Commit b4f77b8a authored by hujiebin's avatar hujiebin

Update userProxy.proto

parent 33ce03fd
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ message GlobalGiftBanner {
uint32 bannerType = 14; // 类型:0.普通礼物 1.cp直接送礼 2.cp告白礼物
uint32 cpLevel = 15; // cp等级
string receiveUserAvatar = 16;
uint32 nobleLevel = 17; // 贵族等级
/* id == 116 横幅的回应,用来测量RTT */
......@@ -376,6 +377,12 @@ message SheepMatchSuccess {
uint64 match_id = 1;
User user = 2;
User otherUser = 3;
uint64 game_id = 4;
string channelId = 5;
string token = 6;
uint32 agoraId = 7;
uint32 provider = 8;
uint32 otherAgoraId = 9;
message SheepGamePlayer {
......@@ -388,6 +395,7 @@ message SheepGamePlayer {
message SheepGameResult {
uint64 match_id = 1;
repeated SheepGamePlayer players = 2;
uint64 game_id = 3;
/* id == 149 cp邀请 */
......@@ -401,5 +409,88 @@ message CpUpgrade {
User user1 = 1;
User user2 = 2;
uint32 cp_level = 3;
string content = 4;
\ No newline at end of file
string group_id = 4;
/* id == 151 svip升级 */
message SvipUpgrade {
User user = 1;
uint32 svip_level = 2;
string group_id = 3;
/* id == 152 用户进房 上行 */
message EnterRoom {
string group_id = 1;
/* id == 153 用户离房 上行 */
message LeaveRoom {
string group_id = 1;
/* id == 154 房间心跳 上行 */
message RoomHeartBeat {
string group_id = 1;
/* id == 155 麦位变化 下行 */
message GroupMicChange {
string seqId = 1;
string group_id = 2;
uint32 i = 3;
bool lock = 4;
bool forbid = 5;
bool micForbid = 6;
string externalId = 7;
uint32 agoraId = 8;
int64 timestamp = 9;
MicUserData user = 10;
/* id == 156 麦位变化确认 上行 */
message GroupMicChangeRsp {
string seqId = 1;
message MicUserData {
uint64 id = 1;
string externalId = 2;
string avatar = 3;
string nick = 4;
uint32 sex = 5;
string code = 6;
bool isVip = 7;
uint32 noble = 8;
string headwearPicUrl = 9;
string headwearEffectUrl = 10;
string headwearReverseEffectUrl = 11;
uint32 svipLevel = 12;
string micEffect = 14;
string headwearIcon = 15;
Svip svip = 16;
/* id == 157 游戏大厅匹配成功 */
message LobbyMatchSuccess {
uint64 game_id = 1;
uint64 mode = 2;
string group_id = 3;
User user = 4;
User otherUser = 5;
string gameCode = 6;
/* id == 158 H5游戏静音 */
message H5GameVoiceMute {
/* id == 159 H5游戏打开语音 */
message H5GameVoiceUnMute {
/* id == 160 退出房间 */
message QuitRoom {
uint32 reason = 1; // 原因1.被拉黑;2.被踢出
string group_id = 2;
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