Commit df3d3e83 authored by chenweijian's avatar chenweijian


parent 34976182
......@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ import (
// @Router /v1/groupPower/user [post]
func GroupPowerJoin(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
myContext := mycontext.CreateMyContext(c.Keys)
// 旧版本(3.5.0以下),提示升级
//_, major, minor, _, err := GetAppVersion(c)
//if err != nil {
// return myContext, err
//if major <= 3 && minor < 5 {
// return myContext, bizerr.UpgradeRequired
groupPowerId, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.PostForm("groupPowerId"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
......@@ -62,6 +71,14 @@ func GroupPowerJoin(c *gin.Context) (*mycontext.MyContext, error) {
if err != nil {
return myContext, err
// Aoxi要求不能让这些人加入家族
banUserMap := map[uint64]bool{251: true, 1384611: true, 4223511: true, 4338751: true, 4339471: true, 4339541: true,
4354581: true, 6541: true, 23971: true}
if _, ok := banUserMap[userId]; ok {
return myContext, bizerr.GroupPowerCannotJoin
if err := group_power_s.NewGroupPowerService(myContext).GroupPowerUserJoin(groupPowerId, userId); err != nil {
return myContext, err
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