Commit 0292a779 authored by chenweijian's avatar chenweijian

game slot

parent 268c20c2
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rediskey
const (
// 每月首次充值返利
SlotFruitWeeklyDailyTask = "act:slotFruitWeeklyDailyTask:%s:%d" // slot周活动、水果机周活动,每日任务是否领取(共用同一个key,两个活动的每日任务福利只能领取一次)2006-01:用户id
GameSlotWeeklyDailyTask = "act:gameSlotWeeklyDailyTask:%s:%d" // 多财多福game slot周活动,每日任务是否领取 2006-01:用户id
// 开斋节活动
OpenRamadanChargeAwardTimes = "act:openRamadan:chargeAward:%d:%d" // 开斋节活动,充值奖励领取次数,活动id:用户id
......@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ func GetSlotFruitDailyTimes(userId uint64, nowTime time.Time) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(SlotFruitWeeklyDailyTask, nowTime.In(cstZone).Format(utils.DATE_FORMAT), userId)
func GetGameSlotDailyTimes(userId uint64, nowTime time.Time) string {
var cstZone = time.FixedZone("CST", 3*3600) // 东三区,沙特时间
return fmt.Sprintf(GameSlotWeeklyDailyTask, nowTime.In(cstZone).Format(utils.DATE_FORMAT), userId)
func GetOpenRamadanChargeAwardTimes(actId, userId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(OpenRamadanChargeAwardTimes, actId, userId)
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