diff --git a/_const/enum/msg_e/msg.go b/_const/enum/msg_e/msg.go index 02b9f5507940c48ef47a54704e07b0176bfe99e9..83caf2dd5be74c38373ec9267d8566bf0bdd0f23 100644 --- a/_const/enum/msg_e/msg.go +++ b/_const/enum/msg_e/msg.go @@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ const ( ActFruitPutRankAward = 47 // 水果机投入排行榜提醒领奖 GroupPowerUpgrade = 48 // 家族升级 GroupPowerExpireNotice = 49 // 家族等级即将过期(每月20日) + GroupPowerWelcomeJoin = 53 // 欢迎加入家族 ) type MsgSysUserType = mysql.Type diff --git a/mysql/3.5.0.sql b/mysql/3.5.0.sql index 8655d4b2504d739b9d8695774b12e4998542eb20..8900f16bdfeede06fb3d59f25d9d75490fc265ed 100644 --- a/mysql/3.5.0.sql +++ b/mysql/3.5.0.sql @@ -56,4 +56,19 @@ VALUES (169, 'zh', '白银等级才可以修改'), (169, 'ca', 'Solo se puede modificar en el nivel plata.'), (169, 'hi', 'केवल चांदी के स्तर पर संशोधित किया जा सकता है'), (169, 'vi', 'Chỉ có thể được sửa đổi ở cấp độ bạc'), - (169, 'ur', 'صرف چاندی کی سطح پر نظر ثانی کی جا سکتی ہے'); \ No newline at end of file + (169, 'ur', 'صرف چاندی کی سطح پر نظر ثانی کی جا سکتی ہے'); + +INSERT INTO hilo.res_msg_translate (`language`, title, content, icon_url, msg_type, `type`, action_type, action_url) +VALUES ('zh', '', '你已加入家族,和朋友们一起快乐玩耍吧!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('en', '', "You have joined the family, let's have fun with your friends!", '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('ar', '', 'لقد انضممت إلى العائلة ، فلنستمتع مع أصدقائك!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('tr', '', 'Aileye katıldınız, arkadaşlarınızla eğlenelim!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('id', '', 'Anda telah bergabung dengan keluarga, mari bersenang-senang dengan teman-teman Anda!', '', 1, 53, 0,''), + ('ru', '', 'Вы присоединились к семье, давайте веселиться с друзьями!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('ko', '', '당신은 가족에 합류했습니다. 친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보내십시오!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('pt', '', 'Você se juntou à família, vamos nos divertir com seus amigos!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('th', '', 'คุณได้เข้าร่วมครอบครัวแล้ว มาสนุกกับเพื่อนๆ กันเถอะ!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('ca', '', 'Te has unido a la familia, ¡diviértete con tus amigos!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('hi', '', 'आप परिवार में शामिल हो गए हैं, आइए अपने दोस्तों के साथ मस्ती करें!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('vi', '', 'Bạn đã tham gia gia đình, hãy vui vẻ với bạn bè của bạn!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''), + ('ur', '', 'آپ خاندان میں شامل ہو گئے ہیں، آئیے اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ مزے کریں!', '', 1, 53, 0, ''); diff --git a/route/group_power_r/group_power.go b/route/group_power_r/group_power.go index 01564f454649fa9f12c21e02c1dc73dca0d1cee6..f8f4d5f312cf1d2a51e89b4a479967c80f960529 100644 --- a/route/group_power_r/group_power.go +++ b/route/group_power_r/group_power.go @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/resource/redisCli" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/sdk/aws" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/sdk/tencentyun" + "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/txop/msg" "git.hilo.cn/hilo-common/utils" "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" "github.com/jinzhu/now" @@ -1106,6 +1107,11 @@ func GroupPowerApplyPass(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) { if err != nil { return myContext, err } + // 发小助手通知用户 + err = msg.SendLittleAssistantMsg(model, apply.UserId, msg_e.GroupPowerWelcomeJoin, "", "", "", "", "") + if err != nil { + model.Log.Errorf("GroupPowerApplyPass msg err:%v", err) + } resp.ResponseOk(c, nil) return myContext, nil