package rocket_m import ( "" "" "" "time" ) type RocketContribute struct { mysql.Entity GroupId string Period string Round uint16 Stage uint16 UserId uint64 GiftRefId uint64 Diamond uint32 } func (rc *RocketContribute) Create(db *gorm.DB) error { return db.Create(rc).Error } func (rc *RocketContribute) Get(db *gorm.DB) ([]RocketContribute, error) { rows := make([]RocketContribute, 0) err := db.Where(rc).Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } return rows, err } type ContributeType struct { UserId uint64 Diamond uint32 } func (rc *RocketContribute) SumByStageUser(db *gorm.DB, round uint16) (map[uint16][]ContributeType, error) { type rowType struct { Stage uint16 UserId uint64 S uint32 } rows := make([]rowType, 0) err := db.Model(rc).Select("stage, user_id,SUM(diamond) AS s"). Where(rc).Where("round = ?", round). Group("stage, user_id").Order("s DESC, created_time ASC").Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } result := make(map[uint16][]ContributeType, 0) for _, i := range rows { if _, ok := result[i.Stage]; !ok { result[i.Stage] = make([]ContributeType, 0) } result[i.Stage] = append(result[i.Stage], ContributeType{ UserId: i.UserId, Diamond: i.S, }) } return result, err } func (rc *RocketContribute) SumByUser(db *gorm.DB, round, stage uint16) ([]ContributeType, error) { type rowType struct { UserId uint64 S uint32 } rows := make([]rowType, 0) err := db.Model(rc).Select("user_id,SUM(diamond) AS s"). Where(rc).Where("round = ? AND stage = ?", round, stage). Group("user_id").Order("s DESC, created_time ASC").Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } result := make([]ContributeType, 0) for _, i := range rows { result = append(result, ContributeType{ UserId: i.UserId, Diamond: i.S, }) } return result, err } type RocketResult struct { mysql.Entity GroupId string Period string Round uint16 Stage uint16 IsAwarded bool } func (rr *RocketResult) Create(db *gorm.DB) error { return db.Create(rr).Error } func (rr *RocketResult) Get(db *gorm.DB) ([]RocketResult, error) { rows := make([]RocketResult, 0) err := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Where(rr).Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, nil } return rows, nil } func (rr *RocketResult) GetByRound(db *gorm.DB, round uint16) (map[uint16]RocketResult, error) { rows := make([]RocketResult, 0) err := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Where(rr).Where("round = ?", round).Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, nil } result := make(map[uint16]RocketResult, 0) for _, i := range rows { result[i.Stage] = i } return result, nil } func (rr *RocketResult) GetByTopRound(db *gorm.DB) (map[uint16]RocketResult, error) { rows := make([]RocketResult, 0) err := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Where(rr).Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, nil } topRound := -1 for _, i := range rows { if int(i.Round) > topRound { topRound = int(i.Round) } } result := make(map[uint16]RocketResult, 0) for _, i := range rows { if int(i.Round) == topRound { result[i.Stage] = i } } return result, nil } func (rr *RocketResult) GetValid(db *gorm.DB, t time.Time) ([]RocketResult, error) { rows := make([]RocketResult, 0) err := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Where(rr).Where("created_time > ?", t).Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, nil } return rows, nil } func (rr *RocketResult) UpdateIsAwarded(db *gorm.DB) (int64, error) { result := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Where(rr).Update("is_awarded", true) if result.Error != nil { return 0, nil } return result.RowsAffected, nil } // 取本自然周内最高级的一次火箭 func (rr *RocketResult) GetMaxStage(db *gorm.DB, groupIds []string) (map[string]uint16, error) { type maxStage struct { GroupId string M uint16 } period := utils.GetMonday(time.Now()).Format(utils.DATE_FORMAT) rows := make([]maxStage, 0) err := db.Model(&RocketResult{}).Select("group_id, MAX(stage) AS m").Where(rr). Where("group_id IN ? AND period >= ?", groupIds, period).Group("group_id").Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, nil } result := make(map[string]uint16, 0) for _, i := range rows { result[i.GroupId] = i.M } return result, nil }