Commit 601ef62f authored by kzkzzzz's avatar kzkzzzz

feat: 修改readme

parent 090a171d
# Kratos Project Template ### 采用单体仓库monorepo方案, 基于go-kratos构建微服务, 注册中心使用consul
## Install Kratos ### 相关目录说明
api 存放对应服务的proto文件
third_party 存放第三方的proto文件
app/service 服务
common 通用的工具类
script 相关shell脚本
tool 相关工具服务
tool/gateway 开发调试网关, 例如: go run gateway.go -c
``` ```
go install
## Create a service #### 初始化项目, 下载依赖工具, go版本1.18以上
``` ```shell
# Create a template project # 开启go module
kratos new server go env -w GO111MODULE=on
# 设置国内镜像
cd server go env -w GOPROXY=,directc
# Add a proto template
kratos proto add api/server/server.proto # 下载依赖
# Generate the proto code go mod download
kratos proto client api/server/server.proto go mod tidy
# Generate the source code of service by proto file
kratos proto server api/server/server.proto -t internal/service # 下载相关命令工具
go generate ./...
go build -o ./bin/ ./...
./bin/server -conf ./configs
## Generate other auxiliary files by Makefile
# Download and update dependencies
make init make init
# Generate API files (include: pb.go, http, grpc, validate, swagger) by proto file
make api
# Generate all files
make all
``` ```
## Automated Initialization (wire)
# install wire
go get
# generate wire #### 新建服务, 主要是复制demo项目模板并进行替换
cd cmd/server ```shell
wire # 例如创建user服务
make service project=user
``` ```
## Docker #### 开发环境运行服务
```bash ```shell
# build # 运行demo服务, 修改代码自动热重载
docker build -t <your-docker-image-name> . make run project=demo
# run #### 编译
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -v </path/to/your/configs>:/data/conf <your-docker-image-name> ```shell
make build project=demo
``` ```
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