Commit 97610006 authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin

seqId := uuid.NewV4().String()

parent 7b5bbc73
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
uuid ""
......@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ func MicAllRPush(model *domain.Model, txGroupUid string, userId uint64, external
if micContent.User != nil {
tmpMicUser = micContent.User
if err := rpc.SendSocketMicChange(userId, externalId, txGroupUid, uint32(micContent.I), micContent.Lock, micContent.Forbid, micContent.MicForbid, micContent.AgoraId,
seqId := uuid.NewV4().String()
if err := rpc.SendSocketMicChange(seqId, userId, externalId, txGroupUid, uint32(micContent.I), micContent.Lock, micContent.Forbid, micContent.MicForbid, micContent.AgoraId,
tmpMicUser.Id, tmpMicUser.ExternalId, tmpMicUser.Avatar, tmpMicUser.Nick, uint32(tmpMicUser.Sex), tmpMicUser.Code, tmpMicUser.IsVip, uint32(tmpMicUser.NobleLeave),
tmpMicUser.HeadwearPicUrl, tmpMicUser.HeadwearEffectUrl, tmpMicUser.HeadwearReverseEffectUrl, uint32(tmpMicUser.SvipLevel), tmpMicUser.MicEffect, tmpMicUser.HeadwearIcon); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("MicAllRPush err:%+v, groupUuid:%v, externalId:%v, micContent:%+v", err, txGroupUid, externalId, string(micContentStr))
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