserRole
} }
func GetGroupPowerOrErr(model *domain.Model, id uint64) (*GroupPower, error) { type GroupPower struct {
groupPower := GroupPower{} mysql.Entity
if err := model.Db.Model(&GroupPower{}).First(&groupPower, id).Error; err != nil { *domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) GroupUid mysql.Str
} Name mysql.Str
groupPower.Model = model Status groupPower_e.GroupPowerStatus
return &groupPower, nil
func GetGroupPowerUserOrNil(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*GroupPowerUser, error) {
groupPowerUser := GroupPowerUser{}
if err := model.Db.Where(&GroupPowerUser{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&groupPowerUser).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupPowerUser.Model = model
return &groupPowerUser, nil
} }
// 查询用户加入的国家势力ID及名称(势力绑定的群组的名称) // 查询用户加入的国家势力ID及名称(势力绑定的群组的名称)
...@@ -82,3 +57,28 @@ func GetUserGroupPower(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (uint64, string, erro ...@@ -82,3 +57,28 @@ func GetUserGroupPower(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (uint64, string, erro
} }
return gpu.GroupPowerId, powerName, nil return gpu.GroupPowerId, powerName, nil
} }
func GetGroupPowerUserOrNil(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*GroupPowerUser, error) {
groupPowerUser := GroupPowerUser{}
if err := model.Db.Where(&GroupPowerUser{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&groupPowerUser).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupPowerUser.Model = model
return &groupPowerUser, nil
func GetGroupPowerOrErr(model *domain.Model, id uint64) (*GroupPower, error) {
groupPower := GroupPower{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&GroupPower{}).First(&groupPower, id).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupPower.Model = model
return &groupPower, nil
package group_m
import (
redisV8 "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
type GroupRoles struct {
UserId uint64
ImGroupId string
Role common.GroupRoleType
func (this *GroupInfo) TableName() string {
return "group_info"
type MicUser struct {
model *domain.Model
GroupUuid string
I int
ExternalId string
UserId uint64
//静音 true:静音,false:没有静音
Forbid bool
Timestamp int64
type UserInMic struct {
GroupUuid string
I int
UserId uint64
// 查询用户在IM群组中的角色
func GetRoleInGroup(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, imGroupId string) (uint16, error) {
r := GroupRoles{}
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupRoles{
UserId: userId,
ImGroupId: imGroupId}).First(&r).Error
if err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return 0, err
} else {
return 0, nil
return r.Role, nil
func GetByTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) {
if len(txGroupId) <= 0 {
return nil, bizerr.GroupNotFound
res := new(GroupInfo)
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{TxGroupId: txGroupId}).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.GroupNotFound)
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
func GetMicUserByExternalId(model *domain.Model, externalId string) (*MicUser, error) {
if str, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Get(context.Background(), rediskey.GetPrefixGroupUserInMic(externalId)).Result(); err != nil {
if err != redisV8.Nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return nil, nil
} else {
if userInMic, err := strToUserInMic(str); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return GetMicUser(model, userInMic.GroupUuid, userInMic.I)
func GetMicUser(model *domain.Model, groupUuid string, i int) (*MicUser, error) {
if i < 1 || i > 30 {
return nil, myerr.NewSysErrorF("麦序不对,不在范围值内 i:%v", i)
str, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Get(context.Background(), rediskey.GetPrefixGroupMicUser(groupUuid, i)).Result()
if err != nil {
if err == redisV8.Nil {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var micUser MicUser
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &micUser)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MicUser{
model: model,
GroupUuid: groupUuid,
I: i,
ExternalId: micUser.ExternalId,
UserId: micUser.UserId,
Forbid: micUser.Forbid,
Timestamp: micUser.Timestamp,
}, nil
func strToUserInMic(str string) (UserInMic, error) {
userInMic := UserInMic{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &userInMic); err != nil {
return UserInMic{}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userInMic, nil
package group_m package group_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/group_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/group_e"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -52,12 +52,64 @@ func GetGroupInfo(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) { ...@@ -52,12 +52,64 @@ func GetGroupInfo(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) {
return &r, nil return &r, nil
} }
func GetGroupInfoByOwner(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (*GroupInfo, error) { func FindGroupByOwner(model *domain.Model, ownerId uint64) ([]GroupInfo, error) {
if userId <= 0 { rows := make([]GroupInfo, 0)
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{Owner: ownerId}).Find(&rows).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func ToTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, imGroupId string) (string, error) {
if len(imGroupId) <= 0 {
return "", nil
gi, err := GetGroupInfo(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if gi == nil {
return "", bizerr.GroupNotFound
return gi.TxGroupId, nil
func ToTxGroupIdMap(model *domain.Model, imGroupIds []string) (map[string]string, error) {
var res = make(map[string]string)
var rows []GroupInfo
if err := model.DB().Model(GroupInfo{}).Where("im_group_id in ?", imGroupIds).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return res, err
for _, v := range rows {
res[v.ImGroupId] = v.TxGroupId
return res, nil
func ToImGroupId(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (string, error) {
if len(txGroupId) <= 0 {
return "", nil
gi, err := GetInfoByTxGroupId(model, txGroupId)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if gi == nil {
return "", bizerr.GroupNotFound
return gi.ImGroupId, nil
func GetInfoByTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, txGroupId string) (*GroupInfo, error) {
if len(txGroupId) <= 0 {
return nil, bizerr.GroupNotFound return nil, bizerr.GroupNotFound
} }
r := GroupInfo{} r := GroupInfo{}
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{Owner: userId}).First(&r).Error err := model.Db.Where(&GroupInfo{TxGroupId: txGroupId}).First(&r).Error
if err != nil { if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil return nil, nil
package group_m
import (
func ToTxGroupId(model *domain.Model, imGroupId string) (string, error) {
if len(imGroupId) <= 0 {
return "", nil
gi, err := GetGroupInfo(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if gi == nil {
return "", bizerr.GroupNotFound
return gi.TxGroupId, nil
package group_m
import (
// 信令消息
type GroupSystemMsg struct {
MsgId group_e.TypeSignalMsg `json:"msgId"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Target string `json:"target"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type HiloUserInfo struct {
WealthGrade uint32 `json:"wealthGrade"`
CharmGrade uint32 `json:"charmGrade"`
IsVip bool `json:"isVip"`
IsPretty bool `json:"isPretty"`
Medals []uint32 `json:"medals"`
PowerName string `json:"powerName"` // 用户加入的国家势力的绑定群组的名称
NobleLevel uint16 `json:"nobleLevel"`
SvipLevel int `json:"svipLevel"`
var GetGroupPowerNameByUserId func(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (uint64, string, error)
func GetHiloUserInfo(model *domain.Model, extId string) string {
user, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, extId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%+v", extId, err)
return ""
wealthGrade, _, err := user_m.GetWealthGrade(model, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
charmGrade, _, err := user_m.GetCharmGrade(model, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
isVip, _, err := user_m.IsVip(user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
isPretty := user.IsPrettyCode()
medals, err := user_m.GetUserMedalMerge(model.Log, model.Db, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
_, powerName, err := GetGroupPowerNameByUserId(model, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
nobleLevel, err := noble_m.GetNobleLevel(model.Db, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("extId:%v, err:%v", extId, err)
return ""
svip, _ := rpc.GetUserSvip(model, user.ID)
hilo := HiloUserInfo{
WealthGrade: wealthGrade,
CharmGrade: charmGrade,
IsVip: isVip,
IsPretty: isPretty,
Medals: medals,
PowerName: powerName,
NobleLevel: nobleLevel,
SvipLevel: svip.SvipLevel,
buf, err := json.Marshal(hilo)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("hilo:%+v, err:%v", hilo, err)
return string(buf)
package group_m
import (
type GroupRoles struct {
UserId uint64
ImGroupId string
Role common.GroupRoleType
type GroupMember struct {
GroupId string
UserId uint64
func (gm *GroupMember) Find(db *gorm.DB) ([]GroupMember, error) {
rows := make([]GroupMember, 0)
if err := db.Where(gm).Order("created_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func GetGroupRoleById(model *domain.Model, imGroupId string, userId uint64) (role common.GroupRoleType, err error) {
role = common.GROUP_VISITOR
roles, _, err := GetRolesInGroup(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil {
for u, r := range roles {
if u == userId {
role = r
isGroupMember, err := IsGroupMember(model.Db, imGroupId, userId)
if err != nil {
if isGroupMember {
role = common.GROUP_MEMBER
// 查询群组中所有有角色的成员,由级别高到低、创建时间由早到晚排列
func GetRolesInGroup(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (map[uint64]uint16, []uint64, error) {
data := make([]GroupRoles, 0)
err := model.Db.Where(&GroupRoles{ImGroupId: groupId}).Order("role DESC, created_time").Find(&data).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]uint16, 0)
orders := make([]uint64, 0)
for _, i := range data {
orders = append(orders, i.UserId)
result[i.UserId] = i.Role
return result, orders, nil
func IsGroupMember(db *gorm.DB, groupId string, userId uint64) (bool, error) {
gm := GroupMember{
GroupId: groupId,
UserId: userId,
rows, err := gm.Find(db)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(rows) > 0, nil
package group_m
import (
// 3天
const expireMinute = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
//获取在房间的用户 返回值:map,key:userId, value:groupUuid
func RoomLivingUserIdFilter(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]string, error) {
userIdSet := map[mysql.ID]struct{}{}
for i, _ := range userIds {
userIdSet[userIds[i]] = struct{}{}
key := group_k.GetPrefixGroupRoomLiving()
if err := ClearExpired(model, key, expireMinute); err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
groupUserIdstrs, err := model.RedisCluster.ZRange(model, key, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resultUserSet := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for i, _ := range groupUserIdstrs {
tempGroupUid, userId := analysisMemberStr(groupUserIdstrs[i])
if _, flag := userIdSet[userId]; flag {
resultUserSet[userId] = tempGroupUid
return resultUserSet, nil
func ClearExpired(model *domain.Model, key string, expireSec int64) error {
return model.RedisCluster.ZRemRangeByScore(model, key,
"0", strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix()-expireSec, 10)).Err()
func analysisMemberStr(memberStr string) (string, uint64) {
strs := strings.Split(memberStr, "_")
groupUid := strs[0]
userId, err := strconv.ParseUint(strs[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("analysisMemberStr memberStr:%v err:%+v", memberStr, err)
return groupUid, userId
package invite_m
import (
type InviteApply struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
NewUserId uint64 `json:"new_user_id"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
PlatformId string `json:"platform_id"`
RechargeInfo string `json:"recharge_info"`
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // 状态0.未审核1.已通过2.已拒绝
VideoUrl string `json:"video_url"`
Level string `json:"level"`
CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time"`
Reason int `json:"reason"` // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
SubUserId uint64 `json:"sub_user_id"` // 提交人
func CreateInviteApply(model *domain.Model, userId, newUserId, subUserId uint64, platform, platformId, recharge, videoUrl string) error {
err := model.DB().Create(&InviteApply{
UserId: userId, NewUserId: newUserId, Platform: platform, PlatformId: platformId, RechargeInfo: recharge, VideoUrl: videoUrl,
CreatedTime: time.Now(), SubUserId: subUserId}).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CreateInviteApply err:%v", err)
return err
return nil
func GetApplyList(model *domain.Model, subUserId uint64, userIds []uint64, pageIndex, pageSize, gType int, beginTime,
endTime time.Time) ([]*InviteApply, int64, error) {
db := model.DB().Model(InviteApply{}).Where("user_id in (?) or sub_user_id = ?", userIds, subUserId).Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", beginTime, endTime)
switch gType { // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝
case 2:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 0)
case 3:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 1)
case 4:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 2)
res := make([]*InviteApply, 0)
var count int64
err := db.Order("id desc").Offset((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Find(&res).Limit(-1).Offset(-1).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyList err:%v", err)
return nil, 0, err
return res, count, nil
// 检查被邀请人是否存在
func IsInInviteApply(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
var apply InviteApply
if err := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).Where("new_user_id = ?", userId).First(&apply).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return false, err
return false, nil
// err == nil, record exists
return true, nil
// 检查被邀请人是否存在
func GetInviteApplyNumByType(model *domain.Model, gType int, beginTime, endTime time.Time, userIds []uint64, subUserId uint64) (int, error) {
var count int64
db := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).Where("user_id in (?) or sub_user_id = ?", userIds, subUserId).Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", beginTime, endTime)
switch gType { // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝
case 2:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 0)
case 3:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 1)
case 4:
db = db.Where("`status` = ?", 2)
if err := db.Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err
return int(count), nil
// 今日已提交次数
func TodayInviteApplyCount(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (int64, error) {
start, end := utils.DayStartEnd(time.Now())
var count int64
if err := model.Db.Model(InviteApply{}).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Where("created_time >= ? and created_time <= ?", start.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT), end.Format(utils.DATETIME_FORMAT)).
Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err
// err == nil, record exists
return count, nil
package msg_m
import (
func GetMsgSysRecordInit(model *domain.Model, t uint32, msgSysId uint64) *MsgSysRecord {
return &MsgSysRecord{
Model: model,
Type: t,
Status: mysql.EXIST,
MsgSysId: msgSysId,
func GetMsgSysRecord(model *domain.Model, msgSysId uint64) (*MsgSysRecord, error) {
msgSysRecord := MsgSysRecord{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&MsgSysRecord{}).Where(&MsgSysRecord{
MsgSysId: msgSysId,
}).First(&msgSysRecord).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
msgSysRecord.Model = model
return &msgSysRecord, nil
package msg_m
import (
type MsgUserRecord struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
Type msg_e.MsgUserRecordType
Nick mysql.Str
NickUserId mysql.ID //用户的别名
DiamondIncome mysql.Str
DayNum mysql.Str //多少天
PropertyUrl mysql.Str //道具地址
BeanNum mysql.Str //多少豆子
GroupCode mysql.Str //群组code
type MsgSysRecord struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
//Type msg_m.MsgSysRecordType
Type uint32
Status mysql.LogicDel
MsgSysId mysql.ID
type MsgSysUser struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Type msg_e.MsgSysUserType
UserId mysql.ID
MsgSysLastId mysql.ID
func (msgSysRecord *MsgSysRecord) Del() *MsgSysRecord {
msgSysRecord.Status = mysql.DEL
return msgSysRecord
type MsgReceive struct {
Type msg_e.MsgReceiveType `json:"type"`
//Timestamp mysql.Timestamp `json:"timestamp"`
func NewUserRecord(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, t msg_e.MsgUserRecordType, nick mysql.Str, nickUserId mysql.ID, diamondIncome mysql.Str, dayNum mysql.Str, propertyUrl mysql.Str, beanNum mysql.Str, groupCode mysql.Str) *MsgUserRecord {
return &MsgUserRecord{
Model: model,
UserId: userId,
Type: t,
Nick: nick,
NickUserId: nickUserId,
DiamondIncome: diamondIncome,
DayNum: dayNum,
PropertyUrl: propertyUrl,
BeanNum: beanNum,
GroupCode: groupCode,
// 发给小助手的消息, 不需要抛出错误
func SendEmasMsgAssistant(model *domain.Model, externalId string, deviceType string) error {
str, _ := utils.ToString(MsgReceive{
Type: msg_e.UserMsgReceiveType,
err := emas.SendMsg(externalId, deviceType, str)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("emas.SendMsg err:%v", err)
return nil
package msg_m
import (
func (msgUserRecord *MsgUserRecord) Persistent() error {
if err := model.Persistent(msgUserRecord.Db, msgUserRecord); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func (msgSysRecord *MsgSysRecord) Persistent() error {
if err := model.Persistent(msgSysRecord.Db, msgSysRecord); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func (msgSysUser *MsgSysUser) Persistent() error {
return model.Persistent(msgSysUser.Db, msgSysUser)
\ No newline at end of file
package noble_m
import (
type ResNoble struct {
Level uint16
PurchasePrice uint32
RenewalPrice uint32
Duration uint16
PicUrl string
DailyGold uint
RideId uint64 // 赠送的座驾ID
HeaddressId uint64 // 赠送的头饰ID
func GetAllConfig(db *gorm.DB) ([]ResNoble, error) {
rows := make([]ResNoble, 0)
err := db.Find(&rows).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func GetAllConfigMap(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint16]ResNoble, error) {
rows, err := GetAllConfig(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint16]ResNoble, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.Level] = i
return result, nil
func GetConfigByLevel(db *gorm.DB, level uint16) (ResNoble, error) {
r := ResNoble{}
if err := db.Model(&ResNoble{}).First(&r, level).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return r, nil
} else {
return r, err
return r, nil
// 根据过期时间推算价格
func CalcPrice(cfg ResNoble, endTime time.Time) uint32 {
now := time.Now()
price := cfg.RenewalPrice
if now.After(endTime.AddDate(0, 0, RENEWAL_LIMIT_DAY)) {
price = cfg.PurchasePrice
return price
package noble_m
import (
const (
SRC_APP = 1 // APP
SRC_OPERATION = 2 // 管理后台发放
SRC_H5 = 3 // H5页面
SRC_ACTIVITY = 4 // 活动奖励
RECHARGE_FIRST = 5 // 首次充值
type UserNobleLog struct {
SenderId uint64
ReceiverId uint64
Level uint16
Money uint32
SrcType uint16
OldEndTime time.Time
NewEndTime time.Time
func (ubl *UserNobleLog) Create(db *gorm.DB) error {
return db.Create(ubl).Error
package noble_m package noble_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -52,22 +53,6 @@ func (ub *UserNoble) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error { ...@@ -52,22 +53,6 @@ func (ub *UserNoble) Delete(db *gorm.DB) error {
return db.Where(ub).Delete(&UserNoble{}).Error return db.Where(ub).Delete(&UserNoble{}).Error
} }
// 查询用户未过期的贵族
func (ub *UserNoble) batchGet(db *gorm.DB, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64][]UserNoble, error) {
rows := make([]UserNoble, 0)
if err := db.Model(ub).Where("end_time>=NOW() AND user_id IN ?", userIds).Order("level DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64][]UserNoble, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
if _, ok := result[i.UserId]; !ok {
result[i.UserId] = make([]UserNoble, 0)
result[i.UserId] = append(result[i.UserId], i)
return result, nil
func FindActiveNoble(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (*UserNoble, error) { func FindActiveNoble(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (*UserNoble, error) {
ub := UserNoble{ ub := UserNoble{
UserId: userId, UserId: userId,
...@@ -93,3 +78,50 @@ func GetNobleLevel(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (uint16, error) { ...@@ -93,3 +78,50 @@ func GetNobleLevel(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (uint16, error) {
return noble.Level, nil return noble.Level, nil
} }
} }
func BatchGetNobleLevel(model *domain.Model, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]uint16, error) {
m, err := BatchGetActiveNoble(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]uint16, 0)
for _, i := range userIds {
result[i] = m[i].Level
return result, nil
func BatchGetActiveNoble(model *domain.Model, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]UserNoble, error) {
ub := UserNoble{}
records, err := ub.batchGet(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]UserNoble, 0)
for _, i := range userIds {
if len(records[i]) > 0 {
result[i] = records[i][0]
} else {
result[i] = UserNoble{}
return result, nil
// 查询用户未过期的贵族
func (ub *UserNoble) batchGet(model *domain.Model, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64][]UserNoble, error) {
rows := make([]UserNoble, 0)
if err := model.DB().Model(ub).Where("end_time>=NOW() AND user_id IN ?", userIds).Order("level DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64][]UserNoble, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
if _, ok := result[i.UserId]; !ok {
result[i.UserId] = make([]UserNoble, 0)
result[i.UserId] = append(result[i.UserId], i)
return result, nil
package promotion_m
import "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
// 推广员
type PromotionAgent struct {
ManagerId mysql.ID
AgentId mysql.ID
// 邀请关系
type PromotionInvite struct {
ManagerId mysql.ID
AgentId mysql.ID
Invitee mysql.ID
Platform string
PlatformId string
Reason string
InviteDate string
// 邀请关系日志
type PromotionInviteLog struct {
AgentId mysql.ID
Invitee mysql.ID
AddReduce mysql.AddReduce
package promotion_m
import (
// 获取推广员平台
func GetPromotionPlatforms(model *domain.Model) []string {
return []string{"Falla", "Yalla", "Whisper", "Ahlan", "Mashi", "YoYo", "Yoho", "Echo", "Hawa", "Yalla Ludo", "Hafla",
"Imo", "Ola Party", "ShareChat", "Viya", "Hello Yo", "Bigo Live", "Hago", "Oye Talk", "Tiktok", "Bigo", "Mr7ba"}
// 检查是否推广员
func IsPromotionAgent(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) bool {
var promotionAgent PromotionAgent
if err := model.Db.Model(PromotionAgent{}).Where("agent_id = ?", userId).First(&promotionAgent).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("IsPromotionAgent fail:%v", err)
} else if promotionAgent.ID > 0 {
return true
return false
// 检查被邀请人是否存在
func IsPromotionInvitee(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
var promotionInvite PromotionInvite
if err := model.Db.Model(PromotionInvite{}).Where("invitee = ?", userId).First(&promotionInvite).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return false, err
return false, nil
// err == nil, record exists
return true, nil
// 检查是否推广经理
func IsPromotionManager(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) bool {
var promotionAgent PromotionAgent
if err := model.Db.Model(PromotionAgent{}).Where("manager_id = ?", userId).First(&promotionAgent).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("IsPromotionManager fail:%v", err)
} else if promotionAgent.ID > 0 {
return true
return false
// 检查是否我的推广经理
func IsMyPromotionManager(model *domain.Model, userId, myUserId mysql.ID) bool {
var promotionAgent PromotionAgent
if err := model.Db.Model(PromotionAgent{}).Where("manager_id = ? and agent_id = ?", userId, myUserId).First(&promotionAgent).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("IsMyPromotionManager fail:%v", err)
} else if promotionAgent.ID > 0 {
return true
return false
// 获取推广经理拥有的所有推广员,包含自己
func GetPromotionManagerAgentList(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) ([]uint64, error) {
uids := make([]uint64, 0)
if err := model.Db.Model(PromotionAgent{}).Where("manager_id = ?", userId).Select("agent_id").
Pluck("agent_id", &uids).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("IsPromotionManager fail:%v", err)
return nil, err
return uids, nil
// 添加推广邀请关系
func AddPromotionInvite(model *domain.Model, managerId, agentId, invitee mysql.ID, platform, platformId, reason, inviteDate string) error {
if err := model.Db.Create(&PromotionInvite{
ManagerId: managerId,
AgentId: agentId,
Invitee: invitee,
Platform: platform,
PlatformId: platformId,
Reason: reason,
InviteDate: inviteDate,
}).Error; err != nil {
return err
return addPromotionInviteLog(model, agentId, invitee, mysql.ADD)
// 添加推广邀请关系-日志
func addPromotionInviteLog(model *domain.Model, agentId, invitee mysql.ID, addReduce mysql.AddReduce) error {
return model.Db.Create(&PromotionInviteLog{
AgentId: agentId,
Invitee: invitee,
AddReduce: addReduce,
package recommend_m
import (
// 推荐用户送礼
type recommendUserGift struct {
SendUserId mysql.ID
SendUserDiamond mysql.Num
var recommendUserGiftKey = "recommendUserGiftKey"
var recommendUserGiftCache = gcache.New(1).LRU().Build()
// 推荐最近送礼的50人,最近12小时赠送礼物大于100k的用户
func SyncPastTop50SendGiftUsers(model *domain.Model) {
limitUserIds, _ := GetBillboardLimitUserList(model)
var res []recommendUserGift
if err := model.DB().Table("gift_operate g").Joins("INNER JOIN user u ON u.id = g.send_user_id").Select("send_user_id,SUM(send_user_diamond) send_user_diamond").
Where("u.avatar <> ''").
Where("g.created_time >= ?", time.Now().Add(-time.Hour*12)).
Where("send_user_id NOT in ?", limitUserIds).
Having("send_user_diamond > 100000").Order("send_user_diamond DESC").Limit(34).Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetPastTop50SendGiftUsers fail:%v", err)
_ = recommendUserGiftCache.Set(recommendUserGiftKey, res)
// 只从缓存中拿
func GetPastTop50SendGiftUsers(model *domain.Model) []recommendUserGift {
if data, err := recommendUserGiftCache.Get(recommendUserGiftKey); err == nil {
return data.([]recommendUserGift)
return []recommendUserGift{}
// 榜单黑名单
func GetBillboardLimitUserList(model *domain.Model) ([]uint64, error) {
var userIds []uint64
if err := model.Db.Table("billboard_limit_user").Select("user_id").Find(&userIds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return userIds, nil
...@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package model ...@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package model
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"gorm.io/gorm/clause" "gorm.io/gorm/clause"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"time" "time"
) )
package res_m package res_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
) )
type ResCountry struct { type ResCountry struct {
...@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func GetLangeByCountry(db *gorm.DB, country mysql.Str) (string, error) { ...@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func GetLangeByCountry(db *gorm.DB, country mysql.Str) (string, error) {
if err == nil { if err == nil {
return r.Lang, nil return r.Lang, nil
} else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { } else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return res_e.DEFAULT_LANG, nil return res_e.DefaultLang, nil
} else { } else {
return "", myerr.WrapErr(err) return "", myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
package res_m
import (
type ResGift struct {
Name mysql.Str
IconUrl mysql.Str
SvagUrl mysql.Str
MusicUrl mysql.Str
Column uint16
DiamondNum mysql.Num
BeanNum mysql.Num
ReceiveDiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num // obsolete
N mysql.Num
GroupBroadcast bool
Cp bool
Together bool
Status mysql.UserYesNo
GiftType mysql.Type
HasGiftText bool
// 获取所有的礼物
func FindAllResGiftsMap(model *domain.Model) (map[mysql.ID]ResGift, error) {
res := make(map[mysql.ID]ResGift, 0)
rows := make([]ResGift, 0)
if err := model.DB().Model(ResGift{}).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, v := range rows {
res[v.ID] = rows[i]
return res, nil
// 获取礼物
func FindResGift(model *domain.Model, giftId mysql.ID) (*ResGift, error) {
res := new(ResGift)
if err := model.DB().Model(ResGift{}).Where("id = ?", giftId).First(res).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
package res_m
import (
type ResHeadwear struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Name mysql.Str
PicUrl mysql.Str
EffectUrl mysql.Str
ReverseEffectUrl mysql.Str
//矛盾,项目负责人(产品不接受 商品 同上架分开两个数据结构的模式),又在页面上要求头饰同价格在一起展示,修改。
//目前违背了,ResHeadwearDiamond 作为资源数据,不允许修改的特点。后果在于,对账错误。
type ResHeadwearDiamond struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
ResHeadwearId mysql.ID
DiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num
Status mysql.UserYesNo
func InitResHeadwearDiamond(model *domain.Model, resHeadwearId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num, second mysql.Num) *ResHeadwearDiamond {
return &ResHeadwearDiamond{
Model: model,
ResHeadwearId: resHeadwearId,
DiamondNum: diamondNum,
Second: second,
Status: mysql.NOUSER,
func GetResHeadwearDiamondByHeadwearIdOrNil(model *domain.Model, resHeadwearId mysql.ID) (*ResHeadwearDiamond, error) {
resHeadwearDiamond := ResHeadwearDiamond{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResHeadwearDiamond{}).Where(&ResHeadwearDiamond{
ResHeadwearId: resHeadwearId,
}).First(&resHeadwearDiamond).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resHeadwearDiamond.Model = model
return &resHeadwearDiamond, nil
func (resHeadwearDiamond *ResHeadwearDiamond) SetDiamondNum(diamondNum uint32) *ResHeadwearDiamond {
resHeadwearDiamond.DiamondNum = diamondNum
return resHeadwearDiamond
func (resHeadwearDiamond *ResHeadwearDiamond) SetSecond(second uint32) *ResHeadwearDiamond {
resHeadwearDiamond.Second = second
return resHeadwearDiamond
func (resHeadwearDiamond *ResHeadwearDiamond) SetUser() *ResHeadwearDiamond {
resHeadwearDiamond.Status = mysql.USER
return resHeadwearDiamond
func (resHeadwearDiamond *ResHeadwearDiamond) SetNoUser() *ResHeadwearDiamond {
resHeadwearDiamond.Status = mysql.NOUSER
return resHeadwearDiamond
func GetHeadwearById(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) (*ResHeadwear, error) {
resHeadwear := ResHeadwear{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResHeadwear{}).First(&resHeadwear, id).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
resHeadwear.Model = model
return &resHeadwear, nil
func InitHeadwear(model *domain.Model, name string, picUrl string, effectUrl string) *ResHeadwear {
return &ResHeadwear{
Model: model,
Name: name,
PicUrl: picUrl,
EffectUrl: effectUrl,
func (resHeadwear *ResHeadwear) EditName(name string) *ResHeadwear {
resHeadwear.Name = name
return resHeadwear
func (resHeadwear *ResHeadwear) EditPicUrl(picUrl string) *ResHeadwear {
resHeadwear.PicUrl = picUrl
return resHeadwear
func (resHeadwear *ResHeadwear) EditEffectUrl(effectUrl string) *ResHeadwear {
resHeadwear.EffectUrl = effectUrl
return resHeadwear
func CheckHeadwearValidById(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
resHeadwear := ResHeadwear{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResHeadwear{}).First(&resHeadwear, id).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return true, nil
func GetResHeadwearMap(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]ResHeadwear, error) {
rows := make([]ResHeadwear, 0)
if err := db.Model(&ResHeadwear{}).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]ResHeadwear, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.ID] = i
return result, nil
package res_m package res_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e"
"hilo-user/resource/mysql" "time"
) )
type ResMedal struct { type ResMedal struct {
...@@ -41,3 +43,39 @@ func GetUserMedalLevelMap(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]uint8, map[uint8][]uint64, er ...@@ -41,3 +43,39 @@ func GetUserMedalLevelMap(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]uint8, map[uint8][]uint64, er
} }
return medalTypes, result, nil return medalTypes, result, nil
} }
var medalCache = gcache.New(1000).LRU().Build()
var medalMapCache = gcache.New(1).LRU().Build()
const medalKey = "MEDAL"
// pprof看到内存分配很多
// 加上15min lru
func MedalGetAll(db *gorm.DB) ([]ResMedal, error) {
if data, err := medalCache.Get(medalKey); err == nil {
return data.([]ResMedal), nil
rows := make([]ResMedal, 0)
err := db.Find(&rows).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_ = medalCache.SetWithExpire(medalKey, rows, time.Minute*15)
return rows, nil
func MedalGetAllMap(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint32]ResMedal, error) {
if data, err := medalMapCache.Get(medalKey); err == nil {
return data.(map[uint32]ResMedal), nil
rows, err := MedalGetAll(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint32]ResMedal, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[uint32(i.ID)] = i
_ = medalMapCache.SetWithExpire(medalKey, result, time.Minute*15)
return result, nil
package res_m package res_m
import ( import (
"hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e"
) )
type ResNameplate struct { type ResNameplate struct {
package res_m
import (
type ResProperty struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
Name mysql.Str
PicUrl mysql.Str
EffectUrl mysql.Str
type ResPropertyDiamond struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
ResPropertyId mysql.ID
DiamondNum mysql.Num
Second mysql.Num
Status mysql.UserYesNo
type ResPropertyAvatar struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
ResPropertyId mysql.ID
Type res_e.ResPropertyAvatarType
SendUserId mysql.ID
ReceiverUserId mysql.ID
Area int
func InitResPropertyDiamond(model *domain.Model, resPropertyId mysql.ID, diamondNum mysql.Num, second mysql.Num) *ResPropertyDiamond {
return &ResPropertyDiamond{
Model: model,
ResPropertyId: resPropertyId,
DiamondNum: diamondNum,
Second: second,
Status: mysql.NOUSER,
func GetPropertyById(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) (*ResProperty, error) {
resProperty := ResProperty{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResProperty{}).First(&resProperty, id).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
resProperty.Model = model
return &resProperty, nil
func GetResPropertyDiamond(model *domain.Model, resPropertyDiamondId mysql.ID) (*ResPropertyDiamond, error) {
resPropertyDiamond := ResPropertyDiamond{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResPropertyDiamond{}).First(&resPropertyDiamond, resPropertyDiamondId).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
if resPropertyDiamond.Status == mysql.NOUSER {
return nil, bizerr.ResPropertyDiamondNoUse
return &resPropertyDiamond, nil
func GetResPropertyDiamondByPropertyIdOrNil(model *domain.Model, resPropertyId mysql.ID) (*ResPropertyDiamond, error) {
resPropertyDiamond := ResPropertyDiamond{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&ResPropertyDiamond{}).Where(&ResPropertyDiamond{
ResPropertyId: resPropertyId,
}).First(&resPropertyDiamond).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resPropertyDiamond.Model = model
return &resPropertyDiamond, nil
func (resPropertyDiamond *ResPropertyDiamond) SetUser() *ResPropertyDiamond {
resPropertyDiamond.Status = mysql.USER
return resPropertyDiamond
func (resPropertyDiamond *ResPropertyDiamond) SetNoUser() *ResPropertyDiamond {
resPropertyDiamond.Status = mysql.NOUSER
return resPropertyDiamond
func (resPropertyDiamond *ResPropertyDiamond) SetDiamondNum(diamondNum uint32) *ResPropertyDiamond {
resPropertyDiamond.DiamondNum = diamondNum
return resPropertyDiamond
func (resPropertyDiamond *ResPropertyDiamond) SetSecond(second uint32) *ResPropertyDiamond {
resPropertyDiamond.Second = second
return resPropertyDiamond
func AddProperty(model *domain.Model, p *ResProperty) error {
return model.Db.Create(p).Error
func EditProperty(model *domain.Model, propertyId uint64, name, picUrl, effectUrl string) error {
activityConfig := ResProperty{Entity: mysql.Entity{ID: propertyId}}
err := model.Db.First(&activityConfig).Error
if err != nil {
return err
activityConfig.Name = name
activityConfig.PicUrl = picUrl
activityConfig.EffectUrl = effectUrl
return model.Db.Save(&activityConfig).Error
func (p *ResProperty) Get(db *gorm.DB) error {
return db.Where(p).First(p).Error
func (p *ResProperty) GetAll(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]ResProperty, error) {
rows := make([]ResProperty, 0)
if err := db.Where(p).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]ResProperty, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.ID] = i
return result, nil
func (p *ResPropertyAvatar) GetAll(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]ResPropertyAvatar, error) {
rows := make([]ResPropertyAvatar, 0)
if err := db.Where(p).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result := make(map[uint64]ResPropertyAvatar, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.ResPropertyId] = i
return result, nil
package res_m package res_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/res_e"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
) )
type ResMultiText struct { type ResMultiText struct {
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func GetResMultiTextBy(db *gorm.DB, msgId uint, Language mysql.Str) (*ResMultiTe ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func GetResMultiTextBy(db *gorm.DB, msgId uint, Language mysql.Str) (*ResMultiTe
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
if err := db.Where(&ResMultiText{ if err := db.Where(&ResMultiText{
MsgId: msgId, MsgId: msgId,
Language: res_e.DEFAULT_LANG, Language: res_e.DefaultLang,
}).First(&r).Error; err != nil { }).First(&r).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
package tim_m
import (
type TimHiloInfo struct {
IsVip bool `json:"isVip"`
IsPretty bool `json:"isPretty"`
Medals []uint32 `json:"medals"`
PowerName string `json:"powerName"` // 用户加入的国家势力的绑定群组的名称
NobleLevel uint16 `json:"nobleLevel"`
func FlushHiloInfo(extId string, isVip bool, isPrettyCode bool, medals []uint32, groupPowerName string, nobleLevel uint16) error {
info := TimHiloInfo{IsVip: isVip, IsPretty: isPrettyCode, Medals: medals, PowerName: groupPowerName, NobleLevel: nobleLevel}
buf, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = tencentyun.SetUserHiloInfo(extId, string(buf)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
package user_m
import (
type UserCount struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
Type user_e.CountType
Num mysql.Num
isAdd bool `gorm:"-"`
isReduce bool `gorm:"-"`
addReduceNum mysql.Num `gorm:"-"`
package user_m
import (
type UserHeadwear struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
HeadwearId mysql.ID
EndTime time.Time
Using headwear_e.UserHeadwearUsing
func GetUserHeadwearOrInit(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, headwearId mysql.ID) (*UserHeadwear, error) {
if flag, err := res_m.CheckHeadwearValidById(model, headwearId); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if flag == false {
return nil, myerr.NewSysError("headwearId: " + strconv.FormatUint(headwearId, 10) + " 无效")
userHeadwear := UserHeadwear{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&UserHeadwear{}).Where(&UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
HeadwearId: headwearId,
}).First(&userHeadwear).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return &UserHeadwear{
Model: model,
UserId: userId,
HeadwearId: headwearId,
EndTime: time.Now(),
}, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userHeadwear.Model = model
return &userHeadwear, nil
func (userHeadwear *UserHeadwear) SetUsing() (*UserHeadwear, error) {
if err := resetAllUserHeadwearNoUsing(userHeadwear.Model, userHeadwear.UserId); err != nil {
return nil, err
userHeadwear.Using = headwear_e.YesUsing
return userHeadwear, nil
func (userHeadwear *UserHeadwear) AddEndTime(t headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogOrginType, second uint32, operateUserId mysql.ID) (*UserHeadwear, mysql.ID, error) {
logId, err := addUserHeadwearLog(userHeadwear.Model, userHeadwear.UserId, userHeadwear.HeadwearId, t, headwear_e.AddSecond, &second, nil, operateUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
//if err := resetAllUserHeadwearNoUsing(userHeadwear.Model, userHeadwear.UserId); err != nil {
// return nil, logId, err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userHeadwear.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userHeadwear.EndTime
userHeadwear.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(second) * time.Second)
return userHeadwear, logId, nil
func (userHeadwear *UserHeadwear) MgrDel(mgrId mysql.ID) (*UserHeadwear, mysql.ID, error) {
logId, err := addUserHeadwearLog(userHeadwear.Model, userHeadwear.UserId, userHeadwear.HeadwearId, headwear_e.Mgr, headwear_e.Del, nil, nil, mgrId)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userHeadwear, logId, nil
func resetAllUserHeadwearNoUsing(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.Db.Model(&UserHeadwear{}).Where(&UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).UpdateColumn("using", headwear_e.NoUsing).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
type UserHeadwearLog struct {
UserId mysql.ID
OperateUserId mysql.ID
HeadwearId mysql.ID
OriginType headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogOrginType
Type headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogType
AddSecond *mysql.Num
UpdateEndTime *time.Time
func addUserHeadwearLog(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, headwearId mysql.ID, originType headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogOrginType, t headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogType, addSecond *uint32, UpdateEndTime *time.Time, operateUserId mysql.ID) (mysql.ID, error) {
userHeadwearLog := UserHeadwearLog{
UserId: userId,
OperateUserId: operateUserId,
HeadwearId: headwearId,
OriginType: originType,
Type: t,
AddSecond: addSecond,
UpdateEndTime: UpdateEndTime,
if err := model.Db.Create(&userHeadwearLog).Error; err != nil {
return 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userHeadwearLog.ID, nil
func GetUserHeadwearUsing(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (*UserHeadwear, error) {
userHeadwear := UserHeadwear{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&UserHeadwear{}).Where(&UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` desc, updated_time desc").First(&userHeadwear).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userHeadwear.Model = model
return &userHeadwear, nil
package user_m
import (
type UserLike struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
LikeUserId mysql.ID
SceneType user_e.UserLikeSceneType
type UserLikeOperate struct {
UserId mysql.ID
LikeUserId mysql.ID
Type user_e.UserLikeOperateType
SceneType user_e.UserLikeSceneType
func AddUserLikeOperate(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, likeUserId mysql.ID, t user_e.UserLikeOperateType, sceneType user_e.UserLikeSceneType) (mysql.ID, error) {
userLikeOperate := UserLikeOperate{
UserId: userId,
LikeUserId: likeUserId,
Type: t,
SceneType: sceneType,
if err := model.Db.Create(&userLikeOperate).Error; err != nil {
return 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return userLikeOperate.ID, nil
func initUserLike(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) *UserLike {
return &UserLike{
Model: model,
UserId: userId,
/*func GetUserLike(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, likeUserId mysql.ID) (*UserLike, error) {
var userLike UserLike
err := model.Db.Where(&UserLike{
UserId: userId,
LikeUserId: likeUserId,
if err == nil {
return &userLike, nil
} else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
func (userLike *UserLike) like(likeUserId mysql.ID, sceneType user_e.UserLikeSceneType) (*UserLike, mysql.ID, error) {
err := userLike.Db.Where(&UserLike{
UserId: userLike.UserId,
LikeUserId: likeUserId,
if err == nil {
return nil, 0, myerr.NewWaring("已经标记喜欢")
} else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
userLikeOperateId, err := AddUserLikeOperate(userLike.Model, userLike.UserId, likeUserId, user_e.LikeAdd, sceneType)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
userLike.LikeUserId = likeUserId
userLike.SceneType = sceneType
return userLike, userLikeOperateId, nil
} else {
return nil, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
func (userLike *UserLike) likeCancel(likeUserId mysql.ID) (*UserLike, error) {
err := userLike.Db.Where(&UserLike{
UserId: userLike.UserId,
LikeUserId: likeUserId,
if err == nil {
if _, err := AddUserLikeOperate(userLike.Model, userLike.UserId, likeUserId, user_e.LikeCancel, userLike.SceneType); err != nil {
return nil, err
return userLike, nil
} else if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, myerr.NewWaring("没有喜欢的记录")
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
package user_m
import (
* 用户活跃分数
type MatchActityUserScore struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
Score mysql.Num
Grade mysql.Num
// 获取活跃等级
func MGetActiveGrade(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num, error) {
res := make(map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num)
var rows []MatchActityUserScore
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&MatchActityUserScore{}).Where("user_id in ?", userIds).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("MGetActiveGrade fail:%v", err)
return res, err
for _, r := range rows {
res[r.UserId] = r.Grade
return res, nil
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/domain"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/match_e" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
) )
/** /**
...@@ -19,54 +16,15 @@ type MatchCharmUserScore struct { ...@@ -19,54 +16,15 @@ type MatchCharmUserScore struct {
Grade mysql.Num Grade mysql.Num
} }
//获取魅力等级 // 批量获取魅力等级
func GetCharmGrade(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (uint32, uint32, error) { func MGetCharmGrade(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num, error) {
var charmUserScore MatchCharmUserScore res := make(map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num)
if err := model.Db.Model(&MatchCharmUserScore{}).Where(&MatchCharmUserScore{ var charmUserScore []*MatchCharmUserScore
UserId: userId, if err := model.Db.Model(&MatchCharmUserScore{}).Where("user_id in ?", userIds).Find(&charmUserScore).Error; err != nil {
}).First(&charmUserScore).Error; err != nil { return res, err
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return 0, 0, nil
} else {
return 0, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
for _, r := range charmUserScore {
res[r.UserId] = r.Grade
} }
return charmUserScore.Grade, charmUserScore.Score, nil return res, nil
type MatchCharmUserScoreDetail struct {
MatchCharmUserScoreId mysql.ID
UserId mysql.ID
BeforeScore mysql.Num
Score mysql.Num
AfterScore mysql.Num
Type match_e.MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType
OrginId mysql.ID
func addMatchCharmUserScoreDetail(model *domain.Model, matchCharmUserScoreId mysql.ID, userId mysql.ID, beforeScore mysql.Num, score mysql.Num, t match_e.MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType, orginId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.Db.Save(&MatchCharmUserScoreDetail{
MatchCharmUserScoreId: matchCharmUserScoreId,
UserId: userId,
BeforeScore: beforeScore,
Score: score,
AfterScore: beforeScore + score,
Type: t,
OrginId: orginId,
}).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
* 获取的分数同等级关系
type MatchCharmSetScoreGrade struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
MinNum mysql.Num
MaxNum mysql.Num
Grade mysql.Num
} }
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/domain"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/match_e" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
) )
/** /**
...@@ -19,52 +16,15 @@ type MatchWealthUserScore struct { ...@@ -19,52 +16,15 @@ type MatchWealthUserScore struct {
Grade mysql.Num Grade mysql.Num
} }
/** // 批量获取财富等级
* 获取的分数同等级关系 func MGetWealthGrade(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num, error) {
**/ res := make(map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num)
type MatchWealthSetScoreGrade struct { var wealthUserScore []*MatchWealthUserScore
mysql.Entity if err := model.Db.Model(&MatchWealthUserScore{}).Where("user_id in ?", userIds).Find(&wealthUserScore).Error; err != nil {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"` return res, err
MinNum mysql.Num
MaxNum mysql.Num
Grade mysql.Num
type MatchWealthUserScoreDetail struct {
MatchWealthUserScoreId mysql.ID
UserId mysql.ID
BeforeScore mysql.Num
Score mysql.Num
AfterScore mysql.Num
Type match_e.MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType
OrginId mysql.ID
func addMatchWealthUserScoreDetail(model *domain.Model, matchWealthUserScoreId mysql.ID, userId mysql.ID, beforeScore mysql.Num, score mysql.Num, t match_e.MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType, orginId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.Db.Save(&MatchWealthUserScoreDetail{
MatchWealthUserScoreId: matchWealthUserScoreId,
UserId: userId,
BeforeScore: beforeScore,
Score: score,
AfterScore: beforeScore + score,
Type: t,
OrginId: orginId,
}).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func GetWealthGrade(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (uint32, uint32, error) {
var wealthUserScore MatchWealthUserScore
if err := model.Db.Model(&MatchWealthUserScore{}).Where(&MatchWealthUserScore{UserId: userId}).First(&wealthUserScore).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return 0, 0, nil
} else {
return 0, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} }
for _, r := range wealthUserScore {
res[r.UserId] = r.Grade
} }
return wealthUserScore.Grade, wealthUserScore.Score, nil return res, nil
} }
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/domain/model/common" "hilo-user/domain/model/common"
"hilo-user/domain/model/res_m" "hilo-user/domain/model/res_m"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ func GetUserMedalMerge(logger *logrus.Entry, db *gorm.DB, userId mysql.ID) ([]ui ...@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ func GetUserMedalMerge(logger *logrus.Entry, db *gorm.DB, userId mysql.ID) ([]ui
} }
} }
} }
logger.Infof("maxGrade %+v", maxGrades) //logger.Infof("maxGrade %+v", maxGrades)
logger.Infof("maxMedalIds %+v", maxMedalIds) //logger.Infof("maxMedalIds %+v", maxMedalIds)
mIds := result mIds := result
result = make([]uint32, 0) result = make([]uint32, 0)
...@@ -89,3 +89,15 @@ func GetUserMedal(db *gorm.DB, userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) { ...@@ -89,3 +89,15 @@ func GetUserMedal(db *gorm.DB, userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) {
} }
return result, nil return result, nil
} }
func BatchGetUserMedalMerge(logger *logrus.Entry, db *gorm.DB, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[uint64][]uint32, error) {
result := make(map[uint64][]uint32, 0)
for _, u := range userIds {
a, err := GetUserMedalMerge(logger, db, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[u] = a
return result, nil
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"hilo-user/domain" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/domain"
"hilo-user/resource/mysql" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/mysql"
"time" "time"
) )
package user_m
import (
type UserProperty struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
PropertyId mysql.ID
EndTime time.Time
Using property_e.UserPropertyUsing
func GetUserPropertyOrInit(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, propertyId mysql.ID) (*UserProperty, error) {
userProperty := UserProperty{}
if err := model.Db.Model(&UserProperty{}).Where(&UserProperty{
UserId: userId,
PropertyId: propertyId,
}).First(&userProperty).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return &UserProperty{
Model: model,
UserId: userId,
PropertyId: propertyId,
EndTime: time.Now(),
}, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userProperty.Model = model
return &userProperty, nil
func (userProperty *UserProperty) SetUsing() (*UserProperty, error) {
if err := ResetAllUserPropertyNoUsing(userProperty.Model, userProperty.UserId); err != nil {
return nil, err
userProperty.Using = property_e.YesUsing
return userProperty, nil
func (userProperty *UserProperty) AddEndTime(t property_e.UserPropertyLogOrginType, second uint32, operateUserId mysql.ID) (*UserProperty, mysql.ID, error) {
logId, err := addUserPropertyLog(userProperty.Model, userProperty.UserId, userProperty.PropertyId, t, property_e.AddSecond, &second, nil, operateUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
//if err := ResetAllUserPropertyNoUsing(userProperty.Model, userProperty.UserId); err != nil {
// return nil, logId, err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userProperty.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userProperty.EndTime
userProperty.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(second) * time.Second)
return userProperty, logId, nil
func ResetAllUserPropertyNoUsing(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) error {
if err := model.Db.Model(&UserProperty{}).Where(&UserProperty{
UserId: userId,
}).UpdateColumn("using", property_e.NoUsing).Error; err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func addUserPropertyLog(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, propertyId mysql.ID, originType property_e.UserPropertyLogOrginType, t property_e.UserPropertyLogType, addSecond *uint32, UpdateEndTime *time.Time, operateUserId mysql.ID) (mysql.ID, error) {
userPropertyLog := UserPropertyLog{
UserId: userId,
OperateUserId: operateUserId,
PropertyId: propertyId,
OriginType: originType,
Type: t,
AddSecond: addSecond,
UpdateEndTime: UpdateEndTime,
if err := model.Db.Create(&userPropertyLog).Error; err != nil {
return 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userPropertyLog.ID, nil
func RemoveUserProperty(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, propertyId mysql.ID) error {
return model.Db.Where("user_id = ? AND property_id = ?", userId, propertyId).Delete(&UserProperty{}).Error
type UserPropertyLog struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
OperateUserId mysql.ID
PropertyId mysql.ID
OriginType property_e.UserPropertyLogOrginType
Type property_e.UserPropertyLogType
AddSecond *mysql.Num
UpdateEndTime *time.Time
func (userProperty *UserProperty) BatchGet(db *gorm.DB, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]uint64, error) {
rows := make([]UserProperty, 0)
if err := db.Model(userProperty).
Where("end_time > NOW() AND user_id IN ?", userIds).Order("id DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]uint64, 0)
tmp := make(map[uint64]uint64, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
if _, ok := result[i.UserId]; !ok {
if i.Using == property_e.YesUsing {
// using = true且id最大,就确定是当前使用的
result[i.UserId] = i.PropertyId
} else if _, ok := tmp[i.UserId]; !ok {
// using = false且id最大,先记下,因为不知道还有没有using=true的
tmp[i.UserId] = i.PropertyId
for k, v := range tmp {
// result中没有的,就采用tmp保存的
if _, ok := result[k]; !ok {
result[k] = v
return result, nil
package user_m
import (
type Relation struct {
// 永恒之心值
HeartValue uint32 `json:"heartValue"`
// 永恒之心的最大值(0代表没有永恒之心,即没有相互关注)
HeartValueMax uint32 `json:"heartValueMax"`
// 成长关系建立的时间(天数)
MeetDays uint `json:"meetDays"`
type UserRelation struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId_1 mysql.ID
UserId_2 mysql.ID
HeartValue uint32
// 查询成长关系
func GetRelation(model *domain.Model, userId1, userId2 mysql.ID) (Relation, error) {
result := Relation{0, 0, 0}
if userId1 == userId2 {
return result, nil
// 保证uid小的在前面
if userId1 > userId2 {
userId1, userId2 = userId2, userId1
rel := UserRelation{UserId_1: userId1, UserId_2: userId2, HeartValue: 0}
if err := model.DB().Model(&UserRelation{}).Where(&UserRelation{
UserId_1: userId1,
UserId_2: userId2,
}).First(&rel).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
// 没有成长关系的情况
return result, nil
} else {
return result, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result.HeartValueMax = common.HEART_VALUE_MAX
result.HeartValue = rel.HeartValue
if result.HeartValue > common.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
result.HeartValue = common.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(rel.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result.MeetDays = d
return result, nil
// 批量查询成长关系
func BatchGetRelations(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, others []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]Relation, error) {
smaller := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
greater := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
for _, i := range others {
if i < userId {
smaller = append(smaller, i)
} else if i > userId {
greater = append(greater, i)
rows := make([]UserRelation, 0)
result := make(map[mysql.ID]Relation, 0)
var err error
if len(greater) > 0 {
if err = model.DB().Model(&UserRelation{}).Where("user_id_1 = ? AND user_id_2 IN ?", userId, greater).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return result, err
for _, i := range rows {
if i.HeartValue > common.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
i.HeartValue = common.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(i.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result[i.UserId_2] = Relation{HeartValue: i.HeartValue, HeartValueMax: common.HEART_VALUE_MAX, MeetDays: d}
rows = make([]UserRelation, 0)
if len(smaller) > 0 {
if err = model.DB().Model(&UserRelation{}).Where("user_id_1 IN ? AND user_id_2 = ?", smaller, userId).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return result, err
for _, i := range rows {
if i.HeartValue > common.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
i.HeartValue = common.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(i.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result[i.UserId_1] = Relation{HeartValue: i.HeartValue, HeartValueMax: common.HEART_VALUE_MAX, MeetDays: d}
// 补上没有成长关系的人
for _, u := range others {
if _, exists := result[u]; !exists {
result[u] = Relation{0, 0, 0}
return result, err
package user_m package user_m
import "hilo-user/domain/model"
func (userHeadwear *UserHeadwear) Persistent() error {
return model.Persistent(userHeadwear.Db, userHeadwear)
func (userProperty *UserProperty) Persistent() error {
return model.Persistent(userProperty.Db, userProperty)
func (userPropertyLog *UserPropertyLog) Persistent() error {
return model.Persistent(userPropertyLog.Db, userPropertyLog)
package user_m
import (
type SuperManager struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
IsAll bool
Countries string
func IsSuperManager(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
var n int64
if err := model.Db.Model(&SuperManager{}).Where(&SuperManager{
UserId: userId,
}).Count(&n).Error; err != nil {
return false, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return n > 0, nil
// 对某人是否有超管权限
func IsSuperManagerV2(model *domain.Model, userId, targetUserId mysql.ID) (bool, error) {
var man SuperManager
if err := model.Db.Model(&SuperManager{}).Where(&SuperManager{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&man).Error; err != nil {
if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
model.Log.Errorf("IsSuperManagerV2 fail:%v", err)
return false, nil
if man.IsAll {
return true, nil
targetUser, err := GetUser(model, targetUserId)
if err != nil {
return false, err
countries := strings.Split(man.Countries, ",")
for _, c := range countries {
if c == targetUser.Country {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func GetSuperManagerAll(model *domain.Model) ([]uint64, error) {
var superManagers []SuperManager
if err := model.Db.Model(&SuperManager{}).Find(&superManagers).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userIds := make([]uint64, 0, len(superManagers))
for i, _ := range superManagers {
userIds = append(userIds, superManagers[i].UserId)
return userIds, nil
func GetSuperManagerMap(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]bool, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]bool{}, nil
var superManagers []SuperManager
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&SuperManager{}).Where("user_id in (?)", userIds).Find(&superManagers).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
rs := map[uint64]bool{}
for i, _ := range userIds {
rs[userIds[i]] = false
for i, _ := range superManagers {
rs[superManagers[i].UserId] = true
return rs, nil
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"hilo-user/_const/enum/user_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/user_e"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
"hilo-user/resource/mysql" "time"
) )
//用户信息 //用户信息
...@@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ func (u User) IsPrettyCode() bool { ...@@ -51,6 +52,11 @@ func (u User) IsPrettyCode() bool {
return u.Code != u.OriginCode return u.Code != u.OriginCode
} }
// 七天内注册
func (u User) IsNew() bool {
return time.Now().Sub(u.CreatedTime).Hours() < 24*7
//获取用户 //获取用户
func GetUser(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) (*User, error) { func GetUser(model *domain.Model, id mysql.ID) (*User, error) {
var user User var user User
...@@ -106,3 +112,71 @@ func GetUserByExtId(model *domain.Model, externalId string) (*User, error) { ...@@ -106,3 +112,71 @@ func GetUserByExtId(model *domain.Model, externalId string) (*User, error) {
user.Model = model user.Model = model
return &user, nil return &user, nil
} }
func ToUserTiny(user *User) *UserTiny {
return &UserTiny{
ID: user.ID,
ExternalId: user.ExternalId,
Avatar: user.Avatar,
Nick: user.Nick,
Sex: user.Sex,
Code: user.Code,
Description: user.Description,
Country: user.Country,
CountryIcon: user.CountryIcon,
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsLogout: IfLogout(user.LogoutTime),
Birthday: BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday),
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func GetUsers(model *domain.Model, ids []mysql.ID) ([]*User, error) {
res := make([]*User, 0)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model.Context).Where("id in (?)", ids).Find(&res).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
func GetUserCountryArea(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID) (string, int, error) {
type info struct {
Name string
Area int
res := new(info)
if err := model.Db.WithContext(model.Context).Raw("select name, area from res_country where name = (select country from user where id = ?)", userId).First(&res).Error; err != nil {
return "", 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res.Name, res.Area, nil
func GetUserAreaMap(model *domain.Model, userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]int, error) {
type info struct {
Id mysql.ID
Area int
rows := make([]*info, 0)
sql := "select user.id, rc.area from user left join res_country rc on user.country = rc.name where user.id in (?);"
if err := model.DB().Raw(sql, userIds).Scan(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
res := make(map[mysql.ID]int)
for _, v := range rows {
res[v.Id] = v.Area
return res, nil
package user_m
import (
type UserBindInfo struct {
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
Phone string `json:"phone"`
PhoneCountry string `json:"phone_country"`
Pwd string `json:"pwd"`
AreaCode string `json:"area_code"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
CreateAt time.Time `json:"create_at"`
UpdateAt time.Time `json:"update_at"`
func (*UserBindInfo) TableName() string {
return "user_bind_info"
type UserPhoneInfo struct {
Phone string `json:"phone"`
PhoneCountry string `json:"phoneCountry"`
AreaCode string `json:"areaCode"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
// 获取用户手机号绑定信息
func GetUserBindInfoByUserId(model *domain.Model, userId uint64) (*UserBindInfo, error) {
res := new(UserBindInfo)
err := model.DB().Where(&UserBindInfo{UserId: userId}).First(&res).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
package user_m
import (
type UserOauth struct {
UserId uint64 `json:"user_id"`
ThirdPartyId string `json:"third_party_id"`
ThirdPartyType int8 `json:"third_party_type"`
func (*UserOauth) TableName() string {
return "user_oauth"
// 根据id获取第三方登录信息
func GetUserOauthByUserId(model *domain.Model, userId uint64, thirdType uint8) ([]*UserOauth, error) {
res := make([]*UserOauth, 0)
db := model.DB().Where(&UserOauth{UserId: userId})
if thirdType > 0 {
db = db.Where(&UserOauth{ThirdPartyType: int8(thirdType)})
err := db.Find(&res).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
package user_m
import (
type UserTradeUnion struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
MatchNotification mysql.OpenClose
AgentId mysql.ID
StarchatId mysql.ID
Avatar string
func GetUserTradeUnion(userId mysql.ID) (*UserTradeUnion, error) {
var userTradeUnion UserTradeUnion
if err := mysql.Db.Where(UserTradeUnion{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&userTradeUnion).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &userTradeUnion, nil
type AgentMgr struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
AgentId mysql.ID
func IsAgent(userId uint64) bool {
data := AgentMgr{}
return mysql.Db.Where(&AgentMgr{UserId: userId}).First(&data).Error == nil
package user_m package user_m
import ( import (
"gorm.io/gorm" "gorm.io/gorm"
"hilo-user/_const/enum/user_e" "hilo-user/_const/enum/user_e"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -43,3 +43,24 @@ func GetVip(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (*UserVip, error) { ...@@ -43,3 +43,24 @@ func GetVip(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) (*UserVip, error) {
} }
return nil, nil return nil, nil
} }
func BatchGetVips(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]*int64, error) {
rows := make([]UserVip, 0)
err := mysql.Db.Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Find(&rows).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint64]*int64, 0)
for _, i := range userIds {
result[i] = nil
now := time.Now()
for _, i := range rows {
if i.ExpireAt.After(now) {
ts := i.ExpireAt.Unix()
result[i.UserId] = &ts
return result, nil
package visit_m
import "hilo-user/domain/model"
func (userVisit *UserVisit) Persistent() error {
return model.Persistent(userVisit.Db, userVisit)
package visit_m
import (
type UserVisit struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
VisitUserId mysql.ID
N mysql.Num
func GetVisitInstanceOrInit(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, visitUserId mysql.ID) (*UserVisit, error) {
var userVisit UserVisit
if err := model.Db.Where(&UserVisit{
UserId: userId,
VisitUserId: visitUserId,
}).FirstOrInit(&userVisit, UserVisit{
UserId: userId,
VisitUserId: visitUserId,
N: 0,
}).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userVisit.Model = model
return &userVisit, nil
func (userVisit *UserVisit) UserVisitAdd() *UserVisit {
userVisit.N = userVisit.N + 1
return userVisit
package cp_s
import (
type CpService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewCpService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *CpService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &CpService{svc}
// 获取用户cp信息
func (s *CpService) GetUserCp(userId uint64, lang string) (*user_cv.CvCp, error) {
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(s.svc.MyContext)
cpLevel := cp_e.CpLevel0
cpRelation, exists := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exists {
return nil, nil
var myPrivilegeList []user_cv.CvPrivilege
level := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id)
if level.ExpireAt.Before(time.Now()) {
level.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0)
cpLevel = level.Level
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == userId {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
userPrivileges, err := cp_m.MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
privilegeList := cp_cv.CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(level.Level, "en")
for i, v := range privilegeList {
if v.CanSwitch {
privilegeList[i].UserSwitch = userPrivileges[userId][v.Type]
// 我的特权,有开关并且打开才返回
for _, v := range privilegeList {
if !v.CanSwitch {
myPrivilegeList = append(myPrivilegeList, user_cv.CvPrivilege{Type: v.Type})
} else if v.UserSwitch {
myPrivilegeList = append(myPrivilegeList, user_cv.CvPrivilege{Type: v.Type})
userBases, err := user_cv.GetUserBaseForCpMap([]uint64{cpUserId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 返回值
title := cp_cv.GetTranslate(237, lang)
if msgId, ok := cp_e.CpLevelTitle[level.Level]; ok {
title = cp_cv.GetTranslate(msgId, lang)
var oldScore uint32
if oldCp, _ := cp_m.GetOldConnectCp(model, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2); oldCp != nil {
oldScore = uint32(oldCp.Score)
response := &user_cv.CvCp{
CpUserInfo: userBases[cpUserId],
CpLevel: user_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevel,
Points: oldScore + cp_m.SumCpPoints(model, cpRelation.Id), // 历史分数
Title: title,
MyPrivilegeList: myPrivilegeList,
CpDays: int(time.Now().Sub(cpRelation.CreatedTime).Hours()/24) + 1,
CreatedUnix: cpRelation.CreatedTime.Unix(),
return response, nil
package cp_s
import (
func InviteCpRelation(myCtx *mycontext.MyContext, myUserId uint64, externalId, lang string) error {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return err
userInvite, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return err
if userInvite.ID == myUserId {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
// 自己是否有cp了
myCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return err
if myCp.Id > 0 {
return myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_HAS_CP, lang, comerr.AlreadyHasCp))
// 对方是否已经有cp了
inviCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, userInvite.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if inviCp.Id > 0 {
return myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_HAS_CP, lang, comerr.AlreadyHasCp))
// 我是否发起过cp邀请,且还未被处理
myInvite, err := cp_m.GetCpInvite(model, user.ID, 0, cp_e.CpInvite)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
if myInvite != nil && myInvite.Id > 0 {
return bizerr.CpAlreadyInvite
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_WANT_BE_YOUR_CP, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
tip, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_EXPIRES_AFTER_24_H, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 创建邀请记录
cpInvId, err := cp_m.CreateCpInvite(model, myUserId, userInvite.ID, cp_e.CpRelationInviteDiamond)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
// 扣费
err = diamond_m.ChangeDiamondAccountDetail(model, diamond_e.CpInvite, cpInvId, myUserId, cp_e.CpRelationInviteDiamond)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
// 发送私信-邀请
data, _ := json.Marshal(cp_m.CpInviteMessage{
Identifier: "CpInviteMessage",
Msg: content,
Tip: tip,
Sender: user_m.ToUserTiny(user),
MsgType: 1,
MsgId: cpInvId,
if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, user.ExternalId, []string{userInvite.ExternalId}, string(data), "cp邀请"); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
// socket 推送弹窗
go rpc.SendCpInviteNotice(userInvite.ID, user.Code, user.Nick, user.Avatar, content, user.ExternalId)
return nil
func CancelCpRelation(myCtx *mycontext.MyContext, myUserId uint64, externalId, lang string) error {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return err
userRec, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return err
if userRec.ID == myUserId {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
tip, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_EXPIRES_AFTER_24_H, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_WANT_UNBIND_CP, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
// 我和对方是否是cp,且cp关系存在
cpRelation, err := cp_m.GetCpByIds(model, myUserId, userRec.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if cpRelation.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("CancelCpRelation cp关系不存在 id1:%v, id2:%v", myUserId, userRec.ID)
return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
//// 自己没有cp了
//myCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, myUserId)
//if err != nil {
// return err
//if myCp.Id == 0 {
// return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
//// 对方没有cp了
//inviCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, userRec.ID)
//if err != nil {
// return err
//if inviCp.Id == 0 {
// return myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
// 是否有关于我的cp解除申请,且还未被处理
myCancel, err := cp_m.GetCpCancelWithMe(model, user.ID, cp_e.CpCancel)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
if myCancel != nil && myCancel.Id > 0 {
return bizerr.CpHaveCancelNoDeal
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 创建邀请记录
cancelId, err := cp_m.CreateCpCancel(model, myUserId, userRec.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CancelCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
// 发送私信-发起解除
data, _ := json.Marshal(cp_m.CpCancelMessage{
Identifier: "CpCancelMessage",
Msg: content,
Tip: tip,
Sender: user_m.ToUserTiny(user),
MsgType: 2,
MsgId: cancelId,
if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, user.ExternalId, []string{userRec.ExternalId}, string(data), "cp解除"); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CancelCpRelation BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CancelCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return err
return nil
package event_s
// 送礼增加cp等级
// 送礼增加cp排行榜
//func CpGiftEvent() {
// gift_ev.AddSendGiftEventSync(func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
// sendGiftEvent, ok := event.(*gift_ev.SendGiftEvent)
// if !ok {
// model.Log.Errorf("AddSendGiftEventAsync event type err")
// return nil
// }
// // 只处理cp礼物
// if !sendGiftEvent.ResGift.Cp {
// return nil
// }
// for _, receiverUid := range sendGiftEvent.ReceiveUserIds {
// diamonds := sendGiftEvent.GiftN * sendGiftEvent.ResGift.DiamondNum
// // 有cp关系
// if cpRelation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelationPair(model, sendGiftEvent.SendUserId, receiverUid); exits {
// if err := cp_m.AddCpLevelPoints(model, cpRelation, diamonds, sendGiftEvent.SceneType, sendGiftEvent.SceneUid); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("AddCpLevelPoints fail:%v", err)
// }
// if err := cp_m.AddCpDayRank(model, cpRelation, diamonds); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
// }
// // 检查最新的等级
// if cpLevel := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id); cpLevel.CpId >= 0 {
// points := cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level]
// if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpLevel.CpId, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cp_e.CpAchievementLevel, points); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// }
// }
// // 检查最高的分数
// for _, queryType := range []string{"day", "week", "month"} {
// var beginDate, endDate string
// var cpAchievementType cp_e.CpAchievement
// switch queryType {
// case "day":
// beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementDayRank
// case "week":
// beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
// endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementWeekRank
// case "month":
// beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
// endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementMonthRank
// }
// if data := cp_m.GetCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, cpRelation.Id); data.Score > 0 {
// if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpRelation.Id, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cpAchievementType, data.Score); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// }
// }
// }
// // 检查最新日周月榜单
// return nil // 业务场景允许提前break(cp是唯一的)
// }
// }
// return nil
// })
// 漏掉加分数的送礼记录,补上cp增加分数
// 送礼增加cp等级
// 送礼增加cp排行榜
//func CompensateCpScore() {
// if !config.IsMaster() {
// return
// }
// model := domain.CreateModelNil()
// num, err := redisCli.IncrNumExpire("scirpt:compensateCpScore", 1, time.Hour*999)
// if err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore err:%v", err)
// }
// if num > 1 {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore 执行过了,退出")
// return
// }
// // 查找需要补分的送礼记录
// type GiftOperate struct {
// Id uint64 `json:"id"`
// ResGiftId uint64 `json:"res_gift_id"`
// GiftN int32 `json:"gift_n"`
// SendUserId uint64 `json:"send_user_id"`
// ReceiveUserId uint64 `json:"receive_user_id"`
// SendUserDiamond uint32 `json:"send_user_diamond"`
// SceneType int8 `json:"scene_type"`
// SceneUid string `json:"scene_uid"`
// CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time"`
// }
// rows := make([]*GiftOperate, 0)
// err = model.DB().Model(GiftOperate{}).
// Where("created_time < ?", "2023-06-22 11:20:15").
// Where("res_gift_id in (?)",
// []int{3561, 3571, 3581, 3591, 3601, 3611, 3621, 3631, 3641, 3651, 3661, 3671, 3681, 3691, 3701, 3711}).
// Find(&rows).Error
// if err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore err:%v", err)
// return
// }
// model.Log.Infof("CompensateCpScore len(rows):%v", len(rows))
// for idx, r := range rows {
// diamonds := r.SendUserDiamond
// // 有cp关系
// if cpRelation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelationPair(model, r.SendUserId, r.ReceiveUserId); exits {
// if err := cp_m.AddCpLevelPoints(model, cpRelation, diamonds, gift_e.GiftOperateSceneType(r.SceneType), r.SceneUid); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore AddCpLevelPoints fail:%v", err)
// return
// }
// if err := cp_m.AddCpDayRank(model, cpRelation, diamonds); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore AddCpDayRank fail:%v", err)
// return
// }
// // 检查最新的等级
// if cpLevel := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id); cpLevel.CpId >= 0 {
// points := cpLevel.Points + cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel.Level]
// if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpLevel.CpId, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cp_e.CpAchievementLevel, points); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// }
// }
// // 检查最高的分数
// for _, queryType := range []string{"day", "week", "month"} {
// var beginDate, endDate string
// var cpAchievementType cp_e.CpAchievement
// switch queryType {
// case "day":
// beginDate, endDate = r.CreatedTime.Format("2006-01-02"), r.CreatedTime.Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementDayRank
// case "week":
// beginDate = now.With(r.CreatedTime).BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
// endDate = now.With(r.CreatedTime).EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementWeekRank
// case "month":
// beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
// endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
// cpAchievementType = cp_e.CpAchievementMonthRank
// }
// if data := cp_m.GetCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, cpRelation.Id); data.Score > 0 {
// if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, cpRelation.Id, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2, cpAchievementType, data.Score); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("CompensateCpScore UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// model.Log.Infof("CompensateCpScore idx:%v", idx)
// if idx%1000 == 0 {
// time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
// }
// }
// model.Log.Infof("CompensateCpScore 补偿完毕")
package event_s
import (
// cp空间访问
func CpSpaceVisitEvent() {
cp_ev.AddCpSpaceVisitAsync(func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
e, ok := event.(*cp_ev.SpaceVisitEvent)
if !ok {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
if err := cp_m.AddCpSpaceVisitor(model, e.CpId, e.UserId1, e.UserId2, e.UserId); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("AddCpSpaceVisitor fail:%v", err)
if cnt := cp_m.CountCpSpaceVisitors(model, e.CpId); cnt > 0 {
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAchievement(model, e.CpId, e.UserId1, e.UserId2, cp_e.CpAchievementVisitors, mysql.Num(cnt)); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("UpdateCpAchievement fail:%v", err)
return nil
package event_s
import (
func EventInit() {
func UserBagSendEvent() {
user_ev.AddUserBagSendAsync(func(model *domain.Model, event interface{}) error {
e, ok := event.(*user_ev.UserBagSendEvent)
if !ok {
return errors.New("AddUserBagSendAsync param fail")
if e.ResType != res_e.ResUserBagGift {
return nil
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, e.UserId)
if err != nil {
return err
gift, err := res_m.FindResGift(model, e.ResId)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, e.UserId, msg_e.AddUserBag,
gift.Name, 0, "", fmt.Sprintf("%d", e.Day),
"", "", "").Persistent(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("NewUserRecord fail")
} else {
msg_m.SendEmasMsgAssistant(model, user.ExternalId, user.DeviceType)
return nil
package event_s
import (
// 每次处理500条
const BatchCount = 500
type GiftSendEventService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewGiftSendEventService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *GiftSendEventService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &GiftSendEventService{svc}
func (s *GiftSendEventService) Consume() error {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
s.svc.Log.Errorf("ExceptionHandle GiftSendEventService Consume SYSTEM ACTION PANIC: %v, stack: %v", err, string(debug.Stack()))
var model = domain.CreateModel(s.svc.CtxAndDb)
return model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
events, offset, err := event_m.FetchEventGiftSend(model, BatchCount)
if err != nil {
return err
for k := range events {
cpEvent := &event_m.EventGiftSend{
Entity: mysql.Entity{
ID: events[k].ID,
CreatedTime: events[k].CreatedTime,
UpdatedTime: events[k].UpdatedTime,
Proto: events[k].Proto,
Payload: events[k].Payload,
MarkHiloUser: events[k].MarkHiloUser,
if cpEvent.MarkHiloUser == mysql.YES {
model.Log.Warnf("already consume msg :%v", cpEvent)
sendGiftEvent := new(gift_ev.SendGiftEvent)
if err := json.Unmarshal(cpEvent.Payload, sendGiftEvent); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("json msg fail,event:%v,err:%v", cpEvent, err)
// 标记已经处理,mark比publish事件提前,尽量避免异步事件重复执行
cpEvent.Model = model
err = cpEvent.MarkDone()
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("consume msg fail,event:%v,err:%v", cpEvent, err)
return err
if err := gift_ev.PublishSendGiftEvent(model, sendGiftEvent); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("PublishSendGiftEvent fail,event:%v,err:%v", string(cpEvent.Payload), err)
return err
// 最后一次提交offset
if len(events) > 0 {
offset.MarkOffset = events[len(events)-1].ID
return offset.Persistence()
return nil
package headwear_s
import (
type HeadwearService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewHeadwearService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *HeadwearService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &HeadwearService{svc}
// 下发头饰
func (s *HeadwearService) SendHeadwear(receiverUserId mysql.ID, headdressId mysql.ID, days int) error {
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(s.svc.MyContext)
// 头饰增加
receiveHeadwearDuration := uint32(days) * 3600 * 24
if headdressId <= 0 {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
userHeadwear, err := user_m.GetUserHeadwearOrInit(model, receiverUserId, headdressId)
if err != nil {
return err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userHeadwear.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userHeadwear.EndTime
userHeadwear.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(receiveHeadwearDuration) * time.Second)
if err := userHeadwear.Persistent(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = addUserHeadwearLog(model, receiverUserId, headdressId, headwear_e.ActivityTrigger, headwear_e.AddSecond, &receiveHeadwearDuration, nil, 0); err != nil {
return err
func addUserHeadwearLog(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, headwearId mysql.ID, originType headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogOrginType, t headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogType, addSecond *uint32, UpdateEndTime *time.Time, operateUserId mysql.ID) (mysql.ID, error) {
userHeadwearLog := user_m.UserHeadwearLog{
UserId: userId,
OperateUserId: operateUserId,
HeadwearId: headwearId,
OriginType: originType,
Type: t,
AddSecond: addSecond,
UpdateEndTime: UpdateEndTime,
if err := model.Db.Create(&userHeadwearLog).Error; err != nil {
return 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userHeadwearLog.ID, nil
package noble_s
import (
type NobleService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewNobleService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *NobleService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &NobleService{svc}
// 下发贵族
func (s *NobleService) SendNoble(receiverUserId mysql.ID, level uint16, days int) error {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(s.svc.MyContext)
if level <= 0 {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
cfg, err := noble_m.GetConfigByLevel(model.Db, level)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.PurchasePrice <= 0 || cfg.RenewalPrice <= 0 {
return bizerr.InvalidParameter
n := noble_m.UserNoble{UserId: receiverUserId, Level: level}
records, err := n.FindAll(model.Db)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(records) > 1 {
// DB表结构决定了不可能发生
return bizerr.IncorrectState
if len(records) <= 0 {
// 新增贵族
endTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, int(days))
n = noble_m.UserNoble{UserId: receiverUserId, Level: level, EndTime: endTime}
err = n.Create(model.Db)
if err != nil {
return err
nbl := noble_m.UserNobleLog{
SenderId: 0,
ReceiverId: receiverUserId,
Level: level,
Money: 0,
SrcType: noble_m.SRC_APP,
NewEndTime: endTime,
err = nbl.Create(model.Db)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// 延长贵族
n = records[0]
now := time.Now()
endTime := n.EndTime.AddDate(0, 0, int(days))
if now.After(n.EndTime) {
endTime = now.AddDate(0, 0, int(days))
nn := noble_m.UserNoble{
Entity: mysql.Entity{ID: n.ID, UpdatedTime: n.UpdatedTime},
af, err := nn.UpdateEndTime(model.Db, endTime)
if err != nil {
return err
if af <= 0 {
return bizerr.TransactionFailed
nbl := noble_m.UserNobleLog{
SenderId: 0,
ReceiverId: receiverUserId,
Level: level,
Money: 0,
SrcType: noble_m.SRC_APP,
OldEndTime: n.EndTime,
NewEndTime: endTime,
err = nbl.Create(model.Db)
if err != nil {
return err
// 头饰增加
receiveHeadwearDuration := uint32(days) * 3600 * 24
if cfg.HeaddressId != 0 {
userHeadwear, err := user_m.GetUserHeadwearOrInit(model, receiverUserId, cfg.HeaddressId)
if err != nil {
return err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userHeadwear.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userHeadwear.EndTime
userHeadwear.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(receiveHeadwearDuration) * time.Second)
if err := userHeadwear.Persistent(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := addUserHeadwearLog(model, receiverUserId, cfg.HeaddressId, headwear_e.ActivityTrigger, headwear_e.AddSecond, &receiveHeadwearDuration, nil, 0); err != nil {
// 增加座驾
receivePropertyDuration := uint32(days) * 3600 * 24
if cfg.RideId != 0 {
userProperty, err := user_m.GetUserPropertyOrInit(model, receiverUserId, cfg.RideId)
if err != nil {
return err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userProperty.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userProperty.EndTime
userProperty.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(receivePropertyDuration) * time.Second)
if err := userProperty.Persistent(); err != nil {
return err
if err := (&user_m.UserPropertyLog{
Model: model,
UserId: receiverUserId,
PropertyId: cfg.RideId,
OriginType: property_e.ActivityBillboardTrigger,
Type: property_e.AddSecond,
AddSecond: &receivePropertyDuration,
UpdateEndTime: nil,
}).Persistent(); err != nil {
// 推送
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, receiverUserId)
if err != nil {
return err
nobleDuration := days * 3600 * 24
if err := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, user.ID, msg_e.AddNoble, user.Nick, user.ID, "", strconv.Itoa(int(nobleDuration)/(24*3600)), "", "", "").Persistent(); err != nil {
return err
msg_m.SendEmasMsgAssistant(model, user.ExternalId, user.DeviceType)
return nil
func addUserHeadwearLog(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, headwearId mysql.ID, originType headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogOrginType, t headwear_e.UserHeadwearLogType, addSecond *uint32, UpdateEndTime *time.Time, operateUserId mysql.ID) (mysql.ID, error) {
userHeadwearLog := user_m.UserHeadwearLog{
UserId: userId,
OperateUserId: operateUserId,
HeadwearId: headwearId,
OriginType: originType,
Type: t,
AddSecond: addSecond,
UpdateEndTime: UpdateEndTime,
if err := model.Db.Create(&userHeadwearLog).Error; err != nil {
return 0, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return userHeadwearLog.ID, nil
package ride_s
import (
type RideService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewRideService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *RideService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &RideService{svc}
// 下发座驾
func (s *RideService) SendRide(receiverUserId mysql.ID, rideId mysql.ID, days int) error {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(s.svc.MyContext)
// 增加座驾
receivePropertyDuration := uint32(days) * 3600 * 24
userProperty, err := user_m.GetUserPropertyOrInit(model, receiverUserId, rideId)
if err != nil {
return err
nowTime := time.Now()
if userProperty.EndTime.After(nowTime) {
nowTime = userProperty.EndTime
userProperty.EndTime = nowTime.Add(time.Duration(receivePropertyDuration) * time.Second)
if err := userProperty.Persistent(); err != nil {
return err
if err := (&user_m.UserPropertyLog{
Model: model,
UserId: receiverUserId,
PropertyId: rideId,
OriginType: property_e.ActivityBillboardTrigger,
Type: property_e.AddSecond,
AddSecond: &receivePropertyDuration,
UpdateEndTime: nil,
}).Persistent(); err != nil {
return nil
package service
import (
type Service struct {
func (service *Service) getMyContext() *mycontext.MyContext {
return service.MyContext
* 创建服务
* @param
* @return
func CreateService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *Service {
if myContext == nil {
return &Service{CtxAndDb: &domain.CtxAndDb{
Db: mysql.Db,
MyContext: mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil),
Redis: redisCli.GetRedis(),
} else {
return &Service{CtxAndDb: &domain.CtxAndDb{
Db: mysql.Db,
MyContext: myContext,
Redis: redisCli.GetRedis(),
func (service *Service) Transactional(callback func() error) error {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
service.Log.Errorf("doTransactional SYSTEM ACTION PANIC: %v, stack: %v", err, string(debug.Stack()))
service.CtxAndDb.Db = mysql.Db.Begin()
err := callback()
if err != nil {
return err
return service.Db.Commit().Error
package user_s
import (
type UserService struct {
svc *domain.Service
func NewUserService(myContext *mycontext.MyContext) *UserService {
svc := domain.CreateService(myContext)
return &UserService{svc}
func (s *UserService) GetUserDetail(userId mysql.ID, myUserId mysql.ID, lang string) (*user_cv.CvUserDetail, error) {
model := domain.CreateModelContext(s.svc.MyContext)
model.Log.Infof("GetUserDetail %d begin", userId)
var user user_m.User
var err error
if err = model.DB().First(&user, userId).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var likeN int64
if err := model.DB().Model(&user_m.UserLike{}).Where(&user_m.UserLike{
UserId: myUserId,
LikeUserId: userId,
}).Count(&likeN).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var likeMe int64
if err := model.DB().Model(&user_m.UserLike{}).Where(&user_m.UserLike{
UserId: userId,
LikeUserId: myUserId,
}).Count(&likeMe).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
rel := make(map[mysql.ID]user_m.Relation, 1)
rel[userId], _ = user_m.GetRelation(model, myUserId, userId)
var wealthUserScore user_m.MatchWealthUserScore
if err := model.DB().Model(&user_m.MatchWealthUserScore{}).Where(&user_m.MatchWealthUserScore{UserId: userId}).First(&wealthUserScore).Error; err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
wealthUserScore = user_m.MatchWealthUserScore{
UserId: userId,
Score: 0,
Grade: 0,
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var charmUserScore user_m.MatchCharmUserScore
if err := model.DB().Model(&user_m.MatchCharmUserScore{}).Where(&user_m.MatchCharmUserScore{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&charmUserScore).Error; err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
charmUserScore = user_m.MatchCharmUserScore{
UserId: userId,
Score: 0,
Grade: 0,
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var activityUserScore user_m.MatchActityUserScore
if err := model.DB().Model(&user_m.MatchActityUserScore{}).Where(&user_m.MatchActityUserScore{
UserId: userId,
}).First(&activityUserScore).Error; err != nil {
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
activityUserScore = user_m.MatchActityUserScore{
UserId: userId,
Score: 0,
Grade: 0,
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
isVip, expireTime, err := user_m.IsVip(userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
svip, err := rpc.GetUserSvip(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
headwear, err := headwear_cv.GetCvHeadwear(userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
medals := make(map[uint64][]uint32, 0)
medals[userId], err = user_m.GetUserMedalMerge(model.Log, mysql.Db, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
medals, medalInfo, err := medal_cv.GetMedalInfoMap(mysql.Db, medals)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rooms, err := group_m.RoomLivingUserIdFilter(model, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 2022-05-13 个人详情页:当用户在加锁的房间时,不显示进入房间的图标
if g, ok := rooms[userId]; ok {
gi, err := group_m.GetGroupInfo(model, g)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if gi != nil && len(gi.Password) > 0 {
rooms[userId] = ""
cp, err := cp_s.NewCpService(s.svc.MyContext).GetUserCp(userId, lang)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if cp != nil && cp.CpUserInfo != nil && cp.CpUserInfo.Avatar != nil && headwear != nil {
headwear.HeadwearIcon = *cp.CpUserInfo.Avatar
groupPowerId, groupPowerName, err := groupPower_m.GetUserGroupPower(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
powers := map[mysql.ID]uint64{userId: groupPowerId}
powerNames := map[mysql.ID]string{userId: groupPowerName}
groupPower, _ := rpc.GetGroupPower(model, groupPowerId)
up := user_m.UserProperty{}
rides, err := up.BatchGet(mysql.Db, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
//properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
_, area, err := user_m.GetUserCountryArea(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
properties, err := property_cv.GetPropertyAll(mysql.Db, area)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ride := property_cv.CvProperty{
Id: rides[user.ID],
PicUrl: properties[rides[user.ID]].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: properties[rides[user.ID]].EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: properties[rides[user.ID]].SenderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: properties[rides[user.ID]].ReceiverAvatar,
Using: true,
noble, err := noble_m.FindActiveNoble(mysql.Db, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userTradeUnion, err := user_m.GetUserTradeUnion(myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
superManagerMap, err := user_m.GetSuperManagerMap([]uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 群组信息
myGroups, err := group_m.FindGroupByOwner(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 手机绑定信息
// 第三方账号绑定信息
phoneInfo := new(user_m.UserPhoneInfo)
var thirdList []int8
if userId == myUserId {
thirdList = make([]int8, 0, 5)
// 手机绑定信息
bindInfo, err := user_m.GetUserBindInfoByUserId(model, userId)
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, err
if bindInfo != nil {
if len(bindInfo.Phone) > 2 {
phoneInfo.Phone = bindInfo.Phone[:2] + "****" + bindInfo.Phone[len(bindInfo.Phone)-2:]
phoneInfo.PhoneCountry = bindInfo.PhoneCountry
phoneInfo.AreaCode = bindInfo.AreaCode
phoneInfo.Icon = bindInfo.Icon
thirdList = append(thirdList, 1)
// 第三方账号绑定信息
thirdInfoList, err := user_m.GetUserOauthByUserId(model, userId, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if thirdInfoList != nil {
for _, v := range thirdInfoList {
thirdList = append(thirdList, v.ThirdPartyType)
// 国家管理员
countryManager, err := country_m.GetCountryMgr(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var cvCountryManager *user_cv.CVCountryManager
if countryManager != nil {
cvCountryManager = &user_cv.CVCountryManager{
Country: countryManager.Country,
Role: countryManager.Role,
return userToDetailOne(model, &user, myUserId, userTradeUnion, likeN > 0, likeMe > 0,
rel, isVip, expireTime, svip, headwear, ride, wealthUserScore.Grade, charmUserScore.Grade,
activityUserScore.Grade, medals[userId], medalInfo[userId], rooms[userId], powers[userId], powerNames[userId], groupPower,
noble, superManagerMap[userId], myGroups, phoneInfo, thirdList, cvCountryManager, cp)
// 单用户版,简化参数
func userToDetailOne(model *domain.Model, user *user_m.User, myUserId mysql.ID, userTradeUnion *user_m.UserTradeUnion, isLike bool, likeMe bool, hvMap map[mysql.ID]user_m.Relation,
isVip bool, vipExpireTime *int64, svip rpc.CvSvip, headwear *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear, ride property_cv.CvProperty, wealthGrade uint32, charmGrade uint32, activityGrade uint32,
medals []uint32, medalInfo []medal_cv.CvMedal, room string, power uint64, powerName string, groupPower rpc.CvGroupPowerInfo, noble *noble_m.UserNoble, isOfficialStaff bool,
myGroups []group_m.GroupInfo, phoneInfo *user_m.UserPhoneInfo, thirdList []int8, countryManager *user_cv.CVCountryManager, cp *user_cv.CvCp) (*user_cv.CvUserDetail, error) {
room, err := group_m.ToTxGroupId(model, room)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Warnf("ToTxGroupId failed for %s, err:%v", room, err)
room = ""
cvUserDetail := &user_cv.CvUserDetail{
CvUserBase: user_cv.CvUserBase{
Id: &user.ID,
Avatar: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), "", user.Avatar)),
DefaultAvatar: &user.DefaultAvatar,
ExternalId: StrToString(&user.ExternalId),
Nick: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), user.Code, user.Nick)),
Description: StrNil(IfLogoutStr(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), "", user.Description)),
Sex: TypeToUint8(&user.Sex),
Country: StrNil(user.Country),
CountryIcon: StrNil(user.CountryIcon),
Code: StrToString(&user.Code),
IsPrettyCode: user.IsPrettyCode(),
IsNew: user.IsNew(),
IsVip: isVip,
IsOfficialStaff: isOfficialStaff,
VipExpireTime: vipExpireTime,
Svip: svip,
Medals: IfLogoutMedals(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), []uint32{}, medals),
MedalInfo: IfLogoutMedalInfo(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), []medal_cv.CvMedal{}, medalInfo),
Headwear: IfLogoutHeadwear(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), nil, headwear),
Ride: IfLogoutRide(IfLogout(user.LogoutTime), property_cv.CvProperty{}, ride),
IsPush: TypeToUint8(&user.IsPush),
IsLike: &isLike,
IsLikeMe: &likeMe,
WealthUserGrade: wealthGrade,
CharmUserGrade: charmGrade,
ActivityUserGrade: activityGrade,
CurrentRoom: room,
MyGroupPower: power,
MyGroupPowerName: powerName,
GroupPower: groupPower,
PhoneInfo: phoneInfo,
ThirdList: thirdList,
CountryManager: countryManager,
Cp: cp,
if noble != nil {
cvUserDetail.Noble = noble_cv.CvNoble{
Level: noble.Level,
EndTime: noble.EndTime.Unix(),
if user.ID == myUserId {
cvUserDetail.IsShowAge = TypeToUint8((*mysql.Type)(&user.IsShowAge))
cvUserDetail.Birthday = BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday)
var userCount user_m.UserCount
err := model.DB().Where(&user_m.UserCount{
UserId: myUserId,
Type: user_e.CountTypeLikeMe,
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
cvUserDetail.LikeCount = NumToUint32(&userCount.Num)
var userILikeCount user_m.UserCount
err = mysql.Db.Where(&user_m.UserCount{
UserId: myUserId,
Type: user_e.CountTypeLike,
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
cvUserDetail.ILikeCount = NumToUint32(&userILikeCount.Num)
var visitCount int64
err = mysql.Db.Model(&visit_m.UserVisit{}).Where(&visit_m.UserVisit{
VisitUserId: myUserId,
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
vc := uint32(visitCount)
cvUserDetail.VisitCount = NumToUint32((*mysql.Num)(&vc))
cvDiamond, err := diamond_m.GetDiamondAccountByUserId(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cvUserDetail.DiamondNum = &cvDiamond.DiamondNum
cvUserDetail.PinkDiamondNum = &cvDiamond.PinkDiamondNum
isAgent := user_m.IsAgent(myUserId)
cvUserDetail.IsAgentMgr = &isAgent
} else {
if user.IsShowAge == mysql.OPEN {
cvUserDetail.Birthday = BirthdayToUint64(&user.Birthday)
if userTradeUnion == nil {
isTradeUnionFlag := false
cvUserDetail.IsTradeUnion = &isTradeUnionFlag
cvUserDetail.IsTradeUnionMatchNotification = nil
} else {
isTradeUnionFlag := true
cvUserDetail.IsTradeUnion = &isTradeUnionFlag
isTradeUnionMatchNotificationFlag := userTradeUnion.MatchNotification == mysql.OPEN
cvUserDetail.IsTradeUnionMatchNotification = &isTradeUnionMatchNotificationFlag
// 永恒之心的值
hv, ok := hvMap[user.ID]
if ok {
cvUserDetail.HeartValue = hv.HeartValue
cvUserDetail.HeartValueMax = hv.HeartValueMax
cvUserDetail.MeetDays = hv.MeetDays
} else {
cvUserDetail.HeartValueMax = 0
// 拥有的群组id
if len(myGroups) > 0 {
cvUserDetail.GroupId = myGroups[0].TxGroupId
return cvUserDetail, nil
package user_s
import (
func StrNil(msg string) *string {
if msg == "" {
return nil
return &msg
func TypeToUint8(t *mysql.Type) *uint8 {
if *t == 0 {
return nil
} else {
return (*uint8)(t)
func BirthdayToUint64(birthday *mysql.Timestamp) *uint64 {
if *birthday == 0 {
return nil
return (*uint64)(birthday)
func NumToUint32(num *mysql.Num) *uint32 {
return (*uint32)(num)
func TimeToUint64(t *time.Time) *uint64 {
a := uint64(t.Unix())
return &a
func StrToString(str *mysql.Str) *string {
return (*string)(str)
func IndexToUint16(i *mysql.Index) *uint16 {
return (*uint16)(i)
func IdToUint64(id *mysql.ID) *uint64 {
return (*uint64)(id)
func IfLogout(logoutTime int64) bool {
return logoutTime > 0 && time.Now().Unix() > logoutTime
func IfLogoutMedals(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []uint32) []uint32 {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutMedalInfo(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal []medal_cv.CvMedal) []medal_cv.CvMedal {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutHeadwear(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear) *headwear_cv.CvHeadwear {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutRide(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal property_cv.CvProperty) property_cv.CvProperty {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutStr(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal string) string {
if condition {
return trueVal
return falseVal
func IfLogoutNick(condition bool, code string, nick string) string {
if condition {
return "Hilo No." + code
return nick
...@@ -2,32 +2,38 @@ module hilo-user ...@@ -2,32 +2,38 @@ module hilo-user
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b h1:h8qDotaEPuJATrMmW04NCwg7v22aHH28wwpauUhK9Oo=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.4.3 h1:/JhWJhO2v17d8hjApTltKNADm7K7YI2ogkR7avJUL3k= gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.4.3 h1:/JhWJhO2v17d8hjApTltKNADm7K7YI2ogkR7avJUL3k=
gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.4.3/go.mod h1:sSIebwZAVPiT+27jK9HIwvsqOGKx3YMPmrA3mBJR10c= gorm.io/driver/mysql v1.4.3/go.mod h1:sSIebwZAVPiT+27jK9HIwvsqOGKx3YMPmrA3mBJR10c=
gorm.io/gorm v1.23.8 h1:h8sGJ+biDgBA1AD1Ha9gFCx7h8npU7AsLdlkX0n2TpE= gorm.io/gorm v1.23.8 h1:h8sGJ+biDgBA1AD1Ha9gFCx7h8npU7AsLdlkX0n2TpE=
gorm.io/gorm v1.23.8/go.mod h1:l2lP/RyAtc1ynaTjFksBde/O8v9oOGIApu2/xRitmZk= gorm.io/gorm v1.23.8/go.mod h1:l2lP/RyAtc1ynaTjFksBde/O8v9oOGIApu2/xRitmZk=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code ...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code
SECRET=hilo1632 SECRET=hilo1632
...@@ -59,12 +61,12 @@ TX_OVERSEA_APP_ID=40000066 ...@@ -59,12 +61,12 @@ TX_OVERSEA_APP_ID=40000066
TX_OVERSEA_KEY=3ab68ea5bddc8774d90b8c764ae71188914bd5fd06f30b28790c51e44ca7885c TX_OVERSEA_KEY=3ab68ea5bddc8774d90b8c764ae71188914bd5fd06f30b28790c51e44ca7885c
REGION_ID=cn-hangzhou REGION_ID=cn-hangzhou
ANDROID_APP_SECRET=cae7b9a9d3e54577d2c3b60bf6d23047 ANDROID_APP_SECRET=cae7b9a9d3e54577d2c3b60bf6d23047
IOS_APP_KEY=30240346 IOS_APP_KEY=30790728
IOS_APP_SECRET=57f33ab9ca6a957a8c659f2b0b6d1205 IOS_APP_SECRET=4fd69ca084c67d4b5a8d15452f0af26a
APP_ID=fc3e087f701b4f788099e1924c3cc7b0 APP_ID=fc3e087f701b4f788099e1924c3cc7b0
...@@ -2,18 +2,24 @@ package main ...@@ -2,18 +2,24 @@ package main
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"hilo-user/resource/consul" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/consul"
"hilo-user/route" "hilo-user/route"
) )
const ( const (
PORT = 9040 PORT = 9040
RegisterName = "hiloUser"
RegisterTag = "用户中心"
) )
func main() { func main() {
//cron.Init() // 开启定时任务 cron.Init() // 开启定时任务
//event_s.EventInit() // 注册事件(内部事件+mysql拟kafka) event_s.EventInit() // 注册事件(内部事件+mysql拟kafka)
redisCli.InitCluster() // redis集群
r := route.InitRouter() // 注册路由 r := route.InitRouter() // 注册路由
consul.RegisterToConsul(PORT) // 服务注册 consul.RegisterToConsul(PORT, RegisterName, RegisterTag) // 服务注册
r.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", PORT)) // 启动服务 r.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", PORT)) // 启动服务
} }
package mycontext
import (
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
* 主要是完成日志打印
* @param
* @return
type MyContext struct {
Log *logrus.Entry
Cxt map[string]interface{}
func CreateMyContextWith(traceId interface{}) *MyContext {
cxt := map[string]interface{}{}
cxt[_const.TRACEID] = traceId
return CreateMyContext(cxt)
func CreateMyContext(ctx map[string]interface{}) *MyContext {
var traceId string
if traceIdTemp, ok := ctx[_const.TRACEID]; ok {
traceId, ok = traceIdTemp.(string)
} else {
traceId = strings.Replace(uuid.NewV4().String(), "-", "", -1)
var userId string
if userIdTemp, ok := ctx[_const.USERID]; ok {
userId = strconv.FormatUint(userIdTemp.(uint64), 10)
var deviceTypeStr string
if deviceTypeTemp, ok := ctx[_const.DEVICETYPE]; ok {
deviceTypeStr, ok = deviceTypeTemp.(string)
var sAppVersion string
if appVersionTmp, ok := ctx[_const.APP_VERSION]; ok {
sAppVersion, ok = appVersionTmp.(string)
var url string
if urlTmp, ok := ctx[_const.URL]; ok {
url, ok = urlTmp.(string)
var method string
if methodTmp, ok := ctx[_const.METHOD]; ok {
method, ok = methodTmp.(string)
_ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "traceId", traceId)
_ctx = context.WithValue(_ctx, "userId", userId)
return &MyContext{
Context: _ctx,
Log: CreateContextLog(userId, traceId, deviceTypeStr, sAppVersion, url, method),
Cxt: ctx,
* 创建上下文的日志
func CreateContextLog(userId string, traceId string, deviceType string, deviceVersion string, url string, method string) *logrus.Entry {
return mylogrus.MyLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
_const.USERID: userId,
_const.TRACEID: traceId,
_const.DEVICETYPE: deviceType,
_const.APP_VERSION: deviceVersion,
_const.URL: url,
_const.METHOD: method,
...@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import ( ...@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import (
var ( var (
// 一般性错误 // 一般性错误
HttpSecret = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1000, "http secret err", myerr.BusinessData{})
TokenInvalid = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1001, "token invalid", myerr.BusinessData{}) TokenInvalid = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1001, "token invalid", myerr.BusinessData{})
ExternalIdNoExist = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1003, "externalId no exist", myerr.BusinessData{}) ExternalIdNoExist = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1003, "externalId no exist", myerr.BusinessData{})
CodeNoExist = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1005, "code no exist", myerr.BusinessData{}) CodeNoExist = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1005, "code no exist", myerr.BusinessData{})
ParaMissing = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1006, "parameter missing", myerr.BusinessData{}) ParaMissing = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1006, "parameter missing", myerr.BusinessData{})
InvalidParameter = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1009, "Invalid parameter", myerr.BusinessData{}) InvalidParameter = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1009, "Invalid parameter", myerr.BusinessData{})
IncorrectState = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1013, "Incorrect state", myerr.BusinessData{})
TransactionFailed = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1014, "Transaction failed", myerr.BusinessData{})
ReqTooFrequent = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1018, "Requests are too frequent", myerr.BusinessData{}) ReqTooFrequent = myerr.NewBusinessCode(1018, "Requests are too frequent", myerr.BusinessData{})
// 钻石 // 钻石
...@@ -18,30 +21,17 @@ var ( ...@@ -18,30 +21,17 @@ var (
DiamondFrequency = myerr.NewBusinessCode(4001, "Diamond operation frequency too high", myerr.BusinessData{}) DiamondFrequency = myerr.NewBusinessCode(4001, "Diamond operation frequency too high", myerr.BusinessData{})
DiamondAccountFrozen = myerr.NewBusinessCode(4004, "Diamond Account Frozen", myerr.BusinessData{}) DiamondAccountFrozen = myerr.NewBusinessCode(4004, "Diamond Account Frozen", myerr.BusinessData{})
// 游戏 ResPropertyDiamondNoUse = myerr.NewBusinessCode(5004, "Property can not buy", myerr.BusinessData{}) //头饰不能买
GameInvalidParameter = myerr.NewGameError(10002, "invalid parameter")
GameTokenInvalid = myerr.NewGameError(1004, "user token invalid")
GameTokenExpire = myerr.NewGameError(1005, "user token expire")
CpNotRelation = myerr.NewBusinessCode(6000, "cp not relation", myerr.BusinessData{})
// 群组 // 群组
GroupNotFound = myerr.NewBusinessCode(14001, "Group not found", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 找不到该群 GroupNotFound = myerr.NewBusinessCode(14001, "Group not found", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 找不到该群
// 游戏服务的错误码,6位,50XXX CpAlreadyInvite = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50120, "Already invited", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 已经发送过邀请了
GameAddNoPermissions = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50100, "Only room administrators can create users", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 权限不足 CpHaveCancelNoDeal = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50121, "You have a cancel apply", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 有接触申请需要处理
GameAddNotOnMic = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50101, "Need on mic", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 需要在麦上才能创建、加入游戏 InviteApplyNoPermission = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50122, "This user does not have invitation permission", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 该用户没有邀请权限
GameHaveNoEnd = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50102, "Group user have no end", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 房间还有未结束的游戏 InviteApplyAlreadyInvited = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50123, "Already invited by someone else", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 已经被别人邀请了
GameNotFound = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50103, "Game not found", myerr.BusinessData{}) // InviteApplyCodeInvalid = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50124, "user id invalid", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 邀请人用户id错误
GameStart = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50104, "Gaming", myerr.BusinessData{}) // InviteApplyNewCodeInvalid = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50125, "user id invalid", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 被邀请人用户id错误
GameAlreadyJoin = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50105, "Already Joined", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 已经加入了游戏 InviteApplyTimes = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50126, "Your application today has reached the upper limit, please wait for tomorrow to continue the application", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 今日邀请次数太多
GameNotJoin = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50106, "Not Join user", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 还未加入游戏
GameCannotClose = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50107, "Have no power to close user", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 没有权限关闭游戏
GameCloseGaming = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50108, "Can't close a user in progress", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 不能关闭进行中的游戏
GamePlayerNumWrong = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50109, "Game player num wrong", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 玩家数量错误
GameHaveNoMyRoom = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50110, "Have no my room", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 自己没有房间
GameHaveNoEndGame = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50111, "The last user is not over yet, cannot create/join a user", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 已经加入了其他房间的游戏
GameExitWrong = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50112, "Can not exit user", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 离开游戏失败
GameDiamondCannotEdit = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50113, "Game diamond can not edit", myerr.BusinessData{}) //
GameSettleWrong = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50114, "Game settle wrong", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 结算修改错误
GameCloseWrong = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50115, "Game close wrong", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 关闭错误
GameJoinFailed = myerr.NewBusinessCode(50116, "Join failed", myerr.BusinessData{}) // 加入失败
) )
...@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ package myerr ...@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ package myerr
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/pkg/errors"
"strconv" "strconv"
) )
...@@ -226,35 +227,10 @@ func WrapErr(err error) error { ...@@ -226,35 +227,10 @@ func WrapErr(err error) error {
} }
} }
func WrapGameErr(err error) error { func ToLocal(err *myerr.BusinessError) error {
if err == nil { return &BusinessError{
return err code: err.GetCode(),
} message: err.GetMsg(),
if h, ok := err.(*GameError); ok { err: err.GetErr(),
return h
return NewGameError(500, err.Error())
// 系统错误
type GameError struct {
code uint16
message string
err error
func (err *GameError) Error() string {
return err.err.Error()
func (err *GameError) Code() uint16 {
return err.code
func NewGameError(code uint16, msg string) *GameError {
return &GameError{
code: code,
message: msg,
err: errors.New("{code:" + strconv.Itoa(int(code)) + ",message:" + msg + "}"),
} }
} }
package mylogrus
import (
rotatelogs "github.com/lestrrat-go/file-rotatelogs"
const logDir = "/var/log/hilo/"
var filenamePrefix string
var MyLog = logrus.New()
func Info(v interface{}) {
func init() {
filenamePrefix = logDir + filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) + "."
// stderr日志重定向
ForceQuote: false,
DisableQuote: true,
TimestampFormat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000",
FullTimestamp: true,
hook := lfshook.NewHook(lfshook.WriterMap{
logrus.DebugLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.DebugLevel),
logrus.InfoLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.InfoLevel),
logrus.WarnLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.WarnLevel),
logrus.ErrorLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.ErrorLevel),
logrus.FatalLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.FatalLevel),
logrus.PanicLevel: getLevelWrite(logrus.PanicLevel),
}, &logrus.TextFormatter{ForceQuote: false, DisableQuote: true, TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339Nano})
func GetInfoLog() io.Writer {
return getLevelWrite(logrus.InfoLevel)
func getLevelWrite(level logrus.Level) io.Writer {
var name string
switch level {
case logrus.DebugLevel:
name = "debug.log"
case logrus.InfoLevel:
name = "info.log"
case logrus.WarnLevel:
name = "warn.log"
case logrus.ErrorLevel:
name = "error.log"
case logrus.FatalLevel:
name = "fatal.log"
case logrus.PanicLevel:
name = "panic.log"
name = filenamePrefix + name
writer, err := rotatelogs.New(
rotatelogs.WithLinkName(name), // 生成软链,指向最新日志文件
rotatelogs.WithMaxAge(7*24*time.Hour), // 文件最大保存时间
rotatelogs.WithRotationTime(time.Hour), // 日志切割时间间隔
if err != nil {
MyLog.Fatal("Failed to create log file:", err.Error())
return writer
func GetSqlLog() io.Writer {
var name string = "sql.log"
name = filenamePrefix + name
writer, err := rotatelogs.New(
rotatelogs.WithLinkName(name), // 生成软链,指向最新日志文件
rotatelogs.WithMaxAge(7*24*time.Hour), // 文件最大保存时间
rotatelogs.WithRotationTime(time.Hour), // 日志切割时间间隔
if err != nil {
MyLog.Fatal("Failed to create log file:", err.Error())
return writer
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package mylogrus
import (
var stdErrFileHandler *os.File
func RewriteStderrFile() {
filename := logDir + filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) + ".stderr.log"
//if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { // mac本地调试
// filename = "./log/hilo/" + filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) + ".stderr.log"
if exits, _ := pathExists(filename); exits {
os.Rename(filename, filename+"_"+time.Now().Format("20060102150405"))
file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
stdErrFileHandler = file //把文件句柄保存到全局变量,避免被GC回收
if err = syscall.Dup2(int(file.Fd()), int(os.Stderr.Fd())); err != nil {
// 内存回收前关闭文件描述符
runtime.SetFinalizer(stdErrFileHandler, func(fd *os.File) {
func pathExists(path string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
//go:build windows
// +build windows
package mylogrus
import (
func RewriteStderrFile() {
filename := logDir + filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) + ".stderr.log"
if exits, _ := pathExists(filename); exits {
os.Rename(filename, filename+"_"+time.Now().Format("20060102150405"))
file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
MyLog.Errorf("stderr log in:%v,err:%v", file, err)
func pathExists(path string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
CREATE TABLE `cp_relation` (
`id` bigint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,
`user_id1` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'user_id1',
`user_id2` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'user_id2',
`created_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
UNIQUE KEY `uid1_idx` (`user_id1`) USING BTREE,
UNIQUE KEY `uid2_idx` (`user_id2`) USING BTREE,
KEY `ctime_idx` (`created_time`) USING BTREE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='cp关系表';
INSERT INTO hilo.diamond_operate_set (diamond_num, frequency_num, frequency_day, diamond_max_num, add_reduce, `type`, name, status, diamond_type)
VALUES (-1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 94, 'cp邀请扣费', 1, 1),
(-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 95, 'cp邀请退费', 1, 1);
CREATE TABLE `cp_invite` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
`user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '发起邀请者',
`invite_user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '被邀请的人',
`diamond_num` int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '邀请者花费的钻石',
`status` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '状态1.未接受2.已接受3.拒接导致退费4.过期导致退费',
`created_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
KEY `uid_idx` (`user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `uid2_idx` (`invite_user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `status_idx` (`status`) USING BTREE,
KEY `created_time` (`created_time`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='cp邀请发起记录';
CREATE TABLE `cp_cancel` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
`user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '发起者',
`rec_user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '接收者',
`status` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '状态1.未处理2.发起者已撤销3.对方已确认4.到期自动确认',
`created_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
KEY `uid_idx` (`user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `uid2_idx` (`rec_user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `status_idx` (`status`) USING BTREE,
KEY `created_time` (`created_time`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='cp解除发起记录';
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (242, 'zh', '仅限送给CP'),
(242, 'en', 'Only for CP'),
(242, 'ar', 'فقط من أجل CP'),
(242, 'tr', 'Sadece CP için'),
(242, 'id', 'Hanya untuk CP'),
(242, 'ru', 'Только для КП'),
(242, 'ko', 'CP 전용'),
(242, 'pt', 'Somente para CP'),
(242, 'th', 'สำหรับซีพีเท่านั้น'),
(242, 'ca', 'Solo para CP'),
(242, 'hi', 'केवल सीपी के लिए'),
(242, 'vi', 'Chỉ dành cho CP'),
(242, 'ur', 'صرف CP کے لیے');
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (243, 'zh', '对方已有CP了'),
(243, 'en', 'The opponent already has CP'),
(243, 'ar', 'الطرف الآخر لديه بالفعل CP'),
(243, 'tr', "Rakibin zaten CP'si var"),
(243, 'id', 'Lawan sudah memiliki CP'),
(243, 'ru', 'У противника уже есть CP'),
(243, 'ko', '상대는 이미 CP를 가지고 있습니다.'),
(243, 'pt', 'O oponente já tem CP'),
(243, 'th', 'ฝ่ายตรงข้ามมี CP อยู่แล้ว'),
(243, 'ca', 'El oponente ya tiene CP'),
(243, 'hi', 'विरोधी के पास पहले से ही CP है'),
(243, 'vi', 'Đối thủ đã có CP'),
(243, 'ur', 'مخالف کے پاس پہلے ہی سی پی ہے۔');
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (244, 'zh', "你想要和我成为CP吗?"),
(244, 'en', "Do you want to be CP with me?"),
(244, 'ar', "هل ترغب في ان تكون CP الخاص معي؟"),
(244, 'tr', "Benimle CP olmak ister misin?"),
(244, 'id', "Apakah Anda ingin menjadi CP dengan saya?"),
(244, 'ru', "Хочешь быть со мной?"),
(244, 'ko', "나랑 CP할래?"),
(244, 'pt', "Você quer ser CP comigo?"),
(244, 'th', "อยากเป็น CP กับฉันไหม?"),
(244, 'ca', "¿Quieres ser CP conmigo?"),
(244, 'hi', "क्या आप मेरे साथ सीपी बनना चाहते हैं?"),
(244, 'vi', "Bạn có muốn trở thành CP với tôi không?"),
(244, 'ur', "کیا آپ میرے ساتھ CP بننا چاہتے ہیں؟");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (245, 'zh', "我想成为你的CP"),
(245, 'en', "I want to be your CP"),
(245, 'ar', "أريد أن أكون CP الخاص بك"),
(245, 'tr', "senin CP'n olmak istiyorum"),
(245, 'id', "Saya ingin menjadi CP Anda"),
(245, 'ru', "Я хочу быть твоим CP"),
(245, 'ko', "당신의 CP가 되고 싶습니다"),
(245, 'pt', "quero ser seu cp"),
(245, 'th', "ฉันอยากเป็นซีพีของคุณ"),
(245, 'ca', "quiero ser tu CP"),
(245, 'hi', "मैं आपका सीपी बनना चाहता हूं"),
(245, 'vi', "Tôi muốn trở thành CP của bạn"),
(245, 'ur', "میں آپ کا CP بننا چاہتا ہوں۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (246, 'zh', "24小时后自动失效"),
(246, 'en', "Automatically expires after 24 hours"),
(246, 'ar', "تنتهي الصلاحية تلقائيًا بعد 24 ساعة"),
(246, 'tr', "24 saat sonra otomatik olarak sona erer"),
(246, 'id', "Secara otomatis kedaluwarsa setelah 24 jam"),
(246, 'ru', "Автоматически истекает через 24 часа"),
(246, 'ko', "24시간 후 자동 만료"),
(246, 'pt', "Expira automaticamente após 24 horas"),
(246, 'th', "หมดอายุโดยอัตโนมัติหลังจาก 24 ชั่วโมง"),
(246, 'ca', "Caduca automáticamente después de 24 horas"),
(246, 'hi', "24 घंटे के बाद स्वतः समाप्त हो जाता है"),
(246, 'vi', "Tự động hết hạn sau 24 giờ"),
(246, 'ur', "24 گھنٹے کے بعد خود بخود ختم ہو جاتا ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (247, 'zh', "我想解绑CP"),
(247, 'en', "I want to unbind CP"),
(247, 'ar', "أريد فك ارتباط CP"),
(247, 'tr', "CP bağlantısını kaldırmak istiyorum"),
(247, 'id', "Saya ingin melepaskan CP"),
(247, 'ru', "Я хочу отвязать CP"),
(247, 'ko', "CP 바인딩을 해제하고 싶습니다."),
(247, 'pt', "quero desvincular o CP"),
(247, 'th', "ฉันต้องการยกเลิกการเชื่อมโยง CP"),
(247, 'ca', "Quiero desvincular CP"),
(247, 'hi', "मैं सीपी को खोलना चाहता हूं"),
(247, 'vi', "Tôi muốn hủy liên kết CP"),
(247, 'ur', "میں CP کو بند کرنا چاہتا ہوں۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (248, 'zh', "我们已经是CP了!"),
(248, 'en', "We are already CP!"),
(248, 'ar', "أصبحنا CP!"),
(248, 'tr', "Biz zaten CP'yiz!"),
(248, 'id', "Kami sudah CP!"),
(248, 'ru', "Мы уже КП!"),
(248, 'ko', "우리는 이미 CP입니다!"),
(248, 'pt', "Já somos CP!"),
(248, 'th', "เราเป็นซีพีแล้ว!"),
(248, 'ca', "¡Ya somos CP!"),
(248, 'hi', "हम पहले से ही सीपी हैं!"),
(248, 'vi', "Chúng ta đã là CP rồi!"),
(248, 'ur', "ہم پہلے ہی CP ہیں!");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (249, 'zh', "庆祝礼物已发送到%s的背包"),
(249, 'en', "Celebration gifts have been sent to %s 's backpack"),
(249, 'ar', "تم إرسال هدايا الاحتفال إلى حقيبة %s"),
(249, 'tr', "%s'nin sırt çantasına kutlama hediyeleri gönderildi"),
(249, 'id', "Hadiah perayaan telah dikirim ke ransel %s"),
(249, 'ru', "Праздничные подарки отправлены в рюкзак %s."),
(249, 'ko', "축하 선물이 %s의 배낭으로 보내졌습니다."),
(249, 'pt', "Presentes de comemoração foram enviados para a mochila de %s"),
(249, 'th', "ของขวัญฉลองถูกส่งไปที่กระเป๋าเป้สะพายหลังของ %s แล้ว"),
(249, 'ca', "Se han enviado regalos de celebración a la mochila de %s"),
(249, 'hi', "उत्सव उपहार %s के बैकपैक में भेज दिए गए हैं"),
(249, 'vi', "Quà kỷ niệm đã được gửi tới ba lô của %s'"),
(249, 'ur', "جشن کے تحائف %s کے بیگ میں بھیجے گئے ہیں۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (250, 'zh', "%s已拒绝CP邀请"),
(250, 'en', "%s has rejected the CP invitation"),
(250, 'ar', "%s رفض دعوة CP"),
(250, 'tr', "%s CP davetini reddetti"),
(250, 'id', "%s telah menolak undangan CP"),
(250, 'ru', "%s отклонил приглашение CP"),
(250, 'ko', "%s님이 CP 초대를 거부했습니다."),
(250, 'pt', "%s rejeitou o convite CP"),
(250, 'th', "%s ได้ปฏิเสธคำเชิญ CP"),
(250, 'ca', "%s ha rechazado la invitación de CP"),
(250, 'hi', "%s ने CP आमंत्रण को अस्वीकार कर दिया है"),
(250, 'vi', "%s đã từ chối lời mời CP"),
(250, 'ur', "%s نے CP دعوت نامے کو مسترد کر دیا ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (251, 'zh', "已解绑CP,CP值被清空,CP特权已消失"),
(251, 'en', "The CP has been unbound, the CP points has been cleared, and the CP privilege has disappeared"),
(251, 'ar', "تم فك ارتباط CP ، وتم مسح نقاط CP ، واختفيت امتيازات CP"),
(251, 'tr', "CP bağlantısı kaldırıldı, CP puanları silindi ve CP ayrıcalığı kayboldu"),
(251, 'id', "CP telah dilepas, poin CP telah dihapus, dan hak istimewa CP telah hilang"),
(251, 'ru', "CP был развязан, CP-очки были очищены, а привилегия CP исчезла."),
(251, 'ko', "CP가 해제되고 CP 포인트가 해제되며 CP 특권이 사라졌습니다."),
(251, 'pt', "O CP foi desvinculado, os pontos do CP foram apagados e o privilégio do CP desapareceu"),
(251, 'th', "CP ไม่ถูกผูกมัด คะแนน CP ถูกล้าง และสิทธิ์ CP หายไป"),
(251, 'ca', "El CP se ha desvinculado, los puntos de CP se han borrado y el privilegio de CP ha desaparecido"),
(251, 'hi', "सीपी अनबाउंड हो गया है, सीपी पॉइंट क्लियर हो गए हैं, और सीपी विशेषाधिकार गायब हो गया है"),
(251, 'vi', "CP đã bị hủy liên kết, điểm CP đã bị xóa và đặc quyền CP đã biến mất"),
(251, 'ur', "CP کو غیر پابند کر دیا گیا ہے، CP پوائنٹس کو صاف کر دیا گیا ہے، اور CP کا استحقاق غائب ہو گیا ہے");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (258, 'zh', "已经过期"),
(258, 'en', "Already expired"),
(258, 'ar', "تم انتهاء صلاحيتها"),
(258, 'tr', "Zaten süresi dolmuş"),
(258, 'id', "Sudah kedaluwarsa"),
(258, 'ru', "Срок действия уже истек"),
(258, 'ko', "이미 만료됨"),
(258, 'pt', "Já expirou"),
(258, 'th', "หมดอายุแล้ว"),
(258, 'ca', "ya vencido"),
(258, 'hi', "पहले ही समाप्त हो चुका है"),
(258, 'vi', "Đã hết hạn"),
(258, 'ur', "پہلے ہی ختم ہو چکا ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (272, 'zh', "绑定CP花费"),
(272, 'en', "Binding CP cost"),
(272, 'ar', "تكلفة CP الارتباط"),
(272, 'tr', "Bağlayıcı CP maliyeti"),
(272, 'id', "Mengikat biaya CP"),
(272, 'ru', "Привязка стоимости CP"),
(272, 'ko', "구속력 있는 CP 비용"),
(272, 'pt', "Custo de CP vinculativo"),
(272, 'th', "ค่าซีพีเข้าเล่ม"),
(272, 'ca', "Costo de CP vinculante"),
(272, 'hi', "बाध्यकारी सीपी लागत"),
(272, 'vi', "Chi phí CP ràng buộc"),
(272, 'ur', "بائنڈنگ CP لاگت");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (273, 'zh', "绑定CP返还"),
(273, 'en', "Binding CP return"),
(273, 'ar', "استرداد CP الارتباط"),
(273, 'tr', "Bağlayıcı CP dönüşü"),
(273, 'id', "Pengembalian CP yang mengikat"),
(273, 'ru', "Обязательный возврат CP"),
(273, 'ko', "바인딩 CP 반환"),
(273, 'pt', "Retorno de CP vinculativo"),
(273, 'th', "การคืนค่า CP ที่มีผลผูกพัน"),
(273, 'ca', "Retorno de CP vinculante"),
(273, 'hi', "बाध्यकारी सीपी वापसी"),
(273, 'vi', "Lợi nhuận CP ràng buộc"),
(273, 'ur', "بائنڈنگ CP واپسی۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (274, 'zh', "%s撤销了解绑CP的申请"),
(274, 'en', "%s canceled the application to unbind CP"),
(274, 'ar', "%s قام بسحب طلبه لفك ارتباط CP"),
(274, 'tr', "%s, CP'nin bağlantısını kaldırma başvurusunu iptal etti"),
(274, 'id', "%s membatalkan aplikasi untuk melepaskan CP"),
(274, 'ru', "%s отменил заявку на отвязку CP"),
(274, 'ko', "%s이(가) CP 바인딩 해제 신청을 취소했습니다."),
(274, 'pt', "%s cancelou o aplicativo para desvincular CP"),
(274, 'th', "%s ยกเลิกแอปพลิเคชันเพื่อยกเลิกการเชื่อมโยง CP"),
(274, 'ca', "%s canceló la solicitud para desvincular CP"),
(274, 'hi', "%s ने सीपी को अनबाइंड करने के लिए आवेदन को रद्द कर दिया"),
(274, 'vi', "%s đã hủy đơn đăng ký hủy liên kết CP"),
(274, 'ur', "%s نے CP کی پابندی ختم کرنے کے لیے درخواست منسوخ کر دی۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (275, 'zh', "等待对方接受"),
(275, 'en', "Waiting to be accepted"),
(275, 'ar', "في انتظار قبول الطرف الآخرى"),
(275, 'tr', "Kabul edilmeyi bekliyorum"),
(275, 'id', "Menunggu untuk diterima"),
(275, 'ru', "Ожидание принятия"),
(275, 'ko', "수락 대기 중"),
(275, 'pt', "Esperando ser aceito"),
(275, 'th', "รอรับได้เลยครับ"),
(275, 'ca', "Esperando ser aceptado"),
(275, 'hi', "स्वीकार किए जाने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है"),
(275, 'vi', "Chờ đợi để được chấp nhận"),
(275, 'ur', "قبول ہونے کا انتظار ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (276, 'zh', "邀请被接受"),
(276, 'en', "Invitation accepted"),
(276, 'ar', "تم قبول الدعوة"),
(276, 'tr', "davet kabul edildi"),
(276, 'id', "undangan diterima"),
(276, 'ru', "приглашение принято"),
(276, 'ko', "초대 수락됨"),
(276, 'pt', "convite aceito"),
(276, 'th', "ยอมรับคำเชิญแล้ว"),
(276, 'ca', "invitación aceptada"),
(276, 'hi', "निमंत्रण स्वीकार किया"),
(276, 'vi', "lời mời được chấp nhận"),
(276, 'ur', "دعوت قبول کی");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (277, 'zh', "邀请被拒绝"),
(277, 'en', "Invitation refused"),
(277, 'ar', "تم رفض الدعوة"),
(277, 'tr', "davet reddedildi"),
(277, 'id', "undangan ditolak"),
(277, 'ru', "приглашение отклонено"),
(277, 'ko', "초대가 거부됨"),
(277, 'pt', "convite recusado"),
(277, 'th', "คำเชิญถูกปฏิเสธ"),
(277, 'ca', "invitación rechazada"),
(277, 'hi', "निमंत्रण अस्वीकार कर दिया"),
(277, 'vi', "lời mời từ chối"),
(277, 'ur', "دعوت سے انکار کر دیا");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (278, 'zh', "已解绑CP"),
(278, 'en', "CP has been unbound"),
(278, 'ar', "تم فك علاقة CP"),
(278, 'tr', "CP bağlantısı kaldırıldı"),
(278, 'id', "CP telah dilepaskan"),
(278, 'ru', "CP не привязан"),
(278, 'ko', "CP가 언바운드되었습니다."),
(278, 'pt', "CP foi desvinculado"),
(278, 'th', "CP หลุดแล้ว"),
(278, 'ca', "CP ha sido desvinculado"),
(278, 'hi', "सीपी अनबाउंड किया गया है"),
(278, 'vi', "CP không bị ràng buộc"),
(278, 'ur', "سی پی کو غیر پابند کیا گیا ہے۔");
INSERT INTO hilo.res_multi_text (msg_id, `language`, content)
VALUES (279, 'zh', "已被取消"),
(279, 'en', "Has been canceled"),
(279, 'ar', "تم الإلغاء"),
(279, 'tr', "İptal edildi"),
(279, 'id', "Telah dibatalkan"),
(279, 'ru', "Была отменена"),
(279, 'ko', "취소되었습니다"),
(279, 'pt', "Foi cancelado"),
(279, 'th', "ถูกยกเลิก"),
(279, 'ca', "Ha sido cancelado"),
(279, 'hi', "रद्द किया गया"),
(279, 'vi', "Đã hủy bỏ"),
(279, 'ur', "منسوخ کر دیا گیا ہے۔");
CREATE TABLE `invite_apply` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
`user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '发起申请者',
`new_user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '被邀请的人',
`platform` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '来自平台',
`platform_id` varchar(150) NOT NULL COMMENT '平台id',
`recharge_info` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '新用户在其它平台充值的标志',
`status` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '状态0.未审核1.已通过2.已拒绝',
`level` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '申请等级(S,A,B,C)',
`video_url` varchar(400) NOT NULL COMMENT '上传的视频url',
`reason` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '拒绝原因',
`sub_user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '提交人',
`created_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `new_user_id` (`new_user_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `platform` (`platform`) USING BTREE,
KEY `platform_id` (`platform_id`) USING BTREE,
KEY `status` (`status`) USING BTREE,
KEY `created_time` (`created_time`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='新人邀请申请';
INSERT INTO hilo.res_msg_translate (`language`, title, content, icon_url, msg_type, `type`, action_type, action_url)
VALUES ('en', '', 'The welcome party application of user {nick} (ID: {diamondIncome}) has been approved, the welcome party level is: {dayNum} level, inviter {beanNum} (ID: {groupCode})', '', 1, 59, 0, ''),
('tr', '', '{nick} kullanıcısının (ID: {diamondIncome}) karşılama partisi uygulaması onaylandı, karşılama partisi seviyesi: {dayNum} seviyesi, davet eden {beanNum} (ID: {groupCode})', '', 1, 59, 0, ''),
('en', '', 'The welcome party application of user {nick} (ID: {diamondIncome}) has been rejected. The reason for the rejection is: {dayNum}, inviter {beanNum} (ID: {groupCode})', '', 1, 60, 0, ''),
('tr', '', '{nick} kullanıcısının (ID: {diamondIncome}) karşılama partisi başvurusu reddedildi. Reddedilme nedeni: {dayNum}, davet eden {beanNum} (ID: {groupCode})', '', 1, 60, 0, ''),
('en', '', 'Welcome party application, please click to enter', 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/manager/welcomeparty.png', 1, 61, 1, 'https://h5.whoisamy.shop/action/hiloHtml/2023Activity/2023_7_03WelcomeParty/index.html'),
('tr', '', 'hoşgeldin partisi uygulaması, girmek için lütfen tıklayınız', 'https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/manager/welcomeparty.png', 1, 61, 1, 'https://h5.whoisamy.shop/action/hiloHtml/2023Activity/2023_7_03WelcomeParty/index.html');
INSERT INTO mgr_permission_config (id, parent_id, name, method_url, `type`)
VALUES(3224, 2663, '欢迎派对审核', 'POST:/v1/mgr/invite/apply?$', 0),
(3225, 2663, '欢迎派对审核-列表', 'GET:/v1/mgr/invite/apply?$', 0);
syntax = "proto3";
package biz;
option go_package = "protocol/biz";
/* id = 1 */
message BizMessage {
uint32 type = 2;
string payLoad = 3;
/* id = 2 */
message BizMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
service Transmitter {
rpc process(BizMessage) returns (BizMessageRsp) {}
\ No newline at end of file
syntax = "proto3";
package userCenter;
option go_package = "protocol/userCenter";
/* id = 1 */
message RouteMessage {
uint64 uid = 1;
uint32 msgType = 2;
bytes payLoad = 3;
/* id = 2 */
message RouteMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id = 3 */
message LoginMessage {
string proxyAddr = 1; // userProxy的地址:ip:port
string token = 2;
string clientAddr = 3; // 客户端地址(websocket):ip:port
/* id = 4 */
message LoginMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
uint64 uid = 2;
/* id = 5 */
message LogoutMessage {
string clientAddr = 1; // 客户端地址(websocket):ip:port
uint64 uid = 2;
/* id = 6 */
message LogoutMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id = 7 */
message MulticastMessage {
repeated uint64 uids = 1;
uint32 msgType = 2;
bytes payLoad = 3;
/* id = 8 */
message MulticastMessageRsp {
repeated uint64 failedUids = 1;
/* id = 9 */
message KickMessage {
uint64 uid = 1;
string addr = 2;
/* id = 10 */
message KickMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id = 11 */
message BroadcastMessage {
uint32 msgType = 2;
bytes payLoad = 3;
/* id = 12 */
message BroadcastMessageRsp {
repeated uint64 failedUids = 1;
/* id = 13 */
message BizMessage {
uint64 uid = 1;
uint32 msgType = 2;
string payLoad = 3;
/* id = 14 */
message BizMessageRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
service Router {
rpc route(RouteMessage) returns (RouteMessageRsp) {}
rpc kickUser(KickMessage) returns (KickMessageRsp) {}
service User {
rpc login(LoginMessage) returns (LoginMessageRsp) {}
rpc logout(LogoutMessage) returns (LogoutMessageRsp) {}
rpc multicast(MulticastMessage) returns (MulticastMessageRsp) {}
rpc broadcast(BroadcastMessage) returns (BroadcastMessageRsp) {}
rpc transmit(BizMessage) returns (BizMessageRsp) {}
\ No newline at end of file
syntax = "proto3";
package userProxy;
option go_package = "protocol/userProxy";
/* id = 1 登录*/
message Login {
string token = 1;
/* id = 2 登录的回应 */
message LoginRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id = 3 客户端心跳 */
message HeartBeat {
string externalUid = 1;
/* id = 4 客户端心跳的回应 */
message HeartBeatRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id = 7 客户端上行消息 */
message BizRequest {
uint32 type = 1;
string payLoad = 2;
/* id = 8 客户端上行消息的应答 */
message BizResponse {
uint32 status = 1;
/* id == 100 匹配结果通知 waitDuration:开始/下一个时间 matchUniqueId:匹配一对的唯一标识码, status:是否是落单 singleWaitTimeInSec:单方等待连接最长时间 dualWaitTimeInSec:双方连接中最长时间*/
message MatchSuccess {
string localUserId = 1;
string remoteUserId = 2;
uint32 waitDuration = 3;
string matchUniqueId = 4;
bool status = 5;
uint32 singleWaitTimeInSec = 6;
uint32 dualWaitTimeInSec = 7;
/* id == 101 匹配后用户选择结果通知, failType: 只有status=2 才有值,其它为0,failType=1:等待时间到了,拒绝 failType=2:主动拒绝 */
message MatchConfirm {
uint32 status = 1;
string channelId = 2;
string token = 3;
string localUserId = 4;
string remoteUserId = 5;
uint32 remoteAgoraId = 6;
uint32 callDuration = 7;
uint32 localAgoraId = 8;
uint32 diamondBalance = 9;
string matchUniqueId = 10;
uint32 failType = 11;
/* id == 102 视频通话准备 */
message CallReady {
uint64 startTimestamp = 1;
uint64 endTimestamp = 2;
uint64 callDuration = 3;
string channelId = 4;
uint64 remainDiamond = 5;
/* id == 103 礼物加时 */
message AddTimeGift {
uint32 giftId = 1;
string token = 2;
uint32 duration = 3;
uint64 endTimestamp = 4;
string channelId = 5;
bool isSender = 6;
uint32 giftNum = 7;
string iconUrl = 8;
string svgaUrl = 9;
string senderAvatar = 10;
string receiverAvatar = 11;
/* id == 104 免费加时 */
message AddTimeFree {
string token = 1;
uint32 duration = 2;
uint64 endTimestamp = 3;
string channelId = 4;
uint32 senderAgoraId = 5;
/* id == 105 退出 */
message ConnectsQuit {
uint64 from_user_id = 1;
/* id == 106 连接状态 */
message ConnectStatus {
uint64 from_user_id = 1;
float user_diamonds = 2;
bool diamonds_enough = 3;
/* id == 107 ??? */
message ConnectsCall {
uint64 from_user_id = 1;
string rong_room_name = 2;
bool is_join = 3;
/* id == 108 */
message ConnectCommon {
string rong_room_name = 1;
uint64 from_user_id = 2;
string extra = 3;
string message = 4;
/* id == 109 召回授权弹框 */
message RecallWindow {
/* id == 110 视频发送 status:(1:接收到邀请, 2:接收到对方同意, 3:双方拒绝(还没接通), 4:对方挂断(接通后)diamondBalance 只有status=2,才出现)*/
message Video {
string videoUniqueId = 1;
string channelId = 2;
uint32 localAgoraId = 3;
uint32 remoteAgoraId = 4;
string agoraToken = 5;
string sendUserId = 6;
string receiveUserId = 7;
uint32 status = 8;
uint32 diamondBalance = 9;
/* id == 111 视频通话准备 */
message VideoCallReady {
uint64 startTimestamp = 1;
uint64 endTimestamp = 2;
uint64 callDuration = 3;
string channelId = 4;
uint64 remainDiamond = 5;
/* id == 112 互相喜欢 */
message LikeEach {
string remoteUserId = 1;
/* id == 113 喜欢我 */
message LikeMe {
string remoteUserId = 1;
string remoteNick = 2;
string channelId = 3;
/* id == 114 日常进入app,获取钻石 */
message DailyInAppDiamond {
uint32 diamondNum = 1;
/* id == 115 横幅 */
message GlobalGiftBanner {
uint32 bannerLevel = 1;
uint64 giftId = 2;
uint32 giftNum = 3;
string sendUserId = 4;
string receiveUserId = 5;
string groupId = 6;
string sendUserCode = 7;
string sendUserAvatar = 8;
string sendUserNick = 9;
string receiveUserNick = 10;
string giftPicUrl = 11;
/* id == 116 横幅的回应,用来测量RTT */
message GlobalGiftBannerRsp {
uint32 bannerLevel = 1;
uint64 giftId = 2;
uint32 giftNum = 3;
string sendUserId = 4;
string receiveUserId = 5;
string groupId = 6;
/*id==117 幸运转盘通知,客户端重新拉取查询, type:客户端不用理*/
message LuckyWheel {
string groupId = 1;
uint32 type = 2;
/* id == 118 幸运转盘获胜者全服广播 */
message LuckyWheelBanner {
uint32 diamondNum = 1;
string sendUserId = 2;
string groupId = 3;
string nick = 4;
string code = 5;
string avatar = 6;
/* id == 119 幸运转盘钻石变化 */
message LuckyWheelDiamondChange {
string groupId = 1;
/* id == 120 服务器配置变更 */
message ConfigChange {
uint32 type = 1;
/* id == 121 全局火箭横幅 */
message GlobalRocketNotice {
string groupId = 1;
string period = 2;
uint32 round = 3;
uint32 stage = 4;
string topUserIcon = 5;
string nick = 6;
string code = 7;
string avatar = 8;
/* id == 122 群发功能弹窗 */
message GroupSendNotice {
string senderExtId = 1;
string senderCode = 2;
uint32 senderSex = 3;
string senderAvatar = 4;
string text = 5;
string groupName = 6;
string groupCode = 7;
string groupAvatar = 8;
uint32 userInNum = 9; // 最近进入房间的人数
string groupId = 10;
/* id == 123 全球消息 */
message GlobalBroadcast {
string senderExtId = 1;
string senderCode = 2;
uint32 senderSex = 3;
string senderAvatar = 4;
string senderNick = 5;
string msg = 6;
string groupId = 7;
uint32 senderNobleLevel = 8;
/* id == 124 全球消息 */
message MicTaskFinish {
string userId = 1;
uint32 diamond = 2;
/* id == 125 水果机开奖通知 */
message FruitMachine {
string date = 1;
uint32 round = 2;
/* id == 126 贵族变化 */
message NobleChange {
/* id == 127 加入群组成功 */
message JoinGroup {
string groupId = 1;
string externalId = 2;
/* id == 128 1对1视频1分钟加时成功 */
message VideoTimeMinuteSuccess {
string token = 1;
uint32 duration = 2;
uint64 endTimestamp = 3;
string channelId = 4;
uint32 senderAgoraId = 5;
string videoUniqueId = 6;
bool isSend = 7;
uint32 sendRemainDiamond = 8;
/* id == 129 1对1视频1分钟加时询问检查 */
message VideoTimeMinuteCheck {
string videoUniqueId = 1;
uint32 diamond = 2;
string uuid = 3;
/* id == 130 1对1视频,错过 */
message VideoMiss {
uint32 totalNum = 1;
/* id == 131 进房,群组活动信息 */
message GroupActivity {
string ActivityId = 1;// id
uint64 StartAt = 2; // 开始时间戳,东八区时间戳
uint64 EndAt = 3; // 结束时间戳,东八区时间戳
string Banner = 4; // banner url
int32 AcType = 5; // 类型1.游戏2.比赛3.排队4.诗歌
string Theme = 6; // 活动主题
int32 PersonNum = 7; // 订阅人数
bool IsSubscribe = 8; // 我是否订阅该活动
string GroupId = 9; // 群id
\ No newline at end of file
syntax = "proto3";
package video;
option go_package = "protocol/video";
/* id = 1 视频加时 */
message VideoMinuteConfirm {
string videoUid = 1;
string externalId = 2;
/* id = 2 视频加时的应答 */
message VideoMinuteConfirmRsp {
uint32 status = 1;
MYSQL_HOST=ua4papc3hmgqf351pbej-rw4rm.rwlb.dubai.rds.aliyuncs.com MYSQL_HOST=ua4papc3hmgqf351pbej-rw4rm.rwlb.dubai.rds.aliyuncs.com
...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code ...@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ MYSQL_DB=hilo_code
REDIS_HOST=r-eb3btxn8vfdsuwdbuf.redis.dubai.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379 REDIS_HOST=r-eb3btxn8vfdsuwdbuf.redis.dubai.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379
SECRET=hilo1504 SECRET=hilo1504
package jwt package jwt
import ( import (
"github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go" "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"time" "time"
) )
package req package req
import ( import (
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
"hilo-user/domain/cache/user_c" "hilo-user/domain/cache/user_c"
"hilo-user/domain/model/res_m" "hilo-user/domain/model/res_m"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
) )
// 分页base
type PageReqBase struct {
PageIndex int `form:"pageIndex,default=0"`
PageSize int `form:"pageSize,default=10"`
type PageRespBase struct {
NextPageIndex int `json:"nextPageIndex"`
HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"` // 需要具体自定义
func GetUserId(c *gin.Context) (mysql.ID, error) { func GetUserId(c *gin.Context) (mysql.ID, error) {
if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[_const.USERID]; ok { if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[mycontext.USERID]; ok {
userId := userIdStr.(uint64) userId := userIdStr.(uint64)
return userId, nil return userId, nil
} }
return 0, bizerr.ParaMissing return 0, bizerr.ParaMissing
} }
func ToUserId(myContext *mycontext.MyContext, externalId mysql.Str) (mysql.ID, error) {
return user_c.ToUserId(domain.CreateModelContext(myContext), externalId)
//if externalId == "" {
// return 0, myerr.NewSysError("externalId 不能为空")
//var user user_m.User
//if err := mysql.Db.Where(&user_m.User{
// ExternalId: externalId,
//}).First(&user).Error; err != nil {
// return 0, bizerr.ExternalIdNoExist
//return user.ID, nil
// 获取userId和externalId // 获取userId和externalId
func GetUserIdAndExtId(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, error) { func GetUserIdAndExtId(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, error) {
if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[_const.USERID]; ok { if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[mycontext.USERID]; ok {
userId := userIdStr.(uint64) userId := userIdStr.(uint64)
externalId, ok := c.Get(_const.EXTERNAL_ID) externalId, ok := c.Get(mycontext.EXTERNAL_ID)
if ok { if ok {
return userId, externalId.(string), nil return userId, externalId.(string), nil
} else { } else {
...@@ -40,11 +65,11 @@ func GetUserIdAndExtId(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID ...@@ -40,11 +65,11 @@ func GetUserIdAndExtId(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID
// 获取userId和ExtId和code // 获取userId和ExtId和code
func GetUserIdExtIdCode(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, string, error) { func GetUserIdExtIdCode(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, string, error) {
if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[_const.USERID]; ok { if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[mycontext.USERID]; ok {
userId := userIdStr.(uint64) userId := userIdStr.(uint64)
userCode, ok1 := c.Get(_const.CODE) userCode, ok1 := c.Get(mycontext.CODE)
externalId, ok2 := c.Get(_const.EXTERNAL_ID) externalId, ok2 := c.Get(mycontext.EXTERNAL_ID)
if ok1 && ok2 { if ok1 && ok2 {
return userId, externalId.(string), userCode.(string), nil return userId, externalId.(string), userCode.(string), nil
} else { } else {
...@@ -60,10 +85,10 @@ func GetUserIdExtIdCode(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.I ...@@ -60,10 +85,10 @@ func GetUserIdExtIdCode(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.I
// 获取userId和LANGUAGE // 获取userId和LANGUAGE
func GetUserIdLang(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, error) { func GetUserIdLang(c *gin.Context, myContext *mycontext.MyContext) (mysql.ID, string, error) {
if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[_const.USERID]; ok { if userIdStr, ok := c.Keys[mycontext.USERID]; ok {
userId := userIdStr.(uint64) userId := userIdStr.(uint64)
lang, ok := c.Get(_const.LANGUAGE) lang, ok := c.Get(mycontext.LANGUAGE)
if ok { if ok {
return userId, lang.(string), nil return userId, lang.(string), nil
} else { } else {
package config
import (
// 数据库的配置
type MysqlConfig struct {
MYSQL_DB string
type MysqlCodeConfig struct {
MYSQL_DB string
// redis配置
type RedisConfig struct {
// jwt
type JwtConfig struct {
SECRET string
EXPIRE string
// jwt
type GameJwtConfig struct {
SECRET string
EXPIRE string
// oss
type OssConfig struct {
OSS_CDN string
OSS_STS string
OSS_STS_AES string
// aws
type AwsConfig struct {
AWS_CDN string
AWS_DIR string
// APP
type AppConfig struct {
// googlePay 配置信息
type GooglePayConfig struct {
JsonKey []byte
// 融云
type RongyunConfig struct {
// 腾讯云
type TencentyunConfig struct {
// emas
type EmasConfig struct {
REGION_ID string
IOS_APP_KEY string
APNS string
// 声网
type AgoraConfig struct {
APP_ID string
// 匹配的配置
type MatchConfig struct {
//免费加时的时长 (单位:秒)
//pb match_success中, wait_duration 开始/下一个时间(单位:秒)
//pb match_success中, single_wait_time_in_sec 单方等待连接最长时间(单位:秒)
//pb match_success中, dual_wait_time_in_sec 双方连接中最长时间(单位:秒)
// 在线
type OnlineConfig struct {
// 1对1视频
type VideoConfig struct {
//免费加时的时长 (单位:秒)
// 会话
type SessionConfig struct {
type BeanConfig struct {
type H5Config struct {
WEEKLY_CP string
type GroupImConfig struct {
type GradeConfig struct {
type LikeConfig struct {
type ApplePayConfig struct {
type RegisterConfig struct {
type BannerConfig struct {
type DiamondConfig struct {
type LuckWheelConfig struct {
MINIMAL_PARTICIPANT int // 轮盘开始最少需要的参与人数
WAIT_TIMELONG int // 等待轮盘开始的时长(分钟)
// 自定义主题
type GroupCustomThemeConfig struct {
PIC_LIMIT int //图片数量
DAY int //有效天数
type GiftConfig struct {
WALL_DIAMOND int //上礼物墙,礼物钻石金额
type DailyConfig struct {
type FruitTycoonConfig struct {
type ActivityConfig struct {
type CheckoutConfig struct {
URL string
H5 string
type RiskControlConfig struct {
type PayerMaxConfig struct {
URL string
KEY string
BIZ_TYPE string
VERSION string
type SudConfig struct {
API_LIST string
type URLConfig struct {
BIZ_HTTP string
const (
LOCAL string = "local"
DEBUG string = "debug"
RELEASE string = "release"
var mysqlConfigData MysqlConfig
var mysqlCodeConfigData MysqlCodeConfig
var redisConfigData RedisConfig
var jwtConfigData JwtConfig
var userJwtConfigData GameJwtConfig
var appConfigData AppConfig
var ossConfigData OssConfig
var awsConfigData AwsConfig
var googlePayData GooglePayConfig
var rongyunData RongyunConfig
var tencentyunData TencentyunConfig
var emasData EmasConfig
var agora AgoraConfig
var matchData MatchConfig
var onlineData OnlineConfig
var sessionData SessionConfig
var videoData VideoConfig
var beanData BeanConfig
var h5Data H5Config
var groupImData GroupImConfig
var gradeData GradeConfig
var likeData LikeConfig
var applePayData ApplePayConfig
var registerData RegisterConfig
var bannerConfig BannerConfig
var diamondConfig DiamondConfig
var luckyWheelConfig LuckWheelConfig
var groupCustomThemeConfig GroupCustomThemeConfig
var giftConfig GiftConfig
var dailyConfig DailyConfig
var fruitTycoonConfig FruitTycoonConfig
var activityConfig ActivityConfig
var checkoutConfig CheckoutConfig
var riskControl RiskControlConfig
var payerMaxConfig PayerMaxConfig
var mode string
var master bool
var sudConfig SudConfig
var urlConfig URLConfig
func GetConfigMysql() MysqlConfig {
return mysqlConfigData
func GetConfigMysqlCode() MysqlCodeConfig {
return mysqlCodeConfigData
func GetConfigRedis() RedisConfig {
return redisConfigData
func GetConfigJWT() JwtConfig {
return jwtConfigData
func GetConfigGameJWT() GameJwtConfig {
return userJwtConfigData
func GetConfigApp() AppConfig {
return appConfigData
func GetConfigOss() OssConfig {
return ossConfigData
func GetConfigAws() AwsConfig {
return awsConfigData
func GetConfigGooglePay() GooglePayConfig {
return googlePayData
func GetMode() string {
return mode
func AppIsRelease() bool {
return GetMode() == RELEASE
func AppIsLocal() bool {
return GetMode() == LOCAL
func IsMaster() bool {
return master
func GetOssCDN() string {
return ossConfigData.OSS_CDN
func GetRongyunAppKey() string {
return rongyunData.RONG_CLOUD_APP_KEY
func GetRongyunAppSecret() string {
return rongyunData.RONG_CLOUD_APP_SECRET
func GetRongyunUrl() string {
return rongyunData.RONG_CLOUD_URL
func GetTencentyunAppId() int {
return tencentyunData.TENCENTYUN_APP_ID
func GetTencentyunKey() string {
return tencentyunData.TENCENTYUN_KEY
func GetTxOverSeaAppId() int {
return tencentyunData.TX_OVERSEA_APP_ID
func GetTxOverSeaAppKey() string {
return tencentyunData.TX_OVERSEA_KEY
func GetEmasRegionId() string {
return emasData.REGION_ID
func GetEmasAccessKeyId() string {
return emasData.ACCESS_KEY_ID
func GetEmasAccessKeySecret() string {
return emasData.ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
func GetEmasAndroidAppKey() string {
return emasData.ANDROID_APP_KEY
func GetEmasIosAppKey() string {
return emasData.IOS_APP_KEY
func GetEmasApns() string {
return emasData.APNS
func GetAgoraAppId() string {
return agora.APP_ID
func GetAgoraAppCertificate() string {
return agora.APP_CERTIFICATE
func GetAgoraCustomerKey() string {
return agora.CUSTOMER_KEY
func GetAgoraCustomerSecret() string {
return agora.CUSTOMER_SECRET
func GetMatchConfig() *MatchConfig {
return &matchData
func GetOnlineConfig() *OnlineConfig {
return &onlineData
func GetSessionConfig() SessionConfig {
return sessionData
func GetVideoConfig() VideoConfig {
return videoData
func GetBeanConfig() BeanConfig {
return beanData
func GetH5Config() H5Config {
return h5Data
func GetGroupImConfig() GroupImConfig {
return groupImData
func GetGradeConfig() GradeConfig {
return gradeData
func GetLikeConfig() LikeConfig {
return likeData
func GetApplePayConfig() ApplePayConfig {
return applePayData
func GetRegisterConfig() RegisterConfig {
return registerData
func GetBannerConfig() BannerConfig {
return bannerConfig
func GetDiamondConfig() DiamondConfig {
return diamondConfig
func GetLuckyWheelConfig() LuckWheelConfig {
return luckyWheelConfig
func GetGroupCustomThemeConfig() GroupCustomThemeConfig {
return groupCustomThemeConfig
func GetGiftConfig() GiftConfig {
return giftConfig
func GetDailyConfig() DailyConfig {
return dailyConfig
func GetFruitTycoonConfig() FruitTycoonConfig {
return fruitTycoonConfig
func GetActivityConfig() ActivityConfig {
return activityConfig
func GetCheckoutConfig() CheckoutConfig {
return checkoutConfig
func GetRiskControlConfig() RiskControlConfig {
return riskControl
func GetPayerMaxConfig() PayerMaxConfig {
return payerMaxConfig
func GetSudConfig() SudConfig {
return sudConfig
func GetUrlConfig() URLConfig {
return urlConfig
func init() {
str, _ := os.Getwd()
envDir := ".env"
if err := godotenv.Load(envDir); err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Fatalf("Error loading .env err:%v", err)
mode = os.Getenv("MODE")
var err error
master, _ = strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("MASTER"))
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("My role is %t", master)
iniDir := mode + ".ini"
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { // mac本地调试
iniDir = "/var/log/hilo/" + iniDir
//var conf *ini.File
conf, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{IgnoreInlineComment: true}, iniDir)
if err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("DATABASE").MapTo(&mysqlConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("DATABASECODE").MapTo(&mysqlCodeConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("REDIS").MapTo(&redisConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("JWT").MapTo(&jwtConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("GAMEJWT").MapTo(&userJwtConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("APP").MapTo(&appConfigData); err != nil {
} else {
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("APP: %+v", appConfigData)
if err := conf.Section("OSS").MapTo(&ossConfigData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("AWS").MapTo(&awsConfigData); err != nil {
} else {
if awsConfigData.CONFIDENCE <= 50 {
awsConfigData.CONFIDENCE = 80
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("AWS: %+v", awsConfigData)
if err := conf.Section("RONGYUN").MapTo(&rongyunData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("TENCENTYUN").MapTo(&tencentyunData); err != nil {
} else {
mylogrus.MyLog.Info("TENCENTYUN: ", tencentyunData)
if err := conf.Section("EMAS").MapTo(&emasData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("AGORA").MapTo(&agora); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("MATCH").MapTo(&matchData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("ONLINE").MapTo(&onlineData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("SESSION").MapTo(&sessionData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("VIDEO").MapTo(&videoData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("BEAN").MapTo(&beanData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("H5").MapTo(&h5Data); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("GROUPIM").MapTo(&groupImData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("GRADE").MapTo(&gradeData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("LIKE").MapTo(&likeData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("APPLEPAY").MapTo(&applePayData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("REGISTER").MapTo(&registerData); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("BANNER").MapTo(&bannerConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("DIAMOND").MapTo(&diamondConfig); err != nil {
} else {
if diamondConfig.NEW_USER_INVITE_AWARD <= 0 {
diamondConfig.NEW_USER_INVITE_AWARD = 5000
if err := conf.Section("LUCKY_WHEEL").MapTo(&luckyWheelConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("GROUP_CUSTOM_THEME").MapTo(&groupCustomThemeConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("GIFT").MapTo(&giftConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("DAILY").MapTo(&dailyConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("CHECKOUT").MapTo(&checkoutConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("PAYER_MAX").MapTo(&payerMaxConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("FRUIT_TYCOON").MapTo(&fruitTycoonConfig); err != nil {
} else {
// 防止未配置或配置错误
if fruitTycoonConfig.BIG_WINNER_LOW <= 0 {
fruitTycoonConfig.BIG_WINNER_LOW = 10000
if fruitTycoonConfig.BIG_WINNER_HIGH <= 0 {
fruitTycoonConfig.BIG_WINNER_HIGH = 20000
if fruitTycoonConfig.POOL_RATIO <= 0 || fruitTycoonConfig.POOL_RATIO > 100 {
fruitTycoonConfig.POOL_RATIO = 20
if fruitTycoonConfig.WATERMELON_RATIO <= 0 || fruitTycoonConfig.WATERMELON_RATIO > 100 {
fruitTycoonConfig.WATERMELON_RATIO = 70
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("FRUIT_TYCOON: %+v", fruitTycoonConfig)
if err := conf.Section("ACTIVITY").MapTo(&activityConfig); err != nil {
} else {
// 防止未配置或配置错误
if activityConfig.COUNTRY_STAR_POOL_RATIO <= 0 {
activityConfig.COUNTRY_STAR_POOL_RATIO = 20
if activityConfig.COUNTRY_STAR_ORDINARY_RATIO <= 0 {
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("ACTIVITY: %+v", activityConfig)
if err := conf.Section("RISK_CONTROL").MapTo(&riskControl); err != nil {
} else {
if riskControl.USER_QPS_LIMIT <= 0 {
riskControl.USER_QPS_LIMIT = 128
if riskControl.USER_URL_QPS_LIMIT <= 0 {
riskControl.USER_URL_QPS_LIMIT = 64
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("RISK_CONTROL: %+v", riskControl)
if err := conf.Section("SUD").MapTo(&sudConfig); err != nil {
if err := conf.Section("URL").MapTo(&urlConfig); err != nil {
package consul
import (
const (
RegisterName = "hiloUser"
RegisterTag = "用户中心"
// 异步注册到consul
func RegisterToConsul(port int) {
go register(port, false)
go selfCheck(port)
func consulCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, "consulCheck")
func register(port int, retry bool) {
client, err := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig()) //非默认情况下需要设置实际的参数
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("RegisterToConsul Fail:%v", err)
if client == nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("Fail to get consul client.")
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("RegisterToConsul:%v-%v", client, err)
checkPort := port + 1000
registration := new(api.AgentServiceRegistration)
hostName, _ := os.Hostname()
registration.ID = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", RegisterName, hostName)
registration.Name = RegisterName
registration.Port = port
registration.Tags = []string{RegisterTag}
myIp, myNodeName := "", ""
if localIp, err := _const.GetClientIp(); err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Fatalln("local ip not found", err)
} else {
myIp = localIp
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("My ip is %s, nodeName: %s\n", myIp, myNodeName)
registration.Address = myIp
registration.Check = &api.AgentServiceCheck{
HTTP: fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d%s", checkPort, "/check"),
Timeout: "3s",
Interval: "5s",
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter: "30s", //check失败后30秒删除本服务
err = client.Agent().ServiceRegister(registration)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("register server error :%v ", err)
if !retry {
http.HandleFunc("/check", consulCheck)
if err = http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", checkPort), nil); err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Warnf("check server error :%v ", err)
// 自愈检查
// 启动后每一分钟检查一次
// 首次启动不执行
func selfCheck(port int) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
client, err := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig()) //非默认情况下需要设置实际的参数
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("RegisterToConsul Fail:%v", err)
if client == nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("Fail to get consul client.")
cataLog := client.Catalog()
if cataLog == nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("No catalog.")
services, _, err := cataLog.Service(RegisterName, "", nil)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("%v", err)
if len(services) == 0 {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("%s not found.", RegisterName)
go register(port, true) // 重新注册
} else {
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("%s check success %v", RegisterName, services[0])
package consul
import (
consulapi "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"
type ServiceCallback func(serviceStatus map[string]map[string][]string) // service->status->addrs
// 定义watcher
type Watcher struct {
Address string // consul agent 的地址:""
Wp *watch.Plan // 总的Services变化对应的Plan
watchers map[string]*watch.Plan // 对已经进行监控的service作个记录
RWMutex *sync.RWMutex
// 将consul新增的service加入,并监控
func (w *Watcher) registerServiceWatcher(serviceName string, callback ServiceCallback) error {
// watch endpoint 的请求参数,具体见官方文档:https://www.consul.io/docs/dynamic-app-config/watches#service
wp, err := watch.Parse(map[string]interface{}{
"type": "service",
"service": serviceName,
if err != nil {
return err
// 定义service变化后所执行的程序(函数)handler
wp.Handler = func(idx uint64, data interface{}) {
switch d := data.(type) {
case []*consulapi.ServiceEntry:
var serviceStatus = make(map[string]map[string][]string)
for _, i := range d {
if data, ok := serviceStatus[i.Service.Service]; ok {
data[i.Checks.AggregatedStatus()] = append(data[i.Checks.AggregatedStatus()], fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", i.Service.Address, i.Service.Port))
} else {
serviceStatus[i.Service.Service] = make(map[string][]string)
serviceStatus[i.Service.Service][i.Checks.AggregatedStatus()] = append(serviceStatus[i.Service.Service][i.Checks.AggregatedStatus()],
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", i.Service.Address, i.Service.Port))
// 回传到外面
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("consul service status: %s", serviceStatus)
// 启动监控
go wp.Run(w.Address)
// 对已启动监控的service作一个记录
w.watchers[serviceName] = wp
return nil
func newWatcher(watchType string, opts map[string]string, consulAddr string, callback ServiceCallback) (*Watcher, error) {
var options = map[string]interface{}{
"type": watchType,
// 组装请求参数。(监控类型不同,其请求参数不同)
for k, v := range opts {
options[k] = v
wp, err := watch.Parse(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w := &Watcher{
Address: consulAddr,
Wp: wp,
watchers: make(map[string]*watch.Plan),
RWMutex: new(sync.RWMutex),
wp.Handler = func(idx uint64, data interface{}) {
switch d := data.(type) {
// 这里只实现了对services的监控,其他监控的data类型判断参考:https://github.com/dmcsorley/avast/blob/master/consul.go
// services
case map[string][]string:
for i := range d {
// 如果该service已经加入到ConsulRegistry的services里监控了,就不再加入 或者i 为 "consul"的字符串
// 为什么会多一个consul,参考官方文档services监听的返回值:https://www.consul.io/docs/dynamic-app-config/watches#services
if _, ok := w.watchers[i]; ok || i == "consul" {
w.registerServiceWatcher(i, callback)
// 从总的services变化中找到不再监控的service并停止
watches := w.watchers
// remove unknown services from watchers
for i, svc := range watches {
if _, ok := d[i]; !ok {
delete(watches, i)
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("不能判断监控的数据类型: %v", &d)
return w, nil
func RegisterWatcher(watchType string, opts map[string]string, consulAddr string, callback ServiceCallback) error {
w, err := newWatcher(watchType, opts, consulAddr, callback)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Wp.Stop()
if err = w.Wp.Run(consulAddr); err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("RegisterWatcher err: %v", err)
return err
return nil
package mysql
import "time"
type EntityI interface {
GetID() ID
IsLazyLoad() bool
//默认值为false true:代表要移除数据
CheckDel() bool
CheckOnDuplicateKeyUPDATE() bool
CheckOnDuplicateKeyIGNORE() bool
//更新乐观锁 默认值为false true:乐观锁更新
CheckUpdateVersion() bool
CheckUpdateCondition() bool
GetUpdateVersionBefore() uint
GetUpdateCondition() string
//save 动作排除字段
GetOmit() []string
type Entity struct {
ID ID `gorm:"primary_key"`
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
lazyLoad bool `gorm:"-"`
del bool `gorm:"-"`
onDuplicateKeyUPDATE bool `gorm:"-"`
onDuplicateKeyIGNORE bool `gorm:"-"`
updateVersionFlag bool `gorm:"-"`
updateVersionBefore uint `gorm:"-"`
updateCondition string `gorm:"-"`
omit []string `gorm:"-"` //更新排除
updateColumns map[string]interface{} `gorm:"-"` //更新字段
func (t *Entity) GetID() ID {
return t.ID
func (t *Entity) IsLazyLoad() bool {
return t.lazyLoad
func (t *Entity) SetLasyLoad() {
t.lazyLoad = true
func (t *Entity) SetDel() {
t.del = true
func (t *Entity) CheckDel() bool {
return t.del
func (t *Entity) SetOnDuplicateKeyUPDATE() {
t.onDuplicateKeyUPDATE = true
func (t *Entity) SetOnDuplicateKeyIGNORE() {
t.onDuplicateKeyIGNORE = true
func (t *Entity) CheckOnDuplicateKeyUPDATE() bool {
return t.onDuplicateKeyUPDATE
func (t *Entity) CheckOnDuplicateKeyIGNORE() bool {
return t.onDuplicateKeyIGNORE
func (t *Entity) SetCheckUpdateVersionBefore(versionBefore uint) {
t.updateVersionBefore = versionBefore
t.updateVersionFlag = true
func (t *Entity) SetCheckUpdateCondition(condition string) {
t.updateCondition = condition
func (t *Entity) CheckUpdateVersion() bool {
return t.updateVersionFlag
func (t *Entity) CheckUpdateCondition() bool {
return t.updateCondition != ""
func (t *Entity) GetUpdateCondition() string {
return t.updateCondition
func (t *Entity) GetUpdateVersionBefore() uint {
return t.updateVersionBefore
func (t *Entity) GetOmit() []string {
return t.omit
func (t *Entity) SetOmit(omit []string) {
t.omit = omit
func (t *Entity) SetUpdateColumns(updateColumns map[string]interface{}) {
t.updateColumns = updateColumns
func (t *Entity) GetUpdateColumns() map[string]interface{} {
return t.updateColumns
package mysql
import (
. "gorm.io/gorm/logger"
func MyNew(writer Writer, config Config) Interface {
var (
infoStr = "%s[info] "
warnStr = "%s[warn] "
errStr = "%s[error] "
traceStr = "%s[%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s"
traceWarnStr = "%s %s[%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s"
traceErrStr = "%s %s[%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s"
//if config.Colorful {
// infoStr = Green + "%s\n" + Reset + Green + "[info] " + Reset
// warnStr = BlueBold + "%s\n" + Reset + Magenta + "[warn] " + Reset
// errStr = Magenta + "%s\n" + Reset + Red + "[error] " + Reset
// traceStr = Green + "%s\n" + Reset + Yellow + "[%.3fms] " + BlueBold + "[rows:%v]" + Reset + " %s"
// traceWarnStr = Green + "%s " + Yellow + "%s\n" + Reset + RedBold + "[%.3fms] " + Yellow + "[rows:%v]" + Magenta + " %s" + Reset
// traceErrStr = RedBold + "%s " + MagentaBold + "%s\n" + Reset + Yellow + "[%.3fms] " + BlueBold + "[rows:%v]" + Reset + " %s"
myTraceStr := " traceId:%v userId:%v"
infoStr += myTraceStr
warnStr += myTraceStr
errStr += myTraceStr
traceStr += myTraceStr
traceWarnStr += myTraceStr
traceErrStr += myTraceStr
return &myLogger{
Writer: writer,
Config: config,
infoStr: infoStr,
warnStr: warnStr,
errStr: errStr,
traceStr: traceStr,
traceWarnStr: traceWarnStr,
traceErrStr: traceErrStr,
type myLogger struct {
infoStr, warnStr, errStr string
traceStr, traceErrStr, traceWarnStr string
// LogMode log mode
func (l *myLogger) LogMode(level LogLevel) Interface {
newlogger := *l
newlogger.LogLevel = level
return &newlogger
// Info print info
func (l myLogger) Info(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
if l.LogLevel >= Info {
l.Printf(l.infoStr+msg, append([]interface{}{utils.FileWithLineNum()}, data...)...)
// Warn print warn messages
func (l myLogger) Warn(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
if l.LogLevel >= Warn {
l.Printf(l.warnStr+msg, append([]interface{}{utils.FileWithLineNum()}, data...)...)
// Error print error messages
func (l myLogger) Error(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
if l.LogLevel >= Error {
l.Printf(l.errStr+msg, append([]interface{}{utils.FileWithLineNum()}, data...)...)
// Trace print sql message
func (l myLogger) Trace(ctx context.Context, begin time.Time, fc func() (string, int64), err error) {
traceId, userId := ctx.Value("traceId"), ctx.Value("userId")
if l.LogLevel > Silent {
elapsed := time.Since(begin)
switch {
case err != nil && l.LogLevel >= Error:
sql, rows := fc()
if rows == -1 {
l.Printf(l.traceErrStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), err, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql, traceId, userId)
} else {
l.Printf(l.traceErrStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), err, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql, traceId, userId)
case elapsed > l.SlowThreshold && l.SlowThreshold != 0 && l.LogLevel >= Warn:
sql, rows := fc()
slowLog := fmt.Sprintf("SLOW SQL >= %v", l.SlowThreshold)
if rows == -1 {
l.Printf(l.traceWarnStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), slowLog, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql, traceId, userId)
} else {
l.Printf(l.traceWarnStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), slowLog, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql, traceId, userId)
case l.LogLevel == Info:
sql, rows := fc()
if rows == -1 {
l.Printf(l.traceStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql, traceId, userId)
} else {
l.Printf(l.traceStr, utils.FileWithLineNum(), float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql, traceId, userId)
package mysql
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" //加载mysql驱动
_ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
var Db *gorm.DB
func init() {
var err error
mysqlConfigData := config.GetConfigMysql()
options := "?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local&time_zone=" + url.QueryEscape("'+8:00'")
dsn := "" + mysqlConfigData.MYSQL_USERNAME + ":" + mysqlConfigData.MYSQL_PASSWORD + "@(" + mysqlConfigData.MYSQL_HOST + ")/" + mysqlConfigData.MYSQL_DB + options
sqlLogger := logger.Default.LogMode(logger.Info)
if file := mylogrus.GetSqlLog(); file != nil {
//sqlLogger = logger.New(log.New(file, "\r\n", log.Ldate|log.Lmicroseconds), logger.Config{
sqlLogger = MyNew(log.New(file, "", log.Ldate|log.Lmicroseconds), logger.Config{
SlowThreshold: 200 * time.Millisecond,
LogLevel: logger.Info,
Colorful: false,
Db, err = gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{
Logger: sqlLogger,
NamingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
SingularTable: true,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("mysql connect error %v", err)
} else {
log.Println("mysql connect success")
if Db.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf("database error %v", Db.Error)
if d, err := Db.DB(); err == nil {
d.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 30) // 连接可复用的最大时间。
d.SetMaxIdleConns(20) // 空闲连接数
d.SetMaxOpenConns(20) // 最大连接数
package mysql
import "strconv"
基于PDM,建立统计的数据domain结构。注意,不要选择0, 因为go的int默认值为0
type ID = uint64
type Sex = uint8
type AddReduce = uint8
type YesNo = uint8
type Str = string
type Time = int64
type UserYesNo = uint8
type Platform = uint8
type Type = uint8
type Num = uint32
type Timestamp = uint64
type Index = uint16
type NumAll = int
type OpenClose = uint8
type LogicDel = uint8
type Device = uint8
type PeriodType = uint8
type FinishYesNo = uint8
const (
MAN Sex = 1
WOMAN Sex = 2
EMPTY Sex = 0
//yes no
const (
YES YesNo = 1
NO YesNo = 2
const (
OPEN OpenClose = 1
CLOSE OpenClose = 2
const (
ADD AddReduce = 1
REDUCE AddReduce = 2
NilAddREDUCE AddReduce = 3
const (
USER UserYesNo = 1
NOUSER UserYesNo = 2
func TypeToString(t Type) string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(t))
package redisCli
import (
var RedisClient *redis.Client
func init() {
RedisClient = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: config.GetConfigRedis().REDIS_HOST,
Password: config.GetConfigRedis().REDIS_PASSWORD, // no password set
DB: 0, // use default DB
PoolSize: 20,
MinIdleConns: 20,
pong, err := RedisClient.Ping(context.Background()).Result()
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Fatal("redis db0 connect fail")
} else {
mylogrus.MyLog.Info("redis db0 connection success - ", pong)
func GetRedis() *redis.Client {
return RedisClient
...@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ package resp ...@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ package resp
import ( import (
"encoding/json" "encoding/json"
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"net/http" "net/http"
) )
...@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ type Response struct { ...@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ type Response struct {
MessageData interface{} `json:"messageData"` // 消息详情 MessageData interface{} `json:"messageData"` // 消息详情
OperationMessage interface{} `json:"operationMessage"` // 操作消息 OperationMessage interface{} `json:"operationMessage"` // 操作消息
Data interface{} `json:"data"` // 数据 Data interface{} `json:"data"` // 数据
Edata interface{} `json:"edata"` // 加密数据
} }
type GameResponse struct { type GameResponse struct {
...@@ -36,34 +38,67 @@ func ResponseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}) { ...@@ -36,34 +38,67 @@ func ResponseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}) {
Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(), Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(),
Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(), Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(), OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
Data: data, }
if _, ok := c.Get(mycontext.InnerEncrypt); ok {
//response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("484194d4d0f968a7"))
response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("hilo!@#$%^&*()_+"))
} else {
response.Data = data
} }
printResponseBody(c, &response) printResponseBody(c, &response)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response) c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
} }
func GameResponseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}) { // 分页返回
// always return http.StatusOK // 客户端入参 req.PageReqBase
response := GameResponse{ // 服务端返回 req.PageRespBase
RetCode: 0, func ResponsePageBaseOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}, nextPageIndex int, hasNextPage bool) {
RetMsg: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(), if data == nil {
SdkErrorCode: 0, data = make([]interface{}, 0)
pageData := req.PageRespBase{
NextPageIndex: nextPageIndex,
HasNextPage: hasNextPage,
Data: data, Data: data,
} }
printResponseBody(c, &response) response := Response{
Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(),
Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
if _, ok := c.Get(mycontext.InnerEncrypt); ok {
//response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(data, []byte("484194d4d0f968a7"))
response.Edata = utils.EncryptionData(pageData, []byte("hilo!@#$%^&*()_+"))
} else {
response.Data = pageData
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response) c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
} }
func GameResponseFail(c *gin.Context, err *myerr.GameError) { // 分页返回
// always return http.StatusOK // 客户端入参 req.PageReqBase
response := GameResponse{ // 服务端返回 req.PageRespBase
RetCode: err.Code(), func ResponsePageOk(c *gin.Context, data interface{}, total int64, pageSize, pageIndex int) {
RetMsg: err.Error(), if data == nil {
SdkErrorCode: err.Code(), data = make([]interface{}, 0)
Data: nil, }
nextPageIndex := 0
hasNextPage := false
if (pageIndex-1)*pageSize+pageSize-1 < int(total) {
nextPageIndex = pageIndex + 1
hasNextPage = true
response := Response{
Code: myerr.GetSuccessCode(),
Message: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
OperationMessage: myerr.GetSuccessMsg(),
Data: req.PageRespBase{
NextPageIndex: nextPageIndex,
HasNextPage: hasNextPage,
Data: data,
} }
printResponseBody(c, &response)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response) c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
} }
...@@ -113,13 +148,13 @@ func ResponseErrWithString(c *gin.Context, msg interface{}) { ...@@ -113,13 +148,13 @@ func ResponseErrWithString(c *gin.Context, msg interface{}) {
} }
func printResponseBody(c *gin.Context, response interface{}) { func printResponseBody(c *gin.Context, response interface{}) {
traceId, _ := c.Get(_const.TRACEID) traceId, _ := c.Get(mycontext.TRACEID)
if _traceId, ok := traceId.(string); ok { if _traceId, ok := traceId.(string); ok {
c.Header("X-Trace-ID", _traceId) c.Header("X-Trace-ID", _traceId)
} }
var userId uint64 = 0 var userId uint64 = 0
if strUserId, ok := c.Get(_const.USERID); ok { if strUserId, ok := c.Get(mycontext.USERID); ok {
userId = strUserId.(uint64) userId = strUserId.(uint64)
} }
package cp_r
import (
type PostPutAnniversaryReq struct {
Content string `form:"content" binding:"required"`
Timestamp int64 `form:"timestamp" binding:"required"`
IsRemind bool `form:"isRemind"`
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 发布纪念日
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param content formData string true "纪念日名称"
// @Param timestamp formData int true "时间戳"
// @Param isRemind formData bool false "是否提醒"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/anniversary [post]
func PostAnniversary(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var param PostPutAnniversaryReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&param); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
relation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exits {
return myCtx, bizerr.CpNotRelation
} else {
if err := cp_m.AddCpAnniversary(model, cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal, relation, param.Content, param.Timestamp, param.IsRemind, 0, 0); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, "")
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 修改纪念日
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param content formData string true "纪念日名称"
// @Param timestamp formData int true "时间戳"
// @Param isRemind formData bool false "是否提醒"
// @Param id path int true "更新的记录id"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/anniversary/{id} [put]
func PutAnniversary(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var param PostPutAnniversaryReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&param); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
id, _ := strconv.ParseUint(c.Param("id"), 10, 64)
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
if err := cp_m.UpdateCpAnniversary(model, id, param.Content, param.Timestamp, param.IsRemind); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, "")
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 获取纪念日
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param pageIndex query int true "偏移值 默认:1" default(1)
// @Param pageSize query int true "请求数量 默认:10" default(10)
// @Success 200 {object} []cp_cv.CvCpAnniversary
// @Router /v2/cp/anniversary [get]
func PageAnniversary(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
loc := timezone_e.GetFixedTimezone(c.GetHeader(mycontext.TIMEZONE))
if loc == nil {
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if user.Language == "ar" {
loc = timezone_e.KSATimezoneLoc
var response = make([]cp_cv.CvCpAnniversary, 0)
cpRelation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if exits {
userIds := []uint64{cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2}
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == userId {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
userInfo := user_cv.UserToTiny(users[userId])
cpUserInfo := user_cv.UserToTiny(users[cpUserId])
response = append(response, cp_cv.CvCpAnniversary{
Type: cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeAvatar,
CpInfo: &cp_cv.CvCpBase{
UserInfo: *userInfo,
CpUserInfo: *cpUserInfo,
OriginTimestamp: cpRelation.CreatedTime.Unix(),
Timestamp: cpRelation.CreatedTime.Unix(),
CanDel: false,
anniversary := cp_m.GetAllCpAnniversary(model, userId, lang)
for _, v := range anniversary {
timestamp := v.Timestamp
if v.Type >= cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeBirthday1 && timestamp > 0 {
timestamp = cp_m.CalcNextAnniversary(timestamp, loc)
// 客户端只认识0 1
Type := v.Type
if v.Type != cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeAvatar {
Type = cp_e.AnniversaryItemTypeNormal
response = append(response, cp_cv.CvCpAnniversary{
Type: Type,
Id: v.ID,
Content: v.Content,
Timestamp: timestamp,
OriginTimestamp: v.Timestamp,
IsRemind: v.IsRemind,
CanDel: true,
IsTop: v.Sort > 0,
resp.ResponsePageBaseOk(c, response, 0, false)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 获取纪念日
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param id path int true "记录id"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/anniversary/:id [delete]
func DelAnniversary(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
id, _ := strconv.ParseUint(c.Param("id"), 10, 64)
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
if err := cp_m.DelCpAnniversary(model, id); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, "")
return myCtx, nil
package cp_r
import (
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 检查用户是否绑定了cp
// @Param externalId query string true "用户的externalId"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CheckCpRelationRes
// @Router /v2/cp/relation/check [get]
func CheckUserCpRelation(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
externalId := c.Query("externalId")
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
_, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
user, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
cp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if cp.Id > 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_HAS_CP, lang, comerr.AlreadyHasCp))
msg, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_INVITE_CP, lang)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, cp_cv.CheckCpRelationRes{Diamond: cp_e.CpRelationInviteDiamond, Msg: msg})
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 发送cp邀请/发起解除cp
// @Param externalId formData string true "对方的externalId"
// @Param type formData int true "类型1.发起邀请2.发起解除"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/relation [post]
func CpRelation(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
externalId := c.PostForm("externalId")
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
myUserId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
optType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("type"))
if err != nil || optType > 2 || optType < 1 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
if optType == 1 { // 邀请
err = cp_s.InviteCpRelation(myCtx, myUserId, externalId, lang)
if err != nil {
myCtx.Log.Errorf("InviteCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return myCtx, err
} else {
// 发起解除
err = cp_s.CancelCpRelation(myCtx, myUserId, externalId, lang)
if err != nil {
myCtx.Log.Errorf("CancelCpRelation myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, nil)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 回应cp邀请
// @Param externalId formData string true "对方用户的externalId"
// @Param type formData int true "类型1.接受2.拒绝"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/relation/invite/reply [post]
func ReplyCpInvite(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
externalId := c.PostForm("externalId")
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
optType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("type"))
if err != nil || optType > 2 || optType < 1 {
return myCtx, myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
myUserId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
user, err := user_m.GetUser(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
userSender, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if userSender.ID == myUserId {
return myCtx, myerr.WrapErr(bizerr.InvalidParameter)
cpRecord, err := cp_m.GetCpInvite(model, userSender.ID, user.ID, cp_e.CpInvite)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite userSender:%d, user:%d, err:%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, err)
return myCtx, err
if cpRecord == nil || cpRecord.Id == 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED, lang, comerr.AlreadyExpired))
if optType == 1 { // 接受的时候
// 自己是否有cp了
myCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if myCp.Id > 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_HAS_CP, lang, comerr.AlreadyHasCp))
// 对方是否已经有cp了
senderCp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, userSender.ID)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if senderCp.Id > 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_HAS_CP, lang, comerr.AlreadyHasCp))
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新邀请状态
updateStatus := cp_e.CpInviteAccept
if optType == 2 { // 拒接
updateStatus = cp_e.CpInviteRefuse
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpInvite(model, cpRecord.Id, updateStatus)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite userSender:%d, user:%d, status:%d, err:%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, updateStatus, err)
return err
var msgData []byte
if optType == 1 { // 接受
// 写入cp关系表
cpId, err := cp_m.CreateCp(model, userSender.ID, user.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite userSender:%d, user:%d, status:%d, err:%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, updateStatus, err)
return err
// 初始化cp等级
if err := cp_m.InitCpLevel(model, mysql.ID(cpId), userSender.ID, user.ID); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite InitCpLevel fail:%v-%v-%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, err)
return err
// 初始化cp纪念日
if err := cp_m.InitCpAnniversary(model, cp_m.CpRelation{
Id: mysql.ID(cpId),
UserId1: userSender.ID,
UserId2: user.ID,
}, lang); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite InitCpAnniversary fail:%v-%v-%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, err)
return err
// 发放告白礼物
if _, err = bag_tx.SendUserBag(model, userSender.ID, 1, cp_e.CpConfessionGiftId, 1, 3, "告白礼物"); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite userSender:%d, user:%d, status:%d, err:%v", userSender.ID, user.ID, updateStatus, err)
return err
// 发放头饰
for _, u := range []*user_m.User{userSender, user} {
headwearId := cp_e.CpMaleHeadwearId
if u.Sex == mysql.WOMAN {
headwearId = cp_e.CpFemaleHeadwearId
if err = headwear_tx.SendHeadwear(model, u.ID, mysql.ID(headwearId), 3000); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite user:%d, headwearId:%d, err:%v", u.ID, headwearId, err)
return err
// 私信-接受
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_BIND_CP_SUCCEED, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
tip, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_SEND_CP_GIFT, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
msgData, _ = json.Marshal(cp_m.CpAcceptInviteMessage{
Identifier: "CpAcceptInviteMessage",
Msg: content,
Tip: fmt.Sprintf(tip, userSender.Code),
Sender: user_m.ToUserTiny(userSender),
Receiver: user_m.ToUserTiny(user),
} else { // 拒绝
// 退费
err = diamond_tx.SendDiamond(model, cpRecord.UserId, diamond_e.CpInviteRefund, cpRecord.Id, cpRecord.DiamondNum,
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite UserId:%d, err:%v", cpRecord.UserId, err)
return err
// 私信-拒绝
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_REJECTED_CP_INVITE, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
msgData, _ = json.Marshal(cp_m.CpDenyInviteMessage{
Identifier: "CpDenyInviteMessage",
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(content, user.Nick),
Sender: user_m.ToUserTiny(user),
if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, userSender.ExternalId, []string{user.ExternalId}, string(msgData), "cp邀请"); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpInvite myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, nil)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 回应cp解除
// @Param externalId formData string true "对方的externalId"
// @Param type formData int true "类型1.撤销2.接受"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/relation/cancel/reply [post]
func ReplyCpCancel(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
externalId := c.PostForm("externalId")
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
optType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("type"))
if err != nil || optType > 2 || optType < 1 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
myUserId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
myUser, err := user_m.GetUser(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
user2, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if user2.ID == myUserId {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
cpCancel, err := cp_m.GetCpCancel(model, []uint64{myUser.ID, user2.ID}, cp_e.CpCancel)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpCancel myUser:%d, user2:%d, err:%v", myUser.ID, user2.ID, err)
return myCtx, err
if cpCancel == nil || cpCancel.Id == 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, common.MSG_ID_ALREADY_EXPIRED, lang, comerr.AlreadyExpired))
if optType == 1 { // 撤销,只有自己能撤销自己的申请
if cpCancel.UserId != myUserId {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
} else { // 接受,只有对方能接受
if cpCancel.RecUserId != myUserId {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
err = model.Transaction(func(model *domain.Model) error {
// 更新邀请状态
updateStatus := cp_e.CpCancelRevoke
if optType == 2 { // 接受
updateStatus = cp_e.CpCancelAccept
err = cp_m.UpdateStatusCpCancel(model, cpCancel.Id, updateStatus)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpCancel myUser:%d, user2:%d, status:%d, err:%v", myUser.ID, user2.ID, updateStatus, err)
return err
var msgData []byte
if optType == 1 { // 撤销解除
// 私信
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_CANCEL_UNBIND_CP, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
msgData, _ = json.Marshal(cp_m.CpDealCancelMessage{
Identifier: "CpDealCancelMessage",
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(content, myUser.Nick),
Status: 1,
} else { // 接受解除
// 删除cp关系表的记录
err = cp_m.DelCpRelation(model, myUser.ID, user2.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpCancel myUser:%d, user2:%d, status:%d, err:%v", myUser.ID, user2.ID, updateStatus, err)
return err
// 私信-接受解除
content, err := msg.GetResMultiTextBy(model, common.MSG_ID_UNBIND_CP_SUCCEED, lang)
if err != nil {
return err
msgData, _ = json.Marshal(cp_m.CpDealCancelMessage{
Identifier: "CpDealCancelMessage",
Msg: content,
Status: 2,
// 删除cp头饰
_ = headwear_tx.DelHeadwear(model, myUser.ID, cp_e.CpHeadwearId)
_ = headwear_tx.DelHeadwear(model, user2.ID, cp_e.CpHeadwearId)
if err := tencentyun.BatchSendCustomMsg(model, 1, myUser.ExternalId, []string{user2.ExternalId}, string(msgData), "cp解除"); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpCancel BatchSendCustomMsg fail:%v", err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("ReplyCpCancel myUserId:%d, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, cp_cv.CheckCpRelationRes{})
return myCtx, nil
type CpDetail struct {
CpInfo cp_cv.CvCpInfo `json:"cpInfo"` // cp信息
CpLevel cp_cv.CvCpLevel `json:"cpLevel"` // cp等级
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 详情页cp数据
// @Param externalId query string true "用户的externalId"
// @Success 200 {object} CpDetail
// @Router /v2/cp/relation/detail [get]
func CpDetailPage(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
externalId := c.Query("externalId")
if externalId == "" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
user, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if user == nil || user.ID == 0 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
cp, err := cp_m.GetCp(model, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var res *CpDetail
if cp.Id > 0 {
userIds := []uint64{cp.UserId1, cp.UserId2}
userMap, err := user_c.GetUserTinyMap(model, userIds, false)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
res = new(CpDetail)
// 返回值
level := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cp.Id)
if level.ID > 0 {
res.CpLevel = cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: level.Level,
Points: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level.Level] + level.Points,
StartPoints: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[level.Level],
ExpireAtUnix: level.ExpireAt.Unix(),
SettlementDate: level.ExpireAt.Format(utils.DATE_FORMAT),
if res.CpLevel.Level != cp_e.CpLevelMax {
res.CpLevel.EndPoints = cp_e.CpLevelPoints[res.CpLevel.Level+1]
res.CpInfo = cp_cv.CvCpInfo{
UserInfo: user_cv.UserTinyToCvTiny(userMap[cp.UserId1]),
CpUserInfo: user_cv.UserTinyToCvTiny(userMap[cp.UserId2]),
CpDays: int(time.Now().Sub(cp.CreatedTime).Hours()/24) + 1,
CreatedUnix: cp.CreatedTime.Unix(),
resp.ResponseOk(c, res)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags cp关系
// @Summary 检查cp的im是否失效
// @Param msgType query int true "类型"
// @Param msgId query int true "消息id"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CheckCpImRes
// @Router /v2/cp/im/check [get]
func CheckCpImExpire(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
msgType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Query("msgType"))
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if msgType < 1 || msgType > 2 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
msgId, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.Query("msgId"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if msgId <= 0 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
var resId common.MsgIdType
switch msgType {
case 1: // 邀请的消息im检查是否过期
cpRecord, err := cp_m.GetCpInviteById(model, msgId, userId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CheckCpImExpire userId:%d, msgType:%d, msgId:%d, err:%v", userId, msgType, msgId, err)
return myCtx, err
if cpRecord == nil || cpRecord.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("CheckCpImExpire userId:%d, msgType:%d, msgId:%d, err:%v", userId, msgType, msgId, bizerr.InvalidParameter)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
switch cpRecord.Status {
case cp_e.CpInvite:
if userId == cpRecord.UserId { // 发起人
resId = common.MSG_ID_WAITING_ACCEPTED // 等待对方接受
case cp_e.CpInviteAccept:
resId = common.MSG_ID_INVITATION_ACCEPTED // 已接受
case cp_e.CpInviteRefuse:
resId = common.MSG_ID_INVITATION_REFUSED // 已拒绝
case cp_e.CpInviteExpired:
case 2: // 解除的消息im检查是否过期
cpCancel, err := cp_m.GetCpCancelById(model, msgId, userId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("CheckCpImExpire userId:%d, msgType:%d, msgId:%d, err:%v", userId, msgType, msgId, err)
return myCtx, err
if cpCancel == nil || cpCancel.Id == 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("CheckCpImExpire userId:%d, msgType:%d, msgId:%d, err:%v", userId, msgType, msgId, bizerr.InvalidParameter)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
switch cpCancel.Status {
case cp_e.CpCancel:
if userId == cpCancel.UserId { // 发起人
resId = common.MSG_ID_WAITING_ACCEPTED // 等待对方接受
case cp_e.CpCancelRevoke:
resId = common.MSG_ID_HAS_BEEN_CANCELED // 已被取消
case cp_e.CpCancelAccept, cp_e.CpCancelAcceptAuto:
resId = common.MSG_ID_CP_UNBOUND // 已解绑
if resId > 0 {
return myCtx, myerr.ToLocal(msg.GetErrByLanguage(model, resId, lang, comerr.AlreadyExpired))
resp.ResponseOk(c, cp_cv.CheckCpImRes{})
return myCtx, nil
package cp_r
import (
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 排行榜
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param pageIndex query int true "偏移值 默认:1" default(1)
// @Param pageSize query int true "请求数量 默认:10" default(10)
// @Param queryType path string true "类型:day/week/month"
// @Success 200 {object} []cp_cv.CvCpRank
// @Router /v2/cp/rank/{queryType} [get]
func CpRank(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
pageReq := new(req.PageReqBase)
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(pageReq); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if pageReq.PageIndex == 0 {
pageReq.PageIndex = 1
appVersion, deviceType := c.GetHeader(mycontext.APP_VERSION), c.GetHeader(mycontext.DEVICETYPE)
if deviceType == "android" {
if lower, _ := utils.CompareVersion(appVersion, fmt.Sprintf("<= %s", "3.9.0")); lower {
pageReq.PageSize = 30
queryType := c.Param("queryType")
if queryType != "day" && queryType != "week" && queryType != "month" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
var beginDate, endDate string
switch queryType {
case "day":
beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
case "week":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
case "month":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
offset, limit := (pageReq.PageIndex-1)*pageReq.PageSize, pageReq.PageSize
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
ranks := cp_m.PageCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, offset, limit)
var response []cp_cv.CvCpRank
var userIds []mysql.ID
var cpIds []mysql.ID
for _, rank := range ranks {
userIds = append(userIds, rank.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, rank.UserId2)
cpIds = append(cpIds, rank.CpId)
userBase, err := user_cv.GetUserBaseMap(userIds, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
cpLevels := cp_m.MGetCpLevel(model, cpIds)
for i, rank := range ranks {
response = append(response, cp_cv.CvCpRank{
CpId: rank.CpId,
User1: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId1]),
User2: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId2]),
Score: rank.Score,
Ranking: fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1+offset),
CpLevel: cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevels[rank.CpId].Level,
//Points: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel] + curPoints,
//EndPoints: nextPoints,
//RemainPoints: remainPoints,
//ExpireAtUnix: expireAtUnix,
resp.ResponsePageBaseOk(c, response, pageReq.PageIndex+1, len(ranks) >= pageReq.PageSize)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary CP,Top3
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CpTops
// @Router /v2/cp/top3 [get]
func CpTop3(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var response = cp_cv.CpTops{
Day: make([]cp_cv.CvCpRank, 0),
Week: make([]cp_cv.CvCpRank, 0),
queryTypes := []string{"day", "week"}
for _, queryType := range queryTypes {
var beginDate, endDate string
switch queryType {
case "day":
beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
case "week":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
offset, limit := 0, 3
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
ranks := cp_m.PageCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, offset, limit)
var userIds []mysql.ID
var cpIds []mysql.ID
for _, rank := range ranks {
userIds = append(userIds, rank.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, rank.UserId2)
cpIds = append(cpIds, rank.CpId)
userBase, err := user_cv.GetUserBaseMap(userIds, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
cpLevels := cp_m.MGetCpLevel(model, cpIds)
for i, rank := range ranks {
if queryType == "day" {
response.Day = append(response.Day, cp_cv.CvCpRank{
CpId: rank.CpId,
User1: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId1]),
User2: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId2]),
Score: rank.Score,
Ranking: fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1+offset),
CpLevel: cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevels[rank.CpId].Level,
} else {
response.Week = append(response.Week, cp_cv.CvCpRank{
CpId: rank.CpId,
User1: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId1]),
User2: user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBase[rank.UserId2]),
Score: rank.Score,
Ranking: fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1+offset),
CpLevel: cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevels[rank.CpId].Level,
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 我的cp
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param queryType path string true "类型:day/week/month"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CvCpRank
// @Router /v2/cp/my/{queryType} [get]
func CpMy(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
queryType := c.Param("queryType")
if queryType != "day" && queryType != "week" && queryType != "month" {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
var beginDate, endDate string
switch queryType {
case "day":
beginDate, endDate = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02"), time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
case "week":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02")
case "month":
beginDate = now.BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
endDate = now.EndOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02")
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
relation, exits := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
var userIds []mysql.ID
var scores uint32
if exits {
// 保证一下自己是userId1
userIds = append(userIds, userId)
if relation.UserId1 == userId {
userIds = append(userIds, relation.UserId2)
} else {
userIds = append(userIds, relation.UserId1)
rank := cp_m.GetCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, relation.Id)
scores = rank.Score
} else {
userIds = append(userIds, userId)
relation.UserId1 = userId
userBases, err := user_cv.GetUserBaseMap(userIds, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
response := cp_cv.CvCpRank{
CpId: relation.Id,
Score: scores,
if relation.UserId1 > 0 {
response.User1 = user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBases[relation.UserId1])
if relation.UserId2 > 0 {
response.User2 = user_cv.UserBaseToUserLittle(userBases[relation.UserId2])
response.Ranking = "30+"
ranks := cp_m.PageCpDayRank(model, beginDate, endDate, 0, 30)
for i, rank := range ranks {
if relation.Id == rank.CpId {
response.Ranking = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1)
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary 成就页
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param pageIndex query int true "偏移值 默认:1" default(1)
// @Param pageSize query int true "请求数量 默认:10" default(10)
// @Success 200 {object} []cp_cv.CvCpAchievement
// @Router /v2/cp/achievement [get]
func CpAchievement(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
_, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myCtx)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var response = make([]cp_cv.CvCpAchievement, 0)
TypeDescMap := map[cp_e.CpAchievement]uint{
cp_e.CpAchievementLevel: 280, //"等级分值最高",
cp_e.CpAchievementVisitors: 281, //"空间访问量最高",
cp_e.CpAchievementMonthRank: 282, //"月榜最高",
cp_e.CpAchievementWeekRank: 283, //"周榜最高",
cp_e.CpAchievementDayRank: 284, //"天榜最高",
achievements := cp_m.GetCpAchievements(model)
var userIds []uint64
var cpIds []uint64
for _, v := range achievements {
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId2)
cpIds = append(cpIds, v.CpId)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
cpLevels := cp_m.MGetCpLevel(model, cpIds)
for _, a := range achievements {
response = append(response, cp_cv.CvCpAchievement{
CpId: a.CpId,
User1: user_cv.UserToTiny(users[a.UserId1]),
User2: user_cv.UserToTiny(users[a.UserId2]),
CpLevel: cpLevels[a.CpId].Level,
Type: a.Type,
TypeDesc: cp_m.GetTranslate(TypeDescMap[a.Type], lang),
Score: a.Score,
TimeUnix: a.UpdatedTime.Unix(),
resp.ResponsePageBaseOk(c, response, 0, false)
return myCtx, nil
package cp_r
import (
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary cp空间
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param externalId query string true "查看用户的externalId"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CvSpace
// @Router /v2/cp/space [get]
func CpSpace(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myContext)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
userInfo, err := user_m.GetUser(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
loc := timezone_e.GetFixedTimezone(c.GetHeader(mycontext.TIMEZONE))
if loc == nil {
if userInfo.Language == "ar" {
loc = timezone_e.KSATimezoneLoc
externalId := c.Query("externalId")
if len(externalId) <= 0 {
return myContext, bizerr.InvalidParameter
targetUserInfo, err := user_m.GetUserByExtId(model, externalId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
var cpUserInfo *user_m.User
expireAtUnix, cpLevel := int64(0), cp_e.CpLevel0
visitTimes := int64(0)
settlementDate, cpDays, applyToUnbind := "", 0, false
nextPoints, curPoints := cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevel1], mysql.Num(0)
cpRelation, exists := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, targetUserInfo.ID)
if exists {
level := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id)
if level.ExpireAt.Before(time.Now()) {
level.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0)
cpLevel, curPoints = level.Level, level.Points
expireAtUnix, settlementDate = level.ExpireAt.Unix(), level.ExpireAt.Format("2006-01-02")
cpDays = int(time.Now().Sub(cpRelation.CreatedTime).Hours()/24) + 1
// cp 存在的时候,发布访问cp空间事件
if err := cp_ev.PublishCpSpaceVisit(model, &cp_ev.SpaceVisitEvent{
UserId: userId,
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId1: cpRelation.UserId1,
UserId2: cpRelation.UserId2,
}); err != nil {
return myContext, err
visitTimes = cp_m.CountCpSpaceVisitors(model, cpRelation.Id)
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == userId {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
cpUserInfo, err = user_m.GetUser(model, cpUserId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
// 查看别人的cp空间
if userId != cpRelation.UserId1 && userId != cpRelation.UserId2 {
userInfo, err = user_m.GetUser(model, cpRelation.UserId1)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
} else {
// 自己的空间
applyToUnbind = cp_m.GetApplyToUnbind(model, userId, cpUserId)
if cpLevel != cp_e.CpLevelMax {
nextPoints = cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel+1]
} else {
nextPoints = cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cp_e.CpLevelMax]
userPrivileges, err := cp_m.MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
allPrivilegeList := make([][]cp_cv.CvPrivilege, cp_e.CpLevelMax+1)
for level := cp_e.CpLevel0; level <= cp_e.CpLevelMax; level++ {
privilegeList := cp_cv.CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(level, lang)
for i, v := range privilegeList {
if v.CanSwitch {
privilegeList[i].UserSwitch = userPrivileges[userId][v.Type]
allPrivilegeList[level] = privilegeList
// 返回值
response := cp_cv.CvSpace{
CpLevel: cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevel,
Points: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel] + curPoints,
StartPoints: cp_e.CpLevelPoints[cpLevel],
EndPoints: nextPoints,
ExpireAtUnix: expireAtUnix,
SettlementDate: settlementDate,
MaxLevel: cp_e.CpLevelMax,
ResLevelList: cp_cv.CvResLevelList,
PrivilegeList: allPrivilegeList,
response.CpInfo = cp_cv.CvCpInfo{
UserInfo: user_cv.UserToTiny(*userInfo),
CpDays: cpDays,
VisitTimes: visitTimes,
ApplyToUnbind: applyToUnbind,
if cpUserInfo != nil {
response.CpInfo.CpUserInfo = user_cv.UserToTiny(*cpUserInfo)
// 需要提醒的纪念日
if exists && (userId == cpRelation.UserId1 || userId == cpRelation.UserId2) {
anniversary := cp_m.GetUserTodayCpAnniversary(model, cpRelation.Id, loc)
for _, a := range anniversary {
response.CpAnniversary = append(response.CpAnniversary, cp_cv.CvCpAnniversary{
Id: a.ID,
Content: a.Content,
Timestamp: a.Timestamp,
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
type CpPrivilegeOpenCloseReq struct {
Type cp_e.CpPrivilege `form:"type" binding:"required"`
OpenClose mysql.OpenClose `form:"openClose" binding:"required"`
// @Tags CP v2
// @Summary cp特权开关
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
// @Param type formData int true "1.空间 2.横幅 3.等级勋章 4.证书 5.进场特效 6.头像头饰 7.动态资料卡 8.麦位特效"
// @Param openClose formData int true "1:open 2:close"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/cp/privilege/openClose [put]
func CpPrivilegeOpenClose(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var request CpPrivilegeOpenCloseReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&request); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
if err := cp_m.OpenCLoseUserSvipPrivilege(model, userId, request.Type, request.OpenClose); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, "")
return myCtx, nil
package route package route
import ( import (
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/myerr"
"hilo-user/req" "hilo-user/req"
"hilo-user/resp" "hilo-user/resp"
) )
...@@ -30,17 +29,14 @@ func wrapper(handler HandlerFunc) func(c *gin.Context) { ...@@ -30,17 +29,14 @@ func wrapper(handler HandlerFunc) func(c *gin.Context) {
if myContext == nil { if myContext == nil {
myContext = mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil) myContext = mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil)
} }
c.Set(_const.ACTION_RESULt, true) c.Set(mycontext.ACTION_RESULt, true)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
c.Set(_const.ACTION_RESULt, false) c.Set(mycontext.ACTION_RESULt, false)
reqUri := c.Request.RequestURI reqUri := c.Request.RequestURI
method := c.Request.Method method := c.Request.Method
userId, _ := req.GetUserId(c) userId, _ := req.GetUserId(c)
switch h := err.(type) { switch h := err.(type) {
case *myerr.GameError:
myContext.Log.Warnf("request user err -> url:%v, method:%v, userId:%v, err :%+v\n", reqUri, method, userId, h.Error())
resp.GameResponseFail(c, h)
case *myerr.BusinessError: case *myerr.BusinessError:
myContext.Log.Warnf("request err -> url:%v, method:%v, userId:%v, err :%+v\n", reqUri, method, userId, h.GetErr()) myContext.Log.Warnf("request err -> url:%v, method:%v, userId:%v, err :%+v\n", reqUri, method, userId, h.GetErr())
resp.ResponseBusiness(c, h) resp.ResponseBusiness(c, h)
package invite_r
import (
// @Tags 新人邀请
// @Summary 提交申请
// @Param newUserCode formData string true "被邀请人id"
// @Param platform formData string true "平台"
// @Param platformId formData string true "平台Id"
// @Param recharge formData string true "充值金额"
// @Param userCode formData string true "邀请人id"
// @Param videoUrl formData string true "充值金额"
// @Success 200
// @Router /v2/user/invite/apply [post]
func InviteApply(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
type paramStr struct {
NewUserCode string `form:"newUserCode" binding:"required"`
Platform string `form:"platform" binding:"required"`
PlatformId string `form:"platformId" binding:"required"`
Recharge string `form:"recharge" binding:"required"`
UserCode string `form:"userCode" binding:"required"`
VideoUrl string `form:"videoUrl" binding:"required"`
myUserId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
// 每日最多提交10次
noLimitTimesMap := map[uint64]struct{}{1770691: {}, 2264431: {}, 7283111: {}}
if _, ok := noLimitTimesMap[myUserId]; !ok {
// 今日提交次数
times, err := invite_m.TodayInviteApplyCount(model, myUserId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply myUserId:%v, err:%v", myUserId, err)
return myCtx, err
if times >= 15 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyTimes
var param paramStr
if err := c.ShouldBind(&param); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
// 平台是否填写正确
platforms := promotion_m.GetPromotionPlatforms(model)
var existsPlatform bool
for _, v := range platforms {
if v == param.Platform {
existsPlatform = true
if !existsPlatform {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
// code 是否存在
newUser, err := user_m.GetUserByCode(model, param.NewUserCode)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyNewCodeInvalid
user, err := user_m.GetUserByCode(model, param.UserCode)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyCodeInvalid
//if user.ID != myUserId { //只能自己提交
// return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
if newUser.ID == 0 || user.ID == 0 {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
// 邀请人是否有资格邀请
if !promotion_m.IsPromotionAgent(model, user.ID) {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply 没有邀请资格 param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyNoPermission
//if user.ID != myUserId && !promotion_m.IsMyPromotionManager(model, user.ID, myUserId) {
// model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply 没有邀请资格 param:%v", param)
// return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyNoPermission
// 被邀请人是否已经被人提交过申请
isApply, err := invite_m.IsInInviteApply(model, newUser.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v, err:%v", param, err)
return myCtx, err
if isApply {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply 已经被别人邀请过了 param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyAlreadyInvited
// 被邀请人是否符合条件
isInvite, err := promotion_m.IsPromotionInvitee(model, newUser.ID)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, err
if isInvite {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply 已经被别人邀请了 param:%v", param)
return myCtx, bizerr.InviteApplyAlreadyInvited
// 插入邀请表
err = invite_m.CreateInviteApply(model, user.ID, newUser.ID, myUserId, param.Platform, param.PlatformId, param.Recharge, param.VideoUrl)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("InviteApply param:%v", param)
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, nil)
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags 新人邀请
// @Summary 查询历史申请
// @Param pageIndex query int true "偏移值 默认:1" default(1)
// @Param pageSize query int true "请求数量 默认:10" default(10)
// @Param beginTime query string true "开始时间2006-01-02"
// @Param endTime query string true "结束时间2006-01-02"
// @Param type query int true "1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝"
// @Success 200 {object} invite_cv.InviteApplyRes
// @Router /v2/user/invite/apply [get]
func InviteApplyList(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
type paramStr struct {
PageIndex int `form:"pageIndex" binding:"required"`
PageSize int `form:"pageSize" binding:"required"`
BeginTime time.Time `form:"beginTime" binding:"required" time_format:"2006-01-02"`
EndTime time.Time `form:"endTime" binding:"required" time_format:"2006-01-02"`
Type int `form:"type"`
var param paramStr
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&param); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if param.Type < 0 || param.Type > 4 {
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
//beginTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(utils.DATE_FORMAT, param.BeginTime, time.Local)
//if err != nil {
// return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
//endTime, err := time.ParseInLocation(utils.DATE_FORMAT, param.EndTime, time.Local)
//if err != nil {
// return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
param.EndTime = utils.GetDayEndTime(param.EndTime)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
agentIds := []uint64{userId}
if promotion_m.IsPromotionManager(model, userId) {
agentIds, err = promotion_m.GetPromotionManagerAgentList(model, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if param.Type == 0 { // 返回所有Type类型有多少条数
user, err := user_c.GetUserTinyById(model, userId)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyList param:%v, err:%v", param, err)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
numList := make([]*invite_cv.InviteApplyNumRes, 0, 4)
for _, gType := range []int{1, 2, 3, 4} { // 1.已申请2.待审核3.已通过4.已拒绝
num, err := invite_m.GetInviteApplyNumByType(model, gType, param.BeginTime, param.EndTime, agentIds, userId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
numList = append(numList, &invite_cv.InviteApplyNumRes{Type: gType, Num: num})
resp.ResponsePageOk(c, &invite_cv.InviteApplyRes{NumList: numList, MyCode: user.Code}, 0, 0, 0)
return myCtx, nil
list, total, err := invite_m.GetApplyList(model, userId, agentIds, param.PageIndex, param.PageSize, param.Type, param.BeginTime, param.EndTime)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyList param:%v, err:%v", param, err)
return myCtx, err
uids := make([]uint64, 0, len(list)+1)
for _, v := range list {
uids = append(uids, v.UserId, v.NewUserId)
users, err := user_c.GetUserTinyMap(model, uids, true)
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("GetApplyList param:%v, err:%v", param, err)
return myCtx, err
res := &invite_cv.InviteApplyRes{}
res.List = make([]*invite_cv.InviteApply, 0, len(list))
for _, v := range list {
res.List = append(res.List, &invite_cv.InviteApply{
NewUserCode: users[v.NewUserId].Code,
Platform: v.Platform,
Recharge: v.RechargeInfo,
UserCode: users[v.UserId].Code,
CreateUnix: v.CreatedTime.Unix(),
Level: v.Level,
Status: v.Status,
Avatar: users[v.NewUserId].Avatar,
ExternalId: users[v.NewUserId].ExternalId,
Reason: v.Reason,
Country: users[v.NewUserId].Country,
PlatformId: v.PlatformId,
resp.ResponsePageOk(c, res, total, param.PageSize, param.PageIndex)
return myCtx, nil
// @tags 新人邀请
// @Summary 平台列表
// @Success 200 {object} []string
// @Router /v2/user/invite/platform [get]
func PromotionPlatform(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
resp.ResponseOk(c, []string{"Falla", "Yalla", "Whisper", "Ahlan", "Mashi", "YoYo", "Yoho", "Echo", "Hawa",
"Yalla Ludo", "Hafla", "Imo", "Ola Party", "ShareChat", "Viya", "Hello Yo", "Bigo Live", "Hago", "Oye Talk", "Tiktok", "Bigo", "Mr7ba"})
return myCtx, nil
// @Tags 新人邀请
// @Summary 查询周期
// @Success 200 {object} invite_cv.AgentPeriod
// @Router /v2/user/invite/period [get]
func AgentPeriod(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var response invite_cv.AgentPeriod
week := now.BeginningOfWeek().AddDate(0, 0, 1) // 周一开始
for i := 0; i < 12; i++ {
response.Week = append(response.Week, invite_cv.AgentPeriodWeek{
StartDate: week.Format("2006-01-02"),
EndDate: week.AddDate(0, 0, 6).Format("2006-01-02"),
week = week.AddDate(0, 0, -7)
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myCtx, nil
...@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@ package route ...@@ -2,17 +2,20 @@ package route
import ( import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
"hilo-user/myerr/bizerr" "hilo-user/myerr/bizerr"
"hilo-user/req" "hilo-user/req"
"hilo-user/req/jwt" "hilo-user/req/jwt"
"hilo-user/resp" "hilo-user/resp"
"io/ioutil" "io/ioutil"
"runtime/debug" "runtime/debug"
"strings" "strings"
"time" "time"
) )
...@@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ func JWTApiHandle(c *gin.Context) { ...@@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ func JWTApiHandle(c *gin.Context) {
} }
} }
c.Set(_const.USERID, claims.UserId) c.Set(mycontext.USERID, claims.UserId)
c.Set(_const.EXTERNAL_ID, claims.ExternalId) c.Set(mycontext.EXTERNAL_ID, claims.ExternalId)
c.Writer.Header().Add("token", newToken) c.Writer.Header().Add("token", newToken)
c.Next() c.Next()
...@@ -91,18 +94,24 @@ func LoggerHandle(c *gin.Context) { ...@@ -91,18 +94,24 @@ func LoggerHandle(c *gin.Context) {
start := time.Now() start := time.Now()
clientIp := c.ClientIP() clientIp := c.ClientIP()
method := c.Request.Method method := c.Request.Method
traceId := genTraceId() traceId := genTraceId(c)
reqUri := c.Request.RequestURI reqUri := c.Request.RequestURI
c.Set(_const.TRACEID, traceId) c.Set(mycontext.TRACEID, traceId)
// //
header := c.Request.Header header := c.Request.Header
//类型 //类型
devicetype := header.Get("Devicetype") devicetype := header.Get("Devicetype")
c.Set(_const.DEVICETYPE, devicetype) c.Set(mycontext.DEVICETYPE, devicetype)
appVersion := header.Get("Appversion") appVersion := header.Get("Appversion")
c.Set(_const.APP_VERSION, appVersion) c.Set(mycontext.APP_VERSION, appVersion)
c.Set(_const.URL, reqUri) c.Set(mycontext.URL, reqUri)
c.Set(_const.METHOD, method) c.Set(mycontext.METHOD, method)
lang := header.Get(mycontext.LANGUAGE)
c.Set(mycontext.LANGUAGE, lang)
carrier := header.Get(mycontext.CARRIER)
c.Set(mycontext.CARRIER, carrier)
timezone := header.Get(mycontext.TIMEZONE)
c.Set(mycontext.TIMEZONE, timezone)
userId, _ := req.GetUserId(c) userId, _ := req.GetUserId(c)
...@@ -128,3 +137,66 @@ func LoggerHandle(c *gin.Context) { ...@@ -128,3 +137,66 @@ func LoggerHandle(c *gin.Context) {
latency := end.Sub(start) latency := end.Sub(start)
mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys).Log.Infof("request end fullPath:%v,url:%v, method: %v, traceId:%v, latency:%v userId:%v", c.FullPath(), reqUri, method, traceId, latency, userId) mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys).Log.Infof("request end fullPath:%v,url:%v, method: %v, traceId:%v, latency:%v userId:%v", c.FullPath(), reqUri, method, traceId, latency, userId)
} }
// 加密Handle
func EncryptHandle(c *gin.Context) {
header := c.Request.Header
appVersion := header.Get("Appversion")
if len(appVersion) > 0 {
if high, _ := utils.CompareVersion(appVersion, "> 3.9.0"); high {
c.Set(mycontext.InnerEncrypt, true)
func HttpWebSecretHandle(c *gin.Context) {
traceId, _ := c.Keys[mycontext.TRACEID]
timestamp := c.GetHeader("timestamp") //时间戳,单位秒
nonce := c.GetHeader("nonce") //随机数字
signature := c.GetHeader("signature") //sha1加密结果
mylogrus.MyLog.Debugf("handle secret begin timestamp:%v, nonce:%v, signature:%v traceId:%v", timestamp, nonce, signature, traceId)
if nonce == "hilo" {
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("no check http secret handle")
} else {
if timestamp == "" || nonce == "" || signature == "" {
resp.ResponseBusiness(c, bizerr.HttpSecret)
timestampInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(timestamp, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
resp.ResponseBusiness(c, bizerr.HttpSecret)
nowTimestamp := time.Now().Unix()
v := nowTimestamp - timestampInt
if v < -60*60 || v > 60*60 {
mylogrus.MyLog.Warnf("handle secret err, timestampInt:%v, nowTimestamp:%v, v:%v, traceId:%v", timestampInt, nowTimestamp, v, traceId)
//2021/11/05 产品让我关的,因为中东用户时间戳有问题
/* ResponseBusiness(c, bizerr.HttpSecret)
str := timestamp + config.GetConfigApp().WEB_SECRET + nonce
h := md5.New()
//h := sha1.New()
newSignature := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
//newSignature := string(sha1.New().Sum([]byte(str))[:])
if signature != newSignature {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("handle secret err signature:%v, newSignature:%v, traceId:%v", signature, newSignature, traceId)
resp.ResponseBusiness(c, bizerr.HttpSecret)
package recommend_r
import (
type RecommendUser struct {
User *user_cv.UserTiny `json:"user"`
CurrentRoom string `json:"currentRoom"` // 当前用户所在房间(产品叫“群组”)
// @Tags 用户推荐
// @Summary 推荐最近送礼的50人,最近12小时赠送礼物大于100k的用户
// @Param token header string true "token"
// @Success 200 {object} []RecommendUser
// @Router /v1/recommend/user/gift [get]
func UserRecommendGift(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
// 获取推荐
recommendUser := recommend_m.GetPastTop50SendGiftUsers(model)
var response = make([]RecommendUser, 0)
if len(recommendUser) <= 0 {
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
var userIds []mysql.ID
for _, v := range recommendUser {
userIds = append(userIds, v.SendUserId)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
rooms, err := group_m.RoomLivingUserIdFilter(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(rooms) > 0 {
// to txGroupIds
var imGroupIds []string
for _, imGroupId := range rooms {
imGroupIds = append(imGroupIds, imGroupId)
txGroupIdsMap, _ := group_m.ToTxGroupIdMap(model, imGroupIds)
for uid, room := range rooms {
rooms[uid] = txGroupIdsMap[room]
for _, v := range recommendUser {
response = append(response, RecommendUser{user_cv.UserToTiny(users[v.SendUserId]), rooms[v.SendUserId]})
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
package redis_r
import (
var stop = make(chan struct{})
var match = "match_relation_*"
func Scan(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
go func() {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
cursor := uint64(0)
first := true
var err error
var keys []string
for first || cursor != 0 {
first = false
select {
case <-stop:
keys, cursor, err = model.Redis.Scan(model, cursor, match, 1000).Result()
if err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("SCAN fail:%v", err)
var delKeys []string
for _, key := range keys {
arr := strings.Split(key, "_")
if len(arr) == 4 {
cycle, _ := strconv.ParseInt(arr[2], 10, 64)
if cycle > 0 && cycle < 208933198 { // 2022-12-20号
delKeys = append(delKeys, key)
if len(delKeys) > 0 {
cnt, err := model.Redis.Del(model, keys...).Result()
model.Log.Infof("del redis keys:%v,cnt:%v,err:%v", delKeys, cnt, err)
return mycontext.CreateMyContext(nil), nil
func ScanStop(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
return nil, nil
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
stop <- struct{}{}
return myCtx, nil
func Hscan(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
RedisClient := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: config.GetConfigRedis().REDIS_HOST,
Password: config.GetConfigRedis().REDIS_PASSWORD, // no password set
DB: 1, // use default DB
PoolSize: 20,
MinIdleConns: 20,
cursor := uint64(0)
first := true
var err error
var keys []string
for first || cursor != 0 {
first = false
select {
case <-stop:
return nil, nil
keys, cursor, err = RedisClient.HScan(context.Background(), "user", cursor, "*", 1000).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l := len(keys)
if l%2 != 0 {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("Hscan keys err:%v", keys)
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i += 2 {
if !strings.Contains(keys[i+1], "") && !strings.Contains(keys[i+1], "") {
res, err := RedisClient.HDel(context.Background(), "user", keys[i]).Result()
msg := fmt.Sprintf("hdel user %v,value:%v,res:%v,err:%v", keys[i], keys[i+1], res, err)
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("%v", msg)
return nil, nil
package route package route
import ( import (
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
ginSwagger "github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger" ginSwagger "github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger"
"github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger/swaggerFiles" "github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger/swaggerFiles"
_ "hilo-user/docs" _ "hilo-user/docs"
"hilo-user/route/redis_r" "hilo-user/domain/model/msg_m"
"hilo-user/route/user_r" "hilo-user/route/user_r"
) )
...@@ -17,19 +25,81 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine { ...@@ -17,19 +25,81 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine {
needLogin := r.Group("") needLogin := r.Group("")
needLogin.Use(ExceptionHandle, LoggerHandle, JWTApiHandle) needLogin.Use(ExceptionHandle, LoggerHandle, JWTApiHandle)
v1 := needLogin.Group("/v1") v1 := needLogin.Group("/v1")
v2 := needLogin.Group("/v2")
user := v1.Group("/user") user := v1.Group("/user")
{ {
user.GET("/nameplate", wrapper(user_r.UserNameplate)) user.GET("/nameplate", wrapper(user_r.UserNameplate))
user.GET("/bag/:resType", wrapper(user_r.UserBag))
user.GET("/detail", EncryptHandle, wrapper(user_r.UserDetail))
user.GET("/detail/:userExternalId", EncryptHandle, wrapper(user_r.UserDetailByExternalId))
cp := v2.Group("/cp")
cp.GET("/space", wrapper(cp_r.CpSpace))
cp.PUT("/privilege/openClose", wrapper(cp_r.CpPrivilegeOpenClose))
cp.GET("/rank/:queryType", wrapper(cp_r.CpRank))
cp.GET("/my/:queryType", wrapper(cp_r.CpMy))
cp.GET("/achievement", wrapper(cp_r.CpAchievement))
cp.GET("/top3", wrapper(cp_r.CpTop3))
cp.POST("/anniversary", wrapper(cp_r.PostAnniversary))
cp.PUT("/anniversary/:id", wrapper(cp_r.PutAnniversary))
cp.GET("/anniversary", wrapper(cp_r.PageAnniversary))
cp.DELETE("/anniversary/:id", wrapper(cp_r.DelAnniversary))
cp.GET("/relation/check", wrapper(cp_r.CheckUserCpRelation))
cp.POST("/relation", wrapper(cp_r.CpRelation))
cp.POST("/relation/invite/reply", wrapper(cp_r.ReplyCpInvite))
cp.POST("/relation/cancel/reply", wrapper(cp_r.ReplyCpCancel))
//cp.GET("/relation/detail", wrapper(cp_r.CpDetailPage))
cp.GET("/im/check", wrapper(cp_r.CheckCpImExpire))
recommend := v1.Group("recommend")
recommend.GET("/user/gift", wrapper(recommend_r.UserRecommendGift))
userV2 := v2.Group("/user")
userV2.POST("/invite/apply", wrapper(invite_r.InviteApply))
userV2.GET("/invite/apply", wrapper(invite_r.InviteApplyList))
userV2.GET("/invite/platform", wrapper(invite_r.PromotionPlatform))
userV2.GET("/invite/period", wrapper(invite_r.AgentPeriod))
userV2.GET("/detail/room", EncryptHandle, wrapper(user_r.GetUserDetailInRoom))
} }
inner := r.Group("/inner") inner := r.Group("/inner")
inner.Use(ExceptionHandle, LoggerHandle) inner.Use(ExceptionHandle, LoggerHandle)
//} innerUser := inner.Group("/user")
test := r.Group("/test") {
innerUser.GET("/levels", wrapper(user_r.MGetUserLevels))
innerUser.GET("/bag/id", wrapper(user_r.GetUserBagId))
innerUser.GET("/cp", wrapper(user_r.GetUserCp))
innerUser.GET("/cpRelations", wrapper(user_r.MGetUserCpRelation))
innerUser.GET("/cp/pair", wrapper(user_r.GetUserCpPair))
innerUser.GET("/cp/entryEffect", wrapper(user_r.GetUserCpEntryEffect)) // 获取cp进场特效信息,高频接口,需要额外处理
innerUser.GET("/svipNobleLevel", wrapper(user_r.MGetUserSvipNobleLevel)) // 获取用户svip/noble/level等信息
// 道具相关
innerProp := inner.Group("/prop")
{ {
//test.GET("/user", wrapper(user_r.Test)) innerProp.POST("/bag/send", wrapper(user_r.SendUserBag)) // 下发背包道具,暂礼物
test.GET("/scan/redis", wrapper(redis_r.Scan)) innerProp.POST("/noble/send", wrapper(user_r.SendUserNoble)) // 下发贵族
test.GET("/hscan/redis", wrapper(redis_r.Hscan)) innerProp.POST("/headwear/send", wrapper(user_r.SendUserHeadwear)) // 下发头饰
test.GET("/scan/redis/stop", wrapper(redis_r.ScanStop)) innerProp.POST("/ride/send", wrapper(user_r.SendUserRide)) // 下发座驾
} }
r.GET("/test", wrapper(Test))
return r return r
} }
func Test(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(nil)
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
// 下发hilo小助手通知
if err := msg_m.NewUserRecord(model, 4549, msg_e.AddProps, "", 0, "", fmt.Sprintf("%d", 10), "https://image.whoisamy.shop/hilo/manager/1b95e0e63b814261acccc6e1f1736627.png", "", "").Persistent(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("NewUserRecord fail")
} else {
msg_m.SendEmasMsgAssistant(model, "f98c7fe5698e447c998615332eb660d1", "iOS")
resp.ResponseOk(c, struct{}{})
return myCtx, nil
package user_r
import (
// @Tags 用户背包
// @Summary 获取用户的背包
// @Param resType path int true "类型:1 礼物"
// @Success 200 {object} []user_cv.UserBag
// @Router /v1/user/bag/{resType} [get]
func UserBag(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
resType, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("resType"))
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
var results []user_cv.UserBag
switch res_e.ResUserBag(resType) {
case res_e.ResUserBagGift:
userBagGifts, err := bag_m.GetUserValidUserBag(model, userId, res_e.ResUserBagGift)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
allGifts, err := res_m.FindAllResGiftsMap(model)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
for _, bagGift := range userBagGifts {
if gift, ok := allGifts[bagGift.ResId]; ok {
info := user_cv.UserBag{
BagId: bagGift.ID,
ResType: res_e.ResUserBagGift,
ResId: gift.ID,
GiftId: gift.ID,
Name: gift.Name,
DiamondNum: gift.DiamondNum,
IconUrl: gift.IconUrl,
SvgaUrl: gift.SvagUrl,
Count: bagGift.Count,
RemainDays: int(bagGift.EndTime.Sub(time.Now()).Hours() / 24),
HasGiftText: gift.HasGiftText,
if gift.ID == cp_e.CpConfessionGiftId || gift.HasGiftText { // 如果是cp告白礼物
info.TextStyleList = make([]*user_cv.TextStyle, 0, 2)
info.TextStyleList = append(info.TextStyleList,
&user_cv.TextStyle{TextColor: "#ce0083", TextSize: 20, TextKey: "sender_name"},
&user_cv.TextStyle{TextColor: "#ce0083", TextSize: 20, TextKey: "receiver_name"},
&user_cv.TextStyle{TextColor: "#FFFFFF", TextSize: 40, TextKey: "gift_text"},
results = append(results, info)
return myCtx, bizerr.InvalidParameter
resp.ResponseOk(c, results)
return myCtx, nil
package user_r
import (
type MGetUserLevelReq struct {
Ids []mysql.ID `form:"ids" binding:"required"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 批量获取用户等级
// @Param ids query string true "用户id,如:ids=1&ids=2&ids=3"
// @Success 200 {object} user_cv.MGetUserLevelData
// @Router /inner/user/levels [get]
func MGetUserLevels(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
var req MGetUserLevelReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
wealthGrade, err := user_m.MGetWealthGrade(model, req.Ids)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
charmGrade, err := user_m.MGetCharmGrade(model, req.Ids)
activeGrade, err := user_m.MGetActiveGrade(model, req.Ids)
nobleLevel, err := noble_m.BatchGetNobleLevel(model, req.Ids)
response := user_cv.MGetUserLevelData{}
for _, userId := range req.Ids {
response[userId] = user_cv.CvUserLevel{
UserId: userId,
WealthUserGrade: wealthGrade[userId],
CharmUserGrade: charmGrade[userId],
ActiveUserGrade: activeGrade[userId],
NobleLevel: nobleLevel[userId],
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myCtx, nil
type MGetUserSvipVipLevelReq struct {
Ids []mysql.ID `form:"ids" binding:"required"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 批量获取用户等级
// @Param ids query string true "用户id,如:ids=1&ids=2&ids=3"
// @Success 200 {object} user_cv.CvUserDetail
// @Router /inner/user/svipNobleLevel [get]
func MGetUserSvipNobleLevel(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
var req MGetUserLevelReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
wealthGrade, err := user_m.MGetWealthGrade(model, req.Ids)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
charmGrade, err := user_m.MGetCharmGrade(model, req.Ids)
activeGrade, err := user_m.MGetActiveGrade(model, req.Ids)
nobleLevel, err := noble_m.BatchGetNobleLevel(model, req.Ids)
svip, err := rpc.MGetUserSvip(model, req.Ids)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, req.Ids)
response := make(map[uint64]user_cv.CvUserDetail)
for _, userId := range req.Ids {
user := users[userId]
response[userId] = user_cv.CvUserDetail{
CvUserBase: user_cv.CvUserBase{
Id: &user.ID,
Avatar: &user.Avatar,
ExternalId: &user.ExternalId,
Nick: &user.Nick,
Sex: &user.Sex,
Country: &user.Country,
CountryIcon: &user.CountryIcon,
Code: &user.Code,
Birthday: &user.Birthday,
Svip: rpc.CvSvip{
SvipLevel: svip[userId].SvipLevel,
Noble: noble_cv.CvNoble{
Level: nobleLevel[userId],
WealthUserGrade: wealthGrade[userId],
CharmUserGrade: charmGrade[userId],
ActivityUserGrade: activeGrade[userId],
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myCtx, nil
type GetUserBagReq struct {
BagId mysql.ID `form:"bagId" binding:"required"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 获取单个背包
// @Param bagId query int true "背包id"
// @Success 200 {object} user_cv.UserBag
// @Router /inner/user/bag/id [get]
func GetUserBagId(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
var req GetUserBagReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
bag, err := bag_m.GetUserBag(model, req.BagId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
gift, err := res_m.FindResGift(model, bag.ResId)
if err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, user_cv.UserBag{
BagId: bag.ID,
ResType: bag.ResType,
ResId: bag.ResId,
GiftId: bag.ResId,
Name: gift.Name,
DiamondNum: gift.DiamondNum,
IconUrl: gift.IconUrl,
SvgaUrl: gift.SvagUrl,
Count: bag.Count,
RemainDays: int(bag.EndTime.Sub(time.Now()).Hours() / 24),
return myCtx, nil
type GetUserCpReq struct {
Id mysql.ID `form:"id" binding:"required"`
Language string `form:"language"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 获取用户cp
// @Param id query int true "用户id"
// @Param language query string true "语言"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CvCp
// @Router /inner/user/cp [get]
func GetUserCp(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
var req GetUserCpReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myContext, err
userId := req.Id
var response cp_cv.CvCp
cpLevel := cp_e.CpLevel0
cpRelation, exists := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exists {
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
var myPrivilegeList []cp_cv.CvPrivilege
level := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id)
if level.ExpireAt.Before(time.Now()) {
level.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0)
cpLevel = level.Level
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == userId {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
userPrivileges, err := cp_m.MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
privilegeList := cp_cv.CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(level.Level, "en")
for i, v := range privilegeList {
if v.CanSwitch {
privilegeList[i].UserSwitch = userPrivileges[userId][v.Type]
// 我的特权,有开关并且打开才返回
for i, v := range privilegeList {
if !v.CanSwitch {
myPrivilegeList = append(myPrivilegeList, privilegeList[i])
} else if v.UserSwitch {
myPrivilegeList = append(myPrivilegeList, privilegeList[i])
userBases, err := user_cv.GetUserBaseMap([]uint64{cpUserId}, userId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
// 返回值
title := cp_cv.GetTranslate(237, req.Language)
if msgId, ok := cp_e.CpLevelTitle[level.Level]; ok {
title = cp_cv.GetTranslate(msgId, req.Language)
var oldScore uint32
if oldCp, _ := cp_m.GetOldConnectCp(model, cpRelation.UserId1, cpRelation.UserId2); oldCp != nil {
oldScore = uint32(oldCp.Score)
response = cp_cv.CvCp{
CpUserInfo: userBases[cpUserId],
CpLevel: cp_cv.CvCpLevel{
Level: cpLevel,
Points: oldScore + cp_m.SumCpPoints(model, cpRelation.Id), // 历史分数
Title: title,
MyPrivilegeList: myPrivilegeList,
CpDays: int(time.Now().Sub(cpRelation.CreatedTime).Hours()/24) + 1,
CreatedUnix: cpRelation.CreatedTime.Unix(),
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
type MGetUserCpRelationReq struct {
Ids []mysql.ID `form:"ids" binding:"required"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 批量获取用户cp关系
// @Param ids query int true "用户ids"
// @Success 200 {object} map[uint64]cp_cv.CvCpRelation
// @Router /inner/user/cpRelations [get]
func MGetUserCpRelation(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
var req MGetUserCpRelationReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myContext, err
cpRelations := cp_m.MGetCpRelation(model, req.Ids)
var m = make(map[uint64]cp_m.CpRelation)
var userIds []uint64
for i, v := range cpRelations {
m[v.UserId1] = cpRelations[i]
m[v.UserId2] = cpRelations[i]
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId1)
userIds = append(userIds, v.UserId2)
users, err := user_m.GetUserMapByIds(model, userIds)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
var response = make(map[uint64]cp_cv.CvCpRelation)
for _, uid := range req.Ids {
if cpRelation, ok := m[uid]; ok {
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == uid {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
response[uid] = cp_cv.CvCpRelation{
CpId: cpRelation.Id,
UserId: uid,
CpUserId: cpUserId,
CpUserAvatar: users[cpUserId].Avatar,
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
type GetUserCpPairReq struct {
Ids []mysql.ID `form:"ids" binding:"required"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 给出指定uids下的cp对
// @Param ids query string true "用户id,如:ids=1&ids=2&ids=3"
// @Success 200 {object} [][]uint64
// @Router /inner/user/cp/pair [get]
func GetUserCpPair(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
var req GetUserCpPairReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myContext, err
userIds := req.Ids
m := make(map[mysql.ID]bool)
for _, uid := range userIds {
m[uid] = true
pairs := cp_m.MGetCpRelation(model, userIds)
var cpIds []mysql.ID
for _, pair := range pairs {
cpIds = append(cpIds, pair.Id)
levels := cp_m.MGetCpLevel(model, cpIds)
var response [][3]uint64
for _, pair := range pairs {
if m[pair.UserId1] && m[pair.UserId2] {
response = append(response, [3]mysql.ID{pair.UserId1, pair.UserId2, uint64(levels[pair.Id].Level)})
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 获取用户cpEffect
// @Param id query int true "用户id"
// @Param language query string true "语言"
// @Success 200 {object} cp_cv.CvCpEntryEffect
// @Router /inner/user/cp/entryEffect [get]
func GetUserCpEntryEffect(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
var req GetUserCpReq
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req); err != nil {
return myContext, err
userId := req.Id
var response cp_cv.CvCpEntryEffect
cpLevel := cp_e.CpLevel0
cpRelation, exists := cp_m.GetCpRelation(model, userId)
if !exists {
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
level := cp_m.GetCpLevel(model, cpRelation.Id)
if level.ExpireAt.Before(time.Now()) {
level.ExpireAt = time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0)
cpLevel = level.Level
cpUserId := cpRelation.UserId2
if cpUserId == userId {
cpUserId = cpRelation.UserId1
response.CpLevel = cpLevel
userPrivileges, err := cp_m.MGetUserSvipPrivilege(model, []uint64{userId})
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
privilegeList := cp_cv.CopyCpLevelPrivilegeList(level.Level, "en")
for i, v := range privilegeList {
if v.CanSwitch {
privilegeList[i].UserSwitch = userPrivileges[userId][v.Type]
// 二级以上才有进场特效
if cpLevel >= cp_e.CpLevel2 {
for _, v := range privilegeList {
if v.Type == cp_e.CpPrivilegeRoomEffect && v.UserSwitch {
response.CpEntryEffect = true
if cpUser, _ := user_c.GetUserTinyById(model, cpUserId); cpUser != nil {
response.CpUserAvatar = cpUser.Avatar
resp.ResponseOk(c, response)
return myContext, nil
package user_r
import (
type SendUserBagReq struct {
UserId mysql.ID `form:"userId" binding:"required"`
ResType mysql.Type `form:"resType" binding:"required"` // 道具类型 1:礼物道具
ResId mysql.ID `form:"resId" binding:"required"` // 道具资源id
Count mysql.Num `form:"count" binding:"min=1"` // 下发数量
Day int `form:"day" binding:"min=1"` // 天数
Reason string `form:"reason" binding:"required"` // 原因
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 发送背包道具
// @Param userId formData int true "用户id"
// @Param resType formData int true "道具类型 1:礼物道具"
// @Param resId formData int true "道具资源id"
// @Param count formData int true "下发数量"
// @Param day formData int true "天数"
// @Param reason formData string true "原因"
// @Success 200
// @Router /inner/prop/bag/send [post]
func SendUserBag(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var model = domain.CreateModelContext(myCtx)
var req SendUserBagReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
//var bagId mysql.ID
var err error
switch req.ResType {
case mysql.Type(1):
if _, err = bag_m.AddUserBag(model, req.UserId, req.ResType, req.ResId, req.Count, req.Day, req.Reason); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
return myCtx, errors.New("un support type")
//userBag, err := bag_m.GetUserBag(model, bagId)
//if err != nil {
// return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, struct{}{})
return myCtx, nil
type SendUserNobleReq struct {
UserId mysql.ID `form:"userId" binding:"required"`
Level uint16 `form:"level" binding:"min=1,max=5"`
Day int `form:"day" binding:"min=1"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 发送用户贵族
// @Param userId formData int true "用户id"
// @Param level formData int true "贵族等级"
// @Param day formData int true "下发天数"
// @Success 200
// @Router /inner/prop/noble/send [post]
func SendUserNoble(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var req SendUserNobleReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if err := noble_s.NewNobleService(myCtx).SendNoble(req.UserId, req.Level, req.Day); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, struct{}{})
return myCtx, nil
type SendUserHeadwearReq struct {
UserId mysql.ID `form:"userId" binding:"required"`
HeadwearId mysql.ID `form:"headwearId" binding:"required"`
Day int `form:"day" binding:"min=1"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 发送用户头饰
// @Param userId formData int true "用户id"
// @Param headwearId formData int true "头饰id"
// @Param day formData int true "天数"
// @Success 200
// @Router /inner/prop/headwear/send [post]
func SendUserHeadwear(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var req SendUserHeadwearReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if err := headwear_s.NewHeadwearService(myCtx).SendHeadwear(req.UserId, req.HeadwearId, req.Day); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, struct{}{})
return myCtx, nil
type SendUserRideReq struct {
UserId mysql.ID `form:"userId" binding:"required"`
RideId mysql.ID `form:"rideId" binding:"required"`
Day int `form:"day" binding:"min=1"`
// @Tags 用户-内部
// @Summary 发送用户座驾
// @Param userId formData int true "用户id"
// @Param rideId formData int true "座驾id"
// @Param day formData int true "天数"
// @Success 200
// @Router /inner/prop/ride/send [post]
func SendUserRide(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myCtx := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
var req SendUserRideReq
if err := c.ShouldBind(&req); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
if err := ride_s.NewRideService(myCtx).SendRide(req.UserId, req.RideId, req.Day); err != nil {
return myCtx, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, struct{}{})
return myCtx, nil
package user_r
import (
type ReturnUserNameplatePublic struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
//类型 (0:代表自身就是一种类型 > 0, 一种相关联的类型)
//Type res_m2.ResMedalType `json:"type"`
//IsHas bool `json:"isHas"`
// @Tags 用户
// @Summary 获取用户的铭牌
// @Param code query string false "用户code,不传则获取自己的"
// @Success 200 {object} ReturnUserNameplatePublic
// @Router /v1/user/nameplate [get]
func UserNameplate(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
code := c.Query("code")
if code != "" {
u, err := user_m.GetUserByCode(model, code)
if err != nil {
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err)
if u.ID <= 0 {
return myContext, bizerr.InvalidParameter
userId = u.ID
var resNameplates []res_m.ResNameplate
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResNameplate{}).Order("sort asc, type asc, threshold asc").Find(&resNameplates).Error; err != nil {
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resNameplateIds := make([]mysql.ID, 0, len(resNameplates))
for _, r := range resNameplates {
resNameplateIds = append(resNameplateIds, r.ID)
var userNameplates []user_m.UserNameplate
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.UserNameplate{}).Where(&user_m.UserNameplate{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("(end_time >= NOW() or end_time is null)").Find(&userNameplates).Error; err != nil {
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userNameplateMap := make(map[uint32]struct{})
for _, r := range userNameplates {
userNameplateMap[r.NameplateId] = struct{}{}
results := make([]ReturnUserNameplatePublic, 0, len(resNameplates))
for i, r := range resNameplates {
if _, flag := userNameplateMap[uint32(r.ID)]; flag {
results = append(results, ReturnUserNameplatePublic{
Id: resNameplates[i].ID,
Name: resNameplates[i].Name,
PicUrl: resNameplates[i].PicUrl,
SvgaUrl: resNameplates[i].SvgaUrl,
//Type: resNameplates[i].Type,
//IsHas: true,
resp.ResponseOk(c, results)
return myContext, nil
package user_r package user_r
import ( import (
"github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
"hilo-user/domain" "hilo-user/_const/redis_key/user_k"
"hilo-user/domain/model/res_m" "hilo-user/cv/user_cv"
"hilo-user/domain/model/user_m" "hilo-user/domain/model/group_m"
"hilo-user/mycontext" "hilo-user/domain/model/tim_m"
"hilo-user/myerr" "hilo-user/domain/service/user_s"
"hilo-user/req" "hilo-user/req"
"hilo-user/resp" "hilo-user/resp"
) )
type ReturnUserNameplatePublic struct { // @Tags 用户
Id uint64 `json:"id"` // @Summary 获取用户详细信息
Name string `json:"name"` // @Param token header string true "token"
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"` // @Param timestamp header string true "时间戳"
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"` // @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
//类型 (0:代表自身就是一种类型 > 0, 一种相关联的类型) // @Param signature header string true "sha1加密结果"
//Type res_m2.ResMedalType `json:"type"` // @Param deviceType header string true "系统类型 ios android"
// // @Param deviceVersion header string true "系统版本"
//IsHas bool `json:"isHas"` // @Success 200 {object} user_cv.CvUserDetail
// @Router /v1/user/detail [get]
func UserDetail(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myContext)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
cvUserDetail, err := user_s.NewUserService(myContext).GetUserDetail(userId, userId, lang)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
resp.ResponseOk(c, cvUserDetail)
return myContext, nil
} }
// @Tags 用户 // @Tags 用户
// @Summary 获取用户的铭牌 // @Summary 获取用户详细信息
// @Param code query string false "用户code,不传则获取自己的" // @Param token header string true "token"
// @Success 200 {object} ReturnUserNameplatePublic // @Param timestamp header string true "时间戳"
// @Router /v1/user/nameplate [get] // @Param nonce header string true "随机数字"
func UserNameplate(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) { // @Param signature header string true "sha1加密结果"
// @Param deviceType header string true "系统类型 ios android"
// @Param deviceVersion header string true "系统版本"
// @Param userExternalId path string true "userExternalId"
// @Param groupId query string false "群组id,当传了该id,则返回该用户在该群组的身份"
// @Success 200 {object} user_cv.CvUserDetail
// @Router /v1/user/detail/{userExternalId} [get]
func UserDetailByExternalId(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys) myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, err := req.GetUserId(c) userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myContext)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return myContext, err return myContext, err
} }
otherUserId, err := req.ToUserId(myContext, mysql.Str(c.Param("userExternalId")))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myContext) model := domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
code := c.Query("code") imGroupId := c.Query("groupId")
if code != "" { if imGroupId != "" {
u, err := user_m.GetUserByCode(model, code) imGroupId, err = group_m.ToImGroupId(model, imGroupId)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err) return myContext, err
cvUserDetail, err := user_s.NewUserService(myContext).GetUserDetail(otherUserId, userId, lang)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
} }
if u.ID <= 0 { if imGroupId != "" {
return myContext, bizerr.InvalidParameter cvUserDetail.GroupRole, err = group_m.GetGroupRoleById(model, imGroupId, otherUserId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
} }
userId = u.ID
} }
//所有的勋章 if cvUserDetail != nil {
var resNameplates []res_m.ResNameplate // 检查是否需要同步
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResNameplate{}).Order("sort asc, type asc, threshold asc").Find(&resNameplates).Error; err != nil { if n, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Exists(model, user_k.GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId)).Result(); err == nil {
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err) if n == 0 {
// FIXME:转异步执行
err = tim_m.FlushHiloInfo(*cvUserDetail.ExternalId, cvUserDetail.IsVip, cvUserDetail.IsPrettyCode,
cvUserDetail.Medals, cvUserDetail.MyGroupPowerName, cvUserDetail.Noble.Level)
if err == nil {
redisCli.GetRedis().Set(model, user_k.GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId), "1", time.Minute)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserBaseByExternalId, FlushHiloInfo failed: ", err)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserDetailByExternalId, no need to sync yet: ", userId)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserDetailByExternalId, check KeySyncTimHilo failed", err)
} }
resNameplateIds := make([]mysql.ID, 0, len(resNameplates))
for _, r := range resNameplates {
resNameplateIds = append(resNameplateIds, r.ID)
} }
//获取用户的 resp.ResponseOk(c, cvUserDetail)
var userNameplates []user_m.UserNameplate return myContext, nil
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.UserNameplate{}).Where(&user_m.UserNameplate{ }
UserId: userId,
}).Where("(end_time >= NOW() or end_time is null)").Find(&userNameplates).Error; err != nil { // @Tags 用户
return myContext, myerr.WrapErr(err) // @Summary 房间内获取用户信息
} // @Param userExternalId query string true "userExternalId"
//转换成map // @Param groupId query string false "群组id,当传了该id,则返回该用户在该群组的身份"
userNameplateMap := make(map[uint32]struct{}) // @Success 200 {object} user_cv.CvUserDetailRoom
for _, r := range userNameplates { // @Router /v2/user/detail/room [get]
userNameplateMap[r.NameplateId] = struct{}{} func GetUserDetailInRoom(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
userId, lang, err := req.GetUserIdLang(c, myContext)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
otherUserId, err := req.ToUserId(myContext, c.Query("userExternalId"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} }
model := domain.CreateModelContext(myContext)
results := make([]ReturnUserNameplatePublic, 0, len(resNameplates)) imGroupId := c.Query("groupId")
for i, r := range resNameplates { if imGroupId != "" {
if _, flag := userNameplateMap[uint32(r.ID)]; flag { imGroupId, err = group_m.ToImGroupId(model, imGroupId)
results = append(results, ReturnUserNameplatePublic{ if err != nil {
Id: resNameplates[i].ID, return myContext, err
Name: resNameplates[i].Name, }
PicUrl: resNameplates[i].PicUrl, }
SvgaUrl: resNameplates[i].SvgaUrl,
//Type: resNameplates[i].Type, cvUserDetail, err := user_s.NewUserService(myContext).GetUserDetail(otherUserId, userId, lang)
//IsHas: true, if err != nil {
}) return myContext, err
if imGroupId != "" {
cvUserDetail.GroupRole, err = group_m.GetGroupRoleById(model, imGroupId, otherUserId)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
if cvUserDetail != nil {
// 检查是否需要同步
if n, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Exists(model, user_k.GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId)).Result(); err == nil {
if n == 0 {
// FIXME:转异步执行
err = tim_m.FlushHiloInfo(*cvUserDetail.ExternalId, cvUserDetail.IsVip, cvUserDetail.IsPrettyCode,
cvUserDetail.Medals, cvUserDetail.MyGroupPowerName, cvUserDetail.Noble.Level)
if err == nil {
redisCli.GetRedis().Set(model, user_k.GetKeySyncTimHilo(userId), "1", time.Minute)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserBaseByExternalId, FlushHiloInfo failed: ", err)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserDetailByExternalId, no need to sync yet: ", userId)
} else {
model.Log.Info("UserDetailByExternalId, check KeySyncTimHilo failed", err)
} }
} }
resp.ResponseOk(c, results) resp.ResponseOk(c, user_cv.CvUserDetailToCvUserDetailRoom(cvUserDetail))
return myContext, nil return myContext, nil
} }
package route package route
import ( import (
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid" uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
"strings" "strings"
) )
func genTraceId() string { func genTraceId(c *gin.Context) string {
if trace := c.GetHeader(mycontext.TRACEID); len(trace) > 0 {
return trace
traceId := strings.Replace(uuid.NewV4().String(), "-", "", -1) traceId := strings.Replace(uuid.NewV4().String(), "-", "", -1)
traceId = traceId[:len(traceId)/2] traceId = traceId[:len(traceId)/2]
return traceId return traceId
package test
import (
func TestInitCpAnniversary(t *testing.T) {
err := cp_m.InitCpAnniversary(domain.CreateModelNil(), cp_m.CpRelation{
Id: 1,
UserId1: 7642,
UserId2: 4549,
}, "ar")
func TestCalcNextAnniversary(t *testing.T) {
t2 := cp_m.CalcNextAnniversary(1686211996, time.Local)
func TestCalLoc(t *testing.T) {
loc := timezone_e.GetFixedTimezone("GMT+8")
println(time.Now().In(loc).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
loc = timezone_e.GetFixedTimezone("GMT+3")
println(time.Now().In(loc).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
loc = timezone_e.GetFixedTimezone("GMT+5")
println(time.Now().In(loc).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
func TestSumCpScore(t *testing.T) {
model := domain.CreateModelNil()
old, err := cp_m.GetOldConnectCp(model, 7642, 4549)
t.Logf("%v-%v", old, err)
n := cp_m.SumCpPoints(model, 1)
t.Logf("%v", n)
\ No newline at end of file