package gift_cv import ( "context" "" "" "" "" "" redis2 "" "hilo-group/_const/enum/gift_e" "hilo-group/_const/redis_key" "hilo-group/domain/cache/group_c" "hilo-group/domain/model/gift_m" "hilo-group/domain/model/group_m" "hilo-group/domain/model/res_m" "hilo-group/myerr" "sort" "strconv" "time" ) type GiftReceive struct { //礼物名字 Name *string `json:"name"` //icon地址 IconUrl *string `json:"iconUrl"` //svag地址 SvagUrl *string `json:"svagUrl"` //music地址 MusicUrl *string `json:"musicUrl"` //数量 Num *uint32 `json:"num"` //总价值 TotolPrice uint32 `json:"totolPrice"` } type GiftReceives []*GiftReceive func (g GiftReceives) Less(i, j int) bool { return (g[i].TotolPrice) > (g[j].TotolPrice) } func (g GiftReceives) Len() int { return len(g) } func (g GiftReceives) Swap(i, j int) { g[i], g[j] = g[j], g[i] } func GetGiftReceive(UserId, reqUserId mysql.ID) ([]*GiftReceive, error) { if UserId != reqUserId { // 检查是否svip,是否打开了隐藏礼物墙 // svip信息 svipMap, err := rpc.MGetUserSvip(domain.CreateModelNil(), []uint64{UserId}) if err != nil { return nil, err } if svip, ok := svipMap[UserId]; ok { for _, v := range svip.Privileges { if v.Type == 7 && v.CanSwitch && v.UserSwitch { return nil, nil } } } } giftCountUsers := []gift_m.GiftCountUser{} err := mysql.Db.Model(&gift_m.GiftCountUser{}).Where(&gift_m.GiftCountUser{ UserId: UserId, }).Find(&giftCountUsers).Error if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } if len(giftCountUsers) == 0 { return []*GiftReceive{}, nil } // giftIds := []mysql.ID{} for i := 0; i < len(giftCountUsers); i++ { giftIds = append(giftIds, giftCountUsers[i].ResGiftId) } // gifts := []res_m.ResGift{} if err := mysql.Db.Model(&res_m.ResGift{}).Where("id in (?)", giftIds).Find(&gifts).Error; err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } //转换成map mapGift := map[mysql.ID]res_m.ResGift{} for i := 0; i < len(gifts); i++ { mapGift[gifts[i].GetID()] = gifts[i] } // giftReceives := []*GiftReceive{} for i := 0; i < len(giftCountUsers); i++ { gift := mapGift[giftCountUsers[i].ResGiftId] giftReceives = append(giftReceives, &GiftReceive{ Name: StrToString(&gift.Name), IconUrl: StrToString(&gift.IconUrl), SvagUrl: StrToString(&gift.SvagUrl), MusicUrl: StrToString(&gift.MusicUrl), Num: NumToUint32(&giftCountUsers[i].Num), TotolPrice: uint32(giftCountUsers[i].Num) * uint32(gift.DiamondNum), }) } sort.Sort(GiftReceives(giftReceives)) return giftReceives, nil } /** * 礼物操作 **/ type GiftOperate struct { mysql.Entity *domain.Model `gorm:"-"` ResGiftId mysql.ID GiftN mysql.Num SendUserId mysql.ID ReceiveUserId mysql.ID SendUserDiamond mysql.Num ReceiveUserDiamond mysql.Num ReceiveUserBean mysql.Num SceneType gift_e.GiftOperateSceneType SceneUid mysql.Str } /*func (g *GiftOperate) GetConsumeSummary(beginDate, endDate string) (map[string]uint64, error) { type summary struct { SceneUid string Sum uint64 } rows := make([]summary, 0) err := mysql.Db.Model(&GiftOperate{}). Select("scene_uid, SUM(send_user_diamond) AS sum"). Where("scene_type = ? AND created_time >= ? AND DATE(created_time) <= ?", g.SceneType, beginDate, endDate). Group("scene_uid").Find(&rows).Error if err != nil { return nil, err } result := make(map[string]uint64, len(rows)) for _, i := range rows { result[i.SceneUid] = i.Sum } return result, err }*/ // func (g *GiftOperate) GetConsumeSummary(now time.Time, dayWeekMonth string) (map[string]uint64, error) { key := "" if dayWeekMonth == "day" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateDay(now.Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "week" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateWeek(utils.GetMonday(now).Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "month" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateMonth(now.Format(utils.COMPACT_MONTH_FORMAT)) } if key == "" { return nil, myerr.NewSysErrorF("GetConsumeSummary dayWeekMonth:%v, no find") } zs, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRevRangeWithScores(context.Background(), key, 0, 29).Result() if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } result := make(map[string]uint64, len(zs)) for _, r := range zs { result[r.Member.(string)] = uint64(r.Score) } return result, nil } func (g *GiftOperate) GetRangeConsumeSummary(beginTime, endTime time.Time, groupIds []string) (map[string]uint64, error) { result := make(map[string]uint64, len(groupIds)) for i, _ := range groupIds { //移除过期的 key := redis_key.GetGiftOperate1HourDurationGroupId(groupIds[i]) if err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRemRangeByScore(context.Background(), key, "0", strconv.FormatInt(beginTime.Unix(), 10)).Err(); err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } //获取全部值,进行累加 strs, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRange(context.Background(), key, 0, -1).Result() if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } // var total uint64 = 0 for j, _ := range strs { score, err := strconv.ParseUint(strs[j], 10, 64) if err != nil { //异常则不退出 g.Log.Errorf("GetRangeConsumeSummary ParseUint err:%v, str:%v", err, strs[j]) } else { total = total + score } } result[groupIds[i]] = total } return result, nil } // 利用redis pipeline获取 func (g *GiftOperate) GetRangeConsumeSummaryV2(beginTime, endTime time.Time, groupIds []string) (map[string]uint64, error) { ctx := context.Background() result := make(map[string]uint64, len(groupIds)) strss := make([]*redis2.StringSliceCmd, len(groupIds)) _, err := redisCli.GetRedis().Pipelined(ctx, func(pipe redis2.Pipeliner) error { for i := range groupIds { //移除过期的 key := redis_key.GetGiftOperate1HourDurationGroupId(groupIds[i]) if err := pipe.ZRemRangeByScore(ctx, key, "0", strconv.FormatInt(beginTime.Unix(), 10)).Err(); err != nil { return myerr.WrapErr(err) } //获取全部值,进行累加 strss[i] = pipe.ZRange(ctx, key, 0, -1) } return nil }) for i, cmd := range strss { strs, err := cmd.Result() if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } var total uint64 = 0 for j, _ := range strs { score, err := strconv.ParseUint(strs[j], 10, 64) if err != nil { //异常则不退出 g.Log.Errorf("GetRangeConsumeSummary ParseUint err:%v, str:%v", err, strs[j]) } else { total = total + score } } result[groupIds[i]] = total } return result, err } func GetGroupConsumeTotal(model *domain.Model, groupId string) (uint64, error) { sum, err := group_c.GetGroupConsume(groupId) if err == nil { model.Log.Debugf("redis.GetGroupConsume, groupId: %s, sum = %d", groupId, sum) return sum, nil } rmc := group_m.RoomMonthConsume{GroupId: groupId} result, err := rmc.GetTotalDiamond(model.Db) if err != nil { return 0, err } err = group_c.SetGroupConsume(groupId, result, time.Minute) model.Log.Debugf("redis.SetGroupConsume, groupId: %s, err:%v", groupId, err) return result, nil } func (g *GiftOperate) GetGroupConsumeSummary(groupId string, now time.Time, dayWeekMonth string) (map[uint64]uint64, error) { key := "" if dayWeekMonth == "day" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateGroupUidDay(groupId, now.Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "week" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateGroupUidWeek(groupId, utils.GetMonday(now).Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "month" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateGroupUidMonth(groupId, now.Format(utils.COMPACT_MONTH_FORMAT)) } if key == "" { return nil, myerr.NewSysErrorF("GetConsumeSummary dayWeekMonth:%v, no find") } zs, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRevRangeWithScores(context.Background(), key, 0, 29).Result() if err != nil { if err == redis2.Nil { return map[uint64]uint64{}, nil } else { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } } sendUserMap := map[uint64]uint64{} for _, r := range zs { userId, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.Member.(string), 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } sendUserMap[userId] = uint64(r.Score) } return sendUserMap, nil } func (g *GiftOperate) GetGroupReceiveSummary(groupId string, now time.Time, dayWeekMonth string) (map[uint64]uint64, error) { key := "" if dayWeekMonth == "day" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateReceiveGroupUidDay(groupId, now.Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "week" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateReceiveGroupUidWeek(groupId, utils.GetMonday(now).Format(utils.COMPACT_DATE_FORMAT)) } else if dayWeekMonth == "month" { key = redis_key.GetGiftOperateReceiveGroupUidMonth(groupId, now.Format(utils.COMPACT_MONTH_FORMAT)) } if key == "" { return nil, myerr.NewSysErrorF("GetConsumeSummary dayWeekMonth:%v, no find") } zs, err := redisCli.GetRedis().ZRevRangeWithScores(context.Background(), key, 0, 29).Result() if err != nil { if err == redis2.Nil { return map[uint64]uint64{}, nil } else { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } } receiveUserMap := map[uint64]uint64{} for _, r := range zs { userId, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.Member.(string), 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, myerr.WrapErr(err) } receiveUserMap[userId] = uint64(r.Score) } return receiveUserMap, nil } //type PendingInteraction struct { // user_cv.CvUserTiny // RecordType uint8 `json:"recordType"` // 记录类型:1、礼物,2、视频 // SendTime int64 `json:"sendTime"` // 送礼物/视频的时间 //} func StrToString(str *mysql.Str) *string { return (*string)(str) } func NumToUint32(num *mysql.Num) *uint32 { return (*uint32)(num) }