Commit d6a0473c authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin


parent b17c2009
package bean_e
import ""
type StatusAccount = mysql.Type
const (
Normal StatusAccount = 1
Frozen StatusAccount = 2
type OperateType = mysql.Type
const (
ReceiveGift OperateType = 1
DiamondExchange OperateType = 2
MgrReduce OperateType = 3
VideoMinute OperateType = 4
MatchTime OperateType = 5
MatchGift OperateType = 6
VideoGift OperateType = 7
VideoTimeTotal OperateType = 8
// 粉钻相关
PinkReceiveGift OperateType = 9 // 收礼物得金币
PinkDiamondExchange OperateType = 10 // 换成粉钻
PinkMgrReduce OperateType = 11 // 管理人扣减金币
PinkVideoMinute OperateType = 12 // 1对1视频金币收益(不显示)
PinkMatchTime OperateType = 13 // 匹配送粉钻礼物加时间
PinkMatchGift OperateType = 14 // 匹配粉钻礼物
PinkVideoGift OperateType = 15 // 1对1视频粉钻礼物
PinkVideoTimeTotal OperateType = 16 // 1对1(粉钻)时间汇总(显示)
package country_e
import ""
// 国家角色
type CountryMgrRole mysql.Type
const (
// 国家管理员
CountryMgrManager CountryMgrRole = 1
// 国家助理
CountryMgrAssistant CountryMgrRole = 2
// 角色权限
type ManagerPrivilegeItem mysql.Type
const (
// 重置用户头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetAvatar ManagerPrivilegeItem = 1
// 重置群组头像
ManagerPrivilegeItemResetFaceUrl ManagerPrivilegeItem = 2
// 删除广播
ManagerPrivilegeItemDeleteGlobalBroadcast ManagerPrivilegeItem = 3
package diamond_e
import ""
type StatusAccount = mysql.Type
const (
Normal StatusAccount = 1
Frozen StatusAccount = 2
type OperateType = mysql.Type
const (
/* REGISTER OperateType = 1
SessionPay OperateType = 2
BuyDiamond OperateType = 3
SendGift OperateType = 4
ReceiveGift OperateType = 5
MatchCondition OperateType = 6*/
SendGift OperateType = 1 //发送礼物
MatchCondition OperateType = 2 //匹配条件
SessionPay OperateType = 3 //建立融云会话
BuyDiamond OperateType = 4 //购买钻石
ReceiveGift OperateType = 5 //接受礼物
REGISTER OperateType = 6 //注册
MgrSend OperateType = 8 //平台赠送
VideoCost OperateType = 9 //1对1视频花费
MgrReduce OperateType = 10 //平台扣除
ActivityBillboard OperateType = 11 //活动榜单奖励
ExchangeBean OperateType = 12 //钻石兑换豆子
ActivityGroupBillboard OperateType = 13 //活动榜单奖励
DailyInAppVip OperateType = 14 //每日登陆领取钻石(VIP)
GroupIMMass OperateType = 15 //群中IM群发
DailyInAppCommon OperateType = 16 //每日登陆领取钻石(普通用户)
GroupSupportAdmin OperateType = 17 //群组支持(利益分配者)
GroupSupportMgr OperateType = 18 //群主支持(助手)
MgrBillDiamond OperateType = 19 //管理人单据送钻石
Headwear OperateType = 20 //送头饰扣费
Property OperateType = 21 //送坐骑扣费
LuckyWheelJoin OperateType = 22 //参与转盘扣费
LuckyWheelCancel OperateType = 23 //转盘取消
LuckyWheelWin OperateType = 24 //转盘奖励
LuckWheelGroupOwer OperateType = 25 //转盘群主抽成
DealerTransfer OperateType = 26 //币商转账
GroupCustomTheme OperateType = 27 //购买群组自定义主题
RocketAward OperateType = 28 //火箭奖励
LuckyboxBuy OperateType = 29 //幸运盒子购买
LuckyboxAward OperateType = 30 //幸运盒子奖励
PrivateGift OperateType = 31 // 私聊送礼物
PrivateGiftReturn OperateType = 32 // 私聊送礼物退款
ActivityTriggerAward OperateType = 33 //活动触发奖励
VideoTradeUnionGift OperateType = 34 // 视频送礼物
VideoTradeUnionGiftReturn OperateType = 35 // 视频送礼物退款
GlobalBroadcast OperateType = 36 //全球发布消息
TaskAward OperateType = 37 //任务奖励
FruitMachineAward OperateType = 38 // 水果机奖励
FruitMachineBet OperateType = 39 // 水果机投注
Noble OperateType = 40 //购买/赠送贵族
FruitTycoonAward OperateType = 41 // 水果大亨奖励
Checkout OperateType = 42 //checkout购买
LuckyboxCycle OperateType = 43 //幸运盒子回收奖励
ActivityRechargeFirst OperateType = 44 //首次充值奖励
NewUserInvite OperateType = 45 // 新用户奖励活动
GeneralActivity OperateType = 46 // 一般性活动奖励
PowerSupportOwner OperateType = 47 // 势力支持(势力主)
PowerSupportAssistant OperateType = 48 // 势力支持(助手)
VideoMinute OperateType = 49 //1对1视频(分钟扣费)
MatchMinute OperateType = 50 //匹配视频(第一分钟扣费)
VideoMinuteBack OperateType = 51 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)
VideoMinuteTotal OperateType = 52 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)
GroupActivity OperateType = 53 //创建群组活动
GroupActivityReward OperateType = 54 //群组活动奖励
PayerMax OperateType = 55 //payerMax/茄子支付购买
BuyPinkDiamond OperateType = 56 //购买粉钻
VideoCostPink OperateType = 57 //1对1视频送礼(粉钻)
MatchMinutePink OperateType = 58 //匹配视频(第一分钟扣费)(粉钻)
VideoMinuteTotalPink OperateType = 59 //1对1视频(分钟扣费,返回)(粉钻)
SendPinkGift OperateType = 60 //送粉钻礼物 ---占位---暂不开放 数据库配置表中暂未配置
MatchMinuteGiftPink OperateType = 61 //匹配视频送礼(粉钻)
MatchMinuteGiftPinkTime OperateType = 62 //匹配视频加时送礼(粉钻)
JoinGroupCost OperateType = 63 //加入群组扣费
JoinGroupAdd OperateType = 64 //加入群组,群主得黄钻
Paypal OperateType = 68 //paypal充值
type PayVerifyStatus = mysql.Type
const (
VerifyBefore PayVerifyStatus = 1
VerifySuccess PayVerifyStatus = 2
package fruitMachine_e
const MaxFruitId = 8
const MaxFruitStakeCount = 6 // 最多可以下注多少种水果
const RoundTime = 5 // 多少分钟为一轮
const RecycleRate = 50 // 上一轮流转到下一次的比例(%)
const WatermelonFruitId = 8 // 西瓜ID
type FruitMachineStatus = uint8
const (
StatusWaiting = 1 // 等待下注中
StatusChoosing = 2 // 计算中
StatusShowing = 3 // 显示结果中
package game_e
type GameType uint32
var GameLudoDiamondList = []uint32{0, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000}
const (
GameTypeLudo GameType = 1 // ludo
GameTypeUno GameType = 2 // uno
package gift_e
import ""
type GiftOperateSceneType mysql.Type
const (
MatchVedioSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 1
// 私聊
PriveChatSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 2
VideoSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 3
GroupSceneType GiftOperateSceneType = 4
type ResGiftAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
SendGiftCpGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 1 //周CP
MonthlyWealthGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 2 //月冠财富榜
MonthlyCharmGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 3 //月冠魅力榜
MonthlyPayGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 4 //月冠充值榜
WeekStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 5 //周星榜
CountryStarGiftAvatarType ResGiftAvatarType = 6 // 国家之星
type GiftPrivateRecordType = mysql.Type
const (
PrivateRecord GiftPrivateRecordType = 1
VideoTradeUnion GiftPrivateRecordType = 2
PrivateRecordBag GiftPrivateRecordType = 3
type GiftColumnType = uint16
const (
GiftColumnGift GiftColumnType = 1 // 礼物
GiftColumnRomance GiftColumnType = 2 // 浪漫
GiftColumnCountry GiftColumnType = 3 // 国家
GiftColumnCustom GiftColumnType = 4 // 定制
type GiftTagType = uint16
const (
GiftTagMedal GiftTagType = 1 // 勋章礼物
GiftTagWeeklyStar GiftTagType = 2 // 周星礼物
type GiftEntryType = uint16
const (
GiftEntryWeeklyStar GiftEntryType = 1 // 周星活动入口
GiftEntryWeeklyCp GiftEntryType = 2 // 周CP活动入口
GiftEntryMedal GiftEntryType = 3 // 勋章激活动入口
GiftEntryCountryStar GiftEntryType = 4 // 国家之星活动入口
package groupPower_e
import ""
type GroupPowerStatus = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerUserHas GroupPowerStatus = 1
GroupPowerUserNo GroupPowerStatus = 2
GroupPowerDissolve GroupPowerStatus = 3
type GroupPowerUserRole = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerUserRoleUser GroupPowerUserRole = 1
GroupPowerUserRoleMgr GroupPowerUserRole = 2
type GroupPowerUserLogType = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerUserLogTypeUserJoin GroupPowerUserLogType = 1
GroupPowerUserLogTypeUserLeave GroupPowerUserLogType = 2
GroupPowerUserLogTypeOwerJoin GroupPowerUserLogType = 3
GroupPowerUserLogTypeMgrLeave GroupPowerUserLogType = 4
GroupPowerUserLogDissolve GroupPowerUserLogType = 5
type GroupPowerDiamondLogType = mysql.Type
const (
GroupPowerDiamondLogTypeByGroup GroupPowerDiamondLogType = 1
GroupPowerDiamondLogTypeByGroupOwer GroupPowerDiamondLogType = 2
type PowerSupportAwardState = uint
const (
PowerSuppportNo PowerSupportAwardState = 0 // 未达到要求
PowerSuppportAwarded PowerSupportAwardState = 1 // 已经领取
PowerSuppportWaiting PowerSupportAwardState = 2 // 待领取
package group_e
import ""
type MsgStatusGroupUser = mysql.Type
const (
//正常: 灰点+震动
NormalMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 0
MuteMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 1
DoNotDisturbMsgStatusGroupUser MsgStatusGroupUser = 2
OverseaRoom = 1
LocalRoom = 2
// 公屏消息
type TypePublicScreenMsg = mysql.Type
const (
UserJoinPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 1 // 加入群组
UserKickPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 2 // 踢出房间
UserBannedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 3 // 拉黑用户
RoleAssignedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 4 // 添加角色
RoleRemovedPublicScreenMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 5 // 移除角色
ClientSendMsgLocal TypePublicScreenMsg = 6 // 客户端占用
RollDiceMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 7 // 掷骰子结果
GroupGiftMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 8 //全服礼物
GroupSupportH5 TypePublicScreenMsg = 9 //群组支持H5
JumpMessage TypePublicScreenMsg = 10 // 可跳转的公屏消息
RocketAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 11 // 火箭获奖消息
LockyboxAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 12 // 幸运盒子公屏中奖
FruitMachineAwardMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 13 // 水果机中奖
EnterRoomMsg TypePublicScreenMsg = 14 // 用户进入房间
// 信令消息(不显示公屏工,不记入消息历史,不影响未读数)
type TypeSignalMsg = mysql.Type
const (
GroupEditProfileSignal TypeSignalMsg = 1
GroupRoleChangeSignal TypeSignalMsg = 2
GroupMicChangeSignal TypeSignalMsg = 3 //保留
GroupMsgBannedSignal TypeSignalMsg = 4
GroupMemberRemoveSignal TypeSignalMsg = 5
GroupGiftSignal TypeSignalMsg = 6 //礼物
GroupMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 7
GroupMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 8
GroupMicLockSignal TypeSignalMsg = 9
GroupMicUnLockSignal TypeSignalMsg = 10
GroupMicSpeechOpenSignal TypeSignalMsg = 11
GroupMicSpeechCloseSignal TypeSignalMsg = 12
GroupKickOut TypeSignalMsg = 13 //保留
GroupSocketMicOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 14 //保留
GroupInviteMicInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 15 //邀请上麦保留
GroupInSignal TypeSignalMsg = 16 //进入房间,进房特效
GroupMicEmoji TypeSignalMsg = 17 //麦上表情
GroupLuckyWheel TypeSignalMsg = 18 //转盘的通知信令
GroupOutSignal TypeSignalMsg = 19 //离开房间
GroupRocketState TypeSignalMsg = 20 //火箭状态变化
GroupOnlineUser TypeSignalMsg = 21 //房间在线用户信息
GroupMicChange TypeSignalMsg = 22 //房间麦位上的变量
GroupMemberInvite TypeSignalMsg = 23 //房间-邀请用户成为会员
GroupRoleChange TypeSignalMsg = 24 //房间-用户群组身份变化
GroupClearScreen TypeSignalMsg = 25 //房间-清理公屏
type GroupMicNumType = mysql.Type
const (
OneMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 5
TwoMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 10
ThreeMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 3
FourMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 4
SixMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 6
SevenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 7
EightMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 8
NineMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 9
ElevenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 11
TwelveMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 12
ThirteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 13
FourteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 14
FifteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 15
SixteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 16
SeventeenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 17
EighteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 18
NineteenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 19
TwentyMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 20
FiveMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 1
TenMicNumType GroupMicNumType = 2
type GroupRoleType = uint16
const (
// 群组角色
GROUP_VISITOR GroupRoleType = 0 // 游客
GROUP_MEMBER GroupRoleType = 1 // 成员
GROUP_ADMIN GroupRoleType = 10 // 管理员
GROUP_MANAGER GroupRoleType = 50 // 经理
GROUP_OWNER GroupRoleType = 100 // owner
// 群组内游戏相关
const (
const DefaultMsgParallelSize = 20
const (
NewGroupNamePrefix = "HTGS#"
OverseaGroupNamePrefix = NewGroupNamePrefix + "a"
const (
// 上下架状态
package headwear_e
import ""
type UserHeadwearUsing = mysql.Type
const (
YesUsing UserHeadwearUsing = 1
NoUsing UserHeadwearUsing = 0
type UserHeadwearLogOrginType = mysql.Type
const (
Mgr UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 1
Send UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 2
Activity UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 3
Rocket UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 4
ActivityTrigger UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 5
ActivityRechargeFirst UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 6
Give UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 7
GeneralActivity UserHeadwearLogOrginType = 8
type UserHeadwearLogType mysql.Type
const (
AddSecond UserHeadwearLogType = 1
UpdateEndTime UserHeadwearLogType = 2
Del UserHeadwearLogType = 3
package luckyWheel_e
const LUCKY_WHEEL_SEAT_NUM = 10 // 轮盘座位数
const LUCKY_WHEEL_ROLL_TIME = 8 // 轮盘淘汰一个人需要的时间(秒)
const LUCKY_WHEEL_LAST_ROLL_TIME = 5 // 最后一轮出胜利者需要的时间(秒)
const LUCKY_WHEEL_SHOW_TIMELONG = 5 // 轮盘结束后真空期
type LuckyWheelStatusType = uint8
const (
NONE LuckyWheelStatusType = 0 // 没有活动/已结束
CREATED LuckyWheelStatusType = 1 // 创建,等待用户加入
ROLLING LuckyWheelStatusType = 2 // 转动中
SHOWING LuckyWheelStatusType = 3 // 结果展示中
RESTARTING LuckyWheelStatusType = 4 // 重启中
type LuckyWheelEndStatusType = uint8
const (
DONE LuckyWheelEndStatusType = 0 // 正常结束
USER_CANCELED LuckyWheelEndStatusType = 1 // 用户取消
TIME_OUT_CANCELED LuckyWheelEndStatusType = 2 // 超时未开始结束
package luckybox_e
import ""
type AwardTypeLuckyboxAward = mysql.Type
const (
Diamond AwardTypeLuckyboxAward = 1
type StatusLuckyboxCycleUser = mysql.Type
const (
NoReceive StatusLuckyboxCycleUser = 1
HasReceive StatusLuckyboxCycleUser = 2
package match_e
import ""
type MatchDetailDataChange mysql.NumAll
const (
AddDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 1
ReduceDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 2
ZeroDataChange MatchDetailDataChange = 0
/*type EnumCountType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityEnumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ExcellentEnumCountType EnumCountType = 2
RelationEnumCountType EnumCountType = 3
/*const (
ReceiveGiftNumCountType EnumCountType = 1
ReceiveGiftFCountType EnumCountType = 2
BeReportCountType EnumCountType = 3
BeBlackCountType EnumCountType = 4
PayCountType EnumCountType = 5
LikeMeType EnumCountType = 6
NewUserType EnumCountType = 7
AgainRefuse EnumCountType = 8
DailyUserType EnumCountType = 9
ActiveGrade EnumCountType = 10
AgainSameSex EnumCountType = 11
MatchSuccessNum EnumCountType = 12
MatchConfirmNum EnumCountType = 13
MatchConfirmRate EnumCountType = 14
MatchFreeTimeNum EnumCountType = 15
MatchGiftTimeNum EnumCountType = 16
MatchAddTimeRate EnumCountType = 17
TradeUnion EnumCountType = 18
RelationMatchRefuse EnumCountType = 19
RelationMatchUser EnumCountType = 20
type PriorityUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
PriorityDiamond PriorityUserFormOriginType = 1
PriorityFirstCharge PriorityUserFormOriginType = 2
PriorityWealthGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 3
PriorityBeReport PriorityUserFormOriginType = 4
PriorityBeBlack PriorityUserFormOriginType = 5
PriorityRecentlyPay PriorityUserFormOriginType = 6
PriorityNewUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 7
PriorityAgainRefuse PriorityUserFormOriginType = 8
PriorityDailyUserType PriorityUserFormOriginType = 9
PriorityActiveGrade PriorityUserFormOriginType = 10
PriorityTradeUnion PriorityUserFormOriginType = 11
PriorityAgainSameSex PriorityUserFormOriginType = 12
var PriorityMap = map[PriorityUserFormOriginType]string{
PriorityDiamond: "钻石余额",
PriorityFirstCharge: "首充",
PriorityWealthGrade: "财富等级",
PriorityBeReport: "被举报",
PriorityBeBlack: "被拉黑",
PriorityRecentlyPay: "近期充值",
PriorityNewUserType: "新用户",
PriorityAgainRefuse: "连续被拒",
PriorityDailyUserType: "每天新登陆用户",
PriorityActiveGrade: "活跃等级",
PriorityTradeUnion: "工会",
PriorityAgainSameSex: "连续同性",
type ExcellentUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
ExcellentLikeMe ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 1
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 2
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 3
ExcellentBeReport ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 4
ExcellentBeBlack ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 5
ExcellentCharmGrade ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 6
ExcellentSessionCreate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 7
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 8
//加时率(视频通话加时次数(免费加时成功 + 礼物加时成功)/视频通话次数(匹配成功的次数))
ExcellentAddTimeRate ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 9
ExcellentTradeUnion ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 10
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 11
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 12
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 13
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum ExcellentUserFormOriginType = 14
var ExcellentMap = map[ExcellentUserFormOriginType]string{
ExcellentLikeMe: "喜欢我",
ExcellentReceiveGiftNumChange: "接收礼物数量",
ExcellentReceiveGiftFChange: "接收礼物次数",
ExcellentBeReport: "被投诉次数",
ExcellentBeBlack: "被拉黑次数",
ExcellentCharmGrade: "魅力等级",
ExcellentSessionCreate: "被付费建立融云会话",
ExcellentMatchConfirmRate: "接通率",
ExcellentAddTimeRate: "加时率",
ExcellentTradeUnion: "工会成员",
ExcellentMatchSuccessNum: "匹配成功次数",
ExcellentMatchConfirmNum: "匹配确认次数",
ExcellentMatchFreeTimeNum: "匹配免费加时次数",
ExcellentMatchGiftTimeNum: "匹配礼物加时次数",
type RelationUserFormOriginType mysql.Type
const (
RelationUserLike RelationUserFormOriginType = 1
RelationMatchRefuse RelationUserFormOriginType = 2
RelationMatchUser RelationUserFormOriginType = 3
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm RelationUserFormOriginType = 4
RelationMatchUserLastTime RelationUserFormOriginType = 5
var RelationMap = map[RelationUserFormOriginType]string{
RelationUserLike: "喜欢的用户",
RelationMatchRefuse: "匹配被拒绝",
RelationMatchUser: "匹配上的用户",
RelationSessionNoMatchConfirm: "付费发送过消息但没进行过视频聊天",
RelationMatchUserLastTime: "上一次匹配的用户",
type MatchConfirmStatus mysql.Type
const (
Success MatchConfirmStatus = 1
Fail MatchConfirmStatus = 2
Temp MatchConfirmStatus = 3
type MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse mysql.Type
const (
AcceptMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 1
RefuseMatchConfirmUser MatchConfirmUserAcceptRefuse = 2
type MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipCharmType MatchCharmUserScoreDetailType = 2
type MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = mysql.Type
const (
GiftReceiveWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 1
GiftReceiveVipWealthType MatchWealthUserScoreDetailType = 2
package msg_e
type MsgIdType = uint
const (
MSG_ID_NO_POWER_TO_SVIP6 MsgIdType = 115 // 不能对svip6做某些动作
package online_e
type OnlineStatusType = uint
// 在线状态
const (
IM_STATUS_OFF_LINE OnlineStatusType = 0
IM_STATUS_PUSH_ON_LINE OnlineStatusType = 1
IM_STATUS_ON_LINE OnlineStatusType = 2
package property_e
import ""
type UserPropertyUsing = mysql.Type
const (
YesUsing UserPropertyUsing = 1
NoUsing UserPropertyUsing = 0
type UserPropertyLogOrginType = mysql.Type
const (
ActivityBillboardReward UserPropertyLogOrginType = 1
Operational UserPropertyLogOrginType = 2
ActivityGroupBillboardReward UserPropertyLogOrginType = 3
Send UserPropertyLogOrginType = 4
Rocket UserPropertyLogOrginType = 5
ActivityBillboardTrigger UserPropertyLogOrginType = 6
ActivityRechargeFirst UserPropertyLogOrginType = 7
Give UserPropertyLogOrginType = 8
GeneralActivity UserPropertyLogOrginType = 9 // 一般性活动
type UserPropertyLogType mysql.Type
const (
AddSecond UserPropertyLogType = 1
UpdateEndTime UserPropertyLogType = 2
Del UserPropertyLogType = 3
type PropertyType = uint16
const (
TypeNoble PropertyType = 1
TypeMedal PropertyType = 2
TypeHeaddress PropertyType = 3
TypeRide PropertyType = 4
......@@ -51,3 +51,45 @@ const (
Public ResMedalScope = 2
type ResPropertyAvatarType = mysql.Type
const (
SendGiftCpPropertyAvatarType ResPropertyAvatarType = 1 //周CP
MonthlyWealthPropertyAvatarType ResPropertyAvatarType = 2 //月冠财富榜
MonthlyCharmPropertyAvatarType ResPropertyAvatarType = 3 //月冠魅力榜
MonthlyPayPropertyAvatarType ResPropertyAvatarType = 4 //月冠充值榜
type ResMedalObtainType = mysql.Type
const (
WealthResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 1
CharmResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 2
GiftResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 3
BoomRocketResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 4
ActityResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 5
FruitKingResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 6
LuckyBoxKingResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 7
VideoChatResMedalObtainType ResMedalObtainType = 8
type ResGroupSupportGrade = mysql.Type
const (
Agrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 1
Bgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 2
Cgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 3
Dgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 4
Egrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 5
Fgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 6
Ggrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 7
Hgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 8
Igrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 9
Jgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 10
Kgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 11
Lgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 12
Mgrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 13
Ngrade ResGroupSupportGrade = 14
Ograde ResGroupSupportGrade = 15
package user_e
import ""
type CountType mysql.Type
const (
CountTypeLike CountType = 1
CountTypeBlock CountType = 2
CountTypeLikeMe CountType = 3
package user_e
var HEART_VALUE_MAX uint32 = 2000
......@@ -39,3 +39,26 @@ const (
AwardTypeNoble AwardType = 4 // 贵族
AwardTypeRide AwardType = 5 // 座驾
const (
UserVipTypeBuy UserVipType = 1
UserVipTypeGive UserVipType = 2
type UserLikeOperateType = mysql.Type
const (
LikeAdd UserLikeOperateType = 1
LikeCancel UserLikeOperateType = 2
type UserLikeSceneType = mysql.Type
const (
Match UserLikeSceneType = 1
Video UserLikeSceneType = 2
package group_k
import (
const (
GroupPrefix = "group:"
GroupLock = GroupPrefix + "lock:${user_id}"
GroupSupportAwardIp = GroupPrefix + "support:award:ip:${ip}" // string, ttl=7天-n ip领取扶持次数
EditGroupCd = "edit:group:cd:${imGroupId}"
GroupInfo = "group:info:%s"
// 创建群组并发锁
func GetGroupLockKey(userId mysql.ID) string {
return redis_key.ReplaceKey(GroupLock, fmt.Sprintf("%d", userId))
// ip领取扶持次数
func GetGroupSupportAwardIpKey(ip mysql.Str) string {
return redis_key.ReplaceKey(GroupSupportAwardIp, ip)
// 编辑群组资料cd
func GetEditGroupCDKey(imGroupId mysql.Str) string {
return redis_key.ReplaceKey(EditGroupCd, imGroupId)
func GetGroupInfoKey(imGroupId mysql.Str) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(GroupInfo, imGroupId)
package redis_key
import (
......@@ -23,3 +24,9 @@ func ReplaceKey(keyFmt string, arg ...string) string {
const UserMedalMerge = "user:medalMerge:%d" // 勋章
func GetUserMedalMerge(userId uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(UserMedalMerge, userId)
This diff is collapsed.
package billboard_cv
import (
type BillboardUserInfo struct {
UserBase user_cv.CvUserDetail `json:"userBase"`
Num uint64 `json:"num"`
func GetGroupTop3Consume(model *domain.Model, groupId string, myUserId uint64) ([]BillboardUserInfo, error) {
now := time.Now()
period := now.Format(utils.COMPACT_MONTH_FORMAT)
data, err := getGroupTop3Consume(period, groupId)
result := make([]BillboardUserInfo, 0)
failed := false
if err != nil {
failed = true
} else {
model.Log.Infof("GetGroupTop3Consume, from redis: %+v", data)
ts, err := strconv.ParseUint(data["timestamp"], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
failed = true
} else {
// 超过5分钟就认为是过期数据
if now.Unix()-int64(ts) >= 60*5 {
failed = true
if failed {
result, err := BuildMonthlyGroupConsumeBillboard(groupId, 3, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
diamonds := make(map[uint64]uint64, 0)
for _, i := range result {
if i.UserBase.Id != nil {
diamonds[*i.UserBase.Id] = i.Num
model.Log.Infof("GetGroupTop3Consume, DB: %+v", diamonds)
ret, err := saveGroupTop3Consume(period, groupId, diamonds)
model.Log.Infof("GetGroupTop3Consume SAVE ret = %d, err: %v", ret, err)
return result, nil
userIds := make([]uint64, 0)
diamonds := make(map[uint64]uint64, 0)
for k, v := range data {
if uid, err := strconv.ParseUint(k, 10, 64); err == nil {
if num, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64); err == nil {
userIds = append(userIds, uid)
diamonds[uid] = uint64(num)
users, err := user_cv.GetUserDetailMap(userIds, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, i := range userIds {
if users[i] != nil {
result = append(result, BillboardUserInfo{
UserBase: *users[i],
Num: diamonds[i],
return result, nil
func getGroupTop3Consume(period string, groupId string) (map[string]string, error) {
key := redis_key.GetGroupTop3ConsumeKey(period, groupId)
return redisCli.GetRedis().HGetAll(context.Background(), key).Result()
func saveGroupTop3Consume(period string, groupId string, diamonds map[uint64]uint64) (int64, error) {
values := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
for p, d := range diamonds {
if d > 0 {
values[strconv.FormatUint(p, 10)] = d
if len(values) <= 0 {
return 0, nil
values["timestamp"] = time.Now().Unix()
key := redis_key.GetGroupTop3ConsumeKey(period, groupId)
ret, err := redisCli.GetRedis().HSet(context.Background(), key, values).Result()
if err == nil {
// 设置一个TTL保险一些 TODO: 可以优化,保证数据总是有的
redisCli.GetRedis().Expire(context.Background(), key, time.Minute*15)
return ret, err
func BuildMonthlyGroupConsumeBillboard(groupId string, length int, myUserId uint64) ([]BillboardUserInfo, error) {
//now := time.Now()
//endDate := now.Format(common.DATE_FORMAT)
//beginDate := common.GetFirstDay(now).Format(common.DATE_FORMAT)
return BuildGroupConsumeBillboard(groupId, time.Now(), length, myUserId, "month")
func BuildGroupConsumeBillboard(groupId string, endDate time.Time, length int, myUserId uint64, dayWeekMonth string) ([]BillboardUserInfo, error) {
g := gift_cv.GiftOperate{SceneType: gift_e.GroupSceneType}
scores, err := g.GetGroupConsumeSummary(groupId, endDate, dayWeekMonth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userIds := make([]uint64, 0)
for k, _ := range scores {
userIds = append(userIds, k)
sort.SliceStable(userIds, func(i, j int) bool {
return scores[userIds[i]] > scores[userIds[j]]
if length > len(userIds) {
length = len(userIds)
userIds = userIds[0:length]
users, err := user_cv.GetUserDetailMap(userIds, myUserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]BillboardUserInfo, 0)
for _, i := range userIds {
if users[i] != nil {
result = append(result, BillboardUserInfo{
UserBase: *users[i],
Num: scores[i],
return result, nil
package country_cv
import "hilo-group/_const/enum/country_e"
// cv国家管理人员
type CVCountryManager struct {
Country string `json:"country"` // 国家name
Role country_e.CountryMgrRole `json:"role" swaggertype:"integer"` // 角色 1:国家管理员 2:国家助理
package diamond_cv
import (
. ""
type CvDiamond struct {
DiamondNum *uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
PinkDiamondNum *uint32 `json:"pinkDiamondNum"`
type CvDiamondBean struct {
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
BeanNum string `json:"beanNum"`
func GetDiamondBean(userId mysql.ID) (*CvDiamondBean, error) {
var diamondAccount diamond_m.DiamondAccount
err := mysql.Db.Where(&diamond_m.DiamondAccount{
UserId: userId,
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
diamondAccount = diamond_m.DiamondAccount{
DiamondNum: 0,
return nil, err
var beanAccount bean_m.BeanAccount
err = mysql.Db.Where(&bean_m.BeanAccount{
UserId: userId,
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
beanAccount = bean_m.BeanAccount{
BeanNum: 0,
return &CvDiamondBean{DiamondNum: diamondAccount.DiamondNum, BeanNum: strconv.FormatFloat(float64(beanAccount.BeanNum)/100, 'f', 2, 64)}, nil
type CvDiamondDetail struct {
//1:增加 2:减少
AddReduce *uint8 `json:"addReduce"`
//6:注册 3:建立融云会话 4:购买钻石 1:发送礼物 5:接受礼物 2:匹配条件
OperateType *uint8 `json:"operateType"`
DiamondNum *uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
CreatedTime *int64 `json:"createdTime"`
func GetDiamond(userId mysql.ID) (*CvDiamond, error) {
var diamondAccount diamond_m.DiamondAccount
err := mysql.Db.Where(&diamond_m.DiamondAccount{
UserId: userId,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CvDiamond{DiamondNum: NumToUint32(&diamondAccount.DiamondNum), PinkDiamondNum: NumToUint32(&diamondAccount.PinkDiamondNum)}, nil
func GetDiamondBalances(userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num, error) {
result := make(map[mysql.ID]mysql.Num, len(userIds))
data := make([]diamond_m.DiamondAccount, 0)
err := mysql.Db.Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Find(&data).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, i := range data {
result[i.UserId] = i.DiamondNum
return result, nil
func GetDiamondBuyList(userId mysql.ID, pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]*CvDiamondDetail, error) {
var diamondAccountDetails []diamond_m.DiamondAccountDetail
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&diamond_m.DiamondAccountDetail{}).
Where("user_id = ? AND operate_type in (?)", userId, []uint8{diamond_e.BuyDiamond, diamond_e.DealerTransfer, diamond_e.Checkout, diamond_e.PayerMax, diamond_e.Paypal}).
Order("id desc").Limit(pageSize).Offset((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Find(&diamondAccountDetails).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
var cvDiamondDetails []*CvDiamondDetail
for i := 0; i < len(diamondAccountDetails); i++ {
unixTime := diamondAccountDetails[i].CreatedTime.Unix()
cvDiamondDetails = append(cvDiamondDetails, &CvDiamondDetail{
AddReduce: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].AddReduce),
OperateType: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].OperateType),
DiamondNum: NumToUint32(&diamondAccountDetails[i].Num),
CreatedTime: &unixTime,
return cvDiamondDetails, nil
func GetDiamondDetailList(model *domain.Model, userId mysql.ID, pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]*CvDiamondDetail, error) {
diamondAccountDetails := make([]*diamond_m.DiamondAccountDetail, 0)
offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
optList := []int{int(diamond_e.BuyDiamond), int(diamond_e.DealerTransfer), int(diamond_e.Checkout), int(diamond_e.PayerMax)}
details := make([]*diamond_m.DiamondAccountDetail, 0)
if offset == 0 { // 首页请求数据,获取 pageSize*3 条过滤返回
sql := "select * from diamond_account_detail where user_id = ? order by id desc limit ?"
if err := mysql.Db.WithContext(model).Raw(sql, userId, pageSize*3).Find(&details).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
notInMap := make(map[int]bool)
for _, v := range optList {
notInMap[v] = true
for _, v := range details {
if _, ok := notInMap[int(v.OperateType)]; !ok {
diamondAccountDetails = append(diamondAccountDetails, v)
if len(diamondAccountDetails) > pageSize {
diamondAccountDetails = diamondAccountDetails[:pageSize]
// 非首页,或者首页没取满 pageSize 条
if offset > 0 || (len(details) == pageSize*3 && len(diamondAccountDetails) < pageSize) {
diamondAccountDetails = make([]*diamond_m.DiamondAccountDetail, 0)
sql := "select * from diamond_account_detail where user_id = ? and operate_type not in (?) order by id desc limit ?,?"
if err := mysql.Db.WithContext(model).Raw(sql, userId, optList, offset, pageSize).
Find(&diamondAccountDetails).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
//if err := mysql.Db.Table("diamond_account_detail FORCE INDEX(Index_1)").
// Where("user_id = ? AND operate_type not in (?)", userId,
// []int{int(diamond_m2.BuyDiamond), int(diamond_m2.DealerTransfer), int(diamond_m2.Checkout), int(diamond_m2.PayerMax)}).
// Order("id desc").Limit(pageSize).Offset((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Find(&diamondAccountDetails).Error; err != nil {
// return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
cvDiamondDetails := []*CvDiamondDetail{}
for i := 0; i < len(diamondAccountDetails); i++ {
unixTime := diamondAccountDetails[i].CreatedTime.Unix()
cvDiamondDetails = append(cvDiamondDetails, &CvDiamondDetail{
AddReduce: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].AddReduce),
OperateType: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].OperateType),
DiamondNum: NumToUint32(&diamondAccountDetails[i].Num),
CreatedTime: &unixTime,
return cvDiamondDetails, nil
func GetPinkDiamondDetailList(userId mysql.ID, pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]*CvDiamondDetail, error) {
var diamondAccountDetails []diamond_m.DiamondPinkAccountDetail
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&diamond_m.DiamondPinkAccountDetail{}).
Where("user_id = ?", userId).
Order("id desc").Limit(pageSize).Offset((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Find(&diamondAccountDetails).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
var cvDiamondDetails []*CvDiamondDetail
for i := 0; i < len(diamondAccountDetails); i++ {
unixTime := diamondAccountDetails[i].CreatedTime.Unix()
cvDiamondDetails = append(cvDiamondDetails, &CvDiamondDetail{
AddReduce: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].AddReduce),
OperateType: TypeToUint8(&diamondAccountDetails[i].OperateType),
DiamondNum: NumToUint32(&diamondAccountDetails[i].Num),
CreatedTime: &unixTime,
return cvDiamondDetails, nil
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
package group_cv
import (
type ResLuckyWheel struct {
Id uint `json:"id"`
EntranceFee uint32 `json:"entranceFee"`
func GetAllLuckyWheelConfig(db *gorm.DB) ([]ResLuckyWheel, error) {
rows := make([]ResLuckyWheel, 0)
if err := db.Model(&ResLuckyWheel{}).Order("id").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
func (rlw *ResLuckyWheel) GetLuckyWheelConfig(db *gorm.DB) error {
return db.Where(rlw).First(rlw).Error
type LuckyWheelUserOption struct {
UserId uint64 `json:"-"`
GroupId string `json:"-"`
LastId uint `json:"lastId"` // 最后一次选择的配置ID
SelfJoin bool `json:"selfJoin"` // 自己是否加入
AutoRestart bool `json:"autoRestart"` // 是否重新开始新的一轮
func (uo *LuckyWheelUserOption) Get(db *gorm.DB) error {
return db.Where(uo).First(uo).Error
type LuckyWheelSetting struct {
Config []ResLuckyWheel `json:"config"` // 配置
type LuckyWheelState struct {
WheelId uint64 `json:"wheelId"` // 当前轮盘ID;=0时代表没有轮盘活动,其他参数都不用看了
Status uint8 `json:"status"` // 轮盘状态
EntranceFee uint32 `json:"entranceFee"` // 参与费用(钻石)
Creator string `json:"creator"` // 当前轮盘创建者(exteranlId)
SeatNum uint `json:"seatNum"` // 轮盘位置数
Participants []user_cv.CvUserTiny `json:"participants"` // 轮盘参与者信息
TotalFee uint32 `json:"totalFee"` // 总参与金额
PlayTimeStamp int64 `json:"playTimeStamp"` // 轮盘开始转动的时刻
Sequence []string `json:"sequence"` // 出局序列(用户externalId)
LosersNum int `json:"losersNum"` // 出局人数,最多是N-1
WinnerAmount uint32 `json:"winnerAmount"` // 胜利都得到的钻石数
func GetLuckWheelState(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (LuckyWheelState, error) {
result := LuckyWheelState{}
// FIXME: 先查redis,减少DB访问
lw := luckyWheel_m.LuckyWheel{GroupId: groupId}
err := lw.Get(model.Db)
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return result, err
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
result.WheelId = 0
result.Status = luckyWheel_e.NONE
} else {
uids := []uint64{lw.Creator}
lws := luckyWheel_m.LuckyWheelSeat{WheelId: lw.ID}
seats, err := lws.Get(model.Db)
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return result, err
for _, i := range seats {
uids = append(uids, i.UserId)
userMap, err := user_cv.GetUserTinyMap(uids)
if err != nil {
return result, err
result = LuckyWheelState{
WheelId: lw.ID,
Status: lw.Status,
EntranceFee: lw.EntranceFee,
Creator: userMap[lw.Creator].ExternalId,
SeatNum: luckyWheel_e.LUCKY_WHEEL_SEAT_NUM,
PlayTimeStamp: lw.PlayTime.Unix(),
for _, i := range seats {
result.Participants = append(result.Participants, userMap[i.UserId])
result.TotalFee = result.EntranceFee * uint32(len(result.Participants))
if result.Status == luckyWheel_e.ROLLING || result.Status == luckyWheel_e.SHOWING {
result.Sequence = make([]string, len(seats), len(seats))
for _, e := range seats {
if e.SeqId > 0 && e.SeqId <= uint(len(seats)) {
result.Sequence[e.SeqId-1] = userMap[e.UserId].ExternalId
} else {
// FIXME:怎么办!?
model.Log.Infof("Group %s, wheel %d, result: %v", groupId, lw.ID, result.Sequence)
if result.Status == luckyWheel_e.ROLLING {
now := time.Now()
if now.After(lw.PlayTime) {
timeDiff := now.Unix() - lw.PlayTime.Unix()
n := timeDiff / luckyWheel_e.LUCKY_WHEEL_ROLL_TIME
if n >= int64(len(result.Participants))-2 {
remain := timeDiff - luckyWheel_e.LUCKY_WHEEL_ROLL_TIME*n
if remain >= luckyWheel_e.LUCKY_WHEEL_LAST_ROLL_TIME {
result.LosersNum = int(n)
if result.LosersNum >= len(result.Participants)-1 {
result.LosersNum = len(result.Participants) - 1
result.WinnerAmount, _ = luckyWheel_m.CalcDiamond(lw.EntranceFee, len(result.Participants))
} else if result.Status == luckyWheel_e.SHOWING {
result.LosersNum = len(result.Participants)
if result.Status == luckyWheel_e.SHOWING || result.Status == luckyWheel_e.RESTARTING {
lwh := luckyWheel_m.LuckyWheelHistory{WheelId: lw.ID}
err = lwh.Get(model.Db)
if err == nil {
result.WinnerAmount = lwh.WinnerAward
} else if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return result, bizerr.IncorrectState
return result, nil
package group_power_cv
import (
func BatchGetGroupPower(db *gorm.DB, userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]uint64, map[uint64]string, error) {
if len(userIds) <= 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
groupPowers, err := groupPower_m.GetGroupPowerMap(db, userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
gpIds := make([]uint64, 0)
for _, i := range groupPowers {
gpIds = append(gpIds, i)
powerNames, err := groupPower_m.GetGroupPowerNames(db, gpIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
groupPowerNames := make(map[mysql.ID]string, 0)
for i, g := range groupPowers {
groupPowerNames[i] = powerNames[g]
return groupPowers, groupPowerNames, nil
package headwear_cv
import (
type CvHeadwear struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
type CvHeadwearDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvHeadwearDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvHeadwearDiamond, error) {
headwearDiamonds := []CvHeadwearDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("SELECT, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_headwear r, res_headwear_diamond d where = d.res_headwear_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num asc LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&headwearDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range headwearDiamonds {
headwearDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(headwearDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return headwearDiamonds, nil
func GetHeadwearList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvHeadwear, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHwMap, err := res_m.GetResHeadwearMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result := make([]CvHeadwear, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
result = append(result, CvHeadwear{
Id: i.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHwMap[i.HeadwearId].EffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if ! hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
func GetCvHeadwear(userId uint64) (*CvHeadwear, error) {
userHeadwear := user_m.UserHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.UserHeadwear{}).Where(&user_m.UserHeadwear{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").First(&userHeadwear).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
resHeadwear := res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResHeadwear{}).First(&resHeadwear, userHeadwear.HeadwearId).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return &CvHeadwear{
Id: userHeadwear.HeadwearId,
PicUrl: resHeadwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resHeadwear.EffectUrl,
Using: userHeadwear.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
}, nil
func BatchGetCvHeadwears(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvHeadwear, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvHeadwear{}, nil
rows := make([]user_m.UserHeadwear, 0)
//asc 进行覆盖,保证了updated_time 最大的是最后的输出
if err := mysql.Db.Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Where("end_time >= ?", time.Now()).
Order("`using` ASC, updated_time ASC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
resHeadwearIds := make([]uint64, 0, len(rows))
for i, _ := range rows {
resHeadwearIds = append(resHeadwearIds, rows[i].HeadwearId)
resHeadwearMap := map[uint64]res_m.ResHeadwear{}
resHeadwears := []res_m.ResHeadwear{}
if err := mysql.Db.Where("id IN ?", resHeadwearIds).Find(&resHeadwears).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, _ := range resHeadwears {
resHeadwearMap[resHeadwears[i].ID] = resHeadwears[i]
result := make(map[uint64]CvHeadwear, 0)
for _, r := range rows {
headwear, flag := resHeadwearMap[r.HeadwearId]
if flag {
result[r.UserId] = CvHeadwear{
Id: headwear.ID,
PicUrl: headwear.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: headwear.EffectUrl,
Using: r.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing,
return result, nil
package medal_cv
import (
type CvMedal struct {
Id uint32 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
type ReturnGroupMedal struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
// 查询群流水勋章
func GetGroupConsumeMedal(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (uint64, *PicElement, error) {
consumeTotal, err := gift_cv.GetGroupConsumeTotal(model, groupId)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
rec, err := res_m.GetRoomMedalConfig(model.Db)
if err != nil {
return consumeTotal, nil, err
// 只显示最高等级的,所以要倒序遍历
for i := len(rec) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if consumeTotal >= rec[i].Threshold {
return consumeTotal, &PicElement{PicUrl: rec[i].ActiveUrl}, nil
return consumeTotal, nil, nil
type PicElement struct {
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
SvgaUrl string `json:"svgaUrl"`
func GetMedalInfoMap(db *gorm.DB, medals map[uint64][]uint32) (map[uint64][]uint32, map[uint64][]CvMedal, error) {
resMedals, err := res_m.MedalGetAllMap(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
medalIds := make(map[uint64][]uint32)
medalMap := make(map[uint64][]CvMedal, 0)
// 只选择合法的勋章
for u, i := range medals {
medalIds[u] = make([]uint32, 0)
medalMap[u] = make([]CvMedal, 0)
for _, j := range i {
if e, ok := resMedals[j]; ok {
medalIds[u] = append(medalIds[u], j)
medalMap[u] = append(medalMap[u], CvMedal{
Id: j,
PicUrl: e.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: e.SvgaUrl,
// 按照勋章排序
sort.Slice(medalIds[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalIds[u][i]].Sort < resMedals[medalIds[u][j]].Sort
sort.Slice(medalMap[u], func(i, j int) bool {
return resMedals[medalMap[u][i].Id].Sort < resMedals[medalMap[u][j].Id].Sort
return medalIds, medalMap, nil
package noble_cv
import (
type NobleConfig struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 贵族等级
PurchasePrice uint32 `json:"purchasePrice"` // 购买价格
RenewalPrice uint32 `json:"renewalPrice"` // 续费价格
Duration uint16 `json:"duration"` // 有效期(天)
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"` // 大图url
DailyGold uint `json:"dailyGold"` // 每日登录领取的金币
RideId uint64 `json:"rideId"` // 赠送的勋章ID
HeaddressId uint64 `json:"headdressId"` // 赠送的头饰ID
Privileges []int `json:"privileges"` // 权益列表
type NobleInfo struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"` // 等级
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"` // 截止时间
RemainTime int64 `json:"remainTime"` // 还有多久(秒)过期,可以是负数
Price uint32 `json:"price"` // 购买或续费价格
type CvNoble struct {
Level uint16 `json:"level"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
func GetCvNoble(userId uint64) (CvNoble, error) {
userNoble := noble_m.UserNoble{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where(&noble_m.UserNoble{
UserId: userId,
}).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level desc").First(&userNoble).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, nil
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
} else {
return CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
}, nil
func GetCvNobles(userIds []uint64) (map[uint64]CvNoble, error) {
if len(userIds) == 0 {
return map[uint64]CvNoble{}, nil
userNobles := []noble_m.UserNoble{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&noble_m.UserNoble{}).Where("user_id in (?)", userIds).Where("end_time > ?", time.Now()).Order("level asc").Find(&userNobles).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
userNobleMap := map[uint64]noble_m.UserNoble{}
for i, _ := range userNobles {
userNobleMap[userNobles[i].UserId] = userNobles[i]
result := map[uint64]CvNoble{}
for _, r := range userIds {
userNoble, flag := userNobleMap[r]
if flag {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: userNoble.Level,
EndTime: userNoble.EndTime.Unix(),
} else {
result[r] = CvNoble{
Level: 0,
EndTime: 0,
return result, nil
package property_cv
import (
type CvProperty struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl mysql.Str `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl mysql.Str `json:"effectUrl"`
Using bool `json:"using"`
TimeLeft int64 `json:"timeLeft"` // 离到期还有多少秒(过期则是负数)
SenderAvatar string `json:"senderAvatar"`
ReceiverAvatar string `json:"receiverAvatar"`
type CvPropertyDiamond struct {
Id uint64 `json:"id"`
PicUrl string `json:"picUrl"`
EffectUrl string `json:"effectUrl"`
DiamondNum uint32 `json:"diamondNum"`
Second uint32 `json:"second"`
Days string `json:"days"`
func GetCvPropertyDiamond(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]CvPropertyDiamond, error) {
propertyDiamonds := []CvPropertyDiamond{}
if err := mysql.Db.Raw("select, r.pic_url, r.effect_url, d.`second`, d.diamond_num from res_property r, res_property_diamond d where = d.res_property_id and d.`status` = ? ORDER BY d.diamond_num ASC LIMIT ?, ?", mysql.USER, (pageIndex-1)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&propertyDiamonds).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
for i, _ := range propertyDiamonds {
propertyDiamonds[i].Days = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(propertyDiamonds[i].Second/(24*60*60)), 10)
return propertyDiamonds, nil
func GetPropertyById(resPropertyId mysql.ID) (CvProperty, error) {
resProperty := res_m.ResProperty{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResProperty{}).First(&resProperty, resPropertyId).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, err
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return CvProperty{}, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[resProperty.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
return CvProperty{
Id: resProperty.ID,
PicUrl: resProperty.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: resProperty.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
}, nil
func GetPropertyAll(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint64]CvProperty, error) {
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := map[uint64]CvProperty{}
for _, r := range properties {
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[r.ID]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result[r.ID] = CvProperty{
Id: r.ID,
PicUrl: r.PicUrl,
EffectUrl: r.EffectUrl,
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
return result, nil
func GetPropertyList(db *gorm.DB, userId uint64) ([]CvProperty, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.UserProperty, 0)
if err := db.Where(&user_m.UserProperty{
UserId: userId,
}).Order("`using` DESC, updated_time DESC").Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
rp := res_m.ResProperty{}
properties, err := rp.GetAll(mysql.Db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
propertieAvatarMap, err := (&res_m.ResPropertyAvatar{}).GetAll(mysql.Db)
userIds := []uint64{}
for _, value := range propertieAvatarMap {
if value.SendUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.SendUserId)
if value.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
userIds = append(userIds, value.ReceiverUserId)
users := []user_m.User{}
if err := db.Model(&user_m.User{}).Where("id in (?)", userIds).Find(&users).Error; err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
userAvatarMap := map[mysql.ID]string{}
for _, r := range users {
userAvatarMap[r.ID] = r.Avatar
result := make([]CvProperty, 0)
now := time.Now()
hasUsing := false
for _, i := range rows {
// TODO: 没过期并且有设置using的,才算是,因为写入方不维护using状态的更新
isUsing := i.Using == headwear_e.YesUsing && i.EndTime.After(now)
var senderAvatar string = ""
var receiverAvatar string = ""
if propertieAvatar, flag := propertieAvatarMap[i.PropertyId]; flag {
if propertieAvatar.SendUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.SendUserId]; flag {
senderAvatar = avatar
if propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId > 0 {
if avatar, flag := userAvatarMap[propertieAvatar.ReceiverUserId]; flag {
receiverAvatar = avatar
result = append(result, CvProperty{
Id: i.PropertyId,
PicUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].PicUrl,
EffectUrl: properties[i.PropertyId].EffectUrl,
Using: isUsing,
TimeLeft: i.EndTime.Unix() - now.Unix(),
SenderAvatar: senderAvatar,
ReceiverAvatar: receiverAvatar,
if isUsing {
hasUsing = true
// 如果没有一个using,则找第一个没过期的充当
if !hasUsing {
for i, e := range result {
if e.TimeLeft > 0 {
result[i].Using = true
return result, nil
package user_cv
import (
// 批量获取财富等级
func BatchGetWealthGrade(userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]uint32, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.MatchWealthUserScore, 0)
err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.MatchWealthUserScore{}).Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Find(&rows).Error
if err == nil {
result := make(map[mysql.ID]uint32, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.UserId] = i.Grade
return result, nil
} else {
return nil, err
// 批量获取魅力等级
func BatchGetCharmGrade(userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]uint32, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.MatchCharmUserScore, 0)
err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.MatchCharmUserScore{}).Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Find(&rows).Error
if err == nil {
result := make(map[mysql.ID]uint32, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.UserId] = i.Grade
return result, nil
} else {
return nil, err
// 批量获取活跃等级
func BatchGetActiveGrade(userIds []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]uint32, error) {
rows := make([]user_m.MatchActityUserScore, 0)
err := mysql.Db.Model(&user_m.MatchActityUserScore{}).Where("user_id IN ?", userIds).Find(&rows).Error
if err == nil {
result := make(map[mysql.ID]uint32, 0)
for _, i := range rows {
result[i.UserId] = i.Grade
return result, nil
} else {
return nil, err
package user_cv
import (
type Relation struct {
// 永恒之心值
HeartValue uint32 `json:"heartValue"`
// 永恒之心的最大值(0代表没有永恒之心,即没有相互关注)
HeartValueMax uint32 `json:"heartValueMax"`
// 成长关系建立的时间(天数)
MeetDays uint `json:"meetDays"`
type UserRelation struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId_1 mysql.ID
UserId_2 mysql.ID
HeartValue uint32
// 批量查询成长关系
func BatchGetRelations(userId mysql.ID, others []mysql.ID) (map[mysql.ID]Relation, error) {
smaller := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
greater := make([]mysql.ID, 0)
for _, i := range others {
if i < userId {
smaller = append(smaller, i)
} else if i > userId {
greater = append(greater, i)
rows := make([]UserRelation, 0)
result := make(map[mysql.ID]Relation, 0)
var err error
if len(greater) > 0 {
if err = mysql.Db.Model(&UserRelation{}).Where("user_id_1 = ? AND user_id_2 IN ?", userId, greater).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return result, err
for _, i := range rows {
if i.HeartValue > user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
i.HeartValue = user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(i.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result[i.UserId_2] = Relation{HeartValue: i.HeartValue, HeartValueMax: user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX, MeetDays: d}
rows = make([]UserRelation, 0)
if len(smaller) > 0 {
if err = mysql.Db.Model(&UserRelation{}).Where("user_id_1 IN ? AND user_id_2 = ?", smaller, userId).Find(&rows).Error; err != nil {
return result, err
for _, i := range rows {
if i.HeartValue > user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
i.HeartValue = user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(i.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result[i.UserId_1] = Relation{HeartValue: i.HeartValue, HeartValueMax: user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX, MeetDays: d}
// 补上没有成长关系的人
for _, u := range others {
if _, exists := result[u]; !exists {
result[u] = Relation{0, 0, 0}
return result, err
// 查询成长关系
func GetRelation(userId1, userId2 mysql.ID) (Relation, error) {
result := Relation{0, 0, 0}
if userId1 == userId2 {
return result, nil
// 保证uid小的在前面
if userId1 > userId2 {
userId1, userId2 = userId2, userId1
rel := UserRelation{UserId_1: userId1, UserId_2: userId2, HeartValue: 0}
if err := mysql.Db.Model(&UserRelation{}).Where(&UserRelation{
UserId_1: userId1,
UserId_2: userId2,
}).First(&rel).Error; err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
// 没有成长关系的情况
return result, nil
} else {
return result, myerr.WrapErr(err)
result.HeartValueMax = user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX
result.HeartValue = rel.HeartValue
if result.HeartValue > user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX {
result.HeartValue = user_e.HEART_VALUE_MAX
d := uint(time.Since(rel.CreatedTime).Hours() / 24)
if d < 0 {
d = 0
result.MeetDays = d
return result, nil
This diff is collapsed.
package group_c
import (
func GetGroupMemberCount(groupId string) (int, error) {
key := redis_key.GetGroupMemCountKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Get(context.Background(), key).Int()
func SetGroupMemberCount(groupId string, count uint, ttl time.Duration) error {
key := redis_key.GetGroupMemCountKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Set(context.Background(), key, count, ttl).Err()
func ClearGroupMemberCount(groupId string) error {
key := redis_key.GetGroupMemCountKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Del(context.Background(), key).Err()
func getGroupMemberKey(groupId string) string {
return strings.Replace(redis_key.GroupMemberPrefix, "{groupId}", groupId, -1)
func getGroupConsumeKey(groupId string) string {
return strings.Replace(redis_key.GroupConsumePrefix, "{groupId}", groupId, -1)
func GetGroupMember(groupId string) ([]string, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.SMembers(context.Background(), key).Result()
func GetGroupMemberCard(groupId string) (int64, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.SCard(context.Background(), key).Result()
func GetGroupMemberAsMap(groupId string) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.SMembersMap(context.Background(), key).Result()
func SetExists(groupId string) (int64, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Exists(context.Background(), key).Result()
func AddGroupMember(groupId string, extIds []string) (int64, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.SAdd(context.Background(), key, extIds).Result()
func RemoveGroupMember(groupId string, externalId string) (int64, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.SRem(context.Background(), key, externalId).Result()
func SetGroupMemberTTL(groupId string, ttl time.Duration) (bool, error) {
key := getGroupMemberKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Expire(context.Background(), key, ttl).Result()
func GetGroupConsume(groupId string) (uint64, error) {
key := getGroupConsumeKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Get(context.Background(), key).Uint64()
func SetGroupConsume(groupId string, consume uint64, ttl time.Duration) error {
key := getGroupConsumeKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Set(context.Background(), key, consume, ttl).Err()
func ClearGroupConsume(groupId string) error {
key := getGroupConsumeKey(groupId)
return redisCli.RedisClient.Del(context.Background(), key).Err()
package res_c
import (
func GetCountryIconMap(model *domain.Model) (map[string]string, error) {
m, err := GetAllCountryIcon(model)
if err != nil || len(m) <= 0 {
m, err = res_m.GetAllCountries(model)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(m) <= 0 {
return map[string]string{}, nil
SaveAllCountryIcon(model, m)
return m, nil
func GetAllCountryIcon(model *domain.Model) (map[string]string, error) {
key := redis_key.GetCountryIconKey()
return model.Redis.HGetAll(context.Background(), key).Result()
func SaveAllCountryIcon(model *domain.Model, icons map[string]string) (int64, error) {
key := redis_key.GetCountryIconKey()
ret, err := model.Redis.HSet(context.Background(), key, icons).Result()
if err == nil {
model.Redis.Expire(context.Background(), key, time.Minute*10)
return ret, err
package room_c
import (
redis2 ""
func ProcessUserRoomVisit(userId uint64, groupId string) error {
key := redis_key.GetUserEnterRoomKey(userId)
now := time.Now()
ret, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZAdd(context.Background(), key, &redis2.Z{
Score: float64(now.Unix()),
Member: groupId,
if err != nil {
return err
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("ProcessUserRoomVisit, ZADD %s, return %d", key, ret)
return nil
// 查询用户访问过的房间及其时间
func GetUserRoomVisit(userId uint64) (map[string]int64, error) {
key := redis_key.GetUserEnterRoomKey(userId)
ret, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRangeWithScores(context.Background(), key, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("GetUserRoomVisit, ZRangeWithScores %s, return %v", key, ret)
result := make(map[string]int64, 0)
for _, i := range ret {
result[i.Member.(string)] = int64(i.Score)
return result, nil
// 批量获取房间访问人数
func MGetRoomVisitCount(groupIds []string) (map[string]string, error) {
key := redis_key.GetPrefixRoomVisitCount()
visit := make(map[string]string)
if len(groupIds) <= 0 {
return visit, nil
res, err := redisCli.GetRedis().HMGet(context.Background(), key, groupIds...).Result()
if err != nil {
return visit, err
if len(res) != len(groupIds) {
return visit, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("MGetRoomVisitCount fail,miss match len,%v-%v", len(res), len(groupIds)))
for i, groupId := range groupIds {
if cnt, ok := res[i].(string); ok {
visit[groupId] = cnt
return visit, nil
func GetSetRoomVisitCount(groupId string) (int64, error) {
key := redis_key.GetPrefixGroupInUserDuration(groupId)
vc, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZCard(context.Background(), key).Result()
// 查到合法值后,更新二级缓存
if err == nil && vc >= 0 {
ret, err := saveRoomVisitCount(groupId, vc)
mylogrus.MyLog.Infof("saveRoomVisitCount %s, ret = %d, err: %v", groupId, ret, err)
return vc, err
func saveRoomVisitCount(groupId string, count int64) (int64, error) {
key := redis_key.GetPrefixRoomVisitCount()
return redisCli.GetRedis().HSet(context.Background(), key, groupId, strconv.FormatInt(count, 10)).Result()
package bean_m
import (
type BeanAccount struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
UserId mysql.ID
BeanNum mysql.Num
Status bean_e.StatusAccount
GoldNum mysql.Num
addReduce mysql.AddReduce `gorm:"-"`
updateNum mysql.Num `gorm:"-"`
giftType mysql.Type `gorm:"-"`
package common
import (
func GetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) ([]uint32, error) {
bData, err := GetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId))
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
res := make([]uint32, 0)
err = json.Unmarshal(bData, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err)
return res, nil
func SetUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID, data []uint32) error {
err := SetCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId), data, time.Hour*2)
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetUserMedalMerge err:%s", err)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
// 删除勋章缓存, 延迟删除
func DelUserMedalMergeCacheDelay(userId mysql.ID) {
go func() {
defer utils.CheckGoPanic()
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
func DelUserMedalMergeCache(userId mysql.ID) error {
err := DelCache(redis_key.GetUserMedalMerge(userId))
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("DetUserMedalMerge err:%s, userId:%v", err, userId)
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func DelCache(key string) error {
err := redisCli.GetRedis().Del(context.Background(), key).Err()
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("DelCache key:%s, err:%s", key, err)
return err
return nil
func GetCache(key string) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Get(context.Background(), key).Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func SetCache(key string, data interface{}, expire time.Duration) error {
jData, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
err = redisCli.GetRedis().Set(context.Background(), key, jData, expire).Err()
if err != nil {
mylogrus.MyLog.Errorf("SetCache key:%s, data:%v, err:%s", key, data, err)
return err
return nil
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This diff is collapsed.
package groupPower_m
import (
func (groupPower *GroupPower) Persistent() error {
if err := model.Persistent(groupPower.Db, groupPower); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
func (groupPowerUser *GroupPowerUser) Persistent() error {
if err := model.Persistent(groupPowerUser.Db, groupPowerUser); err != nil {
return myerr.WrapErr(err)
return nil
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
package group_m
import (
type GroupReport struct {
*domain.Model `gorm:"-"`
GroupId mysql.Str
UserId mysql.ID
MsgStatus group_e.MsgStatusGroupUser
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This diff is collapsed.
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