Commit c1cf069e authored by JiebinHu's avatar JiebinHu


parent b1a5481e
......@@ -824,12 +824,14 @@ func groupMicHasIn(model *domain.Model, groupId string, userId mysql.ID) {
} else {
if _, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZAdd(context.Background(), redis_key.GetPrefixGroupMicHasInUserTime(), &redis2.Z{
Score: float64(time.Now().Unix()),
Member: getMemberStr(groupId, userId),
}).Result(); err != nil {
model.Log.Errorf("groupMicHasIn redis:GetPrefixGroupMicHasInTime groupId:%v err:%v", groupId, err)
// 下面的是只写,不查的。 todo 直接干掉???
// 只是知道用户在哪个时间点上了哪个群的麦,但是不知道上了哪个麦位置, 而且micUser已经有统计这些信息了
//if _, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZAdd(context.Background(), redis_key.GetPrefixGroupMicHasInUserTime(), &redis2.Z{
// Score: float64(time.Now().Unix()),
// Member: getMemberStr(groupId, userId),
//}).Result(); err != nil {
// model.Log.Errorf("groupMicHasIn redis:GetPrefixGroupMicHasInTime groupId:%v err:%v", groupId, err)
const micHasInScript = "local flag ='EXISTS', '{key1}', '{key2}', '{key3}', '{key4}', '{key5}', '{key6}', '{key7}', '{key8}', '{key9}', '{key10}', '{key11}', '{key12}', '{key13}', '{key14}', '{key15}', '{key16}', '{key17}', '{key18}', '{key19}', '{key20}') if flag == 0 then'Srem', '{key}', '{remKey}') end return flag "
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