Commit 5b891ca3 authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin

Create enum.go

parent a43c1047
package msg_e
import ""
//消息发送类型,消息接收者是谁 1:通知 2:官网 3:被喜欢通知 (注意:MsgReceiveType 同 MsgUserRecordType 不是树形关系s)
//MsgReceive 结构体服务
type MsgReceiveType = mysql.Type
const (
UserMsgReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 1
SysMsgReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 2
LikeMeReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 3
TradeUnionReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 4
UserRecall MsgReceiveType = 5
VideoSend MsgReceiveType = 6
VisitReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 7
BlockReceiveType MsgReceiveType = 8
SmsCode MsgReceiveType = 9
//跳转类型 0:无调整 1:网页跳转 2:app跳转 3:跳转到钻石 4:跳转到背包
type ActionType = uint16
const (
NonActionType ActionType = 0
WebActionType ActionType = 1
AppActionType ActionType = 2
type MsgUserRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
//NewUserType MsgUserRecordType = 1
ReportType MsgUserRecordType = 2
//LikeMeType MsgUserRecordType = 3
ResetAvatarType MsgUserRecordType = 4
LikeMeType MsgUserRecordType = 5
VisitType MsgUserRecordType = 6
MatchHistoryType MsgUserRecordType = 7
LikeEachType MsgUserRecordType = 8
DiamondIncome MsgUserRecordType = 9
ActivityBillboardResult MsgUserRecordType = 10
ActivityBillboardDiamond MsgUserRecordType = 11
ActivityBillboardProperty MsgUserRecordType = 12
ActivityBeanProperty MsgUserRecordType = 13
MgrSendDiamondProperty MsgUserRecordType = 14
ActivityGroupBillboardDiamond MsgUserRecordType = 15
ActivityGroupBillboardProperty MsgUserRecordType = 16
GroupSupport MsgUserRecordType = 17
GroupSupportResult MsgUserRecordType = 18
MgrSendProperty MsgUserRecordType = 19
AddProps MsgUserRecordType = 20
ActivityBillboardBeLikeResult = 21
ActivityBillboardCpResult = 22
GroupPowerUserJoin = 23
GroupPowerUserLeave = 24
AddNoble = 25
ActivityTriggerDayPay = 26
ActivityTriggerYemen = 27
ActivityTriggerMonthPay = 28
FruitTycoonAward = 29 // 水果大亨获奖
LuckyboxRecycle = 30 //幸运盒子回收
HlTemp1 = 31 //产品黄蕾,2022/06/29 临时要求发给某人的小助手消息
HLTemp2 = 32 //问卷调查
NewUserInviteAuditPassed = 33 // 新用户奖励活动审核通过
NewUserInviteAuditFailed = 34 // 新用户奖励活动审核不通过
NewUserInviterAward = 35 // 新用户奖励活动邀请成功数达标
PowerSupportSalary = 36 // 势力扶持工资领取 提醒
CountryStarOrdinaryAward = 37 // 国家之星瓜分奖提醒
GroupActivityRewardMsg = 38 // 群组活动钻石奖励提醒
TemplateActAwardMsg = 39 // 通用模板活动奖励提醒
TemplateSmsCode = 40 // 短信验证码
NewUserRegisterPush1 = 44 // 首次充值免费获得永久充值勋章!累积充值$50可申请特殊ID:ABBABB!
NewUserRegisterPush2 = 45 // 邀请朋友来Hilo,最高获得100,000钻石奖励!
NewUserRegisterPush3 = 46 // 举办首个活动,领取10,000钻石和35%奖杯奖励!
NewUserRegisterPush1_1 = 56 // 首次充值免费获得永久充值勋章!累积充值$50可申请特殊ID:ABBABB!
CpAnniversaryNotice = 57 // cp纪念日提醒
type MsgSysUserType = mysql.Type
const (
SysType MsgSysUserType = 1
AssistantType MsgSysUserType = 2
//resMsgTransalte 中 msg_type 同 type, msg_type是属于一级类型 type属于二级类型。 msg_type 对应MsgReceiveType type:部分对应MsgUserRecordType MsgUserRecordType(应该是小助手的类型)
type MsgSysRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
SysMsgSysRecordType1 MsgSysRecordType = 1
SysMsgSysRecordType2 MsgSysRecordType = 2
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