Commit 411c6eb6 authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin

Update cp_pairs_stat.go

parent 3ce585dd
......@@ -67,17 +67,25 @@ func getChargeMoneyDiamond(uid uint64, sinceTime time.Time) int64 {
type CpInfo struct {
Id uint64
UserId1 uint64
UserId2 uint64
Code1 string
Code2 string
UserId1Area string
UserId2Area string
Level uint64
Points uint64
CreatedTime time.Time
Charge float64
Id uint64
UserId1 uint64
UserId2 uint64
Code1 string
Code2 string
UserId1Area string
UserId2Area string
Level uint64
Points uint64
CreatedTime time.Time
Charge float64
M1 int
M2 int
M3 int
M4 int
M5 int
M6 int
M7 int
ModifyAnniversary int
type CpLevel struct {
......@@ -128,6 +136,7 @@ func main() {
cpInfos[i].UserId2Area = getAreaByCode2(uM[v.UserId2].Code)
cpInfos[i].Points = v.Points + CpLevelPoints[v.Level]
cpInfos[i].Charge = float64(getChargeMoneyDiamond(v.UserId1, v.CreatedTime)+getChargeMoneyDiamond(v.UserId2, v.CreatedTime)) / 100
cpInfos[i].ModifyAnniversary, cpInfos[i].M1, cpInfos[i].M2, cpInfos[i].M3, cpInfos[i].M4, cpInfos[i].M5, cpInfos[i].M6, cpInfos[i].M7 = modifyAnniversary(v.Id)
excelFileName := fmt.Sprintf("./cp数据.xlsx")
xlFile := xlsx.NewFile()
......@@ -136,16 +145,65 @@ func main() {
row := sheet.AddRow()
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c1.Value, c2.Value, c3.Value, c4.Value, c5.Value, c6.Value, c7.Value, c8.Value, c9.Value = "cp ID", "userId1", "userId2", "user1区域", "user2区域", "等级", "积分", "绑定后充值金额 $", "绑定时间"
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c1.Value, c2.Value, c3.Value, c4.Value, c5.Value, c6.Value, c7.Value, c8.Value, c9.Value, c10.Value = "cp ID", "userId1", "userId2", "user1区域", "user2区域", "等级", "积分", "绑定后充值金额 $", "绑定时间", "是否修改纪念日"
c11.Value, c12.Value, c13.Value, c14.Value, c15.Value, c16.Value, c17.Value = "我们在一起", "XXX的生日", "XXX的生日", "第一次说我爱你", "第一次亲吻", "结婚纪念日", "用户自行编辑"
for _, d := range cpInfos {
row := sheet.AddRow()
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c1.Value, c2.Value, c3.Value, c4.Value, c5.Value, c6.Value, c7.Value, c8.Value, c9.Value =
ats26(d.Id), ats26(d.Code1), ats26(d.Code2), ats26(d.UserId1Area), ats26(d.UserId2Area), ats26(d.Level), ats26(d.Points), ats26(d.Charge), ats26(d.CreatedTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 := row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell(), row.AddCell()
c1.Value, c2.Value, c3.Value, c4.Value, c5.Value, c6.Value, c7.Value, c8.Value, c9.Value, c10.Value =
ats26(d.Id), ats26(d.Code1), ats26(d.Code2), ats26(d.UserId1Area), ats26(d.UserId2Area), ats26(d.Level), ats26(d.Points), ats26(d.Charge), ats26(d.CreatedTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")), ats26(d.ModifyAnniversary)
c11.Value, c12.Value, c13.Value, c14.Value, c15.Value, c16.Value, c17.Value = ats26(d.M1), ats26(d.M2), ats26(d.M3), ats26(d.M4), ats26(d.M5), ats26(d.M6), ats26(d.M7)
_ = xlFile.Save(excelFileName)
//var data []CpPairData
type CpAnniversary struct {
CpId uint64
Sort int
Type int
MsgId int
Timestamp int
CreatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
UpdatedTime time.Time `gorm:"->"`
func modifyAnniversary(cpId uint64) (t, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7 int) {
var an []CpAnniversary
if err := mysql.ProdReadOnlyDB.Model(CpAnniversary{}).Where("cp_id = ? AND timestamp > 0 ", cpId).Find(&an).Error; err != nil {
for _, a := range an {
if a.MsgId == 259 && a.UpdatedTime.Second() != 0 {
m1 = 1
if a.MsgId == 260 && a.Type == 2 {
m2 = 1
if a.MsgId == 260 && a.Type == 3 {
m3 = 1
if a.MsgId == 261 {
m4 = 1
if a.MsgId == 262 {
m5 = 1
if a.MsgId == 263 {
m6 = 1
if a.MsgId == 0 {
if m1 > 0 || m2 > 0 || m3 > 0 || m4 > 0 || m5 > 0 || m6 > 0 || m7 > 0 {
t = 1
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